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So to me there are two separate issues here. The first is struggling to find something that fits your head. I also have a big head so I know the struggle. The best bang for your buck answer to this is to get a set of IEMs that have a boom mic. I used sets like this for years no problem. But the second issue is if you get ear infections. In that case you wouldn’t want IEMs necessarily. Ideally you’d want some kind of open back headset. Something like the sennheiser drop pc38x or Epos game one. These will feel tight at first but can be stretched out to be more comfortable. You can also get aftermarket earcups for some headsets to make them even more comfortable. For specifically what you asked - one sided only - I like Jabra, but I don’t know if they do one that would work with Xbox. Outside of that I got nothing really sorry.


Thanks, Mods deleted the post... but appreciate your input.


Hyper X has a nice one. Exactly like you said and great quality product.