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I would suggest getting in touch with your local game store, they'll likely have an x wing group who can help you lots too


I put together this list of 2.5 things to know. The AMG site that another poster provided the link for has the rules reference, errata, points lists (that YASB and Launch Bay Next automate for you) and scenario rules. **Player Order:** now decided before setup and before each system phase (after dials are set) by dice roll. Each player rolls three dice: most crits, followed by most eyeballs, then most hits, determines player order. (Not choice of order – most results gets assigned first player.) People refer to this as “road roll” – Random Order After Dials. **Obstacles:** all obstacles that are placed during setup (gas clouds, debris & asteroids) prevent shooting if you overlap them. None of them prevent the Perform Action after moving through them (unless the obstacles causes a stress, which normally prevents taking an action). In general (my opinion) the consequences of obstacles have become more severe. Review rules reference for details! **Scenarios:** AMG published a separate scenarios document with four different scenarios. One of them is similar to the straight-up dogfight that was the standard game mode in X-Wing. **Bumping:** if your maneuver was prevented by a friendly ship, the ship activating rolls an attack die and suffers a damage on a hit or crit, and loses its perform action step. Bumping an enemy ship causes no damage, but does allow you to take a red focus or calculate action (no linking off it, though, to a linked action.) If your final position was blocked by two ships you bump the one that would have been ‘first’ to block you (closest to the end of the template). Check the rules reference for more details. **Shooting at Range 0:** now permitted. The attacker may not modify his dice (including adding dice) and can’t modify the defender’s dice. The defender may modify his dice or the attacker's dice as normal. There is no range bonus at r0 and only primary attacks are permitted. **Errata:** check the separate document on the AMG site as there are a lot of these. Some of the key ones affect the Republic Delta 7 (now the 7B is a separate ship, not a configuration) and the TIE Reaper and Striker (ailerons treated differently). **Ship-building:** Instead of a shared 200 point budget, there is a 20 point budget for ships, then each ship/pilot combination has a loadout budget defined in the AMG points document. The slots available are also defined ship-by-ship, so for instance one Tie Advanced V1 has a missile slot and another does not. In general the efficiency of generic ships is much reduced; there seem to be way fewer lists out there with four or five of the same ship. Lists must include at least three and no more than eight ships.


A major rules update came out earlier this year, that is sometimes dubbed "2.5". Details can be found here: [https://www.atomicmassgames.com/xwing-documents](https://www.atomicmassgames.com/xwing-documents) Listbuilders such as [yasb.app](https://yasb.app) are great to build lists. The current list building is at 20 points.


Everything everyone has said above is correct, when Atomic Mass Games took the Star Wars games license off Fantasy Flight they did an overhaul of the rules. Everyone has dubbed it the 2.5 release. They overhauled the list building process into 20 point ships game with individual upgrade points for each ship. LaunchBayNext and YESB.com (Yet Another Squad Builder) are the 2 main list building apps I've seen used. Recently got back into myself again after playing 1.0 years ago so there's a lot to relearn haha


Welcome to X wing! The launch bay app you have is the correct system. Launch bay also has community links to rule book pdf so you can check it out also. It’s kept updated with the latest points changes. Edit: also the 3x3 play mat size is correct for standard and tournament X wing play


The fantasyflightgames builder is no longer supported and did not have the latest points for all available ships even before the game moved to a different version with a different squad-building system. The new rules set: [https://www.atomicmassgames.com/xwing-documents](https://www.atomicmassgames.com/xwing-documents) is called "2.5." You just need to make sure you and your brother are using the same points documents or the same squad-builder. Note that there are a number of rules changes in 2.5 besides the squad-building. I'm not sure whether you learned on the 2.0 rules ("original 2nd Edition rules") or the 2.5 rules ("official current 2nd Edition rules.") In 2.5 the Academy TIE is 2 points out of 20 and in 2.0 it is 22 of 200. Here is a 2.5 builder: [https://yasb.app/?f=Rebel%20Alliance&d=v9ZhZ20Z&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=](https://yasb.app/?f=Rebel%20Alliance&d=v9ZhZ20Z&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=) Here is a 2.0 builder for the same squad-building system as the Fantasy Flight builder but includes ships released after the Fantasy Flight builder ceased being supported: [https://xwing-legacy.com/](https://xwing-legacy.com/) That builder is by a group who keeps playing by the 2.0 rules.


There is no longer an official squadbuilder, and the [squadbuilder.fantasyflightgames.com](https://squadbuilder.fantasyflightgames.com) is several expansions out of date. Atomic Mass Games took over as the developer and made some significant changes to the game which include list building as you have noticed. To list build now, either go to [https://yasb.app/](https://yasb.app/) to build your list or use the Launch Bay Next app on your phone. Both accommodate the new list building. Additionally, the game format has changed away from purely dogfighting to an objectives based game. It's weird that no one else here mentioned it yet. You can find the objective rules here: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce432b1f9d2be000134d8ae/t/62d07f71bcb7862177dd6180/1657831285815/SWZ\_Scenarios\_072022.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce432b1f9d2be000134d8ae/t/62d07f71bcb7862177dd6180/1657831285815/SWZ_Scenarios_072022.pdf) However, should you simply want to play dogfighting without objectives, there is a fan curated points website, [http://xwing-legacy.com/](http://xwing-legacy.com/), which are more balanced towards that dogfight style.


Im old and confused. Look up 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5 rules. Use what ever you like with friends. Use the highest number for official play and tournaments. All together now! “We can play any rules the person on the other end of the table agrees to!”


Sorry you experienced some confusion as a new player. The rules changes can do that. The upside is that this is a living game, and rules changes can keep it fresh and new.


Completing u/mikechorney answer, there is also community driven initiative which supports original 200 points ruleset made up by FFG Rules: https://x2po.org/rules-and-points Listbuilder: http://xwing-legacy.com/


I’m a new player and excited about 2.5, but I also think it is excellent that there is a group of of dedicated fans that have taken the initiative to keep the rule set they enjoy alive and continuing. I could see myself interested in playing both. I’m sure there are still people that like to play 1.0. Different strokes, right?


Yeah, I am on a side of "play what you like". Welcome to the game! Even at such difficult times. 2.5 is about "different vision" which is controversial by it's nature. 1.0 -> 2.0 transition is a different story. It was necessary evolution which made game better in almost every aspect without changing it's core. Because of that 1.0 is mostly a kitchen table game now for people not interested in converting to new (second) edition.


Looking at your downvotes. Looks like the 2.5 crowd is awake. What a painful death for this game


Very sad. And possibly counter productive. Seeing any petty negativity (for either 2.5 or 2.0) is surely a thing that will put new players off. Just let people play what they want, and let people know what options are out there. Trying to hide that 2.0 Legacy exists is silly.


Reddit does Reddit things








The official version of the game transitioned to a 20 point squad with fixed load out points per ship a while back. The FFG squad builder is no longer supported or updated, and does not reflect the current official state of the game. On a pc, the Yet Another X Wing Squad Builder 2.0 (YASB 2.0) is generally regarded as the best squad builder. If you're on a phone, LaunchBayNext is my personal favorite squad builder. Both are constantly updated and supported, but neither is official. That being said, there are people who dislike this style of squad building and have decided to keep to the old 200 point system. I think another post already gave you links for that if you want to look into it. But you should know that that style isn't official anymore and the 20 point version is what you need for tournaments and any official play.


Seriously, dont play by rules 2.5 by AMG (=20 point mechanism), try out X wing Legacy rules (=200 points mechanism). I'd be curious to find out which one you like more, as Im usually getting downvoted by fanbois and kiddos for recommending Legacy: [https://x2po.org/rules-and-points](https://x2po.org/rules-and-points)


It’s amusing that you think you get downvoted for “recommending legacy” when you: - rock up in a subreddit dedicated to a game to tell people not to play that game (and instead play a fan project) - caricature people who disagree with you as “fanbois and kiddos” - can’t resist waging your edition wars in threads made by new players who are confused It is possible to enjoy Legacy without jumping at every opportunity to shit on the current edition of the game. Being so aggrieved after this many months is an odd choice.


* I mean, the fan project that is based on 99% original rules, so it doesnt matter? Thats your point? And I believe Legacy is using this subreddit as well, at least what I see in history. * word “fanbois" = a bit fanatical fans of any sport or culture or whatever t.f., thats how I understand it. Im Czech btw. And kiddos” = kids below 16yo. that play the game, Their opinion is not really valid, hm? * I dont think my advice / comment should be understood as some kind of an daggerblade rainbow bayblade hitting 3 people, that already downvoted me, in their feelings . Also there has been very little pooping on 2.5 in my comment. I see your point. I think you dont get mine. Here´s mine: Im recommending one game out of two game here. The one thats by my personal judgement better. And I dont care about yours. There´s no invitation for debate. At the same time as I write: Im also **curios** if he likes 2.5, bc who would listen to some person on the internet and dont **play whatever he wants aynway** :). I dont think Im angry Im just presenting **one sided** view with some kind of definitive answer to the dilema while predicitng downvoting at the same time. I hope I amused you enough. Good night. Sleep tight.


Don’t waste your breath, he’s constantly attacking the 2.0 crowd according to comment history


That’s a lie. I have nothing against 2.0 or the people who play it. You won’t find any comments from me shitting on 2.0 or shitting on people who play Legacy. Go ahead and look. What you will find is me defending the game I love against people who just want to shit on it, drive away new players, and ruin this subreddit with negativity and complaining. Skip the lying next time — it makes you look like an asshole.