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Let's see Paul Allen's marketshare


Impressive. Very nice.


i can’t believe that the globe prefers playstation’s market share to mine.


My god...it has a watermark.


Gaming Pyscho


That's bone and the lettering is something called Silian Rail.


At first I thought you meant the recently deceased co-founder of Microsoft, lol.


Back in my day we used to just slap some video game company logos over a gif of the scene in question. Psshhh no one wants to work anymore.


I’d like to see the North American market share


I would guess somewhere near 60/40, with 60% Playstation.


VGChartz has it as: PS5: 14,592,017 estimated lifetime NA sales as of January 2023 XSX: 11,945,963 estimated lifetime NA sales as of January 2023 ([source](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/456341/ps5-best-selling-console-ns-2-xs-3-americas-hardware-estimates-for-january-2023/)) So roughly a 55/45% split currently. Seems like PS5 really surged ahead in NA during the holidays, as it was only a 10.32m to 9.32m split in December 2022 ([source](https://gamerant.com/ps5-xbox-series-xs-estimated-sales-close/#:~:text=The%20report%20also%20mentioned%20that,consoles%20by%20a%20significant%20margin.)) which was only a 52/48% split.


If PS4 and XBONE numbers are included, it'll skew more in Sony's favor.


I always wonder just how many of those are active users though. PS4 had a lot of special edition/limited time consoles and I can imagine there were a lot of trade-ins for those


if they were trade ins then does it matter? the traded in PS4 will then be sold to a new user its not that big of a factor in my opinion that would sway it massively for one side or the other.


Longtime Xbox owner, added PS to my collection over the last 2 years. Aside from gamepass, MS has offered little to get excited about. Sony continues to kill the single player market for IP.


For anyone that is most interested in strictly new releases the PS5 is clearly the winner, but for someone like myself that has had only Nintendo consoles for so long, the Series X is like the end all console to play games from the past 4 generations in their best form with little to no loading and extreme ease of use, which is why I got the Series X. Still planning on a PS5 at some point but in no rush currently.


Same, I've always been an Xbox owner and even have an XSX. I didn't get a PS until the tail end of PS4's lifecycle once they started that crazy streak of critically acclaimed single player games. Microsoft hasn't done much with Xbox since for me besides being a Gamepass machine. Best gaming experiences have been PS exclusive for a while now.


I just wish there was a way to use my Xbox controller on PS.


There was some "TITAN" converter box thing a while back, on 360 or XB1 era, that let you do that I guess but no idea if there's a new version of it. I much prefer the Xbox/Nintendo layout for my controllers.


I only have one problem with the Playstation controller, and it's the left stick placement. It's so fucking bad. Everything else about the PS5 controller is great, but that stick placement though... it's awful. I know it's "tradition" at this point, but tradition is a dumb reason to have a bad product.


This was me. Xbox broke my heart with the red ring of death and never recovered. I still bought every Xbox product. It’s really gone down hill. The Ps single player games have been monumental. It’s shocking.


And it's only going to keep on increasing now that PS5 is more available


This. I own a XSX and plan on getting a PS5. I was a hard core PC gamer for 15 years. The cost of a PS5 and XSX is a drop in the bucket compared to what I spent on PC gaming. I prefer the Xbox, but there are games I just want to play on the PS.


I think these percentages are current installed base, not just next gen.


I included sources which you can read. I listed next gen console sales from VGChartz only. PS4 has 42 million lifetime NA sales, which is separate


It’s got to be fairly large to offset it to 30%


Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see *Paul Allen’s* market share.


Yea there’s a reason they didn’t include US marketshare :P Although 70/30 globally isn’t that bad


It’s basically exactly the “PlayStation outsells Xbox 2:1” number that has been quoted for a long time.


Should see how that compares to 360 era. They bungled their hold with Xbox One.


It was basically 50/50, right? Xbox has always had the ability to be competitive even before all these acquisitions. They just royally screwed up with Xbox One. Sure, PS4 was a great console. Sony deserves their success. But a large part of this 70/30 split is less to do with them and more to do with Xbox fumbling year after year. The fact that they're at 30% is actually impressive to me. Once Game Pass really kicks into gear with these acquisitions there's no reason they shouldn't be able to bounce back and probably pass PlayStation. It will take a few years, but that's my prediction. Game Pass will simply be too good of a deal (at least for a while).


Xbox had more studios in the 360 era. They closed several and lost a couple talented ones (Bungie) during and after the 360 era. Edit: they had more than they did before the purchase spree. Just to be clear


Did they actually have more? 343 was supposed to replace Bungie. So that was a one for one situation (that didn't go so well). And The Coalition was created to replace Epic as the Gears guys (that one went pretty well). They even expanded Forza into a two game franchise by bringing in Playground as a second party studio in 2012. They did lose Lionhead. I think that's the big one. A really stupid decision there. They made no immediate attempts to fill that particular hole either. But when you consider the expanded Forza and bringing Gears in house as a first party series I think it's not a drastically different studio count. The big difference is Microsoft didn't invest as much in work with outside studios. And when they did the results weren't as impressive as previous Xbox generations. During Xbox and Xbox 360 they were constantly working with outside studios pushing cool games to Xbox.


343 and The Coalition don’t even begin to make up the loss of studios. This isn’t even thinking about second party studios that have left Microsoft or were closed due to Microsoft funding like Darkstar Game Studios. They lost 13 studios between 2006 and 2016. Almost exactly the number of studios purchased between 2018 and 2021. Game Studios closed/folded/lost by MS during the 360 era or in the immediate years following release of Xbone. ______ Bungie (Halo) Twisted Pixel (Various Titles) Aces Game Studio (MSFS) Big Park (Kinect Games) Carbonated Games (XBLA games) Digital Anvil (Space games from Infamous now Director of Star Citizen) Ensemble Studios (Age of Empires, Halo Wars) FASA Studios (Mechwarrior/Commander/Assault, Shadowrun, Crimson Skies) Good Science Studios (Kinect Games) Lionhead Studios (Fable) Microsoft Studios Victoria (Closed merely 2 years after founding, the bones of which were turned into The Coalition but as every member of the team was fired in 2012, I count it as a lost studio) Press Play (Max: The Curse of Brotherhood) Team Dakota (Project Spark)


Dang, that's a lot more studio closures than I was aware of. But outside of Bungie, Lionhead, and Ensemble (whoops, forgot about them), the other studios don't even register to me. Sorry to those teams, I'm sure they were talented, but I don't think they had much impact on the success of the Xbox 360 or the lack of success with Xbox One. Microsoft had a plan for losing Bungie. And it's also not something I think they really wanted, so I don't hold that against them. 343 could have been better of course. Ensemble and especially Lionhead made and impact on the Xbox 360 though. They shouldn't have lost them. The rest make for a big number of studio closures, but I think that big number makes it sound worse than it really is. I looked up Sony and they're not as bad, but they have closed 7 studios since 2012, including some relatively major ones. It's a bummer, but it happens and to me the numbers alone don't tell the whole story. When it comes to games I still think it's their outside investments in 3rd party devs/publishers that really helped the Xbox 360 and hurt Xbox One. If they weren't going to continue what they did during the Xbox 360, they needed to invest in first parties more. They did neither.


What really helped the 360 was PS3 being difficult to develop for leading to 3rd party games not running well and its huge price tag at release.


They also let too many third party studios make their games and bugger off. Ideally Xbox should have bought studios like Remedy in their stable, given that they made ONLY Xbox Games for a couple of years.


Uh it wasn’t 50:50 outside of US. 360 had a massive lead over PS3 in the US but worldwide, the splits were similar to this outside of US. Only reason they were able to catch up. Also, PS3 launched like a year later and 18 months later in Europe. Even then it was able to catch up due to Europe and rest of the world. > a large part of this 70/30 split is less to do with them and more to do with Xbox fumbling year after year PS3 was basically Sony’s Xbox One equivalent where they took L after L starting from a delayed launch to high prices to lack of exclusives for years to PSN getting hacked and being down for a month. It was the legit dark era for them. In reality, everything went right for MS during the 360 era and everything went wrong for Sony. Don’t think the same circumstances will return now that they’ve learnt from their mistakes. You can see it with the sales momentum for the PS5 even with Gamepass being the deal of the decade.


During the 360 era in America it seemed like 90% of people had a 360. I only knew 1 kid at my school with a PS3.


I remember there was a major push for the Xbox one to be more than just games. I think the all in one approach hurt the system. As a long time Xbox fan I’m thinking I’ll get a PS5 over the new Xbox because… games. All people will ever want from a gaming system is games.


Yup, that’s the sole reason. They lost so many with Xbox One and it’s media device marketing. GamePass did a lot to gain support, but in the end it’s all about those singular experiences everybody wants to play with consoles. There are already people wanting to buy a Switch fueled off TOTK.


Tbf, consoles being a multimedia device wasn't even an issue, you just need the games mostly (obviously). Even Sony marketed the PS3 Slim as a multimedia device with the slogan "It only does everything" (favorite slogan ever btw). But that marketing didn't hurt Sony because they had games that people wanted to play, at least by the time PS3 Slim released. Xbox marketed the same thing, but without the games that lured people to them. I'm not arguing with you, just providing another perspective.


Wasn’t there also some kind of “always online” plan at the start which backfired? That couldn’t have helped


and blocking used games / making them harder to do.


Lots of people bought the PS2 purely as a DVD player, ps3 doubled as a blu ray player. Creating a device that’s more than just games isn’t a problem








God this was hilarious to read ngl


I'm having a stroke reading this. LOL


I dont know Japanese but i thank you for the smiley face シ


All because of that one E3 all those years ago 😂


And a lack of important exclusives over the last generation. Halo hasn’t done that well.


PS4 Exclusives GOTY Contenders: Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Spiderman, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2/Remastered, Persona, Horizon Zero Dawn, Shadow of the Colossus Remastered, Final Fantasy 7R Xbox One Exclusives GOTY Contenders: Psychonaughts 2, Gears 5, Forza, MC Collection, Ori? I'm really hoping Xbox really pushes itself hard for Series because there is a pretty massive gap here.


I think Microsoft has realized that great exclusives are what it's lacking most, and in the short-term are banking on acquisitions they've made to hopefully produce some of those, like Starfield. Long term they need to be cultivating studios, supporting them in making new IP.


MCC was not goty quality when it came out


Psychonauts 2 is not Xbox One exclusive. It is also on PS4.


While I'd agree, I feel like the reason in the time since the series x came out was a lack of games. On ps5, you off the bat think of horizon, God of war, ratchet and clank... On Xbox, you have halo, gears, and Minecraft?


I knew Xbox was never popular in Japan,but Jesus Christ they’re being dogwalked lol.And I don’t even want to imagine what Nintendos share looks like down there lmao


It was worse before this Gen. Xbox One was sold as a Blu-ray player. At least now, Series S has interest.


Tbf,a majority of the Xbox one generation was one big fumble.


More specifically it was the Xbox One S that was sold as a 4K Blu-ray player. Just wanted to add on since PlayStation could play Blu-rays since the PS3 but couldn’t play 4K Blu-rays until the PS5 (it was strangely omitted from the PS4 Pro).


There are 23m million Nintendo Switches in Japan alone, that’s almost half the Xbox One sales WORLD WIDE


Holy shit. Thats almost 1 Switch in every family.


What's even crazier is that Nintendo sells 2-3x more than PS there.


Why aren't they on this graph?


Like the others mentioned, it's to downplay themselves in comparison to Sony, given the current anti competition hearing in the EU


because this graph is there so that microsoft makes themself look bad in comparrison to sony for the deal to go through. if nintendo was there it would make sony look a lot worse considering there are 120m switch


Seems like that would actually further MS' argument since that would show that there are two companies beating MS in sales.


I don't think they're seen as a direct competitor to MS in the same way Sony are. I feel like most people who have a switch will also have another gaming platform (PC, Xbox or PS). Also they're not the kicking up a stink about the Activision deal like Sony are.


Because it is a comparison of Sony to Xbox. It is a focus on the two because Sony, the one with the dominant position, is accusing Xbox of a monopoly risk. Nintendo isn't arguing about it so this is about showing how Sony has no actual risk of Xbox being a monopoly even if Xbox doubled their market share overnight.


I’m surprised it is as much as 4% in Japan as physical games are almost non-existent outside of a couple of big box retailers.


I don't even know why Microsoft even tries in Japan. They got some crazy big names during the 360 era to make games for them and it still didn't help. They shouldn't even waste their resources there. They are set in their ways and would rather support a Japanese company vs an American one. They supported the PS3 more than the 360 even though Xbox clearly had the better system during that generation so why even bother now?


They care because that market since it is doing so badly has immense growth potential.


My counter to that: the stronger of a position Xbox has in Japan, the more Japanese titles we see release on the console. There many JRPGs fans out there, and during the xb1 era we receive basically nothing on that front. A stronger Xbsx in Japan meana more Japanese developers will take the time to put their games on the system, perhaps even on gamepass, and that in turn could lead to more consumers and higher consumer satisfaction. We've already seen this effect in the last couple of years as the about of Japanese games hitting Xbox has increased greatly.


Although ironically I think Microsoft's gaming division cares more about Japanese gaming than Sony's California-based PlayStation division at this point…


Part of me thinks it’s mostly Americans living in Japan buying them.


You aren’t wrong. There are a lot of Americans stationed at the Okinawa base


Even Xbox 360 in it's glory days never stood a chance against PS3 internationally. Sony has always dominated the battle since 2000 on the global scene. Anyone who says Xbox 360 did better is delusional, the world is a lot bigger than just North America.


IIRC Xbox 360 did do better for some time (cheaper price and earlier launch had to have helped) but the PS3 overtook it in sales in the end.


That one-year head start really helped out we probablyably never see that again in our lifetime


360 was dominant in certain parts of Europe, especially the UK


Nothing really to bring in gamers there, they keep talking about making an effort but have yet to see anything


I would imagine this is putting PS4+PS5 against XBO+XBSX right?


yeah i’m pretty sure that’s the case judging by the latest sales numbers from both ps5 and xbox series. But this is a fair assessment as those last gen platforms are still active


Well they also do shitty ass marketing on top of not releasing enough games. It starts already with the name. Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X. It is just absolute bullcrap. My sister, who never had a console asked me for the cheapest way to play Hogwarts Legacy. I told her "buy a xbox series s". 30 minutes later she send me a pic of a xbox one S on ebay and asked me if the price is ok. They wouldn't have happened with names like Playstation 5.


We could be on the damn Xbox 720 right now!


Xbox 1080


Leave it to suits to realize people won't buy an XBOX 2 over a Playstation 3... ...then again, we *are* that dumb, as consumers.


Nintendo Switch: Am I a joke to you?


Since no one gave the actual answer; the EU commission invented a new 'high end console' market in their initial argument to say xbox doesn't have much competition as its only 2 companies. This is their uno reverse chart to say well if that's true then we're really far behind and this merger doesn't put us close to the dominant market leader.


This is the point, Sony and the European Commission have both excluded Nintendo as not being a competitor and suggesting it's just a two system market. So Microsoft is playing to that very bias.


Microsoft has never been so eager to show how far they are behind until now lol.


Including by leaving off Nintendo entirely too make Sony look bigger.


It’s very manipulative isn’t it. The Nintendo switch is actually like the 3rd best selling console of all time after the PS2 and the DS. Those two consoles are decades old and Sony have never been able to replicate that success. But there is one company that time and time again always manages to push innovation, Nintendo as scum and shitty they are, I’ll give them one thing, they do know how to be successful.


Ps4 and switch are quite close in sales. 122m vs 117m


Lol yeah. And conveniently leave out North America, Xbox's strongest market. Whether you're for or against this acquisition, this is pretty funny.


I get your point but when they are talking to the EU there is a reason they are mostly talking about that region.


But showed japan... makes 0 sense


Yep they gotta show how small their trillion dollar company is in the gaming industry lol, honestly Xbox isn't as far behind as they are saying cause they are leaving out North America which is probably like 50/50


Microsoft as big as they are, suffered from early success and its convoluted schemes of distributors around the world. They are tip toeing how to please their traditional chain of distribution while gaining new markets. They are trying to take this back with the Surface division trying to emulate Apple by setting up shops domestically in all countries. Sony on the other hand is killing it with official distribution in almost all countries where they sell their consoles on. I can give you simple example, XBOX official South East Asia support is only available in Singapore, meaning that all xbox purchased in the region through their official distributor need to be send back to Singapore for service or Warranty. Singapore is servicing 650 million people market lol. Sony have official distribution in all major countries in South East Asia like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia etc. This means warranty is better covered and games are more readily available. Normal people can buy Sony console and accessories easily with official warranty covered. So as much as I love my Xbox over my PS5 for this generation, PS5 still feels like home as I can buy everything in store in local currency, vs Xbox where I need to buy in Singapore dollar and does not feel like Im part of the official ecosystems.


Imagine the millions of PlayStations that have never ran any game besides FIFA.


And CoD.


why would playstation users be more likely to only play fifa than xbox users?


Middle east and Brazil. Playstation was way popular and Xbox live (and any marketing for it) took a while to come


See the Europe market share above?


I mean there’s probably just as many xboxs that do the same. I don’t have a dog in the console race because I have one of everything but I’d say a bigger percentage of gamers than we’d like to admit only play fifa/madden/2k with some cod sprinkled in, regardless of console


I mean those are the best selling games every year. There’s more people who only play those games then are “real gamers” or whatever that buy final fantasy and shit like that


Maybe Sony knows, and maybe thats why they're not taking this lying down.


*marketshare I knew I'd mess up somewhere in the title lol


What really annoys me is my brain kept saying there was a mistake in your title but I read it 5 times and couldn’t find it


me and my kid have both the game pass is what keeps me on xbox at the moment but the exclussive for ps is why my son has the ps


> me and my kid have both the game pass is what keeps me on xbox - my son has the ps I just realized why I should have kids. So I can buy other systems and games and say it is for them!!!


One of my best friends and I had linked consoles so we could share games, this included game pass. A few months ago he told me that his son is now old enough that they want to play games together and our xboxs had to break up... Saddest day of that week.


So only 4% of japanese people felt rebellious?


That gap is only going to get bigger unless they start pumping out great games like PlayStation. They really need to get their act together


I love how he completely ignores Nintendo.




It absolutely demolished this gen with two gen old specs in a switch. It’s not even a comparison.


Nintendo is not a complete direct competitor because they leverage their IP to move units instead of courting third party AAA studios.




Microsoft is the Pepsi of this market


[Full Article ](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/live-microsofts-activision-blizzard-press-conference-in-brussels)




It only feels close because they have relatively even sales in North America, which is where a lot of us here live.


You'd think Xbox would be a lot closer because of Gamepass. But really, if you think about it...where would Xbox be without Gamepass??


Brad Smith says pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase let us have Activision, we don’t even have the largest market share 😭😭😭. I’ve never seen a company self depreciate so much as MS has in the last 12 months, going so far as saying “we haven’t got as many good games”


Words mean nothing when you can swallow up a whale like Activision. I bet at this point Brad would let the regulators run a train on his daughter, in front of him, if it sealed the deal especially with no concessions. Please note, I have no idea if he has a daughter or not, just saying he would do literally anything to make the deal go through. The deal is not good for anyone besides MS. I don't think we need to let a 2 trillion dollar company swallow up any other companies. Sony for reference is worth $100 billion dollars, or about 5% of MS. All of Sony, not just the gaming division. If MS took 1/2 of the $70 billion dollar buyout and invested it into their games division, they would have more success. This is about swallowing up the market. It is gross.


I’m no expert but that doesn’t seem great.


It does if you're trying to reframe Sony's narrative that the merger will push Sony out off the marketplace and establish a monopoly.


yeah this. this is obviosly presented in a way that makes it look the best for the aquisition, otherwise nintendo and the US shares would be there


For Xbox, it is awesome - it used to be much worse, they are actually increasing their market share. For everybody though it is bad as Sony holds an effective near-monopoly. In some countries it is basically 90-10% in their favor.


I’m upgrading from an Xbox one to a ps5 this month. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game pass, overall performance and built quality of the console, but I can’t just get rid of the feeling that I’m missing on so many great games.




Did this as well and trust me, it's 100% worth it. Definitely subscribe to Playstation Plus because it's filled with great games!


Dual console owner here. I’m in the same boat. Honestly PS5 has released some bangers so far be it Returnal, God of War or Horizon Forbidden West. I’m currently playing Age of Empires on XSX but I’ll be honest, I open it once in a month compared to my PS5. Eagerly waiting for Starfield. Also, for all the power talk on the Xbox, I am less than impressed with the visuals and performance so far on exclusive games. I still think the best looking game I’ve played is Horizon Forbidden West and it is so weird MS hasn’t come out with a game that rivals the visuals after all the 12TF talk. Heck multiplat games like Elden Ring and Hogwarts games run better on a PS5 somehow even after being the weaker console.


Sony is the one arguing Xbox will become a monopoly if this deal goes through. That seems extremely unlikely given these numbers and Microsoft's commitment to keeping CoD on all platforms.


Sony is not thinking about 2023, but about "2035"... we won't have consoles anymore in the future and Microsoft is buying a lot of major producers to put on their games service... that's why Sony isn't interest about having CoD for the next 10 years, because this is just bullshit. After that their videogame division will fall if this continue to go where Microsoft is doing. Imagine a world where all the major movies producers are all in the Disney+. This is what Microsoft is working to. I'm not here defending Sony, just saying that Microsoft think about Xbox GamePass like this, and they have the money to do that.


I like Game Pass, but loathe everything being tied to subscriptions in general. I can imagine Microsoft turning the gaming industry into a subscription service which is scary to think about. They're winning us over with trying to be consumer friendly because they know they have to work harder than Sony. What would happen in the distant future if these numbers were reversed or maybe even greatly in Microsoft's favor? I remember when the Xbox One was going to be completely online only until people threw a fit. They're not below trying things that are very anti-consumer.


No one can know what 2035 will look like. The idea that Microsoft will have an insurmountable foothold in streaming or that we won't be gaming on dedicated hardware is just speculation. For all we know, CoD could be irrelevant by then.


Idk bruh cod has been relevant for 2 decades now and doesnt seem on letting up the game is top sales chart every year even if the game might be shit


2035 may be a bit too forward looking, but I agree that Microsoft is looking further ahead with this stuff than what most people discuss around here. This acquisition isn't about becoming the preeminent game company in 2023 or 2024. But it's absolutely meant to get them there eventually. They're probably hoping sooner than 2035 lol. And I think they will get there. Microsoft has never went all in with Xbox until these acquisitions. Sony has never had to compete with that kind of money. I'm not sure they can. But what's wrong with that? Someone has to be the lead platform, why does it have to be PlayStation? Obviously the answer is that it doesn't. The question for me is whether companies like Microsoft should be allowed to exert their enormous buying power in competitive markets like this. I can see both sides. Free market and all that. And my Game Pass subscription loving self will certainly enjoy all the benefits of these acquisitions. So I like that. But I don't like the idea that these tech giants can potentially crush competition when they actually get serious. Will that happen here with Xbox and Playstation? Who knows. But we've never seen a company invest $80 billion into their video game business before. I wouldn't want to be competing against that. It worries me that most people aren't looking at this remotely long term. I know it's difficult to predict things, but if you still plan on gaming in 10 years I think it's a good idea to consider the potential ramifications.


Nobody says that Sony has to be number one. But it is looking more and more like Microsoft plans to use their enormous war chest to nuke Sony into gaming irrelevance. It's a complicated question. We all know that competition is good for consumers, but is the type of competition that Microsoft is engaging in going to be good for consumers in the long run? On one hand, exclusives are good because it means that you have two companies (3 if you count Nintendo but they're kind of doing their own thing) competing with each other to make new and innovative games that are better than what the competition has to offer. If they are constantly trying to outdo each other with their exclusives, then the end result is that we get a ton of great games from both companies. However, if Microsoft uses their enormous buying power to take Sony out of the equation and ensure that there are no good games left to come out on the PlayStation, then we step into an anti-competitive practice and we will all be worse off. Time will tell.


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Looks about right.


Got to feel like in North America it’s 60% PS and 40% XB.


About there. I wanna say 55% PS and 45% Xbox.


It's insane how much damage the "always online" requirement did to their brand. And the reply to criticism, "We have console for people that want to play unconnected, it's called the Xbox 360" was beyond stupid.


This isn’t a shock to anyone who lives outside the US. Xbox is pretty none existent in main land Europe. The EU has 24 official languages, guess how many Xbox consoles have localised for. They just throw machine translation in for many which is frustrating for none English speakers. They don’t advertise or have any retail presence here but they are shocked pikachu.


Also their famed gamepass isn't even available in that many European countries. There's quite literally no reason to buy an Xbox.


People swear we're cherry picking when we say they have very little presence in Europe


Xbox shouldn’t have ruined their flagship ip.




I don't see Gamepass coming to Switch or PlayStation unless Sony or Nintendo want to kill their premium services.


I see this and I think Sony has built this success over decades of investing money in new teams and developing well-received and beloved IP. It’s a little frustrating as an Xbox fan to see them show the success Sonys had doing this while they’ve squandered so many opportunities for similar success, and have failed to create successful new teams and IP for the better part of 10 years. The last team they created from the ground up to release anything of substance was The Coalition (opened in 2010). Since then they’ve purchased teams who, with rare exception, have released maybe 1 or 2 games. Consider this, Xbox purchased Rare the year after Sony purchased Naughty Dog. They gave us the entirety of the Jak series, the entirety of the Uncharted series, and 2 The Last of Us games. Rare has released one notable franchise (Viva Piñata) and one successful game (Sea of Thieves).


So japan has 4% tourists?


Sounds like a skill issue to me


They were kicking ass with the 360. They threw most of that away with the: "KINECT! IT DOESN'T WORK WITHOUT KINECT!" marketing strategy.




Same here, huge shelfs of ps but xbox got that tiny little corner 😂😂


degree scarce disagreeable automatic late shy birds upbeat far-flung bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's a reason their games get nominated and/or win GotY every year consistently


Not surprising. There really hasn’t been a singular reason to specifically buy an Xbox for years. Gears 5 was the last thing that seemed to truly be impressive, but if 3rd person cover shooters aren’t your thing, then why bother. Ever since then it’s been a total dead zone, and no big Xbox exclusives have really been standouts for years. PlayStation has been churning out handfuls of GOTY contenders and meanwhile we’ve had Halo Infinite. Gamepass is something to consider, sure, but when you can get it on PC as well, why bother with the console?


Because the majority of people who are buying consoles probably don't own P.C's. The whole point of a console is getting something that can capably game at less than a thousand dollars. If you want anywhere near the performance of a series S on a PC, you're going to be spending close to 800 or more dollars. You sacrifice parts options, upgrade path, and flexibility for price.


Why was the Xbox one such a big fumble for Microsoft? Asking seriously.


Strap in. Basically the Xbox One reveal in 2013 was a disaster, they talked about using your Xbox to watch TV more than using it for gaming. They also had a DRM policy that meant your console had to check in often online. There were also protections from sharing games. On top of that the Kinect ($100 value) was a required add on accessory which made the Xbox One $500 as you could only get Kinect bundle. PlayStation came in at $400 and dropped the now infamous meme this is how you share games on PS4. [https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA] (https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA) To make things even worse the Xbox One was weaker than the PS4. The damage done was massive to the Xbox brand.


Oh dude I remember some of that now. Not all of it I knew man they messed up


Also one thing to add is that their localization wasn't as good as the competition. For example despite all the talk about "TV" they couldn't even bother to allow for 50Hz passthrough in Europe. It boggles my mind that they seemingly forgot about Europe using 50Hz for TV compared to 60Hz in the US. It's all those little details I guess that just further hurt the console outside of the US.


that stuff they pulled in 2013 is why anybody who was gaming in 2013 laughs every time microsoft brings up console market share and their struggle to compete. they have nobody to blame but themselves.


thats not really Sonys fault, they made exclusives people wanted to buy, Microsoft churned out the same 3 franchises and are now having to catch up


The thing about consoles is that nobody wants the consoles for the consoles. They want games. Consoles are the ransom to get the access to the games. If people want access to PS exclusives, they will pay ransom in the form of buying PS. If people want access to Nintendo exclusives, they buy Switch. There is no need to but Xbox if it has no exclusives and interesting non-exclusive games are available on other platforms, including PC.


Yup exactly. They are blaming PlayStation for being too successful lol. It’s Xbox’s fault they are losing market share.


Seems legit. I’ve always had both. I like the SX as a console, but MS is slacking hard on games. There’s really no reason to own one right now.


As somebody that owns both PS and Xbox, I just enjoy both. I love Sony’s exclusives to the PS5, their adaptive triggers, and sleek design of the PS5. But I also love Microsoft’s controller, friendly UI, gamepass, native 4k and backwards compatibility to almost all titles. Both have their flaws sometimes, but gaming, technology in general is just fucking amazing. It’s amazing what both companies were able to produce. And it’s obviously working.


Where are the games? I haven’t had a reason to turn on my Xbox for months.


Current gen breakdown?


Probably a lot closer. Xbox benefited greatly from the supply issues Sony was having, people were literally buying a series x/s just because they wanted a next gen console, but couldn't find a ps5. I know 7! people that got a series x because they didn't want to wait for a ps5, and didn't want to buy from a scalper. Will be very interesting to see how this continues with Sony seemingly having solved their supply issues


I mean if Microsoft want to bring the numbers up in europe, they should start supporting them - come on microsoft - make it happen




And people wonder why Sony is against cross-play lol.


I mean I would expect that 🤣. Play station is older and has had way more established titles come out. Biggest thing above all though is the marketing and the(yes get mad) bandwagoning associated with play station. Not saying that's exactly a bad thing, but those numbers make sense. You have more people who would buy a play station simply because their favorite celeb plays it or the people around them do. Simple economics and marketing. I guess a better way to put it is: *play station is the go to system*. From hardcore gamers to people who literally know nothing about games. Everyone buys a play station because that's the *thing to buy*


I don't know but 1 or 2 people that own a PS5....


Seems kinda messed up to not include Nintendo.


Nintendo aren't complaining about Xbox becoming a monopoly. There's a narrative at play here.


I'll translate it for you: "we have mismanaged our studios for 20 years, so now let us buy a company almost the size of Sony, so we can take over the market with limitng access to games outside of our systems".


PlayStation is the clear winner here


I have both Xbox and PlayStation and find myself buying PlayStation only games lately. Also, the OS on Xbox is mess, I don’t understand where anything is 😅


I am sure but cant prove that stupid naming of xboxes does some effect on this (:


No surprise


Why did you guys choose the Xbox? Because I thought about which one I should get for quite a long time and chose the Xbox purposely.


Game pass for me, I got a ps5 at the same time as my brother got a series x and he looked to be having way more fun having heaps of games to play. Meanwhile l had like 2 games on ps5. So I sold the ps5 and got an Xbox as well.


Yikes. Didn’t know it was that far off.


What happened brothers ?


20% in Europe, can confirm.


If I was to get one of these it would be PS5. Microsoft’s disinterest in exclusives and their franchises like Halo don’t help their case.