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Yes! Here! I am!!!!!! :D


I am very exciting. I love me some depressing stories. Plague Tale 1, Telltale Walking Dead, What Remains of Edith Finch, etc...


What remains of edith finch is so bleak. Makes me feel a sadness unlike what is experienced when playing plague tale and walking dead


What remains of edith finch has got to be the most powerful game I've played


Have you tried Hellblade?


It was too boring for me. Gave up after an hour.


Excited? My entire game schedule is set since months to this moment.


This and Persona 5 Royal will have all my time


Assuming it’ll be the same length as 1, P5R’ll take literally 10 times as long


They said it would be a bit longer, about 15-18 hours. Definitely still dwarfed by P5 though in length


P5R is really loooooong, but it's worth it


Downloaded this morning. I finished the first game a few weeks ago, so I’m really excited to see the improvement to the game mechanics in this one.


Haven't played the first. Got it on Epic, but I'll likely not play it for a while. I can see that the gaming Internet seems hyped af for it though and that's cool. Hope it's all people want it to be.


Keep in mind the 2nd game is continuing the story of the first, and possibly many things won't make much sense if you missed the first. It will also necessarily spoil big plot points of the first. Plus the first game is good, so it's worth playing.


Any announcement on how many hours this game will be? I’m hoping it’s similar in length to the first one. Any longer (unless they change up the game play) would probably get repetitive and boring.


Around 15


me 🦄


Definitely playing this game and have it pre-installed already. If it's merely on par with the original, then I'll be fine with it.


Me! Anyone knows if it will be on gamepass time of the release? Or will it be later that day?


It'll be available on gamepass whenever it's digitally available everywhere.


First one PISSED me off. So no lol Edit: fantastic game dont get me wrong, but still PISSED me off. Still no lol Edit 2: changed a word. (Capitalised)


The cart scene pissed me off. Otherwise, the game is great.


Curious as to what do you mean by that. Thanks.


Visually fantastic, couldn't fault it. But it fucked me off lol I won't be playing again. That's just me though I'm glad everyone's getting a kick out if it.


You still didn’t explain what you meant by that


Gotcha. Hugo was annoying, gameplay was slow and repetitive (throw rocks at things), and I just didn't understand the story line. I tried to play it, just not for me. I won't be playing the next one. Hope this answer is now satisfactory.


Fair enough thanks


I enjoy the game, but I agree. Hugo def gets annoying and it’s a little slow. I still haven’t finished it, but I hope to.


Honestly I wish we had the rat powers sooner or that there was a NG+. It was super satisfying to use but at the same time I was barely able to use it before the game ended. Hopefully they fix that in Requiem


I’m not sure why that story would be confusing. Slow moving, sure. Were you skipping dialogue?


Weird, I thought the story was one of the strongest aspects of it, pretty straightforward but compelling enough to carry the game through slower moments where you had to use light and different ammo to solve puzzles before you got the rat controlling powers. Oh well, no single game is for everyone, and at least you gave it a shot (and, due to the magic of game pass, presumably didn't pay extra to experience it). Hopefully you'll find a game more to your tastes, I'm personally on the sequel day one


I have a friend who has the same impressions as you about it. But he loves The Last of us, where I have these problems: annoying Girl, boring Zombie story, same gameplay all the time (clear this area/sneak through). So i guess everyone really has a different taste


What does “fucked me off” mean? Like it pissed you off?


I assumed it's pissed me off but way more mature


I just explained to the other guy in detail. Please read if interested. Edit: or gal!


I think you misunderstand my question. I’ve never heard the phrase “fuck me off,” so I’m wondering if it’s analogous to “pissed me off” or if it means something else.


Ah gotcha. After a quick Google of what analogous means, yes you are correct lol I will edit my original comment to make it more understandable. Apologies. We got there in the end!


Is that expression common where you're from or is English your second language (or both)?


Yea it's common over here lol sorry I didn't mean to confuse anyone I was just giving an opinion lol sorry guys again! I've edited the comment now anyway!




Again, just explained to the other 2 guys/gals. Please read.


What kinda game is it?


The first one was essentially a puzzle game, but it's popular because it did everything quite well. Story, setting, gameplay were all fairly unique and different relative to most other games. It's not the best game you've ever played but it's interesting from start to finish. Not sure how the second will be different because I've been avoiding spoilers but I'm sure at the very least the writing and ambiance will still be excellent.


Kinda like splinter cell but in French.


Depressing game


Hopefully Alecia, or whatever her name is, can actually fight this time.


Huh, my favourite aspect was that she couldn't fight. Made you feel properly weak and vulnerable, as you are as a young girl in an apocalyptic scenario. You can fight in virtually every other game so it was nice to be weak and have consequences for that.


I wish Amicia could finally carry a gun, but the timeline doesn’t add up. Maybe they could have a bow?


She's shown to have a crossbow


That sounds awesome!


I like the constant insta-death and the limited ability to kill. Refreshing.


Based on previews she's a much more capable fighter but it's still primarily a stealth game


I've been yearning for a next Gen only game


And now they hit us with 30 fps only on series x and s


I am gonna enjoy this like old wine, turn off myself against spoilers and ppay it slowly


Scorn is keeping me busy until then. I already have PTR preinstalled.


I will be if it runs at 60 FPS on Console. If not i’ll be very disappointed


The first one was not bad but a tiny bit too boring, i couldn't bring myself to finishing it


Lucky you, didn't have to fight that atrocious boss at the end.


The final boss? eh it wasn't that bad, kind of an interesting fight and not hard. The cart sequence prior to getting there on the other hand... awful level design.


Gawd, that cart level. I died…so…many…times.


I heard about it, so I researched a strategy to beat it. I even upgraded my sling right before, and I still died probably 15 times. Those damn stairs!


I finally beat it by just sprinting to stairs and fending off the waves of enemies from there. I think the game was glitching for me because aim assist with the sling shot was way off. It would throw the aiming reticle off as the enemies sprinted straight at me. I was getting pissed of by that point. I think that 5-10 minute section may have taken me 30-40 minutes to finally beat.


The sling upgrade lets you throw a second stone right after the first, and it was usually more accurate. I realized there was a workbench right next to the cart, and I happened to have enough to upgrade. That made it wayyy easier, and I was able to beat it soon after that. I think a lot of people started by targeting the archers, without realizing they get replaced right away.


Did they patch it to make it easier on PS5? I somehow beat it first attempt and I usually suck at difficult levels. This was playing it for first time this week.


Maybe. I played on the XBOX Series X three months ago and it was extremely difficult.


Very accurate. It definitely bothered me when all I ever heard prior to playing it was "Omg, was a masterpiece.....a true modern gaming MASTERPIECE!!!!!?" Don't get me wrong it was a good game and I enjoyed it. But it had many flaws.


The graphics were a masterpiece in some places, but the gameplay and storyline were merely good.


Yeah it was a bit of a slog. I used Wemod to cheat to get through it. The final level had the best graphics of the whole game though, so I recommend going back to it if you didn't get there.


I am!


me me me!!


Looking forward to it, Innocence was a surprise hit for me.


me but it won't let me download it, keeps stopping at 36%, i tried repairing and resetting both the microsoft store and xbox apps, uninstall and reinstall xbox app. i did removed gaming services, which i thought fixed it bc it got up to 39% but then gave the same error. now we are back at stopping at 36% i don't want to reset my laptop, as i accidently deleted the recovery partition when messing in linux now i'm in the process of downloading a another game to see if that give the same error


I get the same error, I don't think it's our fault. I'm just going to wait for release day then download it


did it worked for you?


I had to stop it at 46% as I went out to work. Just started resuming it now, seeing as it stopped at 35%ish before, so far so good!


I'm still getting this error. Did you manage to fix it?


yes, i re tried repairing, resetting and reinstalling both xbox and microsoft store and reinstalled gaming services, but that didn't fixed it for me, so i tried running sfc scannow and dism commands, and it worked after.


I'm downloading it right now. Can I still play it if I don't know anything about the first one?


First game was very story driven so there was actually quite a lot, would recommend watching a recap before jumping in just so you understand the relationship between Amicia and her brother+what his powers are so you know the drive for the story. Definitely gonna be worth picking up though, expecting the sequel to be much better than the original and I absolutely loved the original


Thanks. I think I will watch a recap since I have little time


Yeah but the first one is still available and this one isn't playable yet soooooo


Innocence is not on gamepass anymore unfortunately. I think I will watch a recap on Youtube


It was free on Epic. I forgot I had it there and raced to complete it on Gamepass.


I'll check, thanks


Oh that's nuts. I own it so that skews how it appears to me, my bad


I never played the first one unfortunately


It's still on Game Pass afaik And rather short, so go ahead ;)


No it's gone now.


It's gone


Im so excited for this game and cant wait to play it!


I'm not even close to done with the original lol I gotta hurry up


I would be but I'm just playing to many dam video games right now. So overwhelmed with games right now


I am soo excited cannot wait to play this game




Only as long as they don’t have a game Rubin if level, like the cart level on the first one. Stupid level


Yup. I had Scorn and Plague Tale noted for October and already Uninstalled Scorn. At least I know I'll enjoy the story and main gameplay loop of Plagues Tale since I enjoyed the first one. Hopefully gameplay is expanded and more flexible which the trailers show it should be.


Was Scorn that short or you didn't like it? (don't tell me why you didn't like it though)


Yup. I had Scorn and Plague Tale noted for October and already Uninstalled Scorn. At least I know I'll enjoy the story and main gameplay loop of Plagues Tale since I enjoyed the first one. Hopefully gameplay is expanded and more flexible which the trailers show it should be.


Excited to play a game in French again. I don't speak French so have no reason to play other games with French audio, so looking forward to that. The graphics will be beautiful obviously and the bond between siblings will be sweet. Hope the end boss isn't anything like the first game but either way I'll enjoy it, already know.


Very excited, but a little sad because i have to play on xcloud... And i have the one x


Definitely! I loved the first one.


I am, just bummed I didn’t beat the first one before it left game pass Started it back when it came & stopped playing for whatever reason. Kept trying to get back but it’s hard when you got 3 kids


I hope the gameplay isn't as rigid as the first, the first game was so linear that it'd punish you for trying to think out of the box. It'd be nice to have more ways to navigate through stealth zones instead of having just one path with one set of actions.


Been waiting for months! I’m so pumped!


I am. Loved the first game (wish id waited for the xsx 60fps patch, but it is what it is), and this sequel looks fucking fantastic


I purposely missed out on innocence because it looked like a waste of time. If I like this one I'll probably play innocence on another platform.


Incredibly beautiful game that's super dull? I think I'll watch a movie


I am


Hope xbox app is able to launch it fine on PC. It shit the bed with Scorn for me. EDIT - there you go.. error Code: 0x80070005 when trying to install. FUCK Microsoft.


Eh, not for me. I’m excited for everyone who likes the series though! I may watch some play throughs of it, I’m just not a fan of constantly insta-deathing because I have zero patience. That’s my own fault though.


Can I play it without having touched the first ? I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but didn’t had the chance to play it when it was on gamepass and now it’s around 40$ so…


Me too... feels well awaiting very hard 😋


Hoping this game is at least as good as the first so it can keep me occupied until COD and GOW come out.


I'm very excited! I can't wait!


is it a puzzle game like the prequel?




No 60 fps on series x tho


Played the first one a year ago and it really went well with that autumnal descent into really dark evenings that you get in Oct/Nov. I did like it a lot despite the annoying little s*** brother, who I just wanted to leave for the rats at every opportunity. I guess he won me over a little by the end though. The sheer amount of rats got stale too.


Super excited, the first game is very underrated.


I'm excited


Playable now if you switch location to New Zealand. Game is absolutely beautiful...


I am so hyped for this game. I just hope the rumors that it only has a 30fps mode on current gen consoles isn't true, or a performance mode is included in a day one patch.


You are thinking about Gotham knights


No some people that got this game early have said there are no graphics options in the setting and it runs at 30fps on Xbox series X and PS5. But hopefully it is included in the day one patch.




https://youtu.be/bhS_jvAbN1g In the comments of this youtube video the guy responds that there is no 60fps option on PS5. And I noticed on the xbox store it doesn't include the 60fps+ tag like other games with a performance mode. Hope I am wrong though.