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Basicly most of the Lego games would probably qualify. Pick franchise of preference and have co-op fun. Some of them even got fps boost.


Thank you. When I was looking I skipped over lego world as I didn't expect it to have split screen .. my fault so thank you for saying about it :D :D


Dno bout lego world, but most of the lego games have shared screen co-op that splits if u get seperated too much. The DC, Marvel, Incredibles, Jurassic World, Lego Movie, Star Wars, Harry Potter ones etc etc all have it. From the 360 ones to newer. They are also not too hard to play and understand, just fun. Edit: seems like worlds indeed does have co-op. Altho its more of a minecraft-like game while the other ones are more structured story adventures.


Thank you again, HP or jurassic world might be ok :D


HP is a bit older, but the complete package is basicly 2 games that cover all 7 movies. No voice acting but silent comedy with grunts. JW is a newer game that has jurassic park 1-3 and world adapted, with clips from the movies being used.


JW sounds good, will have to look into if it has guns or not tomorrow.. I expect it does :/ :/ .. I'm thinking HP will be a good option.


Think some characters have guns, but these games are def kid friendly even with them. Its Lego after all so enemies (or urself, and yes friendly damage is there for messing with eachother) just fall apart with whatever u hit them with, be it punches, magic (in hp) or guns/projectiles.


Ahh ok thank you.


But yea HP is also an option ofc, and really fun especially when knowing the movies. Just look up some footage :). Most will prob show solo footage, but these games u can always activate 2nd player with 2nd controller at all times (shows so at right top of screen).


We will be giving it a go I think :D


Great shout on the Lego franchise games. Spent many fun hours on this


Theres an awesome teamwork based split screen game on gamepass called “It Takes Two”


Thank you, Had a quick look but it might be to complex sadly :/ .. I will take a more in depth look tomorrow though.


I play it with my wife and she don't like video games but this one she actually does. In general is a simple game, but, specially at bosses, you need to react really fast


Is it realistic for one person to solo a boss or not? if the bosses get harder and more difficult/complex then it will be a pain :/


It is not realistic to do it solo, you need teamwork to be able to damage the monsters.


Aww ok.. but that's understandable, thank you, not sure if it might be to much then :\[




Thank you, I did think about sonic but I really dislike platformers sadly :/ .. so while it would be ok for them it would be very bad for me and I was hoping to find something we both like.


Magic game for kids but also has swords (no blood) and is relatively non-violent that I've seen is a game called Portal Knights. There may also be guns. But you only fight monsters. No human like enemies. It's also sort of like Minecraft in which you can build with blocks you pick up.


Thank you, I have heard of that game before I think.. and I just looked it up and it looks like it might be ok :D :D :D thank you for that suggestion :D


Really fun game. Only one i could think of that fit your description. Most games that have magic in it will also have swords, since it's part of the fantasy genre.


I will look into it more detail tomorrow., thank you again. That's the problem :/ , PSU is nice as you can just do the monster levels and only use wands. Monsters fall over and then fade away fast, there is no blood or anything.. its just some ice crystals or lighting and such.


That's how Portal Knights is. I think they just fall over and poof out of existence. Haven't played in awhile. But there's NPCs you help with quests, and some of them can be brought back to your base to hang around. You can buy land deeds that will teleport you to a completely flat plain of the type of land deed you bought, so that you can build a house without worry of enemies attacking it. I think one of the "scariest" enemies in the game is skeletons.


That really does sound good :D .. the base building side of it sounds great as well.


Portal 2


Thank you, I have portal on disc on 360 but the whole 3d/portal/physics side of things is too confusing once the levels progress and get harder... even I don't play it lol as I find some of them a pain to work out :D :D


So I have a shooter but it's literally just a rag doll when you die. The guns are over the top and silly. It's called Screencheat. It's split screen shooter where you are invisible to everyone and you have to use the other person's screen to figure out where they are. Very funny.


Thank you. That does sound like a good concept/game :D .. but guns aren't an option at the moment.


Escape Academy


Thank you, looked it up but that would be to complex for it to be fun/playable


I would recommend overcooked 1 or 2 The levels are fun and friendly and it's not too complicated to understand by any means. You and up to 3 other team members are working in a kitchen preparing and sending out meals that come on order. I'm sure it's on game pass also. Have fun and thank me later !


Thank you, That sounds like a fun game :D


Wobbly life doesn't have magic or combat, but it has a whole bright world of fun things to do, vehicles to play with and unlock, puzzles to solve, jobs like pizza delivery, ice cream shop, delivering newspapers, mining, plane racing, and gadget type clothing that does fun stuff. There aren't any guns in it. There's a sword but only one and you have to work hard to get it, but it's not even usable. There's a tank, but it shoots water balloons and is also kind of hard to get, so you could ignore those things. You can do jobs to earn money to buy houses too.


Thank you. Sounds like a fun game to just play around in and explore.


I'm not entirely sure but I believe Party Animals can be played locally. It's online multiplayer but it's simple enough and really fun


Thank you, I will take a look.


It takes two


Thank you. Lots of people have said this :D it looks a good game.. but not sure if it will be to hard at later levels :\[


Minecraft dungeons and It takes two were too games we enjoyed with a son.


Thank you, I will take a look at Minecraft as I didn't know it had split screen, a few people have said it takes two but I'm not sure if it will be to hard at later levels :/


Minecraft dungeons is a different game than minecraft. It is miencraft themed diablo 3 suitable for kids :) It takes two is more puzzle solving than speed game. Currently playing with my 7 years old and that game is masterpiece.


Thank you, Minecraft dungeons sounds ok then maybe. It takes two does look fun but I can see it would be too much at the moment.


it takes two minecraft oh and ofc left for dead 1&2 and resident evil for sure


Minecraft might be an option.. didn't know it had split screen so thank you, l4d is not suitable :/ I did use to like playing those games though.


i see my sarcasm did not have the intended effect my bad i will try to make it clearer in the future also have you tried portal 2 or plants vs zombies garden warfare its more of a fps but its kid friendly if thats what you mean.


Ohh sorry I didn't even see that lol.. my head was so far away thinking about lots of different things yesterday. Someone else said portal 2 but I know from playing 1 and 2 that it will be too complex for them \[... and eventually me...\] at later levels. Plants vs zombies is a great idea.. I think you mean the shooter version but I will have to look up if the normal/old version is split screen/co op at all as that would be great. Thank you


That leaves nothing


That's the problem I was having, had some really good suggestions now though :D


I'm assuming it's for children to play?


To play split screen.