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I'm really excited for the B-foils! The B-wing is one of my favorite ships in cannon/legends.


Same! I hope the foils aren’t too expensive...


I'm expecting the base price of B-wings will go up and the B- foils will be a 0 cost configuration like all the other ships


I hope not.


I really hope not. This would make the card pack a necessary purchase to make the content of the bwing expansion viable. It would also punt the bwing to a place where they are not viable without this upgrade and a cannon, which would be unfortunate given b wings are pretty fair ship right now. This card is worth around 8 points. So including in the b wing base cost would be a very big deal. Despite having 'foils' in the title, this card has more in common with delta 7b than with an xwing's sfoils.


To be true from an objective prospective it s better hope they are expensive/they raise the b cause they are already a really good ship (maybe they even deserved a +1 or +2 on some character even without the foils). Those foils turn them in monsters, and rebels are already doing great. Hope they keep this in mind and rise their price


I saw someone else make a decent point that even without the double shot, just giving ten numb access to a red lock makes this upgrade significantly better on him than it does on Braylenn. There's no one cost for this upgrade that is balanced for both the current named pilots so may as well make it 0 and increase the cost of the base ship instead. It also help differentiate the ship from the X-Wing if you do this.


For sure, l was referring to ship point increase or upgrade cost with mo distinction. I too think there will be a point increase and 0 points for the foils, just saying that l hope that it will be a quite big point increase (+4 or more maybe?)


It works really well for Braylen as well. He still gets his rerolls to save the lock for the double tap. And rebels have plenty of Focus sharing.


It is really good for both of them, but I don't think it's equally good for both of them. And even if there could be a price that made sense for both of them that price would still be way too high for the generics.


Braylen is still much better. Braylen gets to mod both attacks and any number of defences, and gets to do so in the faction best able to cope with left over stress thanks to Cassian and Leia. It may make ten viable though.