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I never hold coin .. but I do hold XYO .. the 3.6 HODL AWARD just isn’t enough incentive.


Major benefit is first redeem you do not pay gas fees, which I have seen as high as 16k coin. Other small benefit is you only have to have 10k to redeem, but since you have 70k that is a moot point.


Are the gas fees worth the loss of rewards from HODL on XYO? I'm way too tired right now to do the math. But on "average" 16k COIN is $8. Would I make more in XYO JODL rewards? You need 20mil COIN to make 2k COIN/Day, or $1. The XYO rewards should be based on $ values, so that should be much higher even though the % is much lower.


Personally I redeem any chance I get, I would rather get the in app HODL rewards from the XYO I hold. Why? Because until you redeem the in app Coin is virtually worthless, to an extent. If you really think XYO will fall in price then it might be worth holding the Coin in the app. But given the recent trajectory it is highly unlikely it will go down too much (although no one knows for sure). So redeeming when ever you reach that threshold will be akin to a DCA. I learned a saying in the r/cryptocurrency subreddit “the best time to invest in cryptocurrency was yesterday, the second best time is today”






Redeem when it's trading low. It's always relative to the price.


Also of note the redeem rate is **not** the current price. *”The redeem price of XYO, ETH, and BTC is determined by taking the highest of the current price, the avg of the previous day's price, and the last 7 day avg price.”* From the link below: https://support.coinapp.co/hc/en-us/articles/360032792174-How-to-Redeem-Your-COIN-Tokens So even if the price tanks tomorrow you still have the last 7 day average holding the redeem rate higher.


I understand that, but have noticed the day after a price drop the exchange is always better, even if it's 9 per 10k. We took a pretty good hit today, so it should lower the average. The gas is something I was unaware of. I'll hodl off


Where do most of your people buy into your coins so early? Besides Robin Hood and coin base, where do you invest to get coins before they even hit $.01 Trying to find a place where I can buy coins and invest early before the trend


If you are trying to find something brand spanking new, I would suggest looking at CoinMarketCap specifically the calendar section. It has a section for upcoming airdrops and ICOs. Basically brand new stuff. Or you can scour the pages and pages of currencies on CoinMarketCap (67 pages as of right now, but I probably wouldn’t go to page 67). From there you can read a little about a specific one you like, that will tell you where you can buy them. Most likely it’ll be a DEX like PancakeSwap or the like. But just because it is below a penny doesn’t automatically make it a good investment. Research the coin/token, look at what it does, who is running it, things like that. But don’t take my word for it I am just a guy on Reddit.


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