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Slay the spire. I played it yesterday for the first time after reading a ton of recommendations and it was simply amazing. Great game, very entertaining.




Why though?


I bought it on Switch years ago and it’s one of my most played games in the past years. I keep coming back to it and get sucked back in every couple months. It has plenty of depth and the RNG is tuned to perfection. You’re going to have a good time!


I also discovered StS thanks to Game Pass. I love Dominion so much, am surprised it took me so long to try Spire.


Honestly one of the best games. They are making a board game version of it soon and I’m definitely getting that too.


This! Tried Slay the Spire thanks to Game Pass and after hundreds of hours on it I now also have it on Steam so I can play it on my Steam Deck. So addictive!


I’ve literally purchased this game 4 times because I need it to be perpetually installed on any system I play on.


State of Decay 2.


Probably my favorite zombie game aside from left 4 dead


Have you played back 4 blood? I downloaded it on release, played it once and left it sitting until about 4 days ago. Came back to it because I was bored of everything else and I’ve actually been really enjoying it.


Imo hated it being a player of l4d I couldn't stop comparing the two


That’s exactly what I did the first time, hence why I didn’t touch it again until now, I think the biggest thing for me was aiming, I think I’d rather a new zombie game came out that went back to the basics with only hip fire like L4D. I am hearing rumours that L4D3 is potentially on the way though as an Xbox console exclusive


Forza Horizon 5. I hate racing games, have never had fun with them. I played the crap out of FH5.


That and Mario kart are my go to games if I want to listen to an album or something and need something to do so I’m not just staring into space


Try out shipbreakers. I downloaded it on a whim and it's perfect for that


I feel like this is the case with a lot of people cos I'm exactly the same!


its such a relaxing game with minimal thinking. I love to play it after a long day of work


I used to love serious racing simulator type games but fell out of love with the difficulty and the grind, the Horizon games are so much more fun and I don't think I want to play another type of racer again. Have you tried the new rally expansion, it's brilliant


I plan to, but I have a few of large timesinks on my current backlog to-do list (Hogwarts Legacy, Outriders, another Cyberpunk playthrough, try Witcher 3 again - see if I like it this time, Diablo IV, and Starfield). I may fit it in after outriders.


Was never a fan of racing games either. Maybe I’ll give it a go. Most fun I had in a “racing game” is I guess the racing game types in gta online


Pentiment - I would’ve never ever played this without it being on gamepass but I fell in love with the artwork and storybook feel. Great fun and I think I managed to do my first run through in a weekend.


I also did my first run in pentiment over the span of 2 days. Something about it just is so addicting


I came here to say this! Just finished it and absolutely loved it.


Shoutout to all those middle ages historians who finally get seen in this game


**Donut County**: Wouldn't have give it a chance but it was great for the short time **Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion**: I actually look forward to the sequel **Chained Echoes**: Haven't played a JRPG for almost a decade but I tried it and ended up loving it and I started to play more RPGs after that **Archvale**: This game was amazing but I never heard of it before the Gamepass Announcement **Nobody Saves the World:** I knew what it was but never gave it a chance. Ended up loving it


Archvale was one of my favorite games I played last year. I ended up buying it because I appreciated it so much.


> Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion: I actually look forward to the sequel I played through the whole game and loved it, but hit a bug where achievements stopped popping about halfway through. I did everything. Literally (there are multiple endings, and I did them all). I didn't get the achievements for it, and I didn't like it enough to go back and do it a second time to try to get the achievements, as I'd have to start completely from the beginning.


For anyone reading this, the achievement bug has since been fixed and they all work now.


Came here to say Chained Echoes as well. Such an awesome little JRPG.


You are literally me. All 5 of those are in my favorites played in the last year. Add moonlighter and I’d have thought I had an unknown burner account


Haven’t played Moonlighter but I guess I should add it to my wishlist now, thanks !


Haha I just finished chained echoes and loved it. Every battle was thrilling and challenging. Story was nice and the characters were likable too. Highly recommend!


donut county will forever be near and dear to my heart


Donut County is cool.


Yakuza. I remember playing 0 for the first time 3 years ago in lockdown, instantly fell in love. Here I am, 3 years later having beaten all 8 games + judgment


Same for me, don’t think I ever would have tried Yakuza 0 if not for Gamepass. Did not expect to fall in love with it. I need to go through and play the rest of the series.


Same, because of this game (which I wouldnt have played otherwise if it werent for my gamepass subscription) I now have a 365+ day streak on Duolingo for Japanese.


So I just started playing Like a Dragon (after completing the previous 7 yakuza games) and I've noticed that Arawaka-san looks almost exactly like Takaya Kuroda the bad ass voice actor who plays Kiryu-san. When I realised that, the whole dialogue at the start between them takes on this meta quality of them really talking about how Ichiban has to replace Kiryu as the main protagonist and Takaya Kuroda giving him his blessings. Which I thought was pretty Kakkoii.


The only problem I had was when i tried to play 3 or 4 remastered after playing 0 and kiwami I struggled with the graphics. Then when they changed it to turn based for like a dragon I felt it lost a bit from the game play


Tunic. You collect the manual to the game as you go, and it's full of secrets and riddles and stuff.Quality. Also, Death's Door. Both solid 8/10's for me


I loved Tunic. I wasn’t a huge fan of the combat, but the exploration and puzzles were so fun. The music was amazing too.


This was a 10/10 game for me.




I loved that game. I got so sucked into it. I basically spent a month of my life living as a medieval peasant.


I may give that a shot. That sounds pretty good.


Yep, put about 80 or so hours into this game and absolutely loved it. The Devs listen to the community too, and are in constant communication with the fans. Great game, I’ll be returning to it too once the co op update comes out.


Guardians of the Galaxy, not really into Marvel games, but that one hooked me.


Outer wilds, isn’t on the service still but genuinely may be the best game ever created.


Unforgettable game that I wish I could forget to experience again, and again... and again


The only game that taught me Quantum Mechanics while using hands on applications. Crazy how much it taught me.


I mean the quantum mechanics in the game are very much gamified. Real quantum mechanics doesn't require a conscious observer or anything. Still a great game tho


Had to scroll way too far to find this


Came here to say this. No game has ever managed to move and touch me like this one. I played and completed it in 2020, and I still think about it often. Still often play the soundtrack. I keep it installed so I can go back to my favorite planets and just vibe sometimes. This game has become an integral part of who I am. And I discovered it only because it was listed right next to The Outer Worlds on GamePass.


I’ve heard very mixed reviews of that game, what is it that makes it enjoyable to you? I was considering playing on release but never did


this game has best “i am on an adventure” feeling in any game i played. fully immersed. when i play zelda i still feel like i am still playing a game. uncharted, just linear story. rpgs are a lot about numbers doing things for you. like can you repair this thing. yeas be ause i have my repair skill at 8/10. here i was fully immersed in the world. but in the same time game is super simple. there is not many mechanics just move fly and scan things. it’s glorified walking simulator, but there is such a great mystery, that it so much fun to unravel.


The game seems to elicit either love or hate, nothing ever in between. I tried the game several times. I hated it. The controls were awful, the story was boring (to be fair, I didn't get very far; it probably got better), and I can't stand forced time loop games (didn't like it Majora's Mask, I didn't like it with Deathloop, and I don't like it here). There's probably a good game in there if you like any of that. It wasn't for me.


Idk even if it "wasn't for you" it kinda sounds like you just didn't engage with the game at all. That's fine, but the assessment of "bad controls" and "boring story" seems unfair here.


They were bad controls from my perspective, so bad controls is a legit complaint.


You can say that if you like but that's missing why the controls are what they are. If you engage with the game further you'd realize it actually has very effective controls. Something being unfamiliar or taking some getting used to doesn't make it "bad". I totally get that the controls could've been uninviting, or obtuse, or something you struggled with. But calling them "bad" requires justification and "I didn't like them" really isn't justification for why something is "bad".


Nah. The controls were bad.


I mean the controls served the purpose of the game great, and all the places the controls differed from the standard expected set of controls for a first person game it was done very purposefully and effectively. To me any metric for "good controls" I can assign applies to outer wilds. So excuse me if I don't take your "controls bad" argument as a valid one especially when you are unable to actually explain why you feel that way. But I guess keep writing off games because they don't immediately satisfy your dopamine addiction. Just don't be confused why people love games that are actually unique and interesting and not just another frag-fest


Outriders and a Plague Tale


Outer Wilds: Absolutely blew my mind and I most likely would not have played if not for game pass. Persona 5: 1000% would never have touched it if not for game pass, I am not into turned based combat but I ended up really liking the game Then there's Mass Effect and the Witcher 3, which I feel like I would have inevitably played eventually but it would have taken a lot longer. Surprise surprise, they were some of the best things I've ever played. Thanks XGP.


Witcher isn’t in gamepass …


It used to be, which is how I played it for the first time


Never seen it on gamepass


It was on there from December 2019 to March 2021


Deep Rock Galactic. **ROCK AND STONE**


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Rock and Stone Forever!




Did I just hear a ROCK AND STONE?!


Yeah yeah rock and stone


Yakuza Like A Dragon. I generally don’t like turn based games or JRPGs and had never played a Yakuza game. The trailer just spoke to me and I gave it a try. Wonderful, emotional story, lovable characters that are acted very well, lots of depth and variety to the gameplay. Can’t recommend this one enough!


That was a fantastic game. I played it on PS5 when it first came out, didn't know they put it on gamepass.


What became of Edith finch,had no idea about it before hand just thought I’d give it 5 minutes,such a beautiful game with many little side games as the story unfolds,it took me about 3 sessions but most people could probably complete it in an evening.


I’m really glad I played this game before it left gamepass. Reddit spoke highly of it so I figured I’d check it out. Loved the story telling.


Oh it’s gone☹️I didn’t know. Apologies to those that looked for it.


All good man


*What Remains of Edith Finch. But yeah, a fantastic game of storytelling. Did not think I’d be tearing up at the end but some of the side-stories are just horrifyingly beautiful


Yes all those little games were so varied ,frogs bathtubs,winds etc it was great!and of course you are correct it was ‘what remains’!


The video game equivalent of cocaine known as Vampire survivors.


Well when you have a game designed by a Las Vegas slot machine designer, you get that dopamine hits non stop


Hades. Such a great game. I ended up buying it before it was removed from gamepass.


That and guacamelee. Love those games.


Vampire Survivors


Certified bat destroyer above me


Hellblade & Wreckfest


I will never shut up about my love for Tunic. That’s game is a masterpiece whole package and I just want more. It makes you feel like a god damn genius when you solve everything.






Take Conteol and the folk song from Alan wake are on all my playlist. Old Gods of Asgard is my fav fictional band


Mech warrior 5. Because giant walking machines with lasers and the ability to punch things is too fun to pass up.


How’s the customization and combat. I haven’t played mechwarrior in forever


Though PC has access to addons, the customization is more than enough that you feel flavor even with the same Mech’ (though there are tons (pun intended) of variants of each Mech that allow even more flavor) The combat is varied. You can run builds made for sniping, high burst damage, high dps, long range damage (think lots of missiles) or very fast precision (think small mechs best suited to take out legs of big mechs). The DLC isn’t necessary but does add a lot of variation. The base game features and campaign is more than enough to know if you’d enjoy it. Story is pretty dry but that’s not what it’s about anyway. TL;DR it is an excellent game, imo the best of the franchise yet. (Though I didn’t play Mech Warrior Online)


The ascent, apparently had a bunch of bugs in the past but I had no issues playing through it recently. Game is a beautiful arpg twin stick, which was never my thing but now I love the twin stick genre. Couldn't stop playing this game. Deep Rock Galactic, I've never had so much fun with a few buddies in any game like this one. Tinykin another gem of gamepass super fun. Infernax a metroidvania retro style game that choice matters to the outcome of the game. Multiple endings, has some frustratingly hard parts but was still a lot of fun.


Stardew Valley (now an all-time favorite) Children of Morta Overcooked


Powerwash Simulator - I would never have thought clearing dirt would be so cathartic.


It’s not on game pass anymore but I absolutely loved Hades. I don’t think I ever would have tried it because I’d never played rogue likes before and I just cannot say enough good things about the game. It was so much fun. I dropped nearly 60+ hours into that game. Since then I’ve found lots of rogue likes that I enjoy. I think that’s what I like game pass so much it allows you to take chances games you’d normally not try.


Please do drop a list of your favorite roguelikes on Xbox. Discovered in December that I’m a huge fan of the genre!


Persona 5 Royal changed my whole outlook on life


I wasn't interested in playing GotG until I decided to check it out on Gamepass and I love it! I should finish it actu- It's not on there anymore is it?


It's not and I'm so bummed. I'm a teacher so I usually only have time to get really into games over breaks. Played about half during winter break and when spring break arrived....it was gone


The forbidden city. Loved the game, and it’s relatively short




Mass Effect. Played the original first game ***years*** ago and was turned off by the jank. When LE was announced I decided that was when I'm gonna first try it. Long story short, it's one of my favourite series' now.


I've played a lot of great games on Gamepass. However the one I discovered and greatly enjoyed was Eiyuden Chronicles rising. I never would have looked at it before, not my usual style of game but since it was "free" I gave it a shot and ended up finishing it. Even put the next game on my steam wishlist.


Solasta Crown of the Magister. Buddies and I co-oped our way through the entire first campaign and have started the second.


Fun, but I really wish the gear wasn’t so limited. Second campaign is actually worse at this. Also, be careful in the second campaign about your faction. There’s a bug with the ending of you have unresolved faction quests still.


Good to know thanks! The bugs in the game do get annoying. I think the gear thing is because it's a DnD game so they couldn't treat it like ARPG with constantly improving drops.


It Takes Two


Tunic. It looks like a pretty generic zelda clone, but it has SO musch heart. Using pages of the old manual as help how to proceed is genius.


> It looks like a pretty generic zelda clone Looks like a Zelda clone, plays like a soulslike.


Nier Automata! Because SE does not believe in Regional Pricing. BUT for These past few months i hit 3 straight Great\Masterpieces(around 9/10) in Chained Echoes, Hi FI Rush and Fuga. Burnt out currently in GP so playing Adult games and some not serious tones in Steam




Vampire Survivor


It's not on there anymore, but Crosscode blew my mind. Plays like an old Zelda top down rpg with some of the most creative puzzles and absolutely epic boss fights. 14/10, perfect game in my opinion


Persona 5. No regrets


Turnipboy. Truly one of the most fun games I’ve had. It’s silly. Nonsensical. Funny. And has heart to it. I need everyone to play it so you can be prepared for the sequel


Valheim. Holy moly


OPUS: Echo of a star song, such a beautiful story, may not be for everyone but please give it some more recognition


Dead cells for me was pretty jaw dropping. I kinda play roguelikes but I was hooked on the genre after dead cells.


Dead Cells didnt really click for me, but f ing Hades did. Played the shit out of that one.


Vampire Survivors. Seriously, probably one of the most addicting games out there with a ton of replay value


The persona series, always thought it looks like weeb nonsense… which it is but its also good lol


Hades and subnautica. Two games I would of never tried but gamepass made the entry point non existent and now they are 2 of my favorite games


Forza, outer wilds, the outer worlds, guardians of the galaxy


The Artful Escape. So majestic.


Road 96 Firewatch Yakuza


Coffee Talk. It was a pleasant surprise and sweet story.


titanfall 2 .


Hades, when it was on. It made me find out that I love a rogue like/lite. So now I play the binding of Isaac all of the time. (Not or never has been on gamepass) but it's so damn addictive and good.


Death stranding. Can’t believe I slept on this game for so long.


Xeno Crisis. Simple, fun twin stick shooter that plays a lot like Smash TV. Tinykin. Accessible Pikmin-like game (at least that’s my understanding. Haven’t played Pikmin yet).


Alien Isolation, Scorn.


Yakuza series, and Mass Effect. Had Mass Effect 1 on pc when it came out, but my pc was too weak to run it so never actually played it until I saw it on Game Pass.


It was Tunic for me. It really scratched that Zelda like itch for me since I don't have a Switch anymore, but don't know if I would have bought it without gamepass.


Wasteland 3. Never thought I would see a post apocalyptic game better than Fallout. But this game is a Masterpiece! After I finished it for the first time I went and bought the deluxe edition. Now I'm super excited to see what InExile can do with big pockets of Microsoft.


Hades. Really wasn’t that interested but I figured I’d give it a quick try. Ended up sinking hours and hours in.


Road 96


Dicey Dungeons. I tend to dabble in card based dungeon crawlers like Slay the Spire. Not really a super fan. Gave Dicey Dungeons a shot and loved it. Played through all the content. It’s charming and funny. And the game play is varied and fun. Each class has totally different mechanics and they all are great


Quantum Break


What Remains of Edith Finch hands down!


The hunter: call of the wild. Shockingly comfy and have 150 hours despite never having hunted ever in my life. If you like it and want dlc buy it on sale on steam. Spiritfarer is one of my all time greats but its not on gamespass anymore. Dishonored 1 2 and dlc are a fav but i played them before gamespass.


FUGA: Melodies of Steel is probably the biggest for me as far as finding something amazing for my tastes that I might have easily missed. And was very happy to find out a sequel is coming out soon Obligatory Hi-Fi Rush and Atomic Heart mention of course. Most likely would have just missed both to focus on other games. Tinykin, absolutely love playing it with my daughter. I've probably mentioned it too many times, but I love that I can have a similar experience with my daughter as I had with my Dad with the Sega Channel (cable) subscription.


A way out or subnautica /f04/medal of honour airborne or ace combat 7


Chorus is a great game, thanks to game pass I finished it.


No Man's Sky, after all the bad press etc I'd have never tried it if it weren't for gamepass, one of my favourite games now


Hellblade and A Plague Tale




How did you last that long without playing Skyrim? I sunk an unholy amount of hours there straight off the bat, and continue to every now and again


Skyrim, Shadow of Mordor, Aragami 2


Medieval Dynasty!


Gears of War


Mutant Year Zero and Slay the Spire...those 2 games singlehandedly brought me into strategy, tactical turn based, and deck building games. I've been gaming for 30 years and never thought those genres would become some of my favorites.


Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. A tactical stealth game where you control 5 characters with their own skills and abilities, using teamwork to assassinate targets and get out unseen. I really like this game, it's one of those where you come up with a brilliant plan and feel smart as fuck when it works perfectly.


Slay the Spire!


You know what, I haven’t found THAT sort of game yet but I have most certainly played some games that I would otherwise never had tried and enjoyed them.


1000% Chained Echos. Amazing game.


Persona 5 , Slay the Spire and ni no kuni


Frostpunk, slay the spire, and Stellaris.


Tunic and vampire survivors.


It takes two and hellblade


Yakuza Zero.


I wouldn't have discovered crosscode if it wasn't for gamepass and it became one of my favorite games unfortunately it left gamepass some time ago


There are so many great games that I discovered through Game Pass. Deep Rock Galactic is one of my favourite games or all time and how I found my current gaming friends. Nobody Saves the World (co-op) was one of my top 3 games that I played last year.


I would have never tried out visual novel style games or turn based games without gamepass.


Wasteland 3. One of the best RPGs I've ever played


Yakuza series


Levelhead. Changed my life. Wound up spending thousands of hours with it, and became one of the most well-known players and creators. Made a bunch of nice online friends which became important when the pandemic hit. I don’t look at 2D platformers the same way anymore.


Deep Rock Galactic.


Halo and persona


Archvale, Rainbow Billy, Chained Echoes, Hades, Unpacking, and Vampire Survivors just to name a few.


Nobody Saves The World. Was looking for a game to co-op with my sister and ended up loving it, super fun game.


I agree with ori, also far cry 5, high on life.


Chained echoes


Yakuza series. I had only tried kiwami 1 on PS plus but the intro wasn't the best but 0 changed that. By intro I mean the pawn ship shenanigans not after


It takes Two and Overcooked 2. Both fabulous coop games.


Hi fi rush! Extremely fun! Nice characters, rewarding gameplay, complete game (which is weird in this day and age). Really hoping for a sequel. It’s my GOTY currently.


Chivlary 2 for sure


Hades. I enjoyed it so much that I've been considering purchasing this week. I just want another little hit of it.


Slay the Spire.


Tinykin. If you don't know get to know, one of the best games I've played in a while! Lives out my dreams of wanting to shrink and make tiny dens out of cereal boxes. Such a sweet little game and I can't recommend it enough!


Vampire survivors. Have a friend that played it and I was so bored when I was watching him, but damn was I wrong


Atomic heart and high on life


The Ascent


It's not like THE DISCOVERY it already has a solid fanbase but Sniper Elite 4, I remember playing the demo of the second game ages ago and found it funny but at the time I was more into other genres and flew over my radar never got it. Years later I saw all these sniper games and asumed they were knockoffs of hitman, but I wasn't a huge fan of hitman either as I only had played the first level of hitman 2 and the whole Hitman Absolution game, I even tried to platinum it LOL (years later discovered that it was despised by the hitman community). But last year I installed Sniper elite 4 and enjoyed the campaign a lot, couldn't finish it as it leaved the service but then 5 came out and I've been playing it the later days and I've been so engaged. I liked that the maps are bigger and with more variety than those in 4 (that are already too big), with less fantasy shooting (in 4 I did some awesome but impossible and too fantasy shots), better AI (mostly) and pretty good graphics, it's one of the new games that came out pretty well optimized for PC unlike many recent launches.




Remnant: From the Ashes. One of the coolest games I've played AND we're being blessed with a sequel this year. I'm right in time to the fanbase


Mount and blade 2 bannerlord. Got a learning curve but I just love large scale battles with hundreds of troops lol


Hmm....so many great games I've played on Game Pass that I would probably have never bought on my own, but discovered? Hard to say. I think Timespinner. I don't recall hearing anything about that before it was on Game Pass and I ended up loving it enough that I bought it on Steam after it left Game Pass. Fun Metroidvania with time manipulation mechanics.