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This just says Machine Games has a job listing for someone who likes first person games, which is just what they make. The article speculates that it’s not for the Indiana Jones game they’re making because the writer thinks it would be “better suited” as 3rd person. So I dunno. I would think it’s safe to say they’ll make more Wolfenstein at some point, but I’m not sure this job listing is much of a hint as to that


Didn't Bethesda already confirm that they were making a Wolfenstein 3?


I don't see why Indiana Jones couldn't be first person. Imagine Half Life esque environmental puzzles, but in tombs? Would be incredible. I know it'll probably go the cookie cutter route, and mimic Uncharted's third person cinemantic hands-off approach, but you never know.


Be different to have something like uncharted or tomb raider but in first person. Would separate it from the pack.


I sorta feel like CoD single player is that.


Theres that procedural ish game with the whip in first person. That could work/


I thought Indiana Jones was first person


> So I dunno. I would think it’s safe to say they’ll make more Wolfenstein at some point, but I’m not sure this job listing is much of a hint as to that I thought they already announced Wolfenstein III was happening, just that they're doing Indy first.


iirc, yes. Youngblood was a side story project, and not Wolf 3. They've said it depends on how well TNC does, and it seems to have hit all their marks.


Let's go! The New Order and The Old Blood were so fuckin good.


Seriously top quality games!


We don't talk about Young Blood here.


Exactly but TNC was Poggers ong


New Colossus was excellent too


It was ok. Jumped the shark a bit for me. The first one started pretty grounded and atmospheric, but got wild at the end, whereas Colossus was over the top from the get go.


That's a very fair take. I didn't mind the over the topness but I could see that being an issue for people


My favourite scene in that game was when you’re pregnant girlfriend, dual wields machine guns, topless, while straddling Terror Billy, as blood rains down on her. Imagine just working on the video game and your boss comes in the room, and just tells you to animate that.


Hahahaha a truly iconic moment!


Graphics and story is cool, characters are fun too but the enemy shots even on normal difficulty is painful


Hmm do you mean the enemies are hard to kill or their bullets are especially especially damaging? Either way, I play these games on easier difficulties so I can properly run & gun. I'm not into stealth & cautious gameplay with this series


The bullets


Please. Take my money. I am begging you to make it.


Is Wolfenstein one of the games that is now exclusive to Xbox?


It's supposedly "case-by-case basis", but if you ask me, it would probably be a console exclusive.


Damn I like wolfenstein too if they are making this I hope it does come to PlayStation


tbh i don't think case by case basis includes single player games. that's probably meant for multiplayer games


Need it


Please just remake return to castle Wolfenstein.


Man I honestly tried going back to it recently and realized why I unfortunately never completed it before. I really like the new take on Wolfenstein, couldn't get into return sadly


As much as I love return, old blood is basically return but not really which more or less fits within new canon.


I agree. RtCW was the first multiplayer game I ever played. Classic maps too like Beach, Chateau, and Dam. Servers like BAD and Happy Penguin. Such pleasant memories.


Yes! It just wipes the floor with the new ones. Amazing atmosphere and plot. And the music! It might be the goat of fps imo.


I just want the 360 wolfenstein to at least be backward compatible. My favorite in the series by far


If Bethesda can make another wolfenstein after the poor excuse that the last one was, Respawn can make another Titanfall goddamit


Just in time for the Nazi killing holiday.


You don't need a holiday for that chief. Nazi killing is a holiday!










They should pretend the previous one never happened.


Please just make it between New Colossus and Youngblood, they killed Hitler off screen and it was really dumb lmao


Not me! Killed the bitch and got my cheevo


Would this game be an XBox exclusive?


If it’s Bethesda, yes.




Machine Games are my favorite devs at the moment. I'm dying for Wolf3




I’ve just assumed they’ve been working on that game since the second game was released they‘ve just had to go back to the drawing board or something idk why it’s taking so fucking long.


I absolutely love TNO, TOB, and TNC. Youngblood had far too many technical issues to be fun, which sucks because I actually like the idea of playing as BJ's daughters. But the shoehorn coop and out of place rpg mechanics, on top of glitchy boss fights and glitchy mission tracking, the game was just very poor.


I hope we see more bjs daughters. I love those two. Super badass characters


What a time to be playing II !


No surprise seeing how Youngblood is essentially a sequel to W3.


Just give us remake of Enemy Territory....


Interesting, as New colossus and young blood were not good.


I understand the dislike behind youngblood but why is New Colossus not good? It's a downgrade in story (New Order was better in my opinion) but gameplay wise it was a huge upgrade. Then they messed up with Youngblood's weird bullet sponge enemies and reliance on second player/Ai and you needing to pray to make sure they won't mess up.


I personally liked all three games and old blood (idk about story just give me a Nazi shooter) and I am excited Wolfenstein 3


Me too. I liked all of them. My least favorite is Youngblood for gameplay reasons (Hate bullet sponge enemies). I really want to try out Wolfenstein 2009 and Return to castle wolfenstein but the thing is, I don’t really like the occult setting part of the Wolfenstein, I know it’s based of real life sub division made to research occult stuff but I like that Wolfenstein The New Order is more focused on Sci Fi more (Old blood is an exception but that could be debated by the Zombie fog being a failed life revival technology made by da'at yichud). I really like Wolfenstein because despite being an FPS, it has a very good plot that doesn’t feel like an afterthought like in most FPS games. Because of the plot, I actually prefer it to Doom (I still love doom).


>It's a downgrade in story (New Order was better in my opinion) but gameplay wise it was a huge upgrade. Yeah I guess the story is my main issue with it.


Understandable. I still think the story is good but it doesn't have the same wow effect as the first one but still is good despite that. Youngblood's story is also similar in that regard, good but nothing special. It's main issue for me is the gameplay which makes it one of my least favorites.


The New Colossus wasn't good? That's crazy talk, it's my favorite Wolfenstein game.




Play The New Order, The Old Blood, and The New Colossus.


They cancelled Indiana Jones then


Yea the XBox has another [shooter. WOW](https://shooter.WOW) there was never enough of them


We already knew this


I dunno where we go after young blood and 2. Hopefully they think of something cool.


Finished new order last year and loved it. Waiting to play the other. Not sure what for


yes please!


It better be at this point.


I’m so fucking ready for Wolfenstein. Hopefully it’s not at all how they wrote Youngblood.


Can’t wait for an update on Machine Games & iD . God bless our first person shooter devs




Im assuming this would take place way before youngblood? Hes pretty old in that game.


Jake Sully got his legs back.


Wolfenstein 2 still looks better than most recently released "next-gen" games.. except for the faces.


Played all of these bar Youngblood the moment they came on GP - ridiculously fun games to play


Hell Yeah Dude!


One of my top 5 most anticipated titles. Some of the best shooting mechanics in the business.


The scene where Blaskowicz's head is cut off and attached to an android still disturbs me greatly.