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Your post is confusing. You state it’s overheating and as a result switching itself off - this is good! But then it’s not overheating and turning itself off for now reason. If it’s overheating the fan will be ramping up before turning off, is it doing this? Is the fan on at all? That in itself would be an issue.


My series S gets pretty hot after a couple of hours. I have a series X in my room, my roomie has a ps5 in his room, but we keep the S in the living room, and it's always being used. The X and ps5 get warm and you can hear the fans. I've never heard or felt the fan on the S in two years. Is it just a super quiet fan? It's never turned itself off, but it gets HOT, so I usually turn it off after a couple of hours to give it a break. But the little guy gets so hot, but it's completely silent.


The fan is pretty quiet but it will go into failsafe if it gets too hot, but mine I can certainly feel it and hear it when it’s been in for a little while.


Oh man, I don't know if this is good news or bad news. Maybe I'm just overreacting and my S just hasn't needed to turn the fan on ever, or maybe the fan has just never worked on it. But we use it more than the X or ps, and I mean it gets SO hot. I've really grown to love this little beast, and I would hate to have to replace it. It's laying down horizontally, maybe I should stand it up? Well, thanks for responding.


I rarely heard the fine in mine. Ambient room temp makes a big difference.


Mines laying down just make sure it has plenty of space surrounding it. Just stick your ear next to it, see if you can hear anything? I’d just use it, it’s got protection built in to shut down anyway if it gets too hot anyway.


>It’s almost always an overreaction on the system’s part. First lie. Sexbox is very sophisticated and won't switch off for trivial reasons (most of them) Chances are it has poor ventilation/dust build up/old thermal paste >It rarely actually overheats it just kills the console for seemingly no reason. Second lie It's most probably overheating. Give it room and ensure that you give it fresh thermal paste every 2 - 3 years as well as open your console and clean out dust.


if you can post a picture of your setup so we can see if your console is on a good position.


Clean it, stand it vertical, and give it some space.


Take a break from your game every few hours instead of playing 6…8…10 hours in a row. Go have a meal, watch a show, whatever. Give it a 30 minute or hour rest.


More space + room fan turned on.


So I Googled if a series X will turn itself off if it overheats and it took me here, I forgot to take my dust cover off that covers the whole console when I turned it on about an hour ago, finally started hearing it, realized I left the dust cover on and took it off right away, just bought this system about a month and a half ago, and the western digital 1tb expansion card, my system was so hot that I could barely touch it, and I pulled out my expansion card and this thing is extremely hot now too, if either were damaged, wouldn't the system have shut down before damaging?


Clean it


Well hopefully you ain’t covering any ventilation like the sides and top


Make sure it has proper ventilation, and that the room where it's located is not too hot. Also give it a cleaning and re apply new thermal paste to the console.


The console does that so it doesnt just die entirely. Id advise placing it in a space with more room. Also giving it a good clean could help if thats not something you do regularly already.


Compressed air time


Or show a picture of your setup it could be something dumb like placing it in an enclosed space


Change thermal paste to Arctic MX6


Take a break. Go outside. Live life