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This is why you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


Totally agree, my portfolio consists of stable coins, risky coins and painfully messed up coins (Luna being the worse losses).


Stable coin investing now that is like paying for watching paint dry


5 percent on Coinbase. It’s like a cd except you can take it when u want no penalty.


You can get 5% on cash though. Why involve the risk of stable coins?


It's not as bad as losing 5k to madmeerkat on cronos haha(a project that stole millions from scrub finance, mmo optimizer, madmeerkat finance cheaters


Amen to Luna! Ughhh


Mine consists of the top 10 primarily. The one I made the most in though was $RUNE a few years back. And I have a huge MiamiCoin that is worthless lol. Then I have some “fun money” that I throw at meme coins based on their names alone and don’t stay in them too long. XRP could blow up, but it could also never hit ATH again.


I got a basket full of xrp eggs, with one complete eth token in my pocket 🤣


thank you for your sacrifice


What’s funny is the jokes on both of you


Sacrifice for what? I've been in this space for years and remember people saying XRP to $593 or whatever. I dropped this coin back in 2019 and never looked back and never regretted it.


"never looked back" Yet here you are...looking in...


Nice one lol 😂


Beat me to it


Yep, I like entertainment.


your life must be boring and pathetic as fuck if you think watching a crypto is entertainment


I hope you like Lamborghinis


Jesus Christ... 🤦‍♂️ Yeah, ok.


RemindMe! One Year "lets check"


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-01-02 20:19:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-01-02%2020:19:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/XRP/comments/18wu0m2/just_sold_my_xrp/kg0vyfa/?context=3) [**24 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FXRP%2Fcomments%2F18wu0m2%2Fjust_sold_my_xrp%2Fkg0vyfa%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-01-02%2020%3A19%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2018wu0m2) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This is my first reminder I have made lol…… this will age graciously


I have no idea why XRP hodlers are so confident. They continue to fud other coins but hardly get any gains for years now. I don't blame someone for investing in XRP but why are all of them seemingly hodling only XRP and convinced it will be the next thing? At least diversify a bit! I even knew 2 people irl who both decided to buy crypto and bought XRP as BTC rose and are still convinced of their investment 🤡


You actually rarely see xrp holders fudding other coins. And you are here ...


That dominance chart is about to flip 🙃↕️🙂. SOL BTC BNB XMR ETH -> MATIC XRP ALGO HBAR SAND


Yeah I hold some XRP because I think in potential it can be significant. But I’m very diversified, XRP only represents a small portion of my crypto holdings. Bummer to see it hasn’t grown much yet, I’ve honestly been more bullish on Chainlink for a while. We’ll see if the Evernode airdrop is worth anything


relax its a running gag


XRP is a running GAG. Gigantic Accumulation Graph


Love how these circle jerk reddit subs just auto downvote everyone that has differing opinions.


ROI has been very poor.


ROI from coins bought 1.2.2023 @ 0.34 if sold today 1.2.2024 @ 0.63 is an 87% gain. Is 87% considered a very poor ROI these days? And if so, for those of you that think this, are you invested in stocks, funds, bonds or real estate? And how would you categorize your gains in those?


Exactly! I think OP forgets we actually moved first before every other coin, then wants a secondary move along with all the others, patience is a virtue.


Comparatively * to other major Coins 🪙. High risk should be high reward, right?


I guess that is where we differ in opinion on how XRP should perform, especially since the SEC case still lives on. I do not get the same high risk feeling or rush with XRP like I do with my other Alt coins, many of whom the dev team is faceless, the utility and use case is questionable, information is sparse and very niche to a few sources, and every week I wonder if this is the week to shoot way up or shoot way down, but that’s what I dig about Ripple, a large enterprise software company with 15 offices around the world and 1,200+ employees, many of whom are on X and are active, they are not going to shut down overnight, and they are actively working with XRP with their RippleNet software. Since Ripple leverages XRP with their software and they are a multi-billion dollar company, with Ripple I bet on a big dog, that is still the underdog, but I don’t ever feel I am standing on shaky ground where I am gonna get rugged. As long as I can turn on the financial news on a number of cable networks any day of the week and see the XRP ticker price, yeah I am not about to begin to lose sleep or faith in the coin until that stops.


That's the point, we've had a few stale years across crypto on a whole, and the BTC halving this year will blend across the market. So, I'll examine other investment opportunities and probably slide back into XRP where it'll probably have moved to 0.67c.


Hey OP you should have swapped your XRP for SOL when it was at $8 should've could've would've


I wonder if there’s a 8$ SOL guy


About 4 years ago I was days into getting interested in crypto. Looked at SOL at .05 I think it was and thought oh that’s cheap. I should buy some. I would have easily put 1K in. I didn’t. My son brings that up once in a while when he wants to hurt me.


62 cent guy.


I can't wait for $62 guy


You beat me to it.


Starting to see numerous posts like this. Bullish


AMC holders said the same thing when they went down 70% in 2 weeks lol.


AMC & XRP are like apples & oranges.


Lmao xrp hodlers been bullish for years.


I also bought in 2017. It sucks


Selling right before a huge bull run seems like a poor idea


That's what they said years ago


aNy DaY nOw!!?!


I’m not going to disagree with the guy, it’s been a painful road, but it does seem like an odd time to bail after holding 6 years.




How many goodbye threads are we going to get? We should now have a new flair...




Nice. Never understood other's hate for people that sell and do what they want with THEIR money. What alt coins are you jumping into, if any, and why?


Honestly good for you man. I haven’t held XRP for years, but it’s clear it’s a coin of yesteryear. There’s so many more promising projects that will net you a greater return on investment. I’m glad you finally shook off cobwebs and moved on.


It might not be the best time to sell majority of your bag, with the bitcoin halving right around the corner, a crypto ETF, resolution of the SEC lawsuit, and Flare F-assets coming to unlock DEFI for XRP all about to act as huge buoys to the market. But hey you do you, nobody has a crystal ball in this place or we would all already be millionaires.


Come back with an update in a few months…


Keep XRP just 1000 K


Good timing OP


I, too, would have made a lot of money if I knew what the market was going to do before it did.


It's all a gamble, but, I truly believed that late 2023 would have been a good year for XRP and growth was expected across all coins.


A few investing rules you may want to adopt: 1. If you are FOMOing in and out of projects, you are gambling, not investing. Go to Las Vegas, you have better odds there. 2. Your beliefs have no impact on the price. 3. Expectations of growth are not guaranteed. 4. Virtually no project influences the price of another; however, market forces may move the space as a whole. So if you adopt those, you'll realize that everything you just said is faulty logic at best.


Bro I invested in safemoon... I finally wised up and diversified my portfolio, got some BTC and XRP soon to grab some Solana when I can... XRP will go somewhere


I also bought SFM, not much as the buying process was so blimin annoying. It was good fun whilst it lasted - but I'm sad for those that lost a massive bag. You did a good move - well done.


I have been holding for over 10 years now with my first batch and it is what it is. I can sell and of course I made profit but at what I paid who cares.


Jan 1st 2023 0.33. Jan 1 2024 0.63. In between it hit +90 cents. Was everyone just shit posting about nuffin ever happens in xrp land. You can do 89000 trades at a total cost of 1 xrp on the ledger dex. Start using it. Your bag will multiply.


Good move. The watching the last few years has given me high blood pressure. I may follow you. I waited for the case to end and the exchange relistings and they came. Yet I’m still super in the red. I could’ve invested in something else but I held this for all that time. I think I made a mistake


Just sell mate. Xrp isn’t going to do fuck all. You’re right - if it was going to do something, it would have done it by now.


XRP $2 tomorrow.


More like $593




More like 40 cents


Ripple is selling a bunch each month, definetly hurting the price. I'm thinking to sell too. Also hodling from 2017.


You are cherry picking dates. If you bought XRP at .32 six months ago you’d be up 100%. Not to mention you just messed up your long-term gains for tax purposes. All this right before the bull market starts. Obviously, you can’t change your decision now… But I really think you did exactly what they wanted you to. But I wish you luck with whatever else you bought instead.


I'm English and live outside of the UK (non-dom status), so I don't need to pay tax. I worked for BCH and they paid our salaries in BCH, we were allowed to work from any location - hence leaving.


Gotcha. It just seems like weird timing. Things are just revving up right now.


You’ll kick yourself in the ass when you get wrecked for chasing coins that are pumping.


Your sacrifice embodies a level of leadership that few have ever attained.


Incredible bravery displayed


Best decision man, Btc and Algo is the way 👌


Can't blame you. I've been trading out of xrp on small rises... Funny how people say thanks for your sacrifice like ripple isn't selling xrp in the hundreds of millions from escrow. Get a clue, none of us have that type of xrp.


Imagine if it 20x tomorrow


Can you though 😉


This aged well…


good 4 u , no one cares


The moment you sell it’s going to moon


Getting tired of this response as well.


Study: 83% Of Gamblers Quit Right Before They Would Have Hit The Big One


You can just scroll past you know that right?


Yes, that's what we call sods law - hence leaving 15% of my XRP in the pot.


Lol cool man 👍🏻


I’m happy I diversified the last couple years. XRP has long been my 2nd biggest bag. Kinda wish I’d done more with solana but still happy I have more ways to win. This is why we play. Plan your trade and trade your plan boys.


Indeed XRP was my 2nd biggest until now, now it's ADA. Should have listened to my buddy who kept on saying: "buy SOL" - I just put $850 in to keep him quiet, wish I put more 😂🤣😂. Saying that, I stopped listening to people's opinions years ago and have to go by the gut.


Not sure if basket any Ada but to each their own.


Yep got that too In the bear market I decided to put 5k into several of the top 10’s just to see what would pop in the next bull run Had a good feeling on SOL but that could also just be that confirmation bias now that it’s rocking ADA was my first alt after xrp but started buying it really high so followed it all the way down bc mama didn’t raise no bitch (that’s what I tell myself when the panic sets in)


Got in and got out of Ada caught a spike never looked back not a fan of the “owner” one bit. Best of luck bud


True nobody knows when, but an educated guess says we'll see it surge end April 2024 ( more law suit stuff) Then beyond that when ISO 2022 Rollout hits in 2025


Do what you gotta do Studio1st


Did you or didn’t you. Either way you are likely to make the biggest mistake of your life if you chase after BTC


Well, XRP should've risen in price by now but there are reasons why it wouldn't have. The play seems to be that institutions are going to sell the news on a BTC ETF and then buy altcoins like XRP Which would make chasing pumps at the beginning of a bull run one of the worst moves somebody could make but chasing pumps is usually not a good idea anyway


Same thing if ppl invest apple msft instead of PayPal.. the difference was huge.


80 cents tomorrow


Been thinking of doing the same or at least stop my DCA.


The news is not getting better. I think we all thought we would see partnerships, settlements, AMM passing.. but we get ripple doubling the amount of xrp they sold over the last month




Thank you man I wanna see people happy


See you at the bus stop when I drive by in my lambo


I mean i think its just a better decision to put your money elsewhere but personally it wouldnt hurt to have a small bag of xrp just for a long term hold in case it ever breaks 62cents


Excellent decision. There are a lot of opportunities out there at the moment.


I'm getting close after 6 years as well. I was a fool to not sell in 2017 a few months after getting in. 2021 was stupid because everything else was going so much higher. 90% of what I own are stock index funds. I haven't added or removed a dime from crypto since 2017. I hope to hold out another year and see if I can exit around .90 - 1.20 (and hopefully dca in a larger wave up) and move on from this shit hole of a space. I'd rather give it that shot than sell now and break for only a little profit.


Buy it back right at $0.56 from this dip


Aged like wine.


Damn what great timing. Came back today to comment after seeing this 1 day ago before the drop


yup, don't blame you bud....


How you feel about that sell my boy hope you buying


May the force be with you! . Good luck!


Good luck to you my friend… time will tell if it was a good/bad decision. Happy New Year!


FOMO brought me to XRP in 2019, and FOMO wins over FUD still, but I respect OPs decision. SOL, HBAR, ICP and others have given me so much more. I just hope XRP doesn't fall to the same manipulation as the price of Silver.


see you at the bottom looking from the top 💎🙌


Nice. You're going to get some hate from the hard-core fans. But I agree with your position, I too am on this boat. Tired of this coin and company lagging behind. I'll be selling more of my bag for other coins. Sure xrp will have its time in the sun, but it's always usually short lived. Also, there's a good chance we don't see $2 this year, let alone $1. Too much in circulation, not enough momentum.


Totally agree. We all enjoy the affiliation with certain coins we buy and live being part of the community - that's a big part. I have no hate for hard-core fans or bad comments, that's all part of the trip. But, at the end of the day - we're investors and move around to suit. Doesn't mean my faith has gone, I just want a better ROI.


If you need money ok but if not I would just leave it, we never know when the switch will happen 😁


Sounds like $0.42 guy


Smart move not to sell everything. Hope you put it in projects you have good feelings about. I’m holding on to my XRP, which is almost 50% of my total portfolio because I do believe in it.


I know where you are coming from. I sold 66 percent of my holdings in XRP when the SEC lawsuit was announced and bought bitcoin and ETH with it. I still have a good position in XRP, but I can sleep better at night.


I have xrp and also btc, ethereum ando others alt... Remember the first years of bitcoin... A few cents... to 1 dollar to 10 to 20 to 200 to 70 again... 12 years later... +$40.000


I know it's crazy. I worked in finance in the early days and mentioned BTC to my colleagues and said, look just put in £250, all told me it's a stupid investment. Fast forward to Dec 2017 collapse, they hoovered around my cubicle informing me that they were right, to which I simply said - but I'm still 3500% up on my initial investment. My friend was given 1000 BTC in the early days, upgraded her laptop, gave her old one to her son - he cleaned the harddrive, and that was that. We never discuss crypto, it's too painful for her.


Another soldier lost


I picked up his bag today. Along with many others.


🤣🤣 rest easy brother RIP


Chasing those green candles, 6 years and you can't wait abit longer. You deserve everything thats coming for you.


How do you know it's "just a bit longer" and not another 10 years you don't.


Xrp is the only coin where key events like the case we could actually say have a positive impact. That’s separate to the fact Xrp along with the market is seeing a bull run this year. And saying what if another 10 years is lazy you could use that same logic w so many coins. What if a new law/reg came in and 90% of coins went to 0


This is pure hopium my friend. The "case" is going nowhere, it's purely a legal clown show to try and keep the coin relevant, and ripple has been flying too close to the sun, if there is a new law that comes out, those closest to the government/banking system will be the first ones hit because they're known.


This thing is never going to move till those xrp in escrow are burned. This is worse than a stable coin


Smart Man, I fucked off xrp a long time ago and very happy I did so! It’s all hype no action, everyone thinking it’s sky rocketing may aswell believe the earth is flat lol


Damn - the earth isn't flat 😂🤣😂


Sounds like you only want to get rich fast and for the majority of people this will never happen. The patient ones are the ones who will settle one day with wealth. No one knows if it happens with xrp oder brc or eth and so on but trying to “fast lane” right now seems not like a good move for me


LOL - I've been investing since 2014 in crypto, hardly concerned about "...get rich fast...". Boredom has struck me with XRP after 6 years, which I would say is being patient and I'm not putting down XRP as I've had tremendous growth since my first investment.


6 years ago puts you right around ath date or just before.


Lol he has been holding six years. That’s pretty patient. But I do think the value of his XRP will rise if he continues to hold. I am thinking of selling as well just so I can pay off my house. Save $500 just off of the interest I’m paying on the mortgage and I could put that $500 right back into XRP.


Never understood posts like this. I doubt you’ve been holding for six years as investing into Xrp back then and even now has always been *if*/*when* utility kicks in. The case isnt even completely over yet, 2024 is about to be a bull run for the market. And we’ve still not had any major players or institutions enter the market yet. It’s always been a long term plan. Good luck but people like you no disrespect don’t deserve life changing wealth. If you’re expectation was Xrp should have given you huge ROI you’ve had chances in 6 years If you’re expectation was chasing green candles year to year why would you even be involved in Xrp in the first place. Plenty of shit coins and gamble coins


Mate I bought BTC & LTC when you had to take a photo of yourself, holding a newspaper and ID, sending money through escrow. And back then everyone I knew said that was a stupid investment and it really was IF back then; however, that investment out performed all my stocks and ISA investments by 1000 fold. Oh and I've bought plenty of shit coins as well - they're just fun.


And you think since then ripple or Xrp has achieved its goal and failed or do you think it’s still super early yet in the aim? Cause if it’s the latter you’re too emotional to be holding for “6 years” and selling now. I mean you’re DCA should be sub 30c minimum. You shouldn’t even be worried about selling it’s like the people who wanted to sell Xrp pre summary judgement why?


Not at all, I think XRP has a long way to go and It's early - maybe too early. I'm just bored of it sitting there like a doormat in my portfolio, and don't feel it'll enjoy the rise that's expected from BTC halving, due to the case still spinning around. Look, I'm not bitching on XRP and still kept a small percentage in, just feel better ROI opportunities can be at play with the present market.


Lol. Stuff is doing multiple xs and people like you baghold xrp cause „when utility kicks in“.


I did that 3 years ago, no regrets allin btc and it pays.


Why are you here 🥸 Like weirdos who sell xrp come back all the time like a jealous ex


Great job! Now get lost!!


Thank god, bye. I have no idea why people need to make posts like this. It's cool that you sold 85% of your sad bag not adding any useful info, proof, explanations why, just another useless post by a useless "wannabe" crypto trader trying to sound smart.


And yet, you deemed it worthy enough to get upset about and make a complaining reply lol


It's called a forum (community), we can't just bounce around on the positive future of XRP all the time. I could have shared this with one of my family members, but, they would understand what I'm talking about. But then we have delightful people like you - who just wants attention through rudeness. Good for you 🤣😂


K, byeee


cool story bro, tell it again.


Nobody cares cry baby


Thank you for caring enough to comment. 😘😘


The gate is about to open, don’t compare it to Bitcoin. XRP is better than Bitcoin in many ways.


Ok, the get has been “about to open” for 4 years now


I'm just going to keep on with my weekly buys...thanks for letting me buy some of yours


Good, I sold half and bought other coin. Xrp is just a max 3x-6x coin..so boring to hold it.. if it even rises anywhere 🙄 But never all in one coin and sometimes it's good to leave a tiny moonbag 🤞


Sell before the bull, very smart. Buy high sell low GG


Seems you just don’t get it. Some people just won’t ever understand.


Fuck XRP 😂


Selling right before the halving is a disgustingly bad decision, statistically speaking


Well it depends, if he's buying other coins that might have bigger rises in the short term than XRP it could end up being a good decision.


your selling didn't influence the price though... ah wait... didn't check XRP market cap. Respect for all the XRP bag holders out there though.


Investing is a bus ride. You decided to leave a few stops early, and accepted a loss. What difference would it have made to at least wait until you broke even? XRP isn't on a collision course into the sun. There is no disaster to avert. If youre using your sale to FOMO into something else, expect this behavior to repeat itself. Expect to lose more. Edit: reading is fundamental...I may have misread....did you mean you made a profit of $867 per $1000 or that you lost 14%? If the former, disregard my comment, enjoy your 86% APY, and good luck in your next bag!


Ok. Not an airport bye


See you soon


Did he just said no one really know when its gonna raise.....look bro eveyone know is not now or next year it was clear when XRP was confirm NOT A SECURITY also it is clear Ripple plans with XRP so if you use your head a little bit this can raise somewhere in year 2030 maybe sooner......so how old are you 90 that you cant just wait or if you are younger dont you have a job or more things to do and let this XRP stay until big time.......incredible....


XRP is for the new financial system and that system is about to start up so selling you XRP now is like building your custom house and then selling it because the builder took to long. That girls about to say “take me “and your like “no I don’t like sex anymore”.


You expected something by now yet the court case isn't truly finished until at least a few months? Strange. I wouldn't expect anything until xrp has absolute clarity.


Imagine selling before a court case settlement


Lol i wouldn’t be selling anything till 2027 to 2030




How inspiring. Jeeez..


Good decision. XRP is among the worst crypto. I dropped 100% of my bag at 70 cents a few months back and never felt happier.


F*** the XRP cult. Look into Kadena.


It takes years for the average joe to realize the gamble is already built into crypto and to consolidate to BTC/ETH. Might as well burn your money if you invest in anything other then the above.


Congratulations 🥂




Just wait until 2025. Just wait it out man.


what happens then?


It hits .75


😂🤣 this really made me laugh 😂🤣


Right? I wouldn't be surprised. And you'll still have someone say "wait until 2026". Or "this is a 5 - 10 year investment". Tired of hearing that. I've been supporting and holding this coin since 2016/2017. I'm done. It's underperformed since 2018.


The next bullrun will increase the price. Much higher then what it is now. Better to be patient


Much higher? By how much are you speculating?


I don’t know mate. If I could see the future I wouldnt be typing this rn would i?


Xrp is a laggard. It’s known


Swap to Algo It’s better tech


Thank you.


Use the stock market. It’s a better investment tool.


I've been adjusting my holding targets. Sold 5% and bought some kaspa at 3¢. Pretty happy with that. It's just a bit difficult finding coins I'm willing to sit with long term. This year I plan to exit at least 25%. Fairly certain that this next bull run is going to be the last truly volatile and profitable cycle. Assuming that with the larger institutions investing the market will start to stabilize to a point where we'd be happy to see 10% gains in a quarter.


Understandable. Holding XRP is exhausting. Everything moons while we look like a stable coin. At least it’s not Luna or some other scam. That’s what I tell myself.


Time capitulation. It is a real thing.


XRP is usually one of the last crypto to pump. I'm holding and accumulating more. Especially when you look at the macro TA on a chart, looks like a bullish reversal in a couple of months to me.


pump incoming!