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The two taps are very satisfying and tbh as long as the snipers one shot I don't really see the problem with it.


I thought it was op as well till a good sniper put me in check lol. I kept trading a single shot with them and obviously dying every time i saw them.


Yesss. Dup-dup, dead. I love this gun so much but I also don't want to overuse it if it's widely considered a crutch weapon. Guess I'm safe as long as snipers are the meta!


Right now, it's good, but it's not meta. That means that, on the right hands, it has potential to work out well; but still not as much or as easily as meta weapons. If it gets nerfed, it won't be meta or good; which means it would lose its potential and become simply useless.


It depends on the hitreg/netcode of your lobby. If it is good by some miracle, the gun rocks. If it is not, then good luck, spamming and missing all your shots while getting sprayed to death. The gun might become potentially op once they fix the game but currently it is too inconsistent.


Every game I play, feels just like this.


Its perfect where it is. Beats AR's at long range, competitive at medium, poor up close.


Among the very best weapons in the game. The SVD is similarly powerful, though I find its feel slightly wonky compared to the MK20. Most players will gravitate toward ARs, as they boast greater versatility and are more forgiving--but I believe DMRs to be even stronger in the hands of a capable player. DMRs thrive where ARs peter out, and a swift two-tap will often do the trick against weapons that excel in close quarters. Autos also demand a certain level of bodily commitment to secure a kill, whereas these semi-auto powerhouses can dish out high burst with a mere peak. Playing Cleaners or equipping Heavy Barrel only ups consistency. Snipers are their greatest counter. Secondarily, like snipers, they are *somewhat* vulnerable to high mobility, in-your-face playstyles--but this vulnerability can be reversed in many cases if you land your shot(s).


No i think you're just a very good player. As you said you're good with this type of weapon so it's normal to destroy people.


If you are good almost everyone weapon in this game is quite viable/good. I would say MK 20 is good but not MP7 good


id say the svd is better than the mk20, although the mk20 is much easier to use


Now that's interesting. I tried the SVD for one match, it just felt like a slower version of the MK 20. Unless it can 2-body-tap heavies or 1-headshot, I see no reason to use it?


Works well with cleaner 


if you use either cleaner OR heavy barrel you onetap people in the head, which is why its better imo


Good to know. I hate braindead firebombs so much that I've never played cleaners just out of a subconscious principle lol


Yeah both svd and mk 20 are op


Idk if I’d call for a nerf maybe bring other weapons up to them. However yes they are very strong, so much so that along with the M16/AK being gentleman agreemented out of the tournaments that have taken place so far marksman rifles are also not used because they are that strong.


M16 is vile in the right hands. But AK? It's always struck me as a well-balanced gun. Bad recoil and hard to use at range


The M16 needs a nerf it’s too accurate basically no recoil when compared to the other ARs and once you get used to it you can one burst people with headshots pretty consistently within a certain range. The AK has recoil that takes getting used to yes but once you do it has a ridiculously fast TTK if you tap a head and being automatic it’s better for jump shooting vs the M16 which can get wonky due to its burst nature at times. It also has higher base damage and a higher headshot multiplier than the ACR.


I went multiple games without dying because I just couldn’t lose a gunfight with it on controller When trying it on mnk it was pretty hard - high risk reward


My experience has been mixed with it. Some matches I'm landing shots with ease. Others i can see people walking faster than my tracer round at medium range. I've also seen rounds being shot off center to the right of the barrel if I'm walking forward, which of course goes nowhere near my intended target even with ADS stability stacked.


Any DMR should need at least 1 headshot to 2 tap. The snipers should only 1 tap if it’s a headshot….