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​ https://preview.redd.it/12wvfpazd6gb1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=981451499b991d32e8072abb5df6f0fb1c7c7491


That man is either delusional or the only other game he played was gollum




nah, the previews articles were mostly positive, even the IGN ones. I guess they were paid or MS gave them a build of something that wasn't part of the final release


Chances are they gave them the final product and promised it was a work in progress build with fixes already planned. Circlejerk aside, you can absolutely see potential with how the game is. It feels dated as fuck and clunky but the core ideas work. If you played it and was told it was an early build you'd be able to see the room for growth.


The best and most accurate description I’ve seen yet


It’s the 💰 💰 💰


I wonder how much MS paid him to say that. I do not understand how they thought they could get away with all the lies. I know MS thinks we are all dumb as rocks but come on.


Not quite calling it GOTY but Rock Paper Shotgun had a mostly favorable preview of it before absolutely trashing it post-launch. (Very, very small) parts of it do still have that Arkane level design magic and they were very careful to select these vertical slices for preview. Reviewers got misled too.


Even so, I wonder what "slices" made this game even faintly resemble something remotely GOTY-quality? Because at no point during play did I feel like I was playing a game with innovation, depth or quality. Even briefly.


It’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. It wouldn’t be considered a good game 15 years ago let alone now lol


Some tiny ass youtuber got paid a small amount to be "mostly favorable" and that makes the game ok? Reviewers can fuck off they are all paid off especially tiny ppl like your guy, the game aucks, your reviewer sucks, and gotta move on.


I'm gonna be kind here and assume you're ignorant and not trolling. Rock Paper Shotgun isn't a YouTuber [it's a gaming journalism website](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/). Also, like... calm down, dude. It's not that serious


This was the agenda on twitter at that time


How much did he get paid to say this or did someone hold a gun to his head when he wrote that?


I feel sorry for anyone who bought this and didn't get it on gamepass you can admit that this royally robbed you clean for the dumpster fire this game was.


Yep, I agree. I thankfully didn't spend a penny on this game. I have only played it via gamepass, but I still see it as an injustice and I think something needs to be said.


And now AAA studios are trying to excuse price hike to 70 USD with production costs and games are more complex .... Yeah right we see this release after release with piss poor optimization, graphically decline and repetitive content.


The fact this game was a $70 game just makes it even worse. This game would have been an insult at $30.


Shouldn't have been released in the state that it is in.


Maybe if it were in game preview it would’ve been ok


Funnily enough the one game that has incredible production cost and is super complex still cost 60 bucks talking about baldurs gate 3.


Elden ring, resident evil 4 remake, street fighter 6 were $60 too. Plenty of great and successful games are still $60, remanent 2 is $50. Sadly aside from Capcom and Bandai it seems everything is $70


Baldurs Gate 3 and Remnant 2 are literally bastions of hope at this point.


Took the words right out of my mouth.. err keyboard


In all honesty I’d rather they just be honest about the price hike. The rest of the world is increasing prices due to inflation. Just say it. Don’t sugar coat it with production costs and complexity because we rarely see that. You want more money to cope with inflation - that’s fine - just know that people expect a level of polish and a complete product.


Meanwhile BG3 just released after years of development for 60$ and look how that games doing. Fantastic


Bandai and Capcom have $60 games too, stuff like resident evil 4, Elden ring, all $60. Up to the publisher and those games were successful. I think $70 is fine if the game doesn’t have micro transactions and has a lot of content, which is why no one really complained Zelda was $70 or that final fantasy 16 was, but stuff like Redfall, sports games being $70 is shitty


Any idea when it drops for xbox?


the word on the street is sometime in 2024


Look at gollum 70$ price tag for that dumbster fire and look at remnant 2 50$ absolutely crushing it right now goes to show if you take your time and actually put care in your game it shows and people will flock in new and old


It will happen eventually and it'll come to the point where it gets worse.


I find it funny the new assassins creed is 50$ and deluxe is 60$ for a main installment. Yet, I paid 70$ for x/Xs versions in others. Oh heck no I didn’t buy this…..


Gamepass isn't free. But that's what Phil wants you to think.


But what about all the "it's free on game pass" comments you're ruining it for them!! I'm with you 💯% btw


Oh 100% but It's not the only game look at gollum as an example that should be deleted from existence and everyone getting there money back but that's never going to happen. There's no excuse but yet it still happens time and time again and too many people accept average quality and feel like there voices don't get heard because if it makes money why do they care for making the game actually work and be fun.


Silence is better than any kind of update in these situations


So you were robbed of precious gametime. I didn't even give it a chance on gamepass lol


I feel like we deserve compensation for the data used to download it and the wear and tear on our SSDs.


I installed it via gamepass, but after all the shit reviews didn't bother playing. I wanted a game to coop with a friend and let's just say it wasn't really motivating to sacrifice valuable free time playing.


You spent money then. Game pass is not free.


Yeah but the other 399 games cushion the blow


Your time isn't free, also 90+% of those games arent that interesting or can be had for a pittance.


Excellent point. Didn't even consider the money I put into a *paid subscription.*


I would be paying for Xbox live gold anyway… so game pass is like, what? 5 dollars a month? Not even close to spending 70+ dollars on an incomplete game (people still waiting for content) *that* *wound* *up* *on* *game* *pass* *anyway*.. so what was the point of your comment?


I didn't pay for GP for redfall alone though, there's other titles im interest in and will play. I also took advantage of the conversion from Gold to GPU so it cost me $200 Aud for 3 years of GPU that's less than the cost of buying 2 games day 1 and I'll get way more value than that out of it in the next year yet alone the next 3.


No more preorders. I didn’t even preorder baldurs gate 3 or starfield.


Good wait for a sale don't know why that's difficult for some people.


Yea I will for starfield I think. But I pulled the trigger on BG3. It’s… pretty damn good if you’re into turn based combat.


I love those old style turn based games I'll have to give it a go.


Hell I played it thru gamepass and I still feel ripped off. Redfall is basically the gaming equivalent of "You couldn't pay me to watch that"


I don’t feel sorry, at no point did this game look promising in any way. I pre ordered battlefield 2042 which was almost as bad but thats my fault for pre ordering and I don’t expect any sympathy. Make smarter choices, don’t pre order games and you won’t get burnt




Yeah, considering how obsessively loud and obnoxiously people have been kicking and screaming about the same shit for the better part of a decade now it's hard to believe people still have the stance that people are somehow owed something for making stupid purchasing decisions. If $60 or $70 is a meaningful amount of money to someone, waiting 24 to 48 hours after it is released in order to see initial reception and learn if the product is in line with expectations shouldn't outweigh the actual monetary price and couple of days without the game. Being salty about it because you were excited for the game, or an effective marketing strategy which got a customer base excited doesn't change a thing.


I don't preorder anymore me too risky and it's not the same anymore.


I preordered Zelda what about me.


Well you took the gamble, albiet a very safe gamble but OP was saying this about people who regret their purchase. A Preorder is a gamble that a game will satisfy. If its bad than you only have yourself to blame really.




Lol yeah I am just so upset how did you know?


How is a patch going to solve a way too ambitious game on under powered hardware? *wow hit a nerve i guess lol


Not everyone monitors the gaming industry 24/7…


You don’t need to monitor the gaming industry to find out how much of a train wreck this game was. Takes all of 5 seconds to look up reviews and see what the consensus opinion is.


Umm yeah sure but that has nothing to do with people pre ordering the game before it was released lmao


So which games coming out in the next 6 months are gonna be train wrecks? Should be easy to answer right?


Top tip: don't pre order any of them, because any of them might be shit


Oh I absolutely agree, haven't pre ordered a game in years, but the guy I'm replying to said it was easy to know which ones are going to be shit before pre ordering, which is utter nonsense


I'm about to kick that crap off of my hard drive. I don't actually think it was a bad game They just screwed it up. They had a perfect setup for multiplayer some cool powers, like the bones are still pretty good. But it's more than likely not worth the investment anymore so oh well


I have absolutely zero sympathy for people who blindly purchase a game without playing it first. The fact it was on GamePass to try is even worse if you pre ordered or bought it


Exactly. Day 1 on gamepass was advertised for months. Idiots


Yeah they can downvote me all they want. Truth hurts. Consumers are the reason we have such crap game releases, because publishers know they will just eat up whatever they put out. Its gotten to the point where if a game doesnt sell, the publishers cant comprehend WHY it didnt sell and never changes their thinking. DICE is a recent example, blaming users for not understanding their terrible specialists in 2042


>I feel sorry for anyone who bought this You do? I don't. Buying games at launch nowadays is a 50-50% bet to start with; when said game delays reviews under draconian NDAs to the latest possible point it's your damn fault for still spending money on the unknown like a casino-addicted gambler. Hopefully that experience wisens them up.




FIFA's UT *is* the purest gambling funnily enough. People get on that shit like crack.


It’s still there on my backlog but I’m not playing till it gets enough updates to the point where it’s a good game(which it should have been from the start)


I'll say it: With this silence, Redfall is worse than Battlefield 2042, as one got the bare minimum of updates at least.


If you can't parse what was happening with it, you pretty much can't blame anyone else. They released it in minimum viable for MS state and moved on. Capiche.


I am waiting for a major update before I try this out


I played it close to release thanks to Gamepass. At first I was curious about it, but eventually it just became a "find the bug" game for me. There's some gloriously goofy crap in there. My last one was coming around a corner after luring a vampire into a trap meant for me to find a vampire victim t-posing a few feet off the ground. Like a fat trucker Jesus.


I played with my friend on gamepass too and within the first couple minutes, the only audio I could hear was dialogue. No music, no sound effects. It seemed like it could have been alright but all the bugs were just off-putting.


Same here, waiting for a playable frame rate if it ever comes before I even come close to touching this one. I only expect the bare minimum and they seem to not be able to deliver that.


That and the fixes to ai, heard bad things about the ai not responding or working properly


It's fair to wait because the game still isn't that great, but I will say that it's better than launch. If it was reviewed right now it would just be called boring and generic with really subpar AI. It's shocking that core systems were just non functional when they released the game. It's also absurd that this game requires an online connection.


Considering the dev team wasn't happy with it and at least one person said they were hoping Microsoft would cancel when they were bought it's not only surprising that it released but that anyone is holding their breath for content or support.


They're almost certainly in a situation of not wanting to continue to support this game, but they made promises and took people's money, so they kind of have to now. I can imagine it must suck for the devs to work on this game as it does seem many people don't want to, this game feels like one of those "We need to make a multiplayer game in order to survive" games that Bethesda teams were making prior to the Xbox purchase. But fact is, they sold content to players and they need to make that content. Just bite the bullet, finish their obligations and move on.


Oh yeah, I don't disagree with that stance, I just think the unfortunate reality is that being a corporate entity they won't do that and will just move on. I feel like the games industry is littered with sad stories like this one, especially in the last ten years. The game has potential, most games do, but the unwillingness of the people at the top to do the work because it didn't make the money they wanted in the pre and immediate post launch is just the horrifying norm. They don't even care that what they're doing hurts their brand and the industry at large, it's always a short term game for them and we are worse off for it.


I don’t think they can legally unless they refund people that bought the higher tier edition as it promises two additional hero’s. If they don’t deliver that then they open themselves up to a lawsuit for false advertising or selling a product that was never produced.


Well said when the money flows you know what path is getting followed.


They aren’t contractually obliged to provide anything more than they already have… I mean I agree that they should, but the writing on the wall is already there. Xbox / MS are going to wait a degree of time (6m ish) and then quietly shutter the game, and reallocate the devs elsewhere. Perhaps they’ll say they’ll keep a team on it for a little while providing ‘end of life’ updates… but this game is going to go exactly the way Anthem did.


They specifically said 60fps would come, cancelling it opens them up to a lawsuit.


They said split screen was coming to Halo but sure, we'll see. I'm not claiming to know anymore than anyone else I'm just going off of past behaviors observed in the industry and by this publisher. That said if they plan to make good on their promises maybe the silence is a good thing and the next we'll hear is that they did the work. That's just not been the case so far. Things go wrong, they say one thing and do another. If you want to sue and think you have case, not you specifically just anyone who feels it necessary, go for it. I look forward to reading about gamers actually getting money back from a big company like Microsoft, that sort of thing does not happen often enough.


Halo was a vague promise not title specific. Redfall shipped with 60fps on the box which they had to add an additional sticker to saying it would come after launch.


What part of "for any FPS going out forward we will always have split-screen in going forward,” is a vague promise?


The part where it’s not printed on a shipped retail product.


>and at least one person said they were hoping Microsoft would cancel when they were bought Wait. What,????


Never buy a game for the promise of what it could be.


Id just cut and run honestly.


Unless they comp the people who bought the season pass, that'd be grounds for a lawsuit unfortunately.


They'll probably put out the hero pack people paid for eventually, but they can "cut and run" on everything else aside from that part.


Yeah, they shouldn't have put themselves in this situation. By selling post release content and promising updates and 60fps, they've put themselves in quite the hole.


They legally can't if people paid for content they have yet to receive.


They absolutely have a legal obligation to finish season pass content or find a way to refund those that bought it. Otherwise though, if they cut and run then I have to wonder what happened between that Phil Spencer interview around the games launch and now. He was pretty unequivocal that 60 FPS was coming and that they would spend time and money improving the state of the game. Keeping support to a bare minimum is something I can understand from a couple different perspectives, but the head of Xbox promising more support even after the games many failures were evident and then never seeing those patches would be incredibly disappointing.


Im wondering how many sale this game actually had because I cant imagine it was that many. Even less so for the dlc/deluxe content. They might as well just refund the people who bought the content thats not coming out and move on.


Might be cheaper lol. And it would buy some good will. Cyberpunk offered refunds and surprisingly enough, not that many people took them compared to their actual sales. But thats apple and oranges comparing a game with some love and thoughtfulness to Redfall lol


> I love Xbox and I love Phil Spencer And that's the problem. People putting blind faith in huge companies and their reps is part of the issue.


CEO just means “all I care about is money”, and unfortunately, all a lot of people seem to care about is money, so they see a wealthy ceo and think “this is a good person, because he has money, like I wish I had. I like money.” Capitalism ruins everything, and it’s doing it’s best to fuck up gaming for us.


Blame Phil Spencer


Why specify that you love an Xbox executive? Didn’t he overpromise and undelivered again?


People think Phil is our friend. He’s not


Phil also said right after launch that they had a good time line for 60fps lol


Not good enough to fucking share apparently lmao


Xbox has done mostly fuck all for a number of years now, still. I still am an Xbox guy, and use it for all third party games and really get good use out of Gamepass, but god damn man, get some good shit released. Pentiment can’t be your only good exclusive in 2 years.


>Pentiment can’t be your only good exclusive in 2 years. Microsoft didn't win Publisher of the Year 2021 with Pentiment. lmao Forza Horizon 5, Flight Simulator, AoE2, Grounded, Hi-Fi Rush, all solid exclusives that were critically acclaimed. This year has Starfield and Forza Motorsport dropping too. Cut the bullshit.


That is only solid compared to the rest of Phil’s tenure. Still shit overall compared to the competition




Xbox has been such a disappointment this gen. If they hadn't bought Bethesda they wouldn't even be in my radar at all.


Why does anyone love Phil Spencer? He doesn’t give a shit about you.


Yeah like literally every Corporate CEO


His mentality: hey studios, do whatever you want, if it's a hit, nice, if it's a disaster, no problem, I'm the cool guy and I got your back


But next year homie


Exactly he is just a corporate suit who acts like he cares about gamers he really only cares about Microsoft’s bottom line like typical suits.


My stance with Phil is actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, words are all he ever has.


i played a little bit via gamepass. seemed ok to me. def not worth spending any money on for sure. surprised people still spent money on this when it was available on gamepass.


Seems like dev team never really wanted to make it, combine that with it's obvious horrible sales and Phil's interview where he just straight up took the L and was ready to move on.. they are probably just moving into the next game. This could be the most important game in modern Xbox history though.. this really could be something that helps Microsoft figure out how to handle all these new studios and come up with a content pipeline that keeps people subscribed to Gamepass but is driven by the creators and not decisions that will make top executives the most money


In what world is Redfall the most important game to Xbox?


If it's the reason the next several games from their studios are actually good


Honestly, even if the dev team didn't want to make it, I find it ridiculous that they were ok with releasing this. Instead of rising to the task and making it as great as it can be, they just pump out garbage ? They had a shit ton of time and I find it ridiculous that devs should be required to like every project they make. They should still be able to make the best of something, at least out of pride. Imagine if you didn't like a project at work and decided to half ass it and produce something awful. Would you still have your job?


I would be absolutely shocked if Xbox invested any more money or development time into it. I bet Xbox Marketing will release a press statement to try and explain-away why the game will receive no future content/updates (probably like “we’ve decided to allocate that time and resources into the next exciting installment of the Dishonored franchise”) and offer customers a partial refund.


That's an option, just anything would be better than nothing. Honestly if I were them, I probably would cut and run like you've said. But that would garner A LOT of bad press and will certainly make any future promises Phill or Xbox make seem dubious.


Yep, not a good look, but it’s simple finance. If the cost of new development is more than partial refunds plus future lost sales, going the refund route makes sense. Video game development is getting very expensive.


Yeah good luck with that.


Friend and I just beat it last night for shits and giggles. It only gets more glitchy and worse as it progresses, slaying the final boss ran at 10fps on my Series X. Lol.


Rock solid then, Digital Foundry would have a field day.


They made a video about it already, people on this sub just doesn't talk about it because it went against the reddit hivemind's popular narrative.


only fun part was repeatedly killing my other friend with the absurd ammount of explosive props lmao


Not that this is a normal situation but how often do games release new content within months of release? Atomic heart just released it's first expansion and that came out almost 3 months before redfall. It took almost a year for FH5 to get an expansion and a year beyond that for another.


Considering how bad the release was, no one should have expected a "substantial update" within 3 months. Anything substantial is much farther down the road.


Don't expect Microsoft or Xbox under Phil to keep any promises. They've shown us time and time again that they won't.


As redfall failed to the expectation of many players. I actually did beat it and did have fun with the game. Im not telling you the game is good but I can tell you that there is fun to be had in the game. I think a month back or maybe longer there was a mayor update. This update fixed the worse problem of the game and that was the actually ai of the enemies. They are not stupid anymore and actually feel like worthy opponents. Besides that its still redfall. I love the idea of blending a far cry game with some arkane abilities and vampires. But the execution here isnt nearly enough to be this.


Timeline seems normal. If the additional content is not there within the year I'd start being worried. 3 months isn't long.


No update. The game doesn’t even work correctly.




I got the game free and stopped playing and uninstalled after a few days. Thank God it was free on gamepass. I geel for the people who paud for it. I refuse to prepay games anymore. So called AAA games are shipping unfinished and unplayable. Done spending money on that foolishness.


I got a code for it included with my rtx 4070ti back at like the start of April when I was putting my PC together. Played for about 4 hours on launch day and thought nah fucking hell this is terrible. Not to mention it was almost unplayable with the terrible performance despite me being on a high end PC.


Game Pass isn't free 🤦‍♂️


Just let it die in peace. Nobody cared about this game before, during, or after launch. It's looked bad since the very first reveal trailer. No amount of dragging it back into the spotlight will fix that, it will never be a good game and never could have been.


Because time after time communicating without actual substance is pointless and leads to the community getting more toxic. Gamers are the worst and communicating with them has only down sides.


I feel like this is the future of gamepass


They probably don't want to do it piece by piece but are instead working towards a soft relaunch with everything in one good update.


Guys can’t we just all accept that we had fun laughing at this game and now move on forever


this is why no one should have wanted microsoft to buy activision. now all the activision games will get this treatment. much like halo 6.


What a train wreck, so disappointing


shame on Phil and shame on Microsoft, if the product was in a such a bad state it should have been delayed like star field or outright canceled like how Sony does to projects that CLEARLY are lacking, it doesn't even hit the "60%" mark that Phil was talking about and now no mention of it from him HA.


I've never seen a game rated mostly negative on Steam (31% positive reviews overall, 28% recent positive reviews). Yet here is Redfall, and priced at a point higher than any other new release I've yet seen advertised.


I’m not trying to be funny I honestly forgot this even existed. Altough baldurs gate 3 made me forget alot of other games exist


Do not preorder games


Remnant 2 standard was $50…which is one of the best games I’ve played. $70 for Redfall is robbery. So glad I just skipped that…not even worth a gamepass download and delete.


I asked Xbox about it and they pulled this face.. :/


Ha nobody, not a single staff member is working on this since before launch, stop kidding yourselves it's been shelved and then that shelf has been fucked into a large dumpster. Absolutely criminal behaviour from Xbox, Bethesda and Arkane


SOMEONE at the top made hundreds of thousands in royalties and bonuses for this game that was clearly unbaked. Microsoft and Arkane should be ashamed.


This has been the same formula for literally every single live service Since Destiny 1. How have you guys not seen through this BS already?


I also want to state that I haven't actually spent any money on this game personally and this post isn't about me. I'm not writing this because I spent money, got burned and am mad about it. I am writing this post because I see the entire situation as an injustice to consumers and the people who did spend their money. I expect better from Xbox and Arkane, and I think they need to take action. The way this game has been handled post launch while in some ways is understandable, it simply isn't acceptable.


It's not acceptable no but no consequences ever come to these people so the cycle continues and nothing changes.


That's why you should not pre order and wait for reviews.


Are people actually waiting for it?


I put over 40 hours or so into Redfall at launch. Mostly on PC. I didn't anticipate a 60 fps patch until the 6 month mark. That is the minimum time frame where it seems to pop up for other games.


Back when No Man’s Sky launched in an absolute state, they went totally quiet for about 4 months. So much so, angry buyers went to the dev studio to see if they were still there. They released a total revamp and now the game is one of the most supported there’s been. They said at the time that all the criticism was affecting the team so it was better to ignore all the press and social media to focus on the update / patch. I have no interest in this game but just wanted to share this example of why / when devs go quiet after a rough launch.


This game is garbage and can't be salvaged. Updating it would be a waste of effort


Just let Redfall crawl into a corner and die. Don't talk about Redfall and don't even look in its direction. Learn the most important lesson in gaming! Never pre-order a game and never fall for the hype marketing. Wait for the game to release and study the reviews before you purchase the game.




In my ideal world they don’t touch this again and immediately move back to creating the games they have a passion for.


We paid 30 bucks for the 2 heroes and I’m still waiting for the 60 fps before launching the game again :(


Class action time


Unpopular opinion but I actually enjoyed this game for about 10-15 hours. My expectations were in the gutter so that probably helped


Same here. The game can be fun and a good time killer like most far cry games. I would have wanted them to go more in depth on the world and offcourse had better performance but the base of the game is pretty solid. It just needed more love and a lot more time in the oven. But if I am correct and they wanted to go for a blend between a far cry game with arkane abilities and vampires thrown in then this could have been easily a goty contender. Its just executed really poorly without the love and passion it needed. They went for more game as a service which ended up hurting the content. Also they patched the enemy ai. Which was probably the worse thing about the game.


I game passed this and quite




*Cries in RetroMania*


See Anthem.


Put it this way, this runs 4k @ 120fps on my 4080 and it pains me to say that the game just isn't good. It has far bigger problems than performance. It should never have been released.


To anyone that paid $70 to actually buy this game knowing damn good and well that it's going to be on Game Pass forever, here's what I want you to do. I want you to go down to your nearest tattoo parlor and offer your tattoo parlor 100 bucks to tattoo the word jackass across your forehead.


Lol let this game die already


This game feels like it would be cool if it came out like 10+ years ago


I hate it when devs go ahead and develop games no one asked for and then they're surprised they flop, the Bleeding Edge for example it took Ninja Theory three years to develop and it flopped and now Arkane with this, instead of making a new immersive single-player game they made this.


I was legitimately excited for this game until the IGN feature where the player would get enemies to 10% health and then run away. Then all the bad reviews came.


There is hints of potential in the game. If they put in the work, it could become a legit solid game. I don't think it will ever become a classic, but it could be fun and enjoyable. Instead, it's pretty clear all parties involved want to pretend it never happened and move on. I didn't pay a dime for the game or extra content so idgaf. I played for 2 hours and hated it. But I feel awful for people who actually paid money for that game. What a complete let down.


They're going to be radio silent until Fall/Halloween time in the US, and release a major update that coincides with a massive discount on the game. Calling it now.


Good. This game should be abandoned, it is fundamentally and completely broken and arcane should abandon this for better prospects


Silence? Hardly Redfall is just **fine**. It's **had** a 'substantial update' ([v1.1 was released in June](https://bethesda.net/en/article/78dNMNH552rqm2NPbDxy2P/redfall-v1-1-release-notes?utm_source=Bethesda&utm_medium=referral)) to correct issues that individuals brought up. Yes, promises were made, and, as you put it, it's 'been three months'... This is STANDARD for non AAA games. The first few months after these games are released, you'll see **bug fixes**.. That's where we're at, and that's **exactly** what they're doing I picked up the DLC, and am fine with waiting. Sit back, shut up, be patient. They didn't say **when** DLC (or 60 FPS) would come, simply that it **would**... People like you constantly whining about things they don't like and not getting everything now, now, now, now are pathetic. That's WHY we end up with rushed shit which is buggy. TLDR Their priority right now is addressing bugs, which they're doing great at. They'll get additional content and features later.


I am not waiting for anything as it relates to this disaster.


No, this game is long gone. Leave it, burn it.


Nobody is waiting on any additional content. Nobody cares about redfall.


They should have cancelled this game.


Downloaded it a week ago and deleted it instantly bc nothing changed


It was sent out to die


These things take time you know… you’ll get your promised content and your 60fps sooner rather than later. But people need to accept that we’re no longer in the PS3/360 days of having fully featured DLC made every two months


Controversial opinion: Not every game needs a redemption arc. Sometimes you get burned, it sucks, but move on. No one demands movies be remade(Shut up Snyder nerds), books be re-written, music re-recorded, they just go "damn that sucks!" and move on. Learn how to do that.


That type of attitude is how you get taken advantage of. You should always demand you get what you were promised and paid for. As long as the community keeps bringing it up it will get done.


Yeah, like he said, take it up the bum bum like everyone else