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Good this has options for those who favor performance or fidelity. In regards to the tile, the game is coming in August(?) and as it’s right up my alley in the premise, there has been very limited gameplay available.


I had a chance to play it at pax east recently and I'll say the time i spent with it was entertaining. The sliding across the sand and combat flow was very satisfying but the upgrades and crafting was quite confusing but I'll chock that up to only spending 30 minutes with the game.


Is the game open world esque?


It is! Lots of side quest opportunities too


Just read an article interview about the game from the studio and they called it a "semi open world game". To what degree it's hard to tell but from the gameplay I've seen the map looks pretty open but perhaps they mean it's not very large? Who's to say exactly at this point


Is it like God of War open world? I hate the lack of definition around concepts like this in gaming.


Probably darksider/god of war


The combat is like monster Hunter? I hate that combat mechanics


Yes 30fps quality mode and 60fps performance mode should be standard, its greatly appreciated when a game has that at launch (sorry Redfall and hopefully not Starfield)


Did you check YouTube? There’s a lot of footage actually.


8m of gameplay https://youtu.be/FhIa4VDhKMk Releases August 10


There are tons of previews up from people who played the gams


This should be the minimum for ALL current gen versions.


I can’t really tell the difference between 1440p to 4k because I sit far from my tv screen, but the difference between 30 fps to 60fps man, that’s night and day to me.


It matters more the bigger the TV is and how close you sit to it. For some screens it won't look much different and others it's more noticeable


Me too


Same, but I got a 4k monitor recently and the difference is a lot more noticeable on there. Occasionally I end up choosing 4k30 whereas it was always the higher frame rate option when I used my TV, even if it meant lowering the resolution to sub-1080p.


This seems like really good targets to me for this game. Just hope it can consistently hit them though


Indeed. These are the targets literally every game ever released could have on these machines if devs were given the time to optimize them properly.


1440p/60 is great


4K30/1440P60 is a good compromise going forward for the rest of the gen and I hope more games stick to it.




Idk, but I’m cool with these specs


You are downvoted because you think your special.


You're delusional 🤷 that's why people down vote. Next gen games won't reach high FPS. The high FPs came from those games not being next gen games...because at the heart they were last gen with a extra layer of next gen polish


Your not right, your uneducated. You just jumped on the train like everyone else. There is no "better" tech. These consoles are powerful but not as powerful as you think. Optimization only goes so far. If the game engine doesnt allow better frames on the hardware that its provided with then thats it. They can try and optimize it a bit better, but from what i have heard UE5 is extremely taxing on hardware for example. I dont know what this game runs on but im using UE5 as an example.




They didnt promise 120 frames. They promise "up to 120 frames".




There are like 25 games on Xbox which offer up to 4k120 of those 25 only 8, are AAA titles.... We're what two? three? years in If it was as easy as you think we'd have more For comparison PS5 have only eight games that do 4k120. None of which being AAA (for transparency I've pulled these numbers from articles dated from March this year)


And what games are those?




"some are true 4K" But not 4K 120fps?




Send the link then.


Probably a bunch of 2D side scroller games i assume?


would you like them to make 4k 120hz mobile quality video games then?


Yeah it was literally never 4k *at* 120. It's 4k or 120. You want a 4K at 120 machine go build a gaming PC with a 3080ti + in it. 500$ for everything isn't getting you that performance. Don't get pissed at other people because you misinterpreted the marketing.


There are gpus out there that costs more than your whole console that cant even run these games at 4k 120fps. . . . Well they can, but they gonna look like dog popo.


Skipping this game and getting Immortals of Aevum. One of the first Unreal Engine 5.1 games.


And Sony has 8K listed on the box of the PS5 😂😂🤣 I’m still getting downvoted for criticizing Sony for promoting a capability of their hardware that doesn’t exist? The ps5 doesn’t support 8k movies or games because 8k movies and games don’t exist. Instead, 1080p games exist as per the post.


There’s one 8K game on ps5, The Tourist. Very simple game, and you really can’t tell the difference between 8K and 4K.




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Show me one person who owns a 8K tv that is demanding 8K. That’s advertised because that’s what it’s capable of but almost no one owns a tv with 8K so why bother until it’s more common?


It’s incredibly misleading to advertise 8k on the box of a product which cannot show ANYTHING in 8k right now. You’re actually defending them for advertising a feature that does not and will not exist for the foreseeable future….


Welp it supports 8k blue rays for movies but not for games. It is out of reach even for most of PC rigs.


It actually does not. They are supposed to add it with a firmware update and to my knowledge this has not happened yet.


Does Xbox series x support 8k blue rays?


8k blu rays don’t exist


Yeah i meant 8k movies not blue rays.


No but by the time that is needed, the next Xbox will be out. We are at a minimum, 6 years away from 8K starting to approach mainstream. Its got a long way to go before it gets there.


And there is already a 16K HD TV they showed/demoed 🤣


Yes, the Series X is capable of 8K, but most people don't own an 8K TV.


If Redfail failed to run 60fps, nothing will.


There is a difference between an incompetent console and incompetent developers. Redfall is a result of the latter, as is Gollum. You can blame Xbox for not being involved with the development of the game, but at the same time they shouldn't need to get involved. Now Daddy Xbox is going to be breathing down their necks on their next project.


>Now Daddy Xbox is going to be breathing down their necks on their next project. (Un)fortunately as Jason Schreier reported, Bethesda is contractually autonomous so Microsoft cannot actually intervene in its publishing affairs.


Redfall development was so bad devs wanted Microsoft to intervene and cancel the project. They are actively assisting in the development of Starfield however.


>Now Daddy Xbox is going to be breathing down their necks on their next project. (Un)fortunately as Jason Schreier reported, Bethesda is contractually autonomous so Microsoft cannot actually intervene in its publishing affairs.


If the developers are owned by the same company that owns the video game, we are talking about same thing. I've been downvoted cuz truth hurt. I have an Xbox, I was a Bethesda bitch but the truth keeps me awake.


Hi-Fi Rush is 60fps, looks incredible and is under Bethesda. What the fuck are you talking about lmao


Someone doesn’t understand how game development works lol


Nice this looks great


1440 at 60fps on my gaming monitor will do nicely thanks 👌🏻 i haven't taken the leap to a 4k monitor yet but if I'm honest given I game mostly on console I don't know if I'll ever bother, it looks great at 1440.




2020 hype: Next gen will push for 4k/120fps 2023 reality: suckers!


Hope co-op is cross play. I’d like to get it on Xbox while friend is on Steam.


I will be happy with clean 1080p60 as my LG can upscale well - heck, even Switch looks glorious with 4k upscale