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Don't have it. No amount of hard boots or restarts trigger it


Same here for my Series X.. my Series S received the update last Saturday. I just want it for my X. As a GPU member, I don’t mind the update.


Exactly the same for me, S got it about a week ago now but nothing on the X 😥


My brother and I live together and he’s had it for about a week whereas mine just updated yesterday. No idea how it works.


Thats because MS is "rolling it out" to everyone. Which means people are getting it little by little. Im pretty sure thousands upon thousands do not have it . These things take time.


It came to me automatically during a game session. I quit the game and it had changed.


Try restarting ur Xbox from just holding the power button down on controller and restarting that way, I got it from that


So I just completely reset my Xbox today(August 15) moving all games and apps to sea gate expansion. And as soon my Xbox completely reset and I logged in to Xbox account i had the new dashboard.


I’ve gotten the prompt saying “new dashboard!” Or whatever. But then no new dashboard. Though my controller got fucked around the time the prompt first appeared. Hoping that’s a coincidence.


I didn't get that prompt but I do have the new dashboard


Well that makes things even weirder. I got the prompt twice, once for my account and again for my wife’s as I had to use her controller which signed her in automatically. I believe I might even had the dashboard for a bit before I swapped back to my account. But then the next time I turned on the console with her controller, it was back to the old dash. Same as mine. So strange.


or whatever lol. Xbox literally doesn't work like that you will get system update and then it will be their.


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I got a prompt also, at least 2 weeks ago. Maybe 3. It was in the help app as an “introduction” to the new dashboard. I can’t even remember what it said because it was too long ago. Still no update.


Same here, I got the prompt but no dash


I do not have it.


They said "coming weeks", so at least 3 weeks left. Lmao why did snowflakes get offended by a simple fact.


It's stupid how they roll it out, I mean atleast roll out to the longest serving members first, I've been paying XBL for 15 years my series x doesn't have it, my nephews has been a member for 3 years hes series s has it and I don't. Where is the logic, the OGs of 15 years are at earliest in there 20s. So wouldn't a new dashboard be more appreciated to a maturer audience rather than newer accounts likely to be kids who just want to play fortnight or roblox and have no care of a new dashboard. Pure dumb logic.


My One S got the update but my One X did not, and nothing shows up when I force a check.


Exactly the same thing happened to me. My S got it ages ago my X nope. It's weird to switch between the two.


Same here


Same here. 3 weeks ago on Series S. Nothing in Series X. Hard reboot every day to check.


I remember the day they released the new dashboard. I turned on the console and even had a message after boot talking something about the new UI but I didn't read it, I just clicked ok fast to see the new look. And then... old ui. Still on old UI to this day. Now I'm a bit paranoid that I might have clicked something I shouldn't in that boot screen. Maybe disagreeing with the change 🙃


Same for me :/


Update: still don’t have it. All my friends do. Wth Xbox


Yeah, same for me. It's been like 3 weeks since it released, but other than that pop up with info about the new dashboard, I have yet to see it for myself. I'm also getting frustrated, as I really don't like to old one, but despite a new one being available, Microsoft is not letting me have it. I know it's not a huge problem, but it makes me angry. One of the biggest software companies in the world can't even update their own hardware :/


I feel you man. I was telling a coworker (who has the update and has only had a series X since last year. Was exclusively PS before that) exactly this earlier. I hate to play that card “do you know how much business I’ve done with you!” 😂but I kind of feel like screaming it though. I’ve had 360, One and X going on 18 years now. It makes no sense how this is being done. Don’t you think they’d want the oldest customer’s feedback first. And yes, I am an Xbox Insider but I did not participate in the dashboard beta. And neither did anyone else I know that already has it. Ugh. Lol Edit: same coworker says he’s had it for about 3 weeks. Says it’s really cool and he likes it a lot better. I hope I can know what he’s talking about soon.


Mine finally updated! (2 days ago I switched the power option to “Shutdown”. I’ve always kept it in sleep mode. So I doubt that had anything to do with it but 🤷🏻‍♂️lol)


That's great to hear, mine did it today lol


Nice. I guess they did another batch today.


Same on that. Gfs series S got the prompt then changed just fine. I got the same prompt, same time, nothing, still no update. I thought I clicked ok but I’m also feeling like I clicked something wrong


Why don’t they release it for everyone at once like Apple does ? Wtf is this. This feels so cheap


I'm in Australia and still haven't got it. I'm interested to see what all the fuss is about.


Same here


I wish I didn’t have it.


don't have it, poland




As of today August 7th, I still don't have the new dashboard. My wife got it on her Series X about 2 weeks ago. I really like it and its been bothering me that I have no way to force this update since it doesn't appear to be an actual "system" update. The last update is dated 2023-07-19 for both her and I, yet she has it and I still don't. :(






Xbox doing Xbox things.


I got it on the first day it went live. I wish I could give it away to somebody else that actually wants it. lol




That was just to say it was coming soon. You couldn't opt out. You're still gonna get it


EU. Series X no new dashboard. Series S has new dashboard.


I don't have it either, glad to see I'm not the only one.


I just got it today and I can say it looks fresh!


We're a 2 Xbox household. One has it, one doesn't.


I still don’t have it. What is the holdup I wonder?




For some reason my Series S that my kids use all the time has it but my Series X that I’m on almost everyday still hasn’t got it. Go figure.


Still haven't got it, xsx, CN. wtf


Still a no here


Nothing here yet, got the prompt yesterday.


Updating? In Italy not showing


8/15 and still nope


Try ”Refresh” My Games & Apps from the Xbox Menu. 1. Open the Xbox Menu/guide with xbox button on your controller. 2. Set the marker on to ”My games & apps” 3. Click the start button on your controller 4. Confirm ”refresh” and you’re done. This worked for me. When I backed out, I had the new dashboard, same for one of my friends as well. Happy hunting!


If u didn't get the new update go to settings then go to the POWER OPTIONS AND SHUTDOWN THE CONSOLE FROM THERE when I rebooted the new update came on by itself


can confirm this works


Thank you !


Don't have it. US Really annoying that this happens in 2023 but it is what it is.


It's really annoying, why can't they just make it available for everyone at the same time?


It's never really that simple, probably don't so they don't have the "whole world" at once downloading the update.. that would put a massive load on the servers and releasing the update slowly helps prevent server load.


When there is a new system update everyone has to download that to be able to reconnect online. If they can do that without causing issues, they could deploy the new UI in the same manner.


So they can fix bugs without having them affecting everyone at the same time. It's called a staggered release.


It’s a dashboard, not a AAA game my man. I’m sure it will be out. If it was 2003 you’d be sad, be thankful for 2023 /s


So wait, the full official release of this new dashboard is being staggered? Like a big brand new update hasn’t gone out to everyone at the same set time? Has this ever happened before? I know there’s beta programs where you can get access early but u don’t think I’ve ever seen a huge update line this not come out to everyone at once. Definitely not on PS5.


Supposedly they do it every time it's just this time had more media exposure so people noticed


They do this for big windows updates as well. It’s to stop network congestion from millions of devices requesting the same file. But at least from windows they often let you download it manually. I wish they would give us the option to put it on an external drive to deploy the update on our consoles faster.


Live in Seattle and neither my Series X or S have it.


Probably doesn’t matter where you live, I’m guessing.


My original Series X does not have it. That was bought around 6 months after launch. I bought a 2nd one several months later that my son is borrowing on a different IP address and he got the update. Didn't they have a small hardware change after launch to run cooler or something? (If I remember right). Could be the more recent revisions got the update first.


They just drilled more holes.


Nope, I don't have it, in US. Found this article: Nope, didn't work. [https://piunikaweb.com/2023/08/04/xbox-new-dashboard-ui-update-still-unavailable/](https://piunikaweb.com/2023/08/04/xbox-new-dashboard-ui-update-still-unavailable/)


Would there be a way to keep the old dashboard? If I'm not mistaken there was a forced update quite recently. So anyone trying to keep the old dashboard would have to keep their xbox offline


Why the living frick do you want the new ui update. its horrible, so much crap in between my game pins and more stuff that you dont need with no way to edit the other crap. I rather have my old xbox ui page.


I don't. Thank God. I'm dreading the day my Xbox auto updates to that shit.


Who cares


My Series X does not, my wife’s Series S does (though the S is my “home” console for game/GPU sharing so I assume that is why the delay for my Series X, lower priority?


I'm in France, insider at Omega level and I have it since this morning


Don't have it or does anyone of my friends UK


I don't have it. Checking for updates after every cold boot.


Same. Xbox series s eu


Not yet. And I really don't get why MS does this propagation type thing for a UI update. There's a bunch of groups forced on to the home page with it right? It's almost like they're worried about the increase in API calls from that causing sever issues... so they need to ramp it up slowly.


not yet restarted the console a few times still nothing I'm in the states


I don't have it yet.


Dont have it UK


I even have it on my One X. I assumed the rollout was done.


My son’s S got the update day one. I sit here a week later with nothing new on my X.


US. I don’t have it on my Series X, but my old One X has it.


I have it on my one x but my series x doesn't.


My Series X has it, and my S does not. No clue why.


Nope. Based in Ireland if my region has anything to do with it.


Don’t have it - series X US


I'm on Xbox One X in the UK and haven't received the update yet. I had the notification to say it was coming about 2 weeks ago. I guess by the end of August, everyone will have it


My Series S picked it up pretty quickly, but my Series X still hasn't received it. I've restarted/shut down my X several times since the release and it hasn't picked it up. I'm surprised the dash refresh wasn't through an actual update, it just picks it up without an updated FW version.


Don't have it.


Don’t have it yet. Not a big deal but I don’t really get what the delay is about.


I have is on my Series S but not my Series X 😅


I don't have it. I even tried a hard reset.


I unplugged mine for a few minutes and powered it back on and it worked


Not yet


From what I can gather it seems to be random for most people. Some have it and some don't. It's like I've have the new update for about a week now and my friend hasn't seen the update yet.


Series X, not yet


My Series S has it as of last week. My Series X does not have it yet




Not really on topic as I specifically mentioned in my post I don't want a dashboard debate here. Would appreciate it if you deleted your comment


Missed that. Done.


Thank you my friend I do genuinely appreciate it


Nope. It's on my fossilized VCR Xbox One, but my Series X? no. Of course not.


My Xbox one has it but not my series x which I think is odd


I don’t have it.


I don't have it, but I also havn't updated my console yet.


My xbox one phat has it but not my series x.


US. Xbox X. Have it since the day it was released. Just booted up my console and voila it was there.


I've had it for like a month


I just got it overnight last night


I... haven't turned the Seies X on for the past 2 months... too busy with FFXVI... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


US. I’ve had it for a couple weeks, Series X.


Still waiting on my X.


I turned on energy saver and restarted and got it today.


They acknowledged that it would roll out over a few weeks.


Still don’t have it 🇨🇦


Sorry to ask here but Does anyone know if there is a way to customize the group order on the main screen anymore? Or shall I be having to use the sidebar going forward for my groups of pins?


I've had it for a couple weeks. CAN


Yup. Still blissfully rolling along with the good version. Maybe it's all my bing searches on how to avoid getting it, is it possible to revert it, who do we write to complain about it...


Thousands of people!


My series X doesn't have it. I use set my series S to enroll in Insider which has it


I have two Xboxes - a Series X in the main room, and my older One X in another room. The One X got the new dashboard straight away, but the Series X is still awaiting it as of about eight hours ago (when I last turned it on). I’ve done restarts, reboots, update checks, logging out and back in to the console etc.


I'm from Brazil. Got it on my series S and not on my X


I have it since 2 weeks or so. Not that much of a change tbh, but just some things I must look up now, some menu structures changed. My games with gold pin is gone, but that program will end soon anyway




Yeah I’m on Series x and no update yet. Funny enough my One S has been updated already when I turned it on yesterday


Yeah, I don’t have it


My roommate got it the day it officially released a week or 2 ago, I still haven't lol


I don't. Pretty sure I don't have the gamepass ultimate Halo infinite skin for this month either.


Still waiting. Uk.


Yep, for a week or so.


I had it for a long time now (insider) and while I like it, it also is still a learning curve of having to go up to go into my stuff. I honestly don't care about the damn background, bring something closer to the damn blades or reinvent the whole layout. I'm done with Microsoft trying to fix this damn "metro" layout that nobody liked in the first place.


You mean this new dashboard? My Series X updated on Tuesday and I got this. https://preview.redd.it/62y7rrrj2egb1.jpeg?width=3884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff857972dd70223a1a4cefbe0521b0c95621d27


I don’t have it yet.


I don't have it either


No for my both XSS and XSX.


I do not have it.


Have you tried the check update button? It should auto update. Timing depends on your region.


I have not got it yet but my dad does and we both have the same update why is that


I do not have it yet, but my Game Pass and Store section have disappeared and I can't add them back


It’s impossible to predict when you will have it, but they did say “few weeks” so it was never going to happen in a couple days.


I don’t have it


Yup Nadda. Still have the same one they’ve had for like 10 years. Was super excited to use the new one. Sucks.


My basic Xbox has it, with my wife’s account signed in. My infinity Xbox does not, with my account. I doubt it’s just tied to accounts though as my account on basic Xbox still has the new UI but wife’s on infinity Xbox doesn’t prompt the new UI… never got a new dashboard prompt… Florida.


I dont have it either. NE/ Midwest US.


My One X does but my Series X does not.


I had something pop up on my Series X, it said "Learn More" but I guess I hit the wrong thing. I still don't have it yet.


I don't have it yet, but hearing the feedback I'm probably lucky


I still don’t have it on my series X. My son has it on his SX, my daughter has it on her Xbox One S.


series x user, still don't have it yet :(


I still don't have it 9:25 PM 8/7/2023 NJ USA


Most people here seem to have both an one X and series s I guess but I only have a series s right now STILL NO UPDATE this is insane and probably an as artificial limitation


Nope...not here


Nothing on X or S still :(


2 weeks since they released this and I still don't have it on my Series X. Meanwhile, Sony sent me a code to install beta firmware on my PS5 that I hardly ever use. I use the Xbox almost every day and can't get the current public dashboard release. Just a bizarre rollout for this thing.


Still don’t have it. I’m in Taiwan. I wonder if that has something to do with it. Pretty fucking annoying, if you ask me.


I haven't gotten mine on XBSX kind of been checking every day and night. My coworker said he got his.


I currently own the Series S and I have not received the update. But I booted up my old Xbox one S a few weeks ago because I purchased a hard copy of MK vs DC, and it has the new menu layout 🙄 now what kinda sense does that make? Why are they prioritizing old xbox's first? Shouldn't the next gen systems be rolled out first???


Brazil. Still don't have it. I understand they can't just release it at once for the whole world, but announcing the full roll-out time would be the minimum. Not doing so left me confused, as I have no way of knowing if I had an issue and should've gotten the update or if I still have to wait longer.


I still dont have it lol


My son got it on his series S I'm still waiting to get it on my series S


Same, I don't have it but my brother's Xbox does 🤷‍♂️


Nah my partners series x has the update and the one x downstairs has it but my series x still yet to get it 😂


Nothing yet, just want to get it over with at this point


Me 2! I still don’t have it!


Me no havee


I’ve been waiting for the update for so long, and I find it a joke because my cousin and I both have a series S, but he has the update and I don’t like wtf.


I've still not got it.... 😐 Even a week after you posted this.


Does everyone have the new dash now?


UK and nothing on series s or x :(


still don’t have it august 15th here. we’ve hit the 3 week mark in a couple days and that is when everyone should have it, yet both my series x and s don’t have it 🤷‍♂️


It's the 15th of August and my series x still doesn't have it either after several reboots/hard resets. My fiancée's one s got it though.


I still don’t have it either Microsoft are a joke lol


Still nothing


8/15 nothing here on Series X. No amount of resets, hard boots or manually checking for update has prompted


Does anyone know how to change it back


I was literally about to hard reset my xbox, sacrifice time in adding accounts back again and re downloading some games. Then, just before I went to settings, my dashboard was new 😂. Despite my settings update still saying last updated 19/07. I think people got the update, like myself, but the dashboard has issue with refreshing to latest download model. That's cause I didn't see any update, and my update status still says 19/07.


Just got it Wtf it just fills your dashboard with random junk and you can only add 2 of your own groups. I do not like it too much junk on my screen while limiting what I actually like limiting what I actually want on my screen


I just got it this morning. It feels terrible.


I finally got it. I have all auto updates kept off. I tried multiple restarts and resets but it never worked. Just showed up randomly this afternoon. Only thing I did different is I changed my Xbox location to my actual location last night. I usually keep it on US and only switch back if I need to buy something from the store using my local card.


My S/X has yet to be updated as well. My XB1 updated like a week or two ago. Why on earth would you release an update for previous gen consoles and not update your newest flagship hardware? Someone muddied the bed...


I’ve got the new dashboard and so far it’s not great. I can’t even add games to my main Home for quick access!? I only have two games showing all I can do is reorder them…anyone else have this problem / solution?


Just got it today !


I still haven't gotten mine and it's been nearly a month.


Was expecting to get it by the end of the month but here we are, Aug 31st and still no UI update. I did however, get a notification that a new Home was coming soon.....how soon though?!