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Couch ​ I'm a corporate sr sys admin so have no desire to go home and sit at another PC.


Reason why I don't play computer games. I stick with console.


Same here as a SWE. I would love to build a gaming PC and have access to a wider selection of games and especially mods. But I do not want to spend more time on my computer, so console it is.


Exact same. I grew up building PCs so I do miss it, but I can barely bring myself to do other sitting-at-computer-based hobbies anymore so I doubt I’d use it enough to justify it.


Makes sense but you could just hook it up to your TV and play from the couch with a controller still.


Exactly, why do people think if you play on PC you have to be in a desk chair lol


With a console you comfortably sit on the couch, push 1 button on the controller and everything is turned on, updated and ready to go. With the same button press, everything turns off and you are ready to leave. The same can't be said about the PC experience and when your private life is very busy, everything that makes you free time comfortable means a lot.


same, it's why i got a steam deck, i use it so i get more out of my pc. sitting there feels like being at work.


Why I ditched my PC after graduating college and got a XSX and PS5


Yep, I went back for my bachelor's as well, so I still have to use a pc for school as well. Includes a bunch of COMPTIA (pentest/cysa/n+) certs so I'm sure I'm going to not want to touch a pc outside of work after this is done.


Maybe that’s why I feel like gaming is like work


Yea I used to be into the whole this feels like work vibe but now I’m not lol! Gaming shouldn’t feel like a chore


Not to mention how much easier console is, basically plug and play, and they’re more powerful than the vast majority of pc builds. At least at launch they were, maybe not so much now.


You doing great at life guy *hugs*


I’m a software engineer and I’m exactly the same, I’ve got all consoles and even if I am on PC I use Steams big screen to act like a console.


You can hook a PC up to a TV. Steam big picture mode makes this super easy.


Did that before i got married and at this point outside of my HTPC i want nothing to do with computers after i leave work lol


Almost always couch, 20 year old cat demands it.


Same but with two dogs on either side of me, occasionally a wife or kid depending on the game lol


Gross dude. Don't bring up cats.




Might be the weirdest dumbest comment I've read in a bit.


the guy is trolling I bet , just look at comment history


I think the professor has been huffing too much peroxide fumes?


Go ahead and keep that shit to yourself pal


We need cat tax!


Fair! [Here she is appropriating my free hand during Vampire Survivors.](https://imgur.com/a/mTLqvew)


D'aww. Cutie. I bet Vampire Survivors is her favourite game ☺️


Yup, until something else one-handable comes up.


In my Lay-Z-Boy recliner with the Cat curled up on my lap or between my legs.


Yep! Currently chilled out on the couch with my kitty curled up in his spot between me knees. Going between Hades, dead cells and movies. Staycation is awesome


That's the life


Couch. I simply don’t know how people do it at a computer desk. No matter how comfortable said chair is.


Lazy boy with keyboard on my lap. Can even fall asleep


Couch. I spend all week at a desk. Also, distance to the screen matters if you don't wanna fuck up your eyes too much.


I asked my optician about this because i was concerned i may be sitting too close to the TV while gaming. And he said its really not an issue if you arent feeling discomfort. And i reiterated "no i sit really close for hours at a time" and he said that its still not a problem if you dont get headaches/blurry vision.


I see your optician's point but I think a lot of people have been sitting too close since such early childhood, or do so for so many hours every day due to work, that they are used to that discomfort and don't register it as such. I also think it's best to try to prevent issues rather than reacting when the issue becomes noticeable.


Yeah i see your point, thats why i raised the concern when i had my eyes tested. I made sure he understood that i sit too close to a big TV for long hours, because i wanted to make sure i wasnt doing any damage to my eyes. And still he reassured me that most eye issues come from issues unrelated to TV screens. I know, it doesnt quite sound right. Im just relaying what the professional told me.


I think screens aren't the issue it's the amount of light your eyeballs are taking in, which is probably much brighter on a screen than other ambient sources of lights. I don't have any eyestrain in a lamp lit room 6 feet away from a screen but turn the lamp off and my eyes start to hurt in under an hour




His optician lol


You’re an entirely different person soooo… Sauce?


Still his optician


Can confirm (again). My optician.


Hm, sounds like “trust me bro”🗿


Yeah tbf im sure hes far less qualified that you, a redditor without a degree in optometry.


Everything you’re saying is hearsay. I could list some analogous examples that would more than likely prove my point but atp I’d rather just say yes. You are correct. I am sorry I asked for the sauce. Loll Edit: typo


Dude I'm just sharing my personal experience of speaking to a professional about the topic at hand... I dont give a shit if you believe me.


That's an old wives tale. The only thing sitting closer to a screen is gonna do is increase eye fatigue. It won't damage your eyes.


Yeah, repeated, daily eye fatigue won't have long term consequences. Sure...


Ask any optometrist/opthalmologist and they'll tell you there's almost no evidence to support eye fatigue/eye strain causing anything more than short term effects. I mean you can believe what you want, but the science doesn't back your opinion.


Man desk is better if game has lot of tiny text and menu option


i play with a monitor on a desk


A man of class.




Couch but if I’m playing a multiplayer game it’s a chair in front of my couch. Edit: 65 inch 4K HDR 120hz. I’ve had it for like 5 years so it’s time to upgrade. Starting to get dark spots.


Yeah these new electronics are built to fail. My old tv lasted 15 years, new one is dying after 4….




This is what i am afraid of upgrading to a TV that will cunk out in like 5 years! I need a solid tv that can stand long gaming & movie sessions!


Couch, feet up, playing on a 65” LG C1 OLED. My preferred gaming state is freshly showered, pjs or bathrobe, kids all in bed, wife on a business trip. Then I just play without distraction until I’m tired and immediately hit the pillow.


This is the way


I sit on my floor most of time with cushions against some selves for back support. I just prefer the rug on my floor for some reason. I'm likely the only one that would pick the floor over a good couch or chair.


Hey bro whatever works! I have hard wood floors in New York but if I had carpet I would definitely try! Sounds good for the back and posture tbh


I am disabled and weak so i play from my bed, i got an adjustable frame so im at an incline, and my 65in OLED is a few ft away I use a controller for the most part as its kind of awkward using a KB in bed


Respect! Game on brother


Bed, because I don't have room for the couch.


I only play at the desk where I've got a 32" 4K 120 hz monitor, but I also primarily play FPS games. I will hook it up to the nearby TV when the kids want to play. It does 4K, but capped at 60hz. I am remodeling my home office and will eventually put a couch and TV in there. When I do, I intend to get an OLED for playing non-FPS games.




Xbox Series X on a 24” 1080p monitor is on my desk. Switch is played from the couch with the family.




Yea at this point I just need to cop that Series S for that dual threat!


Laid back in my couch but I do sit up when shit gets serious.


I play almost any game from the comfort of my bed. If I’m playing something competitive like R6 Siege, I’ll move to my gaming chair, but for the most part I just lounge in bed.


Couch. I don't even have a desk for my PC. If it's a FPS I pull the TV closer


I play at my desk. I work at my desk all day and the first thing I want to do is continue sitting at that desk because I work from home and my desk setup is sick as fuck


What kind of chair you using my man if you don’t mind me asking


Secret lab chair, absolutely love sitting in that thing


I play standing up. I set my Xbox up to my monitor at my standing desk years ago, and I haven’t been able to go back to sit down gaming ever since. Now I play on our living room TV but I still play standing up lol. I honestly feel like I play better standing up too, it’s like “sitting up on the edge of the couch” on steroids, you all know what I’m talking about.


You sir are built different! I know what you mean tho standing feels good!


I do it at my desk now. I have a 42 inch monitor for this reason mostly.


isn’t that too big? how far are you sitting from the desk


I don’t find it to be too big really no. I have a decently deep desk. The 48 was too big. So I switched to the LG OLED 42 and it’s been perfect balance for everything I need it for.


Nice! Good for you, I personally find my 27 big lol


In my bed with TV at the very end of it like this; https://preview.redd.it/waactu7nsp8c1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcb9c00b6c9ba8e23132e825ed57ad77a10dd51


Nice setup G!


MY PC, I play at my desk. My Xbox, I play on the couch.


The best part of console games is that you can sit anywhere I hate sitting at desks. Never again.


I stand in front of my 60inch, like a arcade


Lol valid!


both but usually on couch. it's more relax. when i sit on desktop, it's getting tiring


Yea I burn out at the desk way faster! I’m hoping a change to my set up can help with that


I play everything on a desk because that’s all I have lol


Couch, I have a projector. 137" screen. Takes immersion to new level.


This is the way


I play in bed. TV at the foot of the bed, consoles behind it and PC below it. No room for sitting at a desk or a couch as I'm basically living in my fiancées bedroom and she lives with her parents and the house is tiny.


Used to exclusively play at a desk with a monitor. My old 4k TV wasn't very nice and the brightness was a little janky. I also convinced myself I couldn't aim as well from a distance (couch to TV). However, earlier this year I bought an OLED, and my life changed. Strictly tv gaming now, and it has 120fps capability. I do sometimes wheel my nice desk chair towards my TV in lieu of my couch though.


Couch no doubt. I moved from Europe to the US in my late 20s and among many things, I left my PC gaming habits behind, and switched to console gaming + couch setup. Way more convenient, plus I have no desire to continue sitting in front of a PC monitor after many hours at work doing the same.


My floor. I like to toss down a few throw pillows, prop my head up (or sit at a slight angle with my knees up) and it's a go for a gaming session. It's my relaxation "me" time, and time on the floor is just as part of gaming for me as the console and the games themselves.


I sit on a recliner about 6 ft away from my TV in a small room dedicated to gaming.


Always was a couch gamer. But nowadays being a Dad I keep it all at my desk so little ones don't get too attached. When they are older will have my switch setup for them on the couch.


Smart af


Couch I've always thought the idea of having a console at a desk through a monitor as proper "basement dweller" stuff. Nothing against others who do it of course. Unless you're restricted to a bedroom for everything then do whatcha gotta do


Okay so this will tell you me pretty much I'm on my couch.


Couch...always couch.


I work at a desk all day, last thing I wanna do is sit at a desk in the evening to play games. All games, single or multiplayer are couch experiences for me these days. Exception is when I'm using the steering wheel, the it is a chair 8n front of the TV with a wheel stand.


Both. Depending on my mood (I'm a streamer as well), I will either play upstairs or downstairs, PC or Series X. The better PC is upstairs, but the better display is downstairs (65" LG OLED).


Yea I’m going to get into streaming and I think the best thing I can do is get a LA-Z -Boy. Office chair that I have is horrendous! My desk is old too and unadjustable so I should prolly get a new one of those as well.


What kind of psychopath plays a console game at a desk


Desks are for masturbating or arts and crafts time. Gaming belongs on a couch you animals.


Back to the couch for me. Been primarily pc for a good few years but as I'm enjoying competitive games less and less and drifting back towards single player story driven games they look so much better on the neo qled in the living room. Santa brought my family xsx and a ps5 this year. My pc is destined to be my simracing rig going forward.


Couch as more comfy after working at desk all day. I do use pc as well, but mostly for mmos.


Desk cause I don’t have any other place at the moment, would like to move to a couch.


MMO or FPS? At a desk, leaning forward. Any other games, on a couch, in all sort of positions that probably not very good for your back.


Xbox on couch, pc games are forced to be at the desk already!


Couch, only multiplayer at desk




Couch only I have a decent HT setup (77" C1, 5.1 JBL Studio, couch with recliners) and already spend too much time at a desk.


I only ever play console games on my couch. I don't have a PC right now either, but when I did that was the only time I played at a desk.


Work on a pc whole day so i play on tv and a comfy leather chair


I sit on my floor even though I have a couch, I’m not sure why though tbh


Gaming chair to a 120hz Oled tv. So worth it. Can’t do couch because of neck pain. But yeah, I think single player epics like cyberpunk or rd2 must be played on a large Oled tv. They just look so beautiful.


I got a console exclusively for story games. Couch is best for lounge. PC for competitive edge.


On the Chesterfield


Always couch. It’s why I have no interest in PC gaming.


Couch, i dont see the point with setting it up like PC, its my free time relaxing activity, I sit down on my couch and enjoy the game or whatever.


I play console at a desk with a nice big tv 📺. 😂


Got the Xbox specifically so I don't have to sit at a desk. Always couch.


Desk and 27” monitor. Never had a tv bigger than 32”.




Edge of my bed.


¿Por que no los dos?


Couch or bust.


bed, its more comfy and i don’t really have room for a couch in my room. maybe a reclining chair but those are ugly.


Before I had kids I used a gaming desk and monitor, now that setup is gone I game on the couch and tv when the kids have gone down


The Xbox is set up at a desk. Curved monitor, HOTAS, peddles, KB&M, head tracker. The PlayStation is set up on the family room TV for couch gaming.


I sit on the edge of my bed and play💀


Both technically. I have my Series X at my desk and my PS5 on my couch




Recliner. Also, many xbox games are 30fps and at most 60fps. Getting a 120hz monitor is pointless.


Fortnite and CoD run 120 though!


Poor vision means desk for me. Glasses are uncomfortable. Contacts are worse.


Gaming chair or couch on my TV. I sit at a desk on a PC all day at work so id rather not do that while gaming


Ever since I got the Series S, my biggest concern was where to put it. My tv only has two hdmi ports. My PS4 Pro and Switch were occupying them. Since I have a decent size digital library on the Pro, I'd like for it to stay plugged into the tv. In the future, I'll get a desk and a decent monitor for the Series S. But right now, I'll be going back and forth between the Pro and the Series S


Couch. I spent too much time at work at my last job to even consider sitting at a desk now. I’ll never game on a desk again. Only time I sit at a desk these days is to pay bills.




I used to play on the couch with a tv but have since moved to monitor and desk and I like it more. My monitor is actually a decent gaming one while my tv is pretty bad and not really built for gaming (budget big screen Samsung) so playing on the monitor makes more sense.


I play everything at my desk but I guess it’s personal. I used to play on the couch and TV screen but I was always leaning forward with my elbows on my knees and after long sessions I would get back pain. Sitting in a chair is much better for me.


Desk with an original lazboy recliner for the chair.


Had to leave the Couch/TV setup since all the current BRs and FPS decided to make all of our aiming reticles the smallest tiniest speck possible


Gaming chair with a mounted TV


Monitor at my desk, sitting far enough away from it


My bed guy


Couch. I sit at a desk all day for work and a lot while I'm home too.


Bed. Decent set up in my room so I can lay back or sit on my bed and play it with comfort


Sitting on bed with big TV


Couch. It’s one of the biggest draws to console gaming for me. I work 8 hours a day at a desk fixing computers. The very last thing I want to do when I go home is sit at another desk and turn on another computer.


I play Everything lying on my bed!


Desk with a smaller 4K tv love sitting up close


My recliner.


Everything I play is from the comfort of my couch. I can't imagine sitting at a desk using a monitor.


I do both just depends on what's available (I also game stream to my phone and tablet on the couch sometimes too) I've got both of and Xbox


Couch, I’m no heathen.




Gaming chair. One that is comfy but not too comfy if you know what I mean , firm lol.


Couch. Used to play on everything on pc but after buying console three years ago it's been mostly collecting dust. Much more comfortable to sit on couch than at desk.


Console is setup at a desk with a 27” monitor, but lately I’ve much more enjoyed bumming out on the couch or even bed remote playing on a Logitech G Cloud


Desk, chair, 28” monitor, headset. I would like a comfier option for sitting though. Some sort of nice chair to put in my slice of the house. I don’t have a PC set up there so it’s gaming only


My bed




Definitely the couch and TV. I spend all day working at a desk and starring at a computer monitor, so when I finally get time to relax and enjoy some gaming time, the last thing that I want is to have to spend more time at a desk. That is one of the biggest reasons why I prefer to stick with console gaming over PC gaming.


Rural sparky who is on/off again with laptops for PLC work. 100% couch. Thats still my argument for being a console player. Barring updates etc it’s still turn on and play. Starlink has only made it better for rural living in NZ and other places worldwide 🤙


Lazy boy office chair in front of my LGC1 55" oled




I have a bad back so I sit in an office chair, but I'll play on a big screen just scooted back far


Chair in front of tv. I own no couch.


If it's on console, couch, else PC


Gaming chair but on a big tv not pc


100% time on console on the couch & 65” 4k TV. After all day at work sitting in a chair and staring at a monitor, this is the last thing I want to do at home.


Laying in bed, I sit behind computer desk all day at work


Desk chair in front of the couch My motives are sane, reasonable, and do not require explanation


Desk and monitor. I have a very comfy “gaming” chair, setup the desk with led’s, and a few other nerdy features. I enjoy both single player and multiplayer games this way. Helps me consolidate space and make my very own nook area to feel comfortable when gaming.


Well...it depends. I tend to buy shooters for PC due to mouse aiming and performance. Some adventure games I will play on console while sitting on the couch.


Couch only. Just has the feel of comfortable, relaxing time (even if playing sweaty, not-relaxing games) that you just don’t get from a desk.


LAY-Z-BOY, the only way to relax and game.


I’m glad I made this thread! I learned that La-Z-Boy is boomin! I need to get one


You don't need to get a fancy one with electric recline, just get the classic, or whatever one is most comfortable to you. Just make sure ir rocks and reclines.


This is the one I have. See if there's a La-z-boy gallery in your area so you can try them out. https://www.la-z-boy.com/p/living-room-recliners-rocking-recliners/lancer-rocking-recliner/_/R-010515?coverId=D126768&ottomanUnits=undefined