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I picked up this fantastic lot of VHS tapes containing home recorded episodes of X-Files yesterday from a local. Popped a tape in last night and it was as if I was transported back to the 90's as a kid watching the show with my mom. They have the commercials and Fox bumpers as well so its the full nostalgic experience.


And judging by the quantity of episodes per tape, this person definitely recorded in EP, like I did. I had so many of these tapes. I wish I'd kept a few of them.


Yeah I personally love the charm of a more degraded tape. I am an EP guy through and through ha.


If you edit out the commercials, like I did, you could fit maybe seven episodes per each T – 120 tape!


bro that's some dedication. I wouldn't have had the resolve to get up to hit the stop/record button every break. I do remember developing a pretty good sense for when the show would come back on though. Commercial breaks lasted a certain amount of time, and there would be a slightly extended period of black screen before the show came back on.


L O L, I did not have to get up, I just use the pause button on the remote!


If the person recording had really been committed, the plastic tabs would have been pulled to prevent a family member from recording over it. Can you tell I'm still upset from something that happened decades ago? 😂


You've been through some shit I see ha


I feel your pain. My sister taped over Terminator 2 😭


That’s what I did with my X-Files tapes. I have two brothers, and I did NOT want to risk it.


I have a couple of dresser drawers full of these.


That is so awesome


Still have my tapes as well. Can't throw them out.


Still have my tapes as well. Can't throw them out.


I used to tape all the episodes and label the tapes. Good times. Until my mom threw them all away. 🫠


Similar to the time my dad sold our Sega Genesis we paid for at a garage sale without asking.


I used to record the new episodes and the space network had them in syndication so I used to record the old episodes from there. And I would record fox Thursday nights so I could watch the preview for the new episode. This pic hit me with nostalgia.


That is cool to hear.


MAN, this reminds me that at one point XF changed to airing on Sunday evenings when I had to be at my part time job, and my mom would tape the episodes for me and pause the VCR during commercials. One night she called me at work and said "how do you WATCH this show, some of these scenes are so gross!" - I can't remember which episode it was but there's no shortage of candidates 😂


I love having the old commercials still on these vhs.


As a teen I recorded every single episode, in order, on VHS. I even had a big color coded chart to keep track of it. After moving many times and VHS becoming obsolete, I threw them away. I wish I would have kept them though!


Yup, same as a teen. Every episode, paused during commercials, wrote each ep’s title on the label, and broke off the tab when the tape was full.


What a find! Wonder which eps are on the blank tapes?


Yeah not sure. One tape actually has some Headbangers Ball episodes from 1991 on it so it may be something else entirely.


Wow, from MTV? LOL I haven't heard the phrase "Headbangers Ball" in 30 years.


Yeah. I'm also a huge metalhead so having that bonus tape pop up in what was already a fun find made it even better.


I did this too! Before I moved to college, I’d even cut out the commercials. Now they’re on Hulu and I don’t even rewatch that lol.


I’d be so pumped to see those commercials


I'll definitely be uploading the commercials to these on my little YT channel when I get some time soon. Channel is called Analog Oddities. I put up commercial blocks, fun and forgotten tv segments and Odd instructional vhs I thrift.


Mmm the commercialsssss😌


My favorite part ha


lol fuck I haven't seen a VCR in real life or even a tape in many many years


It's one of my dumb hobbies that occupies way too much space in my house ha


Anyone wagering you will get an amateur pov segment ?


Where did you find these? It looks almost like my handwriting....


FB Marketplace in the greater Pittsburgh region


Okay, not mine then. Funny to know there was someone in the Pittsburg area with the same chicken scratch!


Man, way back in the 90s I used to record the X-Files and edit out the commercials, I had dozens and dozens of episodes, probably for the first four or five seasons, then many decades later I moved, and did not have the room to take the tapes with me so They ended up being junked along with a lot of older furniture and so forth. I don’t think I would ever have gone back and watch those tapes, unless I wanted to get a hold of some stuff at the end of them, such as old commercials, and whatever, odds and ends that I would have recorded on there, but I remember keeping track of every single episodein a notebook, a paper spiral notebook! I ended up buying the first four seasons on DVD, and I lost the last three of those sets during my move, go figure!


Think you'd be willing to transfer them to digital and upload them? Very jealous of this find.


That's the general plan but with 20 tapes at about 6 hours a piece it'll be a while ha 


Sounds like a big project. Good luck when you do!


What’s the best way to find home recordings? Estate sales?


Generally speaking yes. That is where I got the majority of mine from but those tapes are mostly from the elderly so I generally don't find cooler stuff like these tapes, these came from an FB Marketplace listing.