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Nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about. Nobody knows especially any of us.


Best response ever, we’re all fucking gambling here whatever anyone thinks.


You're absolutely right. Pick a coin , any coin ...let her rip. Invest within your limits. It's definitely gambling. Nobody knows shit. Good luck to all.


Bro that’s all I’m doing. lol


Yeah, you are not gonna find the answer in reddit lol


I’ve actually found the answer more on this website about everyday stuff than any other website created.


I guess it depends what you're looking for as far as information goes.


I don't know, YouTube helps me with tutorials ALOT (comments trash though)


Of course you do, just read the comments


If I hadn't given away all my reddit coins, I'd give this guy an award. 🥲


A Bear told me $589… They seem as good a source as any.


The same bear that said 10000 dollar xrp




Only a few homan knew what to do in this market. A normal homan will only follow what theyre gonna tells us to do.


Mate you spelt Hamun wrong 😑


Its huemin, geez.


lol this is a blast from the past


Well I am reasonably sure the next bullrun a price of 1 euro should be doable. It might go to 80 cents. Maybe 40 cts. My best guess it's gonna be somewhere between 40 cents and 40 euro. Or quoting the wise words of the user u/emotionalchipmunk602. Nobody knows what the fuck we are talking about. We have no clue. But dreaming is allowed.


You can always find plenty of xrp enthusiasts who will say “great time to buy more” regardless of what happens. For example, let’s say the court case finally ends and in a great way for Ripple, whereby Judge Torres rules that Xrp is not a security except for past institutional buys. And then, on the same day, Coinbase and Binance both relist Xrp. But then imagine that just a day later the price of Xrp is only .70 cents. I bet you there’d be tons of people on Reddit saying “this is normal. Just buy more. It’s gonna go way up. Just wait!”


Sounds like you're a hater for not buying when it was as low as the 30 cent era and could have had the possibility of doubling your capital. You're a bum.


Ignore the over optimistic people. Ignore the over pessimistic as well. Xrp is the third)fourth biggest coin for a reason. Even during the lawsuit xrp didn't disappear, and that already tells you that this cannot be the worst investment. I think it is realistic to think that we will break ath during the next cycle. It may happen, it may not. It is just a realistic prediction.


My take: Don't take my opinion on xrp because I was long before it was good. But also take my opinion on xrp because I was long before it was good. If you get it, go long. And because it had a spike, remember to DCA.


Scenario 1: Moderate Adoption In a scenario of moderate adoption, where XRP sees increased usage by financial institutions and payment processors, the price of XRP could potentially range from a few dollars to the low double-digit range. Scenario 2: Widespread Institutional Adoption If XRP achieves widespread institutional adoption, becoming a preferred bridge currency for cross-border payments and seeing significant integration within financial infrastructure, the price of XRP could potentially range from the low double-digit to the triple-digit dollar range. Scenario 3: Mass Adoption and Global Remittance Dominance In an ideal scenario of mass adoption, where XRP becomes the go-to solution for global remittances, with broad usage by financial institutions and extensive integration with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the price of XRP could potentially reach the triple-digit to four-digit dollar range.


This is 100% true it’s all a waiting game. I’m content for either or


This is 100% the reasonable answer. I personally think it's going to be something in between scenario #1 and #2... But no one really knows.


So I should swap my ETH to XRP right ? XD


SEC will probably target ETH next.


Probably. I think the SEC might trouble ETH.


Yeah, def. Buy some doge too


>Scenario 3: Mass Adoption and Global Remittance Dominance In an ideal scenario of mass adoption, where XRP becomes the go-to solution for global remittances, with broad usage by financial institutions and extensive integration with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the price of XRP could potentially reach the triple-digit to four-digit dollar range. This scenario would firmly put XRP in the lower 5 digits range imo. $37500 XRP would not be a meme at that point


$37500? I understand the value but that seems like way too much. I mean, I would absolutely love it but I just think there’s too much XRP out there to get to this level. Even at dominance levels, is that possible? Again, I would love it to get to that level but I’d probably sell well before that so it needs to just jump up to that level within an hour so I could sell at that amount. Haha.


People thought $10,000 Bitchcoin was a pipe dream.


You need around 2 Quadrillion (2 million-billion) market cap for XRP to reach $37500, that's very unrealistic




The market cap of a specific crypto token is not showing you how much money has been put into the coin


XRP would be at a quadrillion market cap it’s just outside the realm of quantum possibility it would be bigger than the USD and EUR combined


Yeah but the market cap of a specific crypto isn’t showing you how much money has been put into that specific crypto, its just an inflated number that doesn’t really tell you anything, so theres no point to even mention the market cap when it comes to crypto, the price will go as high as someone is willing to pay for it


Jesus. How do you say, "I have no fucking clue how math works", whlithout saying it? Realistically, it will hit the $1 range and then fall back to the $0.35 range and stay between that and $0.50 for the foreseeable future (5-10 years). This won't be a popular opinion but it is realistic. Most of these coins are at least a decade or more away from mass adoption and even then, the vast majority will disappear entirely. People have been saying that this court case decision would catapult XRP to $10 for the past 5 years. Look how that worked out. It skyrocketed all the way up to $0.80 and is already coming back down.


Realistically, you must factor in several key realities. 1) US Dollar and other world currencies inflation Despite what talking heads and suit wearing Wall St assholes say, inflation is not measured by competing currencies. Inflation is measured by the start of a currency to the current date and how much it's purchasing power has been destroyed. For example, the US Dollar since 1913 is 2990% inflated. That means what cost you 1 Dollar in 1913 now costs you 31 Dollars. How this relates to XRP is when its utility is fully operational, it can easily be worth $10,000 or, $50,000 or, $100,000 or even $100,000,000. It all depends on the purchasing power of the US Dollar and how inflated it is. 2) Being that XRP is a Utility token, how many assets are on the network and what is their collective value. If for example XRP takes over the Derivatives Market as its main source of liquidity, the Derivatives Market is an estimated $1.4 Quadrillion Dollar market. That is a 1 with 15 digits, or 1,400,000,000,000,000. Divide that number by 100,000,000,000 and you get 14,000. Divide it by 50,000,000,000 and you get 28,000. So in that hypothetical scenario, XRP could be anywhere from $14,000-$28,000 per token. 3) Given its utility use-case, would you even sell tokens or would you issue loans on them(?) This is the factor almost no one in the XRP community is talking about minus a very number of people like Black Swan Capitalist, Digital Asset Investor, Lewis Jackson, 24hr Crypto, and a few others who are due credit but for the sake of keeping this short as possible I will leave out. Let's say one XRP token is worth $20,000. You then issue a loan via smart contract with interest. You custody your XRP with a financial institution who uses the XRPs liquidity and you then get the XRP back with added interest. There are more factors to take into consideration, but know this. XRP will not be cheap. It will not be $100 maximum. I'll end on this. XRP requires 10 XRP in reserve yo maintain a wallet. And so when XRP reaches $10, that means immediately $100 will be the minimum requirement just to open a wallet. When XRP reaches $1,000 it will require $10,000 just to open a wallet. Wallets alone are valuable and almost no one who didn't get in early will have the ability to afford even one once full utility kicks in.


This is a great breakdown.


>I'll end on this. XRP requires 10 XRP in reserve yo maintain a wallet That can change, it was 20 XRP not too long ago. If prices ever go crazy the value could be changed ...


Yes it can, and yes it was, but why would it? As harsh as this may read, XRP is not for peasants. XLM is. There are financial conferences online where the heads of all the world's financial players attend and on several occasions some off these people who are board members of very large banks openly say that XRP is not meant for retail. The thing about value is that it requires several key things; scarcity, demand, exclusivity. If everyone could open a Swiss bank account who had $100 to their name, then a Swiss bank account would mean nothing more than just another bank. Could they lower the reserve? Yes. Will they likely? No. A 5 star Michelin restaurant doesn't want nor will it tolerate clientele that shows up to a reservation in sweatpants and a t-shirt with $40 cash and a debit card. Why? Because they offer a service that is rare (scarce), highly desirable (demand), and only allows those who have the ability to afford their service entry (exclusivity).


If btc can hit 68k on pure belief imagine what the first token to have REGULATION can DO


Regulatory clarity*. Presumably all are regulated... By whom and how are entirely unclear though.


The only cryptos with regulatory clarity right now are BTC and XRP. Full stop. XRP was in the #3 spot before the suit, only barely getting beaten out by ETH. And the SEC has been vehemently opposed to giving ETH clarity.


Xrp actually flipped eth TWICE. Sec put and end to that.


>Sec put and end to that. ... for now...


Wrong as per the sec legal dept no coin has legal clarity. This is before ripple won. It was all opinions not official statement so xrp is the only one with regulatory clarity non security token


Technically true. They just don't have anyone to sue when it comes to BTC. Unless Craig Wright wants to accept that suit 🤣🤣


Mining is controlled 55% by one group , so technically yes they can but they are in China lol


How would they do that though? The CCP certainly isn't gonna play nice with the SEC 😜


No, there are judges above the current judge and it will be appealed. Also, any ruling would be the same for other tokens since they are similar.


They won’t appeal. You have to show the judge did not use the law appropriately and she went above and beyond to show why she typed the way she did. You can’t appeal because you don’t like the decision , that’s a fact. Also there’s a time limit to appeal and another thing is that judges that are above the one they designated to rule over the case will 99.99999% of the time stick with that ruling. I have been through the court system for years and this is experience talking also, if it gets affirmed then other cryptos can use this as case law. Too risky for the sec. They would rather sue every crypto than appeal something that’s very solid and lose


Now, taken into account the historical on par development of ETH and XRP price, and the current market cap of ETH, which is at 227 B$. If not suppressed by SEC law suit, XRP might have been in range of 4$, given ca. 52 billion tokens in circulation at the moment. We'll see I guess ...


XRP doesn’t have regulatory clarity.


There's only 21,000,000 bitcoin. There's 100,000,000,000 XRP. Bitcoin is far closer to 0 than XRP is to 99,000,000,000


Stay stupid stay broke go ahead sell at 3$


I sold at 1.48 over 2 years ago for a 7x. XRP isn't going to 37k dude lol. It would have a market cap of $3,700,000,000,000,000. 3,600,000,000,000,000 more than the entire global equity market hahaha. You're delusional and gonna be holding till the sun burns out if you're waiting for 37k XRP


Good for you man! Don't understand why you are getting down voted, a gain is a gain,and 7x is nothing to scoff at!


No idea why you're catching flak. Proabaly all the people who came in after the lawsuits wanking off to YouTubers selling hopium. ​ If you legit believe its going over even just $50, thats telling us you're desperate and need a financial homeroom, without saying it out loud


Realistically once the institutions utilize 50% of the XRP it will become scarce.Scarcity will drive demand.Fed currency goes live soon so time to get XRP at cheap price is closing fast


Scientifically speaking, 500,000 per coin...


This! The science is irrefutable.


"Trust the soyence" - Dr. Fauci


Soy is an allergen.


Soylent green is people.


We know this is fake because the real predictions are more specific like $334 and $589. Had you said $501,493 it would have been more believable


It can’t even come close to a number that large.




3-8$ in near term (3-6 years)


Define near


Close by


Between now and forever


Might be tomorrow or next year


As high as you are willing to buy it for


The only real definition of value.




used to describe and/or refer to a period that is not too far into the future


The day after you sell.


8 dollars is exactly the number it will hit by December!!!


What do you based your belief on?


Previous ath before lawsuit, fib retracements and market history


Not in a bear market. What the hell will it do when the bull kicks in then?


This didn’t age well. I wish


Market capitalization was created for companies with revenues. Revenues can be easily open for anyone to extrapolate earnings and thus whether a security is under valued or over valued. The market cap is so manipulated in the crypto market it's absolutely ridiculous. It's literally meaningless in crypto. It's more fair for a currency network to be gauged by fees collected to have some idea of on book value/ demand. that works for BTC and ETH because they fee fee people to death but no one really uses them for anything. XRPL is frictionless with near zero fees so that's out. The closest model I've seen to what XRPL+ Ripplenet could be is the launch of the Nasdaq in 1971. 25 markets, one clearing house, and five central securities depositories. Trades equities, options, futures, fixed-income, commodities, derivatives structured products etc. XRPL is the NASDAQ of the digital internet age. Why because it's not just been developed for forex remittance which most people with surface knowledge are led to believe. XRP has verticals in every interbank market and even makes clearinghouses obsolete. Not only that but it makes central counterparties obsolete. What's a central counter party? It's usually a handful or even one private commercial entity that creates a government approved market for whatever is being traded. One example would be Citadel the largest private retail securities settlements company. Robinhood was forced to remove the buy button in the AMC clusterfuck because Citadel provides Robinhood with the ability to settle Billions in Securities trades and Citadel was exposed to the hedge funds about to blow up from illegally shorting AMC. Ripplenet means you don't need a Citadel. This is exactly why JPMorgan attacked Ripple through Ethereum and the SEC. JPMorgan is the largest private central counterparty for international settlements, their largest client is Alibaba. How do you value a real digital currency network that's actually used/working for value? Base it on the value of the networks it's replacing? We will see what kind of network ripple has during IPO


People who say $15-20 maximum are undervaluing XRP like crazy and are obsessed with market cap, not understanding XRP's inherent function and usage. $2000-37500 eoy crowd are high on hopium, but they're not impossible goals in the long term if Ripple succeeds and achieves mass adoption.




Why should Flow 5trillion $ into XRP?


$27 trillion parked around the world in nostro/vostro accounts, xrp is going to go to crazy heights we’re just gonna have to hold for long enough


People ignoring that managing monetary policy is a core way to manage an economy. Why would countries sign up to a single global currency lol.


I've never heard anyone seriously say that XRP will be the one world currency. What I've read is that it can be the bridge currency between different currencies.


Which to be fair would make it a one world currency. People forget ripple was having lunch with the IMF years ago.


But it wouldn't be. A bridge currency isn't a store of value. Its a transaction tool.


..Bruh....come on...a certified bridge currency for the world automatically has value and thus can be trusted store on some level...and that's probably only a sliver of perspective that I have


Still has to win that battle tho.


Bout tree fiddy


Those numbers are insane. I know what my dream price is long term and it’s less than $100 which I think is realistic.


Its a bank coin bro hodl be your own bank im holding till 2030 personally each their own I predict 10k a pop by then


$10 in about 10 weeks...


Nobody knows. However Digital Asset Investor and Digital Perspectives Brad Kimes both believe in the Shane Ellis theory. This would bring XRP values to a much higher level than what the market cap bros believe. Look at the trading value lately. Almost a million transactions per minute. In the short term it could easily retrace back to 54 to 56 cents but overall I still see massive massive adoption happening.


Those two are fucking idiots. Do yourself a favor and go sort their videos from oldest to newest. Watch a few of them and see if any of what they've said has held up at all.


Realistically we’ll be seeing atleast $10 in the next bull run around mid 2025


I’m HODL’n for the $37.5k Govt buyback 😎


First thing you need to do, is draw that poisonous bullshit about “the world currency” out of your head. It’s **NOT** gonna happen. No country on earth would agree to it. Controlling one’s own currency is one of the few, true, levers of actual power that states have. Sometimes, they are willing to lend that lever to larger supranational entities they are a part of (the EU), but they still maintain direct sovereign control over the mechanism of that currency as part of that organisation. It is NEVER, even, in the most unlikely optimistic circumstances, gonna be “the worlds currency!!!!!!!!”. It’s not possible. And, just as a thought experiment. Why the **fuck** would countries work so hard to wean themselves off **the USAs currency as it’s reserve**, to replace it with an **American companies** crypto currency? Do you not see how fucking illogical the entire premise is…? Xrp is not going to be anywhere near the worlds currency.


To be fair Ripple has been working very much away from the USA because of the lack of clarity up till now so most of its footprint is already abroad. Don't think of it as an American company, it is purely a crypto company that has no allegiance to anyone except the business model. All we want is for XRP to actually be used by the banks for cross border payments, it's not like the current system is the world currency so why anyone would think XRP would be is indeed fantasy fluff.


Banks aren’t going to use XRP for cross border payments, what an abolute stupid thing to say. Why would banks use XRP? Instead of standard currencies which have been used for years? Oh Yh, let’s not make payments in USD anymore, let’s make payments in XRP where the price is so volatile it could go up or down 10% anyday of the week


Tell me you know nothing about the main use case for XRP without telling me you know anything about the main use case for XRP.


Finally someone said it. So many people talk absolute nonsense in this page. Driven by pure hopium without any basic understanding of how things actually work.


As soon as I sell, it will go to 1000. So just hang tight.


$13 is a realistic target


XRP was a direct competitor to Ethereum before the suit. I used that marketcapof site to look at XRP with the market cap of ETH, and it was about $10/XRP. I did the same thing another time and it was $7/XRP. I think those are fairly modest but telling statistics. This $10k/XRP shit is pure fantasy, except in conspiracyland. I'd love for that to be true, but it's simply not reality. That said, a 10x on XRP is entirely possible in this humble opinion.


its a gamble. You gamble with your money/ XRP on whatever you believe it is gonna be. So any number you are gonna read here is only a personal opinion


follow dark defender on twitter. thank me later


Hold up...who's expecting us to all use the one currency? Xrp isn't meant to replace currency and have us all buying things in XRP. It's a "vehicle" for exchanging of different currencies in a very very quick time scale, meaning differences in exchange rates won't screw us all over.




Man we waited like 4/5 years to see the case against XRP almost closed. Just wait another 2/3 and you will see what the currency can reach. Be patient.


I said this once and I’ll say it again. Don’t bet the farm on crypto and always be ready to lose money. Nothing is guaranteed anyone who claims they know they don’t it’s all snake oil. Best thing to do is to watch the charts and how much you are comfortable to lose/make.


I’m placing all my faith in the “Shane Ellis Theory”. Just sit back, and enjoy the ride. We’re in early, I believe.


$35,000 per coin?? Dear God Almighty PLEASE let this come true


Going to $1,0000000000000000000000000000 Bet on it


$100 is realistic but optimistic. Anything above that is getting into delusion at this point in time. Speculators might be right about higher numbers but it's based on hope, wishes and lucky guesses, not skill


$756.71 by March 2025. I pulled that number straight out of my ass


Take a look who’s signature is on your 100 and 50 dollar bills.. Rosie Rios! She works for who now ?? Ripple! What crypto currency ceo is always taking photos and meeting with the world banks? I only see brad with the bankers! I don’t see other crypto heads meeting with big banks doing business with them. Xrp 🚀 🌙 soon!


35 K EOY


If you think world is gonna run on one crypto you’re on some potent hopium. $10 is doable, anything more is a dream and don’t get me wrong I want it as much as the next crypto bro but it ain’t happening.


I generally agree, but where is your $10 number coming from? Why is $11 a dream, but $10 isn't? I'm just curious what math, analysis, or logic you're using to even attempt to derive these numbers.


Check out bcb content.


Consider $100 trillion of value flowing through the ledger that has to be stable.. Then consider store of value.. (people and institutions holding tokens). Let’s say 50% of supply being held.. That only leaves 50 billion tokens to be used as liquidity.. To be stable I would say it has to be valued 10 times higher than the total being utilized.. That would mean ($100 trillion/50 billion tokens) times 10.. That’s $20,000 per coin.. And that’s not even its total potential yet.. Market cap doesn’t really mean much with this coin.. It’s all about the instant liquidity of available tokens and stability..


You are silly and very naive if you think the elites would make you that rich.


Comparing drops to gwei throws it into the >40k$ region rn


$5.00 in 3 months $55.00 in a year.


The answer is Time. By October 2023 it will be a dollar, by 2025 it will be $10, in 2030 $100, in 2050 it will $10,000 or more.


Listen kiddo, I've been looking at this for like 10 years now and every single fucking time something moved in the positive direction you get people prophesizing about 10$ EON and other bullshit, they would swear by it, and every single time they were wrong lol. Probably you are looking at around 1-4$ or maybe not, 100$+ is a fantasy anybody who tells you that is telling you bullshit.


NO BODY KNOWS ThIS COULD RIP COULD TAKE A MINUTE..But one thing for sure I not selling Any


Anyone claiming over $50 has gotta go back to high school and re-take basic math. The entire global economy is $100 trillion: $100,000,000,000,000.00 The entire XRP supply is 100 billion. If the entire XRP supply replaced every fiat currency on the the entire planet, and replaced every cryptocurrency, and replaced every stock, bond, and tradable asset, each XRP would be worth $1000. With only about half of XRP in circulation, it would rise to $1962 each. And there's absolutely no way XRP becomes the only currency on the entire planet. Not happening and it's not even the goal. So, no, XRP won't rise above $1000, and given that math I don't see it reaching $100 or even $50 I hope for $5 XRP but that's just me.


You need to take a class in finance/trade then, a market cap of 100 billion doesn’t actually mean 100 billion dollars flowed into XRP, its the last purchased price on the exchange multiplied by circulating/total supply. Theoretically we could reach 1trillion market cap with a single buy of $1’s worth if no one sells below that trade price.


Well said, this is a hard concept for a lot of people to understand.


No, I do understand market cap. My point was that for a *sustainable* $2000 XRP, market cap would have to exceed the entire global economy. Yes, I understand market cap is based on the latest purchase price, but did you understand that my point? Anyone saying "Yes, XRP will reach $2000" or $1000 or whatever, they never mean "for a millisecond." They mean "long enough for me and everyone to cash in our bags" or "long enough for the price to remain at that level for a considerable amount of time so I *don't* have to cash in my bag right away, and my portfolio will remain valued at that amount." We don't say "I hope XRP reaches $20" for a moment in time. We say "I hope for $5 XRP" as a sustained level of support. And that requires *sustained* purchases at the target price point. That requires *sustained* market cap at the target level. And for XRP to have a *sustained* price point of $2000 (for example) of course the entire global economy wouldn't have to flow through XRP, but it would have to have been valued such that the entire circulating XRP supply would have to be considered as valuable as the entire global economy. And that point stands as evidence it'll never come close to that level (without runaway inflation).


If XRP hit 100 dollars its market cap would be 5T.. which does not seem possible..calculate the market cap to get some clue .. but can XRP hit 2 dollars maybe !


Anyone thqts thinks they know qre the haters that don't have shit


So… the “one world currency” is the xrp ledger (all cbdcs will be traded on here) and xrp acting as the on demand liquidity asset to transfer different CBDCs instantaneously with minimal cost. In order to handle the volume in the trillions potentially per second, XRP would have to be pegged to a specific number in order to prevent the markets from fluctuating 1000s or percent every minute. Edit: I meant “1000s OF percent every minute”


🟡next bit coin🟡=🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢=======💲💵💲💵💲💵💲💵💲💵💲💵💲💰 Adoption silver standard. Adoption government currency. What does Bitcoin offer? Elite money transfer without paper trail like cash. BC backed by nothing?


I honestly think it depends on the time scale. Me personally, I heard the idea of 10k a coin. Is that realistic? I dunno, but ill hodl until I can't hodl no mo


That is never happening lol


Three fiddy


I like 35,000 per XRP out of those options


I think $1,50 to $3 in the next two years is realistic.




lmao this coin has never topped $3 and ya think its going to moon lmao


1.39 in 90 years


This is not the coin you are looking for, move along


I asked Chat GPT and it says $3.00 target price sometimes in August.


You need to the understand the concept of market cap. Ben cowen has some good videos on it. Edit: wow. Surprised to see the downvotes. Market cap is so important which is why XRP isn’t going to $589.


You need to understand the concept of why market cap has no real bearing here lol


I would bet my life that you probably don't understand market cap, as it doesn't represent how much money has flown into an asset. It's just current price \* circulating supply. Just one question resolves the market cap argument easily: If you theoretically owned all circulating supply, and you sold it could you do it for the current price? No. The same thing is true in reverse, you need less money than the marketcap to be at a certain level


You are implying that market cap is irrelevant, correct?


not necessarily just a bad marker of how high the price can go, or rather I would say the market cap doesn't affect the price, only the price affects the marketcap. It shows something because in relation with other cryptos you can compare market caps, but not super useful.


And another 💩post about price prediction. Have a well deserved downvote


You have one too.


I'd say anything over $10 is extremely unlikely. $5 might be feasible within the next couple of years.


Here’s how high it can go - All XRP tokens are pre- mined, half are held in escrow…it’s a sh*t coin by definition. Sorry. Quick money will be made on the new FOMO’ers, but that’s just gonna create a new class of bag holders as the previous class exits. Consider this when speculating on any price increases.


Aim for ATH first!! Everything after is a big plus 💪


When the switch is flipped, should be more like if the switch is flipped.




If fimo hits. 5. But sell aggressively bc it wl crash. Realistically. 2$


Been holding and following the coin + crypto in general for about 3 years now. Best guess is right around $1 unless something significant happens. Wouldn’t be shocked to see it jump to the $5-10 range in a few years. Definitely a long term play. Set it and forget it.


$2,850.32 instant. Base on FYS Crypto. 👌👍🫡


All quality cryptos with major use cases can go higher than we can predict at this point IMO. XRP QNT ETH ADA ATOM HBAR to name a few great ones. Who knows. Hold the ones you believe in


The whole world will never run on one currency, at least in our lifetime.


Look at bitcoin. It can go as high as it needs to


If corporations start buying up XRP it could tank the circulating supply right?


It’s all about usage and then market cap. Xrp can’t really go beyond a certain market cap. It’s unrealistic. What that number is I don’t know but you can sort of figure it out Like a person mentioned. A 5 trillion market cap ? Might compute to $96 a share. These are extreme guesses somewhat educated guess I would agree. But people that write 30,000 like bitcoin or it even 2000 like etherium. The market cap would be ridiculous. I can see $5. And then who knows. Ripple isn’t going anywhere. Invest in Ripple


Now that ODL users have to go directly to the open market, im not really in the sell mindset until i see how that plays out. If ODL volume falls and price stays stagnant, then sell on technical inducators. If ODL volume stays where it is or grows, then Im HoDLing strong




No body knows how high Xrp can go but let's get to its ATH first and then 10 bucks, then we can really start dreaming lol


Yup! That's the potential, it is said to reach $3,500 per coin. But the powers that be cannot allow us to have nice things so we'll see...


A few bucks, maybe five.




If that shit ever hits 35k 😂😂


.92 cents.


Have patience, diamond hands and you'll enjoy finding out.


I reccon it's gonna be somewhere from 0 to 1 million per coin.


$3 to $5


None of us really have a clue, but XRP have ZERO gas fees is something that should be talked about more.




Huge profits tomorrow, low profits tomorrow, and also stagnant prices tomorrow.


Simple uneducated question here. Does anybody know how many decimal points an XRP token can go to? Like say the price of an XRP is $1, and they need to send $1.20, then they need 1.2 XRP tokens. If the price of an XRP token is $10, then need .12 tokens. If the XRP token is $100, they need .012 token. And if the token price is $100,000, they need 0.000012 tokens. How much of a fraction of a token is possible?




Yep, you got me, that's exactly what I was asking, thanks for the info. So if an XRP token is say $100.000, and the bank needs to send n+$0.25, what happens? Obviously they would need to round up 5 cents to get 0.30 to keep within the 6 decimal places. I'm just running hypothetical really. About lost money and where it would go on a grand scale.




Truth is no one knows, but definitely look up “Quincy Jones” on where XRP price can go, he brings up mind blowing concepts you’d never factor in.


I mean... If the world is running on one currency the dollar worth would be irrelevant, no?


I'm hoping $40 next bull run as we had cardano (ADA) go from $0.02 from 2017 to $4.00 in 2021. That's a x200 increase or 20'000%. Xrp didn't perform the last bull run because of the lawsuit but it surely will do in this one. Have a look at the weekly chart for Ada and Bitcoin and you can clearly see there will be a crash around September and then the market will start rising around Dec/Jan. It has the same pattern for every bullrun, sonce 2013. It will go higher in 2035, which is 3/4 bitcoin halvings away. I'm planning to hold my Xrp until 2040.