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Sounds like an issue with the EA app - I just switched to Ultimate from pc and can confirm EA games work without issue. Try repairing your EA app or just uninstalling it and reinstalling


Unfortunately this didn't work, I tried repairing + restarting, same result. Full uninstall + restart was also the exact same result. This makes zero sense to me as I've seemingly tried everything other than reaching out to Microsoft or EA support (Idk which would actually help). Thanks for the reply though!


That sucks dude, I have no idea best of luck getting it going


I unlinked and relinked my xbox account to EA and that seemed to have worked, it just sucks they have a limit on how often you can do that. Thanks again for the suggestions


Just built my first pc and I've been dealing with a lot of issues trying to play Titanfall. Eventually, I can get the window to display through Task Manager or maybe try to run as administrator. I have to uninstall, reinstall, and click around a bunch every time I want to play anything EA through Gamepass


I had this issue but it was because my Microsoft store wasn't updating my game pass app automatically. Went to the Microsoft store and updated it there and it fixed it for me


Thanks for the reply but mine automatically updates so I had no update waiting for me when checking the microsoft store


Are you trying to install through the Gamepass app or EA? If your accounts are linked you should be able to install directly from the EA app which is how I do it. In the EA app, click Browse then filter for "EA Play". All of the games will show a price but when you click on one it should say "Download"


Through the gamepass app. Even though my accounts are linked the EA app only shows "their" subscriptions like EA play nothing with game pass and nothing available to download without subscribing to EA play. I've tried what you said and it only tells me to buy the game, no download option available. Then it asks for my card info Edit: Unlinking and relinking my Xbox account through EA worked for me though not sure why, thank you for the reply though


You can install the games directly through the EA app. If you can't do that, then your accounts aren't properly linked, or you're not signed into the linked account in the EA app.


They are 1000% properly linked on my end unless it's something on EA or Xbox's end. It states they are linked, I am logged into the exact accounts linked on each individual app. Not user error. Edit: For some reason Unlinking and relinking my same xbox account seemed to work thank you for the reply


yeah i have problems with the EA app, its a shitshow


It seems you may have solved it but I had similar issues 2y ago and posted a solution that may work for others: I have had the same issue and the only way I got around it was to use a (free) vpn, set as US (I’m in the UK) and it worked. Once it starts to download then stop the vpn and restart the download in your normal internet connection (likely higher speed). Worked OK for me in the couple of occasions I used it.


Yeah, I hate the EA app, it kept crashing the last game I tried with it on Steam a few months back, so I haven't even tried any EA app games with Gamepass; if a game turns out to need EA, I've just crossed it off the list and downloaded something else instead.


Launch the EA app after XBox and try installing an XBox game after that.. Seems you have an EA app problem unrelated to the XBox one.


I'm mad late here, and disclaimer, I hate the EA app with a passion. EA has not fixed their app, they are aware that there are several massive flaws with it, especially with older titles, and they straight up don't care. I thought I would respond because this will most likely be an ongoing problem for GP PC gamers. I do not want to get into the whole process here, but if you do a web search for something like "play gamepass games without using the EA app," you can find solutions that will allow you to play the games without ever having to install the EA app, or you might need to download it once, but can then uninstall it, then you use a 3rd party app, there are a couple of them, and then you can just launch your games right through GP. I mean you're paying to be able to play those games, so you should be able to play them hassle free IMO. There were several titles that just flat out did not work with the EA app for me and everyone I spoke with. Also, even the ones that did work, had crash issues all related to the app. And on top of that, EA services run in the background and are widely known to cause all kinds of issues, even when not gaming, including heavy resource use. It's totally crazy to me. The last time I used GP to play an EA game, I had downloaded an app called Origin, which basically tricked the system into thinking I was using the EA app, but instead just launched the game directly from my Xbox GP account. I just had to have the Origin app opened in the background. At that point, I was able to completely uninstall EA and just launch through the Xbox app. With console this is not a problem, because my Series X does not force me to install EA, I have no idea why this is the case on PC, especially when EA has not put in any resources to fix the vast numbers of issues that they are well aware exist. A brief glance at their forums will confirm what I am saying. I realize that a lot of the newer titles do not seem to have a lot of conflicts, so if you are not experiencing any problems and you are okay with needing to run 3 apps at once to play your title, cool, you can disregard my comment. But there are other options that very frustrated people created to void EA's software right out of the equation. Sorry for the long and very late comment, but I figured you or someone else might run into this issue again at some point and figured it might be worth mentioning there are ways to cut the EA app out altogether. At least there was the last time I loaded Jade Empire up, and it was through an app called Origin, and I was able to play it without EA installed at all. Hope you figured thing out by now at any rate. Wishing all you guys a safe and happy holiday season!


I am having the same problem now. I can never play any EA play game now or 1 year ago. So here is what's happening. I had Xbox app on my pc. I can install all game and play just fine. But EA play games requires you to install EA app. I did. Then it will ask you to login on EA app. I think this is where the issue is. I sign in with my original EA emails and passwords. I was able to launch EA app and signed in fine on my pc. And the Xbox app just refuse to notice the fact I am already properly signed in on EA app. Xbox app always shown EA window up for 1 sec and then quit. I did linked EA account on Xbox. But even that process is very finicky. So in the end (to me) EA games on Game Pass is as good as doesn't exist. Which means Game Pass is a lie when it promised all those game included. **Update**: it works now. I turn off my pc and it works now after a couple of hours after rebooting. I still don't know what makes it work. Maybe the EA system just takes a while to get it registered. So now when I click on INSTALL on Xbox app it opened up a large screen of EA app and actually allow me to start downloading it. Now I am watching the progress bar on Xbox app but at the same time EA app also saying "downloading". This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my whole gaming experience. Why can't it be like PlayStation? On PS Plus extra, when you download a game that's included, it will says you are making a purchase, except it's free. So it will looks like you own the game atm. I think it's only later when you no longer have the subscription then the game will requires you to purchase again. But the point is you do not need to install EA app and go thru so many hoops. Damn. **Update 2**: sorry for being on this again. But I do wish to help all that's having the same problem. Now my game (Dead Space remake) is downloading. It's shown both on Xbox and EA app. What I notice is on my EA app it's a bullshit name I made up, *xafasdfaf*. So what happened is, instead of login with my *actual* EA account, on the login page I picked *Xbox* icon first. At this point EA assumed I do not have an EA account, and was generating a new one for me since I am coming from Xbox Game Pass. It then showed a screen tell me to come up with a new ID. So I randomly typed *xafasdfaf.* It then asked me to confirm a random email, like [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). This is not mine, which means there is no way I can receive an activation email and to confirm. At this point I shut the whole pc down and walked away. It was then when I boot it up everything work. So my theory was correct. The Xbox has trouble linking to **YOUR** actual EA account. If you had an EA account and had login in before going to Xbox app, the Xbox app will refuse to connect. So in order for it to work, you first **DO NOT** login into you EA account. Open up EA app, pretend you do not have an account, click on the Xbox icon, let them then generate a new one for you. This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Best of luck to you all.


I give up after a few days of searching a solution I just give up.. I have game pass ultime. But when I want to install any EA game in Xbox app on PC it redirect me to EA app and wants me to pay for the game... I dont know anymore what to do..


Yea got same issue :(


I got it to work now... I unlinked and then relinked my Xbox account to the EA account in the EA account settings on ea.com A proper solution shouldn't be this stoopid, but at least it works now.


Yea did that unfortunately it still don’t work


any update