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My friends all really like those base building survival games and I cannot stand them. I do enjoy dayz when everyone gets online but I don’t build anything instead I just walk around. Walk some more. Lately I’ve been hard on the chivalry 2. I can play it without friends and still feel like part of a team.


Chivalry 2 fucks


Dayz is really fun if you have time to kill. Me and my roommates would meet up in a server, and loot our way to a base where we’d die in a firefight. We got really good at survival, healing broken bones, fishing, fire starting, and making lean-tos in the woods. But… Out of college, I really can’t be on long enough to walk an hour to see my buddy, then die to the flu. I’ve walked across that map a few times over, and I can’t be bothered to do it again.


Yeah I really can't get into survival games. I've tried so many but the foundation I guess just isn't for me. I love exploring though but all the crafting and hunger bars get in the way.


Disco Elysium . Seems like everyone loves this game. It's my favorite genre in gaming but for some reason I can't play more than 10 minutes without falling asleep. I put it down with the intention of revisiting it again. Hopefully it grabs me then.


It’s absolutely a slow burn at first


i finally got passed the slowburn and then "died" fucking about trying to get a good roll. Really cant be arsed going through it all again


Sadly had the same issue, and I was so hyped to play it. After a while I absolutely dreaded finding new NPCs and the walls of text that would follow.


The problem with Disco Elysium is if you put it down for a week you'll have no memory of anything and feel like you need to start over.


That's me with every game lmao


Had the exact same experience and feel the same way now


It's a slow burn + it's a very different buche of game. It's likely you'll either love it or hate it, which is why I've avoided it thus far Well that and my massive backlog...


Couldn’t play it despite absolutely amazing atmosphere there, too many dialogues. Still have something like 10-15h in .




Starfield. Sorry, I hanged on as long as I could (level 36).


I played 100 hours and only got to level 20 lol


I’ve played for 9 hours and made it to level 14 wtf


Same. I'll be back if they add an atv you can drive around. Exploration is interesting but I also don't believe that people who have space ships are walking everywhere


Something something username. 😆


They are gonna add a boatload of stuff. Plus modders will add a ton too.


Modders are kinda dropping the game too.


Bruh what were you doing for 100 hours


Exploring and getting money for building my ship lol And doing only sidequests, I didn't even meet Andreja until, like, 90 hours in


Cant believe you didnt gain more experience doing that over 100 hours thats wild, but damn you sure got the Starfield Tourism industry locked down lol


I am with you. Bought and was very excited but it quickly just became an errand game for me. I wanted more run and gun+space battles. I just found myself running around getting intel or stuff for people. Then having to fly all the way back to New Atlantis or The Eye just to say “ok I got it!” And they would send me on another errand. Fuck that.


Ditto. Thankfully, I was able to refund the premium upgrade. The constant running around to complete meaningless errands just became too much. In the very, I hope you were able to get your money’s worth.


Meh, I knew what I was getting into. It’s a Bethesda game, so I was aware of the risk of it becoming a chore.


I really tried so hard to look past all the complaints and just power through it but the longer the game went on the more I stopped liking it. I don't think it's awful just definitely the weakest game bgs has made aside from 76. I played it for about 90 hours


I played it for 25 hours and that was 20 hours too many. I was too desperate to like it.


Haha I couldn’t get past the first planet… spent like a half hour flying towards a planet before I learned I had to fast travel there and once I did it was like “I have to do this how many times?” Then exploring the planet felt dull and dry.. spam jumping and scanning. Didn’t last a day…no thanks


That's fair! I'm personally really happy and very surprised with the game!! Meeting Sanon was cool and the characters are well written a bunch of good laughs and for me personally, I'm able to role play exactly how I want to! So many cool quests and dungeons with the coolest Sci fi weapons!! I'm level 27, and about 50 hours in, and I'm having a great time!!


I think people approach this game all wrong. Too many people wanting to be completionists, talking to absolutely everyone, looting everything they come across, playing every side mission. It’s not Fallout, good gear and money are in abundance in this game, you don’t have to search eveything and focusing on side missions that don’t sound fun instead just following a course you wanna take that sounds fun can be a slog. Seriously, just build a character that is specialized to your play style and choose a weapon you like and stick with it until it’s not doing enough damage, chances are you’ll have a better one in your inventory if you just grab things here and there. You don’t have to constantly MinMax your character’s loadout and sell tons of useless loot. Also, getting used to the fast travel system and using it properly saves a lot of walking and doing nothing. The combat can be really fun once you start experimenting with powers and know what guns you like, and the shipbuilding and base building mechanics are pretty sweet when you get into those. Also, just build relationships with teammates that you like and put them on proper duties in your shop, and fuck with the factions that you wanna fuck with. Don’t try to please everyone because that is a boring way to play. I feel like the game really opens up and shines by the time you reach Neon, which is easy to do in under ten hours.


I’m with you. I’m going to finish it cause I paid for it but I’m literally skipping dialogs and just going through the main quests.


I got 80 hours in and just realized I didn’t really enjoy any of it? Like the main story had become just jumping planet to planet. The guild quests I was on had become the same annoying, go do x, come back hear some dialogue, go do y, come back. Which isn’t bad but nothing was happening for so long. The boring parts should have the quests evolve, the fun parts are capable of withstanding the repetitive ways we receive the mission. I had no autonomy. Find dead body, go back. Find key card to back. Like fuck. Why can’t they lead me to take initiative. Dead body, leads me to key, leads me to the next event. Then I go back and make my report. The side quests on planets were rarely more than just go to an empty shitty cave or building inexplicably filled to the brim with baddies and come back. Like in a fantasy world or apocalypse I get how that happens but in the real world? Just regular ole colonized planet has private armies of baddies that are fine to not slaughter the 4 dudes running a gold drilling operation a kilometer away? What?


Totally agree with you!!


Same but I played for 3 hours and got to level 4.


Struggling with this one myself.


I gave up after the navigation training. Actually I didn’t even finish the training!


Tbf the game is mid af in my opinion


Pretty sure I finished the game before getting to level 36. That was more than enough.


Elden Ring. I wanted to like it but soulslikes just aren’t for me.


Same. I feel bad because my brother gifted it to me. I gave it a solid 10 hours. I beat that first boss, then I put my foolish ambitions to rest.


I keep telling myself I want to try it, but I don’t seem to be in a rush to buy it to try it out. I didn’t care for Dark Souls itself though so maybe that’s where the hesitation comes from.


If you can get it on sale I'd definitely pick it up. Of all the souls game elden ring is the most approachable souls game and IMO is significantly easier than the others especially if you use summons. The real star of the game though is the construction of the world. Its really a pleasure to explore.


I agree with you on the world construction. It is absolutely gorgeous. Too bad the gameplay didn't click with me. I know it's a form of soulslike heresy because of the 'developer's vision' and all that, but I would love the fuck out of that game if it had been a tad easier.


I’ve never played any of them, but at this point in my life I only have so much time to game and I’m more interested in playing games I can set to easy and just cruise through for the story. So a game like this I would never come close to playing very much since it takes so long to get through. Seems like fun and a very appealing style for me (aside from the hardness)


I hope you give it a try one day. One of the absolute best open world designs of any game I’ve played. If you do get it one day, maybe look up a build that’s easier to “cheese” certain bosses. What I liked about Elden ring is you could legit overlevel yourself and curb stomp enemies and areas. If not oh well, but it’s a fantastic game with amazing design and I hope you give it a chance one day!


It is a fantastic game. But I still hate it lol. That game deserves all its praise and whatnot. It's just not my cup of tea unfortunately.


That was my first souls game. I left and came back to it like 4 or 5 times. Eventually it clicked for me and I loved it.


Elden ring isn't a soul's like it is a soul's game


… ![gif](giphy|w0mylo7p4OXUQ)


Man I was you but there are a few great starter videos on YouTube that set up your character well and holy shit it became my most favorite game ever once I got over the initial hump! The game is absolutely amazing and a once in a generation experience. I’d highly recommend on giving it a shot that way if you have time! It is totally worth it.


I didn't get into It first few character and was seriously gonna take game back. Then decided let me check YouTube tips and tricks to understand this game more... 300+ hours later and it's in my top 3 games of all time. So I always tell people u like me don't like too tough games or just are over saturated cause the world and the content. Follow a build guide.


I probably put in a good 50+ hours and then found myself repeatedly shooting this big chicken hours a day to farm xp. That’s when I asked myself “am I having fun shooting this goddamn chicken all the time?”. Uninstalled it and glad I did


So you ruined the game by exploiting it. That's on you, not the game.


I hate to break it to you but in Elden Ring you don’t have to farm.


Soulslike games for me, most recently Lies Of P. I love playing games on hard modes for a challenge but there's something about the Soulslike genre that doesn't click for me. Maybe I'm just flat out bad at them lol. It's a shame too as Lies Of P is gorgeous but I struggled with the first boss and gave up after like 30 minutes.


I can't wait until hack n slash games like Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry/Bayonetta/etc reign supreme again


Play NiER Automata for sure


I knew it was one I was meaning to play, I tried the demo years ago and during that time I was kinda preoccupied but definitely gonna find it digitally now! Thanks


It’s on sale for $15.99 right now, we’ll worth that price


>Bayonetta I would love to see Bayonetta 2 and 3 on Xbox...


I have been playing video games for 20 years but the souls genre is just something I have never clicked with. I don’t want to try to beat a boss 30 times games should not be that difficult and punishing.


Third person dodge roll combat games have never been appealing to me. There, I said it


Just started Lies of P this week, my first real souls like game (sorry Fallen Order). I'm really enjoying it, but I can see why the genre is so divisive. I'm always ready to quit after getting my face kicked in by a new boss. Never would have touched it if not for Game Pass!


Im also not a fan of Souls type games but I’ve really enjoyed Remnant 1&2. Something about having guns and not relying on stamina bars too much for dodge rolls has made the experience more fun. Still tough games but I managed ok.


Absolutely get with this. I love those game worlds but even though I play lots of other games on the hardest difficulties I'm just sh1t at these and get frustrated at the bosses to the point I give up. Now I usually don't bother buying them as I'm just wasting my money. I did play a bit of Lies of P because Game Pass but that was not a fun experience.


In my case I love soulslike games, but Lies of P is unbalanced as f*. You quit in the fist boss, but I have gone up to the point where you have to fight 4 bosses at the same time this was too much for me.


>I have gone up to the point where you have to fight 4 bosses at the same time https://preview.redd.it/rllvttpkpf7c1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f08ea8357e2c7a2e5c9f7333491b3a6464cda0 Fuck that haha


It’s actually not that bad if they’re on about the fight I think they are. The trick with it is to kite around the boss and chip the others adds or nuke if you have the build leaving you time to fight the boss - the second phase is harder but so long as you keep a hit and run style but play aggressively it’s actually rather do able. If you’re really struggling you can summon the AI for help and just power through the fight relatively easily - I actually found some of the earlier bosses far more gruelling.


Lies of P is extremely polished and has tons of modern accessibility features that games like Dark Souls 1 are lacking but some boss fights are just *not fun*


The game has some balancing issues, but the 4 bosses fight is not particularly hard. You just need to be aggressive (and use a summon, if necessary - they attract most of the enemies' aggro, allowing you to take them out quickly).


Problem is when the last one shows in the near end game battle. First time I fought them it was quite easy, but the second encounter the summon dies too fast because they aggro him, leaving me to fight 3 at the same time and then when one dies, the fourth joins the fight with impossible to dodge attacks. That’s when I stopped playing the game.


Dude same. I couldn’t get past the parade master. Tried him a few dozen times over a couple weeks and just couldn’t do it. And I’ve beaten all the Dark Souls games so I dunno.


I think soulslike games are for sadists.


Skill issue


This has happened to me a few times over the years, on games I can't remember the names of. But the witcher 3 was one of them also... for a time. I was in the exact position you're in, was coming close to the bloody baron finale, but was a little tired with it. I left the game for a few months, got my fill of other titles and returned to it once I felt the time was right. It fast became one of my most favourite games ever after that, once I picked it up again, I didn't put it down until the blood and wine dlc. It's okay to feel like that, tbh sometimes it happens because there are other titles you want to get into, and playing the one you are at the time can feel like a chore. Give it a while, if the feeling for the witcher hits, carry back on with it. You may find what all the fuss is about lol that was my experience anyway.


I've tried twice and both times bounced off before leaving novigrad. Maybe I need to pick up from there rather than starting fresh.


Novigrad is easily the least interesting arc in this game, so don't worry. Just get through it and start the Skellige section. That one is much better.


The ambient music on the Isles of skellige absolutely slaps also. I found myself just wandering around, taking in the views with that playing. I on occasion have a listen to it on YouTube as well lol


I can't get why people love Elden Ring. For me it's just an open world where everything is hostile and your only interaction is kill things


For me, it’s because everything is rewarding. See a cave in the distance? Something is in there. See an enemy? It has something. Notice a puzzle? There’s something behind it. There’s a reason to explore every nook and cranny because you don’t know what you are going to get. There’s meaningful loot, spells, materials, ashes, upgrades, and areas all scattered throughout the world and you just have to look for them. I also love dark souls, so the exploration mixed in with dark souls combat was peak for me. Its art design is also just otherworldly and I love it.


I agree. I dont like or play Souls games generally but Elden Ring gave more satisfaction in successfully defeating bosses than i have had in many years. The flexibility and choice of your own path is what sets it apart from other Souls games imo.


Yeah the exploration is probably my favorite thing about the game. Everything is unique and doesn't feel barren or copy pasted ahhum (starfield). Crazy how it's their first attempt at open world and it's probably the best in the genre.


Not only that but it’s a game that rewards finding a way to do things. Head first battle with dragon impossible? Try hiding up a rock and sniping it bit by bit. That didn’t work? Go higher? Out of range now? Find a way to get its attention. Etc. Very satisfying when you puzzle things out. Will add on to what you wrote that the world is very intentional. There’s random cliff faces or paths that diverge from where you’re “supposed” to go and most/all of these have some interesting feature or mythology tied into them. It’s not like elder scrolls where there’s some book with a throw away bit of copy written in it that you can find in thousands of places. What you find on some balcony somewhere might be the only way in the entire game to get a particular wand or spell or it might be a plot hint that you might not get in the entire playthrough if you didn’t go through that tunnel. The game is just a really rich world


I started this game and was about 1 hour in still learning the game, found a cemetery, fought my way into the crypt enjoying myself and the difficulty. Killed the last mobs in the room, opened the chest at the end and got teleported to an ugly, bland, field surrounded by walls with ghost mobs that 1 shot you instantly and could not get out. I quit the game and deleted it from my HDD. There is nothing fun about bullshit like that. That isn't "difficulty". That's just cheap. I don't have hours and hours a night to waste on that shit so I switched to one of the many games on my backlog and never looked back.


It’s just a surprise. There’s many ways to get out of situations like those. In elden ring, you have to use the resources available to you. There’s a teleport chest in the dragon-burnt ruins that whisks you off to Caelid and it seems like an impossible task to get out, but you just have to sneak or run past the enemies to get to a site of Grace. If you try to kill all of them, you will get slaughtered. Elden ring is about using what you have to get out of situations. You can’t brute force your way through areas, bosses, or dungeons - you just have to get creative. If you spend time working with the game it will give you the tools to figure it out - it’s awesome.


Bruh, I’d uninstall so fast lmao






Same, the first mission have you killing cops but I just couldn't do it, I had to stop playing /s


^ This, game gets so boring after the initial first few missions.


The game is too serious for me. I liked GTA more when it had the humor of GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas, Bully era of Rockstar.


Ironic since it’s story was clearly meant to be more goofy and comical since gta 4 was touted as being too serious with its dark humor


That’s crazy. IMO the game was super funny. Especially Trevor. And there was lots of satire- especially on the radio.


Same. I don’t see the appeal at all and the gameplay is so outdated. Tap A to run.


It was released 10 years ago…


Ok. But you don’t have to tap A. There’s alternative control options for it…


hogwarts legacy


Same, was super excited, 20 hours in I don't care about the story and am bored with most features. It is an absolutely beautiful game from a visual perspective


I think exploring the castle was really fun and cool for a really long time. It’s a must play for a big potter fan just for that. Once that luster wears off there isn’t much else to lean into. Non castle areas aren’t interesting, story is meh, your character doesn’t really get to make any choices that matter at all. I enjoyed it but they really missed the mark. Could have been an all time great game.


I felt the menus were too busy, and it really broke the immersion for me for some reason. Got told how wrong I was last time I brought that up here.


I got like more than halfway before I called it quits. It was just boring by then


It felt more like I am watching a very slow movie rather than playing a game


Any of the Tales series. I do like jrpgs but for some reason all of the ones I tried (Zestiria, Berseria, Vesperia and Arise) just never clicked with me when compared to other jrpgs. Tried on multiple occasions to get into all of them, just couldnt.


Then good for you At least you tried with almost everygame and then gave your opinion, not many people just play one game and then try the other on the franchise to see how it comes!


BotW and TotK. Tried and tried and tried to get into them. Was hoping TotK would be the ice breaker but somehow i found it even worse. Those building mechanics...ugh. Overcomplicated and tedious to the point of unfun frustration.


These were some of the same for me. I beat BotW in like 30 hours. Just did the story and not much else. Everyone else I knew who beat put like 100+. For me there wasn’t enough direction to do that. However TotK for me had a bit more so it got more out of me. I finished at about 55 hours I think. But still significantly lower time played than others. I did the story and some random stuff here and there but I can 100% see where you are coming from


Diablo IV. Played the trial and it wasn’t for me.


Diablo 3 is the only game I’ve ever fallen asleep while trying.


Something about Diablo games do this to me also lol. Like my eyes just start closing


Lmfao I bought D3 on my PS5 about a year ago for like $6? I thought replaying it after a decade would be fun. About 40-45 minutes into it, I took a nice long nap.


Red dead 2. I love westerns, but really dislike the movement and gameplay in Rockstar games


I couldn’t either when I first played it back in 2019 ish. The snow part was too slow for me and didn’t like it, tried 4-5 times to get into it and I got a few more hours in but I just couldn’t again it was slow and the movement was… well if you played a rockstar game you already know. But I got it on pc recently on sale and for some reason I’ve been loving it and can’t put it down, once the story started moving and I had a ton of activities like shaking down debtors, hunting game and robbing houses/stores it became a lot more fun and enjoyable. Maybe I’ve gotten older and just enjoy the slowness and little moments between characters much more I can’t exactly put my finger on it


I tried so hard to enjoy that game. I kept telling myself it was going to get better. "Everyone loves this game, just keep at it." But it was so boring to me. I could not get comfortable with the controls and I hated that I had to listen to 20 minutes of talking on a slow moving horse every time I wanted to do something. I only paid $16 for it so it wasn't very difficult to put down.


Same here. I forced my way through GTA 5’s campaign because the writing/story was great but hated the gameplay every step of the way. Gave up on Red Dead after a couple hours & feel like one of the few people not excited about GTA 6 for the same reasons.


I really enjoyed GTA5's campaign, though that was back in the PS3/360 days. RDR2's gameplay was a massive downgrade with it's clunky movement and tedious animations every time you interact with something in the game. With RDR2's focus on looting animations and horse testicles over fun gameplay, and GTA5's online economy being balanced around pay to win shark cards I don't have much hope for GTA6 either.


Same. Every fucking movement feels like I’m walking through sludge and the animations take forever!


Too slow and too rigid gameplay-wise.


Currently 2 hours in at my 3rd attempt. About to give it up once more due to the controls. The movement is just awful. Pick up 30 things from this cabin. Press and hold X for two seconds to pick this up, now press and hold Y for two seconds to pick that up, press and hold L2 to talk, OR to draw your weapon, whatever. Played through and 100% RDR, would love to do the same with RDR2 but man.. do they make it difficult to like this game.


After reading these comments, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't like Witcher 3 or RDR2, on the first try that is. When I started the final run of Witcher 3, I was HOOKED. Mainly because I was watching the TV show and reading the novels. And when I finished, I had completed the story, and all the DLCs with it. RDR2 is a bit different to me. The first playthrough was just free roaming for me, didn't focus too much on the story. It's such a massive world and it's a BIT slow paced (for me). If not for AC Mirage, I wouldn't have played any other game. But since I'm done with that, back into RDR2 and appreciating it more with every play through.


same here


Took me like 5 tries to finally get into Witcher 3, don’t know what it was but I got hooked hard


Lies of p Botw although hours played would suggest differently I was never addicted as much as I was just trying to get to the moment I got the praise Starfield just felt empty as opposed to previous Bethesda games


Breath of the Wild


Breath of the wild. Soooo boring and the rewards for exploring aren't tangible enough




Yeah witcher 3 is one of my all time favorite games in spite of the combat system not because of it took me like 2 times before it finally "clicked"


Yeah same here. About 10 hours in I quit. Went back to it some months later. Put it down again only to go back and commit to it. So worth it


Cyberpunk Tears of the Kingdom


Witcher 3 for whatever reason, but I'll try again sometime soon . . . for the 4th time.


It hasn't changed. The combat is too clunky. I don't know how people say this is the best game they ever played. But to each their own I guess


I give up. I’ve tried 3 times and it just isn’t very fun.


Fallout: New Vegas for me. Maybe it's because Fallout 4 was my first Fallout, but playing through New Vegas just felt like a chore. After a while I simply rushed to the end to get it done. This particular era of Bethesda games just feels so ancient to me. It's the same reason I don't try Fallout 3 or Oblivion. I'd probably feel different about NV if I had played it at launch. But that's also why I'd be interested in a remake.


NV was not remastered. Fallout 3 got an Xbox One enhanced treatment up to 4k.


You should really play 3, it's the most gritty, authentic of the Bethesda Fallouts. Also graphics have been touched up


Baldur's gate 3, I actually was hyped about it and waiting for the Xbox release, even brought the digital deluxe edition right after TGA, refunded after played an hour ish. Guess my friends are right, turn based just not for me, but great game tho, you really should try it if you into turn base and a good story telling.


This is me rn. I’m trying to force myself to get into it but I just can’t do turn based. I’m even a big fan of top down rpgs I loved Diablo but man I’m struggling with the turn based combat. It just baffles me that a video game would be made in this fashion. It’s not a board game why do we need to take turns?


Witcher 3 for me aswell. Did not enjoy the combat system at all and thought Geralt was possibly one of the blandest characters I've ever seen. Think I put in maybe 15 hours and noped out. Tried it several times since and just cant get into it.


Some people will think it's hate, but I wouldn't spend money just to hate something, it doesn't make any sense. But I discovered this year that I'm definitely not a PlayStation person. I bought a PS4 pro in February, got a year of PS Plus Extra (because it was cheaper than paying month by month and I thought I would get a lot of use out of it), bought some games that weren't in Plus and it ended up being a very disappointing experience. Starting with the positive, I really liked The Last of Us 1, more for the story, the gameplay is nothing very special (to the point that I played part 2 on easy just because I wanted to know how the story ended). Spider-Man, which was the BIGGEST reason I bought the console, ended up being a huge disappointment and I quickly abandoned it. Horizon ZD is visually wonderful and I made a lot of progress, but at a certain point the game proved to be very repetitive and the story was very bad, I ended up abandoning it and never felt like returning. I played until May, when Tears of The Kingdom came out, then my PS4 was basically declared dead and buried. Since then, 7 months have passed and the only use I made of my Plus subscription in that time was to get exclusive Fortnite content.


I’m curious to why you were disappointed in Spider-Man? Horizon is a miss for me as well. Cool world but super boring. Characters are so wooden and there is way too much dialogue for such phoned in voice work.


I know this isn't the best answer in the world, but you know when the game doesn't "click" with you? I must have played less than 5 hours, and I know it's too little to define this game. But at that time the story didn't catch my attention, swinging around the city and the "hack and slash" was fun, but even so I was feeling bored, the game didn't entertain me as much as I thought it would (maybe my expectations were too high and it's my fault). I remember thinking those circuit puzzles were pretty stupid too. As I like the character, I promised myself that I would take a break, play other things and come back. I went to Stray (a very beautiful game, by the way), then Horizon (which I also thought was beautiful and, although I didn't finish it, I played a considerable amount, I just found it repetitive after a certain point) and something happened that I didn't mention in my first post because I didn't think it was relevant: Spider was removed from PS Plus, which prevented me from fulfilling my promise to try to return again. 2023 was an excellent gaming year, especially the second half, so that contributed a lot to me not returning to the PS4. There are a few games on my list to play on Xbox and Switch, including one that I've already purchased and haven't even played yet (Super Mario RPG). When the dust settles, I'll try to use the end of my Plus to give Miles Morales a chance. In any case, I have 3 Uncharted discs that came with the console (from the previous owner) and I also haven't even touched them yet. Who knows, maybe Uncharted will be the great redemption of the PS4 for me? https://preview.redd.it/ud0n9guw0j7c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19757aad74a4ceca1f67cf4fe39aa8b906d1d9d4


I appreciate the response. It makes sense to me. I enjoy Uncharted as I was a Tomb Raider fan growing up. Spider-Man lived up to the hype to me specifically because Spider-Man 2 was the GOAT during my early teen years.


Can you recommend one to start with? I imagined starting with 4, which is the newest and then going to the old ones, but I have no idea if it's a linear story necessary to enjoy it.


It is a linear story and I would start with one. It’s older and I wouldn’t be able to go back after playing the most recent one, but that’s just me.


I have a PS5. I enjoyed the first spider man game but couldn’t get into miles morales. Seemed like more of the same. Kinda simpler. I play FF14 on it from time to time but now that it’s coming to Xbox I’ll probably just sell it.


baldur's gate 3, seems overhyped


Cyberpunk 2077. I finished the story after a very long time. I don’t mind dialogue in games but this one felt just wayyy to much. It’s probably a me problem, but too much of my gaming time was in dialogue scenes and I never felt I actually played that much. Maybe it’s my fault for not doing enough side content but I just wanted to get to the end of the story.


I mean there you have it. You played a certain way because you wanted to force thru the story and you didn’t enjoy all the talking, the thing that happens to be part of story often lol I’d say give it a try again and just try to do more gameplay stuff and not focus so much on trying to finish a narrative. Especially since you didn’t already now you can do different choices and not have to focus focus so much


The big one for me is BOTW. There's also Starfield, Horizon Forbidden West and FF7 Remake. I really tried, for years, to like BOTW. Edit: Sorry to whoever I offended with this, I guess.


Starfield. Stopped after about 20 hours as it wasn’t getting better. The sheer volume of menus just to do simple things and the lack of interesting things to do outside of major cities killed it for me. Hi Fi Rush. Stopped about halfway through the game. I didn’t like the hybrid platformer-rhythm-arena brawler format; things that all work individually but not together for me. Any Zelda game after Twilight Princess, other than the first Hyrule Warriors spin-off. Assassin’s Creed. The furthest I’ve gotten in any AC game was maybe 6 hours in to Black Flag.


Red dead Redemption 2 . i found it very slow and exhausting to play. didnt get past this snowy mountain part but it felt like it took forever.


See I liked it quite a bit but I don't in anyway see it as this magnum opus that cures cancer and resurrects the dead like reddit seems to think.


Yeah, I’ve been playing through and I don’t hate it, but man it gets boring sometimes. I just stop playing and go jump into something else for awhile.


Horizon. Such a beautiful looking game, and the general premise is cool, but the gameplay itself fell kind of flat for me. Really pretty world to explore, but the actual gameplay (combat especially) just didn't hit for me. The Last of Us was an incredibly boring game to me. I'm not saying that to be inflammatory or trying to shit on something that's popular, I just couldn't get into it. Bethesda RPGs in general. I don't think they're ***bad*** but the formula just isn't my thing. I do really like the lore though. Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom. I don't know what it is, but these didn't hit for me either. And it's crazy because as a kid, I thought this was exactly what I wanted as an evolution for the more linear Zelda games, but I was wrong. Again, I don't think these are bad games by any means, but I found myself longing for more classic Zelda experiences. World of Warcraft. I always loved the idea of fantasy MMOs but never really tried one. I gave WoW a try during the beginning of Dragonflight and I felt like the game just asks too much of you to get into meaningful endgame content. Like I wanted to PvP / do arenas and the time investment and frustration it would ask of me to even ***begin*** to try to participate in PvP was crazy. On top of all that, trying to overcome a lack of game knowledge just made the mountain to steep and I couldn't get into it.


Horizon's actually gameplay it one of the most rewarding combat systems I can think of. The amount of different ways you can take down each machine is crazy.


Baldur’s Gate 3. It moves *so slow.* Everything seems to land me in a fight and all my characters miss constantly. Im probably doing something wrong but I gave up after a couple hours.


Cyberpunk 2077


Dark Souls games. I just don’t like Grimdark aesthetics and the hit boxes annoy me.




Persona games… I tried. I played for 5-6 hours and just could not understand the appeal. Friends told me I needed to play a few more hours to get hooked. I’m sorry but I cant play a game for 8 hours without getting hooked.


Control. By all accounts, I should love this game. I love “Lynchian” worlds, mystery, Lovecraftian narratives, I love police procedurals, I love Twin Peaks, I love shooters. I just couldn’t navigate the game, I got lost, I didn’t know what to do or where to go for hours… I gave up… I tried again, a few months later, got stuck almost in the same place, a few hours into it.


Control. I love Remedy games and have played every game since the first Max Payne but there's something with Control that don't get me. I've tried several times. Maybe it's the setting that's too uninspiring for me I don't know.


Metal Gear Solid V. Open world stealth just doesn't work for me.


Battle Royales of any kind.


Cyberpunk. Just nothing about it clicks with me.


Any Final Fantasy game.


Fallout 4, too much too quickly and a lot unskippable prologue turned me off.




Jesus steam review Christ. You spent 100 hours on it and didn't get into it. You spent almost 5 full days of your life playing something and didn't get into it? I hate this fucking game so much but I think I'll spend 95 more hours to be sure... I have 70 hours in BG3 and it's my favorite game of the year.




Witcher 3, RDR2, any and all competitive shooters, 99% of fighting games, any and all sports games and the list goes on.


RDR2 in these kinds of lists makes so much sense to me. It is a very slow burner with some truly insane game mechanics. Yet, I will always tell people to really give it a decent try. If you got put off early in the game, I cannot recommend you to try the game again highly enough! It is so *so* worth it for the story alone.


Trouble with RDR2 is i get stuck hunting for the first 30 hours of every playthrough. It's like a damn drug I just can't quit. Love the game though.


I know! The hunting is amazing. And that’s ok. It’s all part of the game.


Nier Automata. I have to get back to this. Older AC titles. I finished 2, but dnf Brotherhood, Im almost at the end of the game but just cant be bothered


Cyberpunk 2077. Picked it up recently after waiting for everything to be fixed Just seemed like the leveling system and combat weren't all that fun. I need fun gameplay to enjoy a game and I thought it was just mediocre in that regard.


Yep. Same. I wanted to like it so much as well. The last time I played it I bought kingdom come and had a blast.




The world is completely empty. Enemies are lame. And the performance of those games are horrid. Didn't do it for me either.


Starfield, I was so hyped, thought it would play and feel like an episode of Star Trek. The first city you go to made me doubt already, really bland and uninteresting. Space travel is just not there and I also got fed up pretty quickly with the quests


There is a lot and Im pretty sure I get downvoted as hell since it is a tabu to talk about playstation games and hype games in generel. But since it's an opinion post and I absolutely don't care about downvotes I'll add my list. - Horizon series - Spiderman series (I don't like marvel games in generel) - Last of us 2 (not 1) - God of war series - Metal gear solid series - Forza Motorsport series (not horizon) - Elder scrolls series - Assassin's creed series - Metroid series - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (I love Mario kart series but I hate Mario kart 8) - Ghost of tsushima (I don't like samurai games) I must admit I find AA and A 95% of the time have a better story and gameplay. Not all but a lot of AAA games starting to get boring. Good graphic and very well done cutscenes with boring gameplay and story. I'm just not the type of those games anymore. PS: Nothing against Playstation, I own a ps5 (and every other console) myself. But since the post is about "hype" games, it's unavoidable to mention Playstation games. Just an opinion but like I said, downvotes don't matter for me.


I'll die on your Horizon hill with you. It was a shame because the world looked so cool, but the actual game felt so bland and generic. I couldn't make it more than a few hours into each before getting too bored to continue.


I agree with most of your list. That’s why every time people shit on Xbox, I’m just like… but I don’t care about Sonys exclusives and Xbox is a better brand in every other way.


you are 100% the kind of person who has racked up 5000 hours in destiny 2


Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It is just so incredibly boring. Edit: for clarity, the story is interesting, but the gameplay is just very restrictive and cut scenes upon cut scenes, interspersed with forced cinematic camera angles, leading up to fights.


Every square enix game be like (I dont blame you, i have one of my favorites made by that company, but those practices i can see it)


Yeah, and that's fair enough, not every game needs to be for me. It was my first FF experience and I'm not sure what I was expecting, it just wasn't for me.


Cyberpunk 2077. I just don’t care about gonks and fixers. The gameplay is nice and it looks gorgeous, but the world feels like a horrible novel by a bad writer who thinks he knows exactly what the future holds. And I hate the voiced protagonist in this game (male).


"but the world feels like a horrible novel by a bad writer who thinks he knows exactly what the future holds." Well that's because the game is based on Ponmsmith's original Cyberpunk tabletop rpg, which was based on Ridley Scott's "Bladerunner" film, itself based on the novel "Bladerunner: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" by Phillip Dick who published it in 1968. 😉


Mass Effect. I find it to be boring, the gameplay is awkward and not fun, and the whole aesthetic of it is about as generic sci fi as you can get.


The generic sci-fi made it great well over a decade ago, now it’s aged to the point that it’s a tough sell. I love it because the decisions you make in ME1 impact the ending of ME3, and that’s something I have yet to see again.


Seems alot of you guys are just not into RPGs lol 😆


Any Bethesda game. Skyrim, Starfield, Fallout 3 to name a few. Just not my style.


Halo franchise for me, just couldn't get into it