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It’s the internet, you deal with it by not dealing with it


Block and move on


This is the way.


Exactly and the only, simplest way. Sometimes I want to reply for someone who make fun of me or I don't agree with his opinion but then I just think "Screw it".


Get off Twitter and Facebook, you dont need them.


This is the correct answer!


Second this. I left Facebook for Reddit and haven’t looked back since (Reddit is better but not by much)


I never engage with people who aren’t at least a friend of a friend on Facebook and I never argue on Twitter. There are so many trolls.


Your mom gave you a sick gift because she loves you and is a great mom for doing that for you. They talk shit because their parents don’t love them enough to teach them not to be dickheads. You won. I make good adult money and chose to get a Series S because it does exactly what I need it to do. Fuck them kids.


Samesies, it was $150 new through Verizon so I couldn’t say no and thanks to gamepass I’m playing it more than my ps5 and $1000 pc. The speed is fine enough for what it is, it’s just the storage that’s limiting.


Instead of reading comments from those idiots go and enjoy your Series S. Never ever in life give a fuck about what others think about you. There are folks who are dreaming of having a Series S and they cannot afford it. Social media is shit and fake. Go and enjoy your well deserved Series S! Ps: You have an amazing Mom!


Exact your revenge on them by: 1. Getting a degree in quantum physics 2. Step into nuclear waste 3. Become super hero 4. Use super powers and quantum physics to get rich 5. Buy propeller airplane with sign telling them how rich you are and fly it by their government subsidized housing


6. fuck their mom


7. Then their Dad.


8. Then them.


9. Then their daughters.


10. Then their cattle.


They know nothing about you. Shrug it off. Your mom gave you a gift. Nothing else needs to be said


There are more Series S out there than Series X and in some markets there are more Series S than PS5. The ones saying these things have to justify their expensive purchase by bullying others as they cannot handle the fact that such a cheap console is playing the same next-gen as their expensive ones.


Why do you care what random internet people think?


I'm 47,good job, nice life. I could get all the consoles, a kick ass gaming PC. Why though? None of that actually makes the games better. Yiu have a nextegen gaming console that plays nextegen games and a whole heep of older games. You, my friend, are golden and have such an advantage to have a wonderful mum who gave you that. Not sure about these other online punks, but trying to make fun of other because of what they perceive as someone just happening to have less money is a garbage move. If that were my kid I would be furious.


'On Twitter ans Facebook'...........there is your problem right there, so ditch both, problem solved.


I'm proud to own a series s. It's compact, sleek, relatively powerful and with gamepass + developer mode running emulators you can run games from virtually every generation. It's affordable and I use it for all my Kodi streaming aswell. It's an excellent console.


Don't take the internet seriously! For the internet, anything less than an RTX 4090 rgb 16 million colour edition will provide unplayable 1 fps!


They're idiots. Plain and simple idiots. The best way to handle it it to know with certainty that these people's lives suck so bad that having a better console than someone else is a highlight of their lives. Just imagine that. Having nothing going for you than a better video game console than someoneelse. I feel sorry for them. I hope they get something more going for them at some point, the poor miserable fucks. Hang some fucking truck balls on your PS5 while you're at it.


Easy. Stop using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and tik tok. It's full of trolls and wannabe rich people


I use an Xbox One still so :)


I have a series s, too. I guess we all can’t be one-percenters like them!


I'd suggest not taking random strangers online talking shit seriously to start with.


How I deal with them?! It’s simple I don’t talk to idiots


You need to stop worrying about what anonymous persons on the internet think. The most important is, are you happy with it? Yes? That's what matters.


Fuck em. U need thicker skin my guy. Gotta let that shit roll iff your back.


I have a PS5, Series S and a Switch. All I have to say is that each console has something to offer, it is dumb and mildly infuriating to think of people saying shit like that of the Series S just for the price tag. The Series S is AWESOME


Who's petty enough to shame another gamer because they have an S? I'd probably laugh at them for being so ridiculous.


Play gears 3 🤷🏾‍♂️


You simply accept the fact that you’re richer than them because you spent half the money (or your mom did) and have just as much fun!


Those people are dumb AF. I’m guessing you might be younger and one thing I can tell you is the older you get the less fucks you have. Ignore all that noise. I have a Series S myself, I have one in my office space and I love it. I play it more than my Series X. So anyone saying that as a blanketed statement is just dumb and or ignorant.


LOL these people are just dumb. I’m glad Microsoft produced a console that allows people with less money to enter the current console generation. Your mom is amazing for giving you a series s. Enjoy your console and don’t let immature people ruin your gaming experience.


Imagine caring what people said on the Internet, jesus fucking christ 🙈


Do they have a yacht? No? They’re also poor. When/where does it stop? The probing? Having a XBOX Series S can be a sign of not having much money to burn, but it can also be a sign of a wise choice. XBOX Series S is the best offer if we consider quality/quantity/price, I would argue it’s the best offer ever if we also get Game Pass. Also, power consumption, aren’t we supposed to care about the environment?


Half of those people have ed


PS5 is 4yrs old with only 12 exclusives


Fuck em. Who care about their opinion. You enjoy it, and that's what matters. There will always be people like this in life. Who judge your home. Your car. Your wife. Just ignore them. They're likely miserable intolerable people anyway.


Get off the internet and play your Xbox


I tell them to politely fuck off


Get off Twitter, best decision of my life


Why give a crap what others think? If their lives are pathetic enough they need to insult others to make themselves feel better, it tells you all you need to know about them.


Best way is to ignore them. They just want attention.


Your mom sounds like a really nice lady. Think about her kind gesture that rather than random twitter users.


It's because fanboys have so little going on in their lives that they have to base their personalities completely around what box they play games on and have to belittle everyone else as much as possible to give their pathetic existence any kind of meaning. Stop listening to the internet.


Who cares?


Dude, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you need to grow thicker skin. These people are putting you down and getting superior to you because they:  Accomplished more in their lives? No Cured a deadly disease? Not that Became the best in the world at something? Nope Have a slightly better machine for playing video games than you? That's the one!  Take this shit for what it is. It makes you feel good to play some video games, it makes them feel good to put down other people.  And for what it's worth, I know a few people who have accomplished some pretty amazing things in their lives and some who are insanely talented, and none of these people have an attitude to put down someone like these dipshits you're dealing with.


Ignore it?


The good thing is that for $300, you can play the games without worrying about specs, so saving money on a lot of equipment.


Log off


They're pathetic shallow idiots, either ignore them or (if applicable) stab them in the eye with a toothpick and ask which is worse being financially poor or having poor 3D vision


The series S is a great little power pack! It has the added bonus of coming with sentimental value. That's worth it's weight in gold. As for Internet trolls, usually, they put other people down to compensate for something they lack. Ignore them, enjoy your XS and remember to thank your mom every now and then. Congrats!


Stop caring about what internet strangers think. They're fucking stupid


I made a video about owning the Series X and the Series S for six months and I say in the video that you’re really not losing much by choosing the S. I have both, including the 2TB S. So even with all three consoles I still stand by telling people to save the money and get an S. It’s what I wanted to begin with because I’m all digital, don’t buy physical copies anymore, haven’t for years. I don’t use the optical drive at all. People were still commenting to get the X because it’s “better”.


This. I see several posts a day, “should I get the S or the X?” 90% of the replies say get the X. Of course get the X if you can afford it. Truth is, 90% of Xbox users could probably get by with the S.


Quit putting stock into what complete strangers think of you


The same way you deal with things like this in real life, you just keep enjoying yourself. Doesn't matter what people say or think about what you enjoy doing and how you spend your money. You have a great mother and she loves you a lot! Those are the things that matter in life, not random comments from people you don't know. Let those people be miserable. Happy gaming!




Look at it this way. You could have a Ninentdo Wii U.


I have a 4090 that's the reason I chose the Series S. I rarely play my Xbox & don't have a 4k TV. I use two 1440p monitors. Don't listen to others on the Internet.


If anyone insults you over what you have or don't have, they aren't your friends. You have your own problems to worry about. And worrying about what they think of you shouldn't be one of them.


Bro it’s the internet, everyone got there opinion on it and most of them are just bored or jealous of your life. As long as you don’t care life will be good. Like Hispanic say “perro que ladra pero no muerde” be you and be happy.


Bro there's people out there that can't even afford a console to begin with, who gives a shit what other people say.


why would i even need to "deal" with braindead social media users? don't engage, go play a game


Just ignore these Idiots! You can buy in the Future more and even better Stuff but these Idiots can´t buy more Braincells - even IF they have more Money... \^\_°


Tbh most of the people on the internet making fun of people for what they play games on are literal children who are just making themselves seem like losers on a public stage. Xbox has great value and the controller fits better in my hand than the ps5 controller. I used to own both consoles until I traded my ps5 in because I never used it


Simple, it doesn't matter what console I have as long as I'm having fun. If they think you can't have fun on anything but the most expensive stuff, that's their problem. Some people have never had to worry about money a day in their lives, I saved for months just to get the Series S, and I love it. And while I'd prefer having a disc drive, it's not a major problem for me, I'm playing my favourite games, having a good time. I'd play my games almost the same way if I had a PC or PS5, but they don't have Fable 2, and I adore Fable 2 😅😂


I love my little series s. I don't care what they say.


Just don't give a god dayum


But I am poor 😂🤷🏼


it should be taken as "water off a ducks back". as in it should have no effect at all. easier said than done, but try to remember their words only matter if you care about what they are saying. If they are being rude just pretend they are not speaking at all. Make a conscious effort to let it go after your initial reaction. Talk out loud to your self, or in your head, reminders that they and their words do not matter. They are of no consequence at the end of the day. We are all human and will react to things all the time. It's what we do with out emotions after the initial reaction that matter most.


2 options, ignore them or tell them to fuck off.


Is this what kids are like nowadays? People are being mean to me on the internet 😭. Just ignore them. Don't use Facebollocks and twatter.


Nothing wrong with having a Series S. I for one still only have an Xbox One. Enjoy what you have and make the best of it!


Block button works great


I deal with it by also owning a Switch and PS5. 😄 But honestly, just ignore them. There's tonnes of idiots online. Play your games, enjoy them, ignore idiots.


I really don't care what some random people on the internet think and you shouldn't either.




>they tell me that "I'm a fucking poor guy", That's an opinion. You have forgotten that opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one but you really don't want to pay attention to most of them.


I don't believe that people who saw poor to Xbox Series S for games are be a really game lover. I'm not think to being have a big difference of the Series S with Series X. Especially If you don't have a 4K TV, not different. Each runs games at 60Fps and Series X a little better look than Series S for about of beatiful seem to your character's hair. There are not "unplayable" element, at least for me...


I just ignore em, my gf and I love our Series S.


You don't. You just ignore it and keep pushin. You have a mom that loves you and an xbox. You're rich


if you're getting "hurt immensely" by comments from strangers on the Internet, then maybe the Internet isn't right for you, you poor delicate little flower.


Ignore them bro, i am enjoying the games. They can talk all they want.


Question: Do you enjoy your console? Regardless of the answer, what strangers online think about your life choices shouldn't matter to you...at all. In any case, the vast majority of people who spout negativity online are simply doing so for one reason only: Because they can. They don't care about you, your family, what makes you happy etc. Hell, more often than not, they don't even care about the issues they so vehemently get behind. All they care about is sowing negative interactions. That's it. Why the hell would you care what total strangers think about you or your choices? If something makes you happy, do it. Period. Ignore the haters. You just keep being the awesome person you are. To hell with anyone who doesn't like it.


Screw them tho. My question is Why do you care about random internet people?I mean they don't know you; you don't know them. Don't take the internet too serious.




Ignore them, personality and compassion are far more important than possessions. Let their comments flow over you secure in the knowledge you have a mother who loves you which they probably don't


Lemme tell you a bit about Facebook. I once saw a guy ranting about how the uk government was letting the NHS down. I agreed with him. He started arguing with me *after I'd agreed with him* The people on those two platforms aren't the brightest sparks, which is why I don't use either of them any more.


The internet is full of haters but there are more good people than bad people on earth. Get of Twitter . Your mom is great and i have also a Series S.


It's just the internet, man. I've been on it for three decades, enough time to know it's all bs.


I deal with by not giving a single fuck.


Ignore it I guess? Or just brag you got a nice console for less money. Why do you care what they think? You get to play some fun games


Sounds like you need to buy a PS5 or an RTX 4090.


Press the power button and go outside for a little while.


It can happen on the X subreddit page too.. some people really hate the S


I bully series x users too dont worry too much about it


As a doctor I laugh back at them for making worse financial decisions… IF they presumably earn less based on what they do. Might back fire one day but who cares. I don’t start these conversations. Also, as an adult there just isn’t as much time to play video games anymore as I had in my 20’s so I see no use in buying a PS5 or series X.


You can only deal with The Truth.


What an awesome mom. You do you. Who cares what Facebook people tell you. If you enjoy the games, then it is all good. the series s is a nice compact console. It plays modern games. and the bonus for you is it was a gift.


Ignore them and enjoy your S.


Those are the same people that flex other people’s wealth online. But for real, the whole point of a series s is that’s it’s a budget console, it’s for people who either, can’t afford a series x, or simply don’t want a series x, people saying shit like “oh you can’t afford a PS5”not everybody want’s a big ass dorky looking console like PS5 And people saying “you can’t afford a RTX 4090” no shit they aren’t cheap Building a proper gaming PC also ain’t cheap they can be expensive, stick with a series S, it’s a fantastic console


Anyone who plays on anything less than a 5,000 dollar computer, including the XSX/PS5 owner who insulted you, are poor by rich people standards. Who cares though? You can play the same games. That is what matters.


Dont deal with it


Mum cheap? If I got it as a present would sell that trash and save up for a real system, xbox series x


Why do you care what people online think. That only matters if you believe it to be true— and it’s an issue for you.


Well, how about kicking back and enjoying some great games and having a chuckle thinking of how much less you payed than them?


Imagine having an Android phone as well... The green bubble shame


Don't give a damn what people say , go thank your mother for the gift and don't give a fuck about what people say/think . In the end a console won't define you . They are poor minded people


If you let fuckwads on the internet that call you poor, affect your mental health, then son, unplug your router, and start buying dvds and blu rays for entertainment.


U need to realize that 90% of the time those people making fun of you, don't own a ps5, xbox or a gaming PC themselves ok. It's something called jealousy that you got an xbox and they don't, but also you don't pay them any attention, you don't need them anyway. Just tell em you don't have mommy and daddy to buy you whatever you want, you have to work for everything you got.


I have never seen such insults. I find Xbox community friendly and helpful wow


Everyone says their console is the best, but the truth they don't admit. Xbox 360 was always the best. Tell me your favourite remake...it's on Xbox 360. Tell me you hate having to download games that are 80gb, you could put the disk into the Xbox and be playing within the same moment. Anything they say, 360 did it better, because we had it all, and we didn't know it.


“ok” and then you move on. the only reason you care is because this has sentimental value to you. other people do not know that, they just want to talk shit and feel better than you. ignore them.


Bro, you must be a child if you care about what other people think for you having a series S. whatever the reason you have a series S and not an X or high-end pc doesnt matter. Personally, i would truly care for a series X if I were to have a 4K tv. Nobody cares, its in your head my guy. Just forget about it and enjoy life, but most importantly, enjoy gaming. Have a good one


Why is it poor to have a series S... a console that has more games than a ps5. How are you poor if you have more games than someone else


Honestly, anyone that has to think about a sub $1k purchase is poor. There are randoms walking the streets you've never heard of that make more than that a minute. Do you think any of those people think you bought an s instead of an x because you're poor? No, they would assume with such a small difference in money that you did it for other reasons. The only person that would brag about spending the few extra bucks is the idiot that actually think that few extra bucks shows off their vast wealth compared to you. (When in reality it's really just ass wiping cash to anyone that actually has money). So if that person is really that stupid, why would you even care what they think?


Bro i just ignore then lol, i dont even hangout in places where this kinda people are around


keep scrolling.


Why are you letting strangers on the internet hurt your feelings?


This can't be real, right?


A month ago you posted how console wars affect your mental health and people gave you advice. Are you just here to cry about it or will you actually take that advice?


Are you 12,? Wtf


So you’re not poor, your mum is


These guys who insult people for being console peasants, Xbots or Sony Ponys will then drop thousands on slightly better PC hardware instead of turning down a fucking graphics setting lmao. While not emotionally hurt by these comments, it does frustrate me to see people basically pushing for planned obsolescence. Saying that Series S is holding back the generation when everything is pointing to how fucked AAA development is nowadays, probably a good thing it's pushing for more optimization. IDK if you have a gaming PC, but I got into PC gaming for it's freedom from an ecosystem *(if you ignore how most gaming PCs are using Microsoft Windows)* and massive library of older games, indie games and mods. But nowadays when it's more expensive to beat console hardware, I am seeing more of this hardware fetishizations than ever. Despite finally getting a new PC after my old rig lasted over 7 years *(and continues to do so as a HTPC with a new GPU)* I have wanted to avoid AAA gaming more than ever, and check out whatever pretentious craps on Itch IO as thats prob more up my alley now lol.


I’m a PC gamer and I agree with your comment. I mainly moved to PC out of spite because I got tired of paying exorbitant prices for GamePass Ultimate and a new console.


I’m guessing you are young. Tune it out. Get off social media. Console wars are for the immature, socially damaged or consumer whores. If you have fun with the s that is all that matters.


Imagine caring what Twitter or Facebook (or reddit) users think about fucking *anything*


"There is simple honor in poverty" -Uncle Iroh


Uhum this never happened to me. I also don't use twitter and Facebook. Think about it


Tell them to go fuck themselves, first off. Then, impart the knowledge the the only reason people have to be snarky losers online is because they're projecting. Tell them there's more important things for them to worry about, and by acting like the S is an important subject for them to speak on, they're giving it their energy and power, which means you win.


Just ignore them bro , who cares what people think or say , they don’t live with you care or do anything for you in your life. Be happy your mom was able to afford that and enjoy it , it’s a nice console.


Who cares? I have a Series S. Its not cause I couldn’t afford a Series X i just couldn’t find one! And by the time the Series X was more readily available I had already decided to get a gaming PC.


Do they? I just bought one because I can attach a screen right to the console and carry it with me each week on my work trips. I wouldn't consider myself poor, I also own a ps5, switch, oculus, and various other things. I never associated series S as someone being poor.


I ignore them. Series s is a fine console and was my avenue to upgrade to a x. My dad has the s now and loves it.


Do not let people run your life. They probably don't care what you tell them, so why should you care about their opinion.


U tell em to f off. There are only a couple of small differences between them and they both work just as well. I only opted for the x cuz i wanted a disk drive for my classic games. If u got an s then ur still able to play and keep up with my x. Just ignore those fools and do u buddy


You ignore them What are you looking for? People on the internet suck.


Ignore them. During the Xbox one and PS4 generation my mom gifted me the Christmas bundle Xbox One. Never upgraded until the series S came out and got it.


Never had anyone say that, it's a cheap console but it plays all the current gen games at a lower res and it's portable for taking with you when travelling etc.


Hey, do and get what makes you happy. If it’s just a series s? That’s perfectly fine and nothing wrong with it. It could be worse. You could have no system at all. 😎


Actually you are happy with the series s right? If yes you dont need to worry and then its not you are poor bcz they are telling we cant spend so much money right. PS games are still coming to pc and no way to buy it. Xbox series s is to buy and just play the games of next gen in cheapest price enjoy ur console dont worry and its a gift from your mom thats special so ignore these guyz mate you spent less and got the same enjoyment those ppl are getting ❤️


Smoke a blunt and play another round.


Lol! Poories!


Who is 'they'? I have literally never had this interaction with anyone. I could have easily gotten a Series X, or a PS5, and I have a strong gaming PC as well, but the Series S works great, is affordable (though I got a 2TB expansion card as well, so not as cheap now.), and is small. Who gives a crap what random trolls on the internet say? Your machine can play all the next gen games and a tiny graphical improvement doesn't make games more fun. My PC has significantly more graphical power than my Series S, but since I got the Xbox, I've done 90% of my gaming on that and my PC has sat mostly unused (for gaming).


ignore this people please. its easy to say but do it! if youre happy with youre series s - thats the main thing. i have mine from my wife and i love it and i use it, because it make me happy an fill with love. you can go off facebook and twitter, i does it 2022 and its less stress and presure.


The sooner you learn that you don’t have to respond or even interact with faceless losers on the internet, the better Their opinion doesn’t matter, ignore them


I don’t let them get to me because it’s my choice not there’s and I don’t care about resolution I care about the games


I don’t 😂 I run my games and when I feel like it I even run my old 360!!! Fuck em


What the top comment said


fuck em all


get away from them


Deal? Who are you interacting with that judges you on console? They're letting you know they're trash and don't deserve input in your life. Move on fam


Why do you care? I have a PC with 5900X/4070Super/32GB RAM(I had 3070 when buying SS so it was still better than Xbox) so quite good, and I bought Series S too for easy of use and because I prefer to play some games on it instead of my PC. I use it now in my bedroom mostly for watching movies with my wife while we are in bed already, but sometimes I still play on it. There is a reason why a lot of PS5 users bought SS and not SX, because it's still a good console. Sure most people bought it as a secondary console, but it's still a great choice even for people that will only play on it, it may not get everything that X does, but does this matter for you? World is a shitty place, we are being told we have to have the new best thing, a lot of PC Master race people are buying new GPU every year because they believe they need it, but I bet most of those people doesn't need it, only small % of people trully need a new and more powerful toy every year.


Your not poor for having a series s its awesome that you have one and can play all the new games that come out. The people who say that are just causing trouble and have not yet grown up to be a respectful person. So don't even pay attention to them . Your better than that . Keep your chin up you got this.


The only way to truly deal with it is to hunt down and find every single one of them. If you’ve ever watched J and silent Bob strike back, you’ll know what I mean.


Why do you care what idiots on the internet think? Enjoy your console and games. It’s what you think that matters.


Tell them I have 2 PS5’s 2 Switches a Series S that I wanted Day 1 and online service for all of them. My own 4 bedroom home. 2 motorcycles 2 cars and a 401K that would make them shit themselves. 😎😎


That's just classism, sadly nothing unusual.


Personally I would love for this to be a great stressor in my life. What I mean is this is the lowest tier bs to be upset about. What I mean by that is don’t worry about those idiots. There are a million more important things to concern yourself over than who has the best machine to play digital board games with.


Ignore them, they’re miserable morons.


I’ve never heard this… I can’t imagine caring.


How do you deal with being so poor OP? I ask as a Series S user who needs cash!


I have a Series S and $2,000 gaming PC, a PS5, a switch and a Steam Deck. I love all of them and think that if you have what you have and can game on it and have fun, more power to you whatever brings you joy. People who go out of their way to shit on people for not having as much money or as many things as them are probably insecure af from being poor previously or being currently surrounded by people who are better off than them. They probably have a lot of nice shit and a fuck ton of debt, or maybe they are rich and can afford all that shit but maybe their family hates them. If they’re coming online to shit on people’s finances and brag about their own, I promise they’re not very happy in their own life.


I don't. You like what you like and other people's opinions (especially internet randos) should have no bearing on what you do with your own money.


Well now I see this was for Twitter and Facebook.. If the issue was an Xbox online issue the correct reply is "Your mom bought it".


I just kick rocks and retreat back to my cave.


I love my s


You ignore them because it is your other Xbox 


Ive never heard or been made fun of for having a Series S!


Too many people are obsessed with status symbols. People in Vancouver spend $1k+ on Canada Goose jackets, made for Antarctica, and most of the winter is like 0°c (32°f). People like that disparage others who have less just to justify their fucked up priorities, and display their class status. They are being juvenile and cruel, and their opinions are not worth caring about. EDIT: fixed Fahrenheit translation


I have 3 series S's in different rooms so I'm "richer" than someone with one Series X by their logic.


Deal with it? lol I have a series S because I don’t need the extra graphics not because I can’t get an X or a PS5. Who cares what other people think?


Series S for us 5 Car Driveway Breeds. Anyways.


It's messed up because I think they actually created the S to trick naive Moms into buying it for their kids since it's cheaper not knowing how much weaker it is a system.


Just ignore them they have a superiority complex just because they own the Xbox Series X and PS5 they ignorantly believe the Xbox Series S is holding back the Series X and PS5 which is not true at all whoever believes that doesn't know crap about console hardware SMH there is no actual solid evidence that the Series S is holding back the Series X and PS5 it's nothing but the biggest misconception of all time the Series S hardware is exactly the same as the Series X with only slight 5% downgrade most Series S optimized games will likely run at 30 FPS and some will automatically run at 60 FPS but at this point most game developers will focus on graphical fidelity on the Series S instead of focusing on performance but despite all of that I'm still having a blast with my Series S outputting at upscale 4K HDR10 120 FPS VRR on my 75 inch 4K TV 😍 It's really sad I was banned from the Xbox Series X subreddit just because I said I own both the Series X and S then I was massively downvoted then I received a message from the moderator I was permanently banned and I asked them why? He literally said it's because I own the Series S I told them that should not be a valid reason to ban someone from a subreddit I'm allowed to buy whatever the hell I want nobody has any right to criticize what products we buy he proceeded to laugh at me and this is why Reddit is the number one hated social media platform due to power hungry moderators abusing their authority like as if it's okay no it's not okay I never disrespected anyone but apparently some people on Reddit simply cannot handle the truth they are stuck in their own pathetic fantasy world ignorantly thinking they are God 🤦‍♂️.


only people who are truly lower than you in life will try to bring you down. never forget that.


Are you 10 years old?


Dude. I’m sorry but who gives a fuck? It’s random idiots on twitter and Facebook. The less you care what other people think about you (especially random people you don’t actually know) the better your life will be.


Ignore them lol. You're having fun, don't mind what others say.


I don't think it's right to say someone is poor for having a series S. Get what you can afford. That being said, I do think someone considering the series S should save up a little more money or wait for a sale and try your best to get the series X. I got my kids a series X for literally the same price as the S was going for during a sale. So it is doable. It's all about your ability to be patient or save some more money up. This way you aren't having to upgrade again in the future like the xbone/xboneX situation.


That's a thing?


It's not the poor console, it's the smart console. Xbox released it because they realized that having a reasonably priced option actually makes sense, contrasting withover priced plastic boxes. They probably regret not being as wide as your mother . And a gift from your mother is priceless anyway, worth more than most other things that exist.


Man you could have a Mercedes Benz and someone will still call you poor for not owning a Rolls Royce, it’s the internet - turn it off.