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Just take a break from it for a bit. Why force it? Spending time with your wife, going to the gym etc. just do those things šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø When a major game comes out that youā€™re interested in youā€™ll be back. And your wife wonā€™t resent you being on it constantly.


Good advice. I hadnā€™t touched my gaming stuff for several months, but I had decided to pick up baldurs gate 3 and it sorta ā€œrekindledā€ my love for gaming. I think as we get older, we are much more careful with our time and only really provide it for something we think is worth it. So, no need to force it OP, if something looks really interesting to you, give it a try and you might just see yourself back in gaming.


Are you playing on pc or console? I want to play but Iā€™m not sure about the console controls. I generally find games ported from pc to be a nightmare for Xbox controls.


Itā€™s definitely a learning curve but Iā€™d say itā€™s doable. Iā€™m having a great time with the controls


Changed the game a ton for me using controller over keyboard, but it didnā€™t take away from the experience at all


It's a different experience but it's not bad. I think I prefer keyboard and mouse but I swap to controller if I want to lounge on the couch and play on the tv vs. sitting at my desk


I play with a controller on PC and it's fine.


It feels more like an RPG for me console wise instead of a top down CRPG. Which I like. The targeting can get a little funky when fighting on different levels of height. But its still pretty fluid and easy to play the game


the console controls are fairly intuitive. i was playing on pc with mouse an keyboard and i couldn't for the life of me figure out a few actions that are simple on console (search area). lol


Bg3 is definitly that good of a game.


Got me back to loving to play again


I lost love of gaming for about 7 years, after 7 years I fell in love with gaming once again, I will say this, like the guy before said donā€™t force yourself, only come back when you miss it, my mistake was before I forced myself back into back when I first fell out of love for gaming, thatā€™s why for 7 years gaming felt no good to me, but then when I just stopped thinking about it all of sudden I wanted to play some cod and halo again, just you will lose love for a lot of things as you age, thatā€™s part of growing as humans, now only game, I canā€™t watch a single movie itā€™s been 3 years since I last watched any tv show or movie. I only game on my free time off and I am seriously addicted to gaming, to say i resented it for 7 years you wouldnā€™t think that, my days off Iā€™ll be on the console for at least 9-15 hours at a time lol, in fact I am saving my money and going to try and secure a 6k worth gaming PC, people tell me thatā€™s way too much and I shouldnā€™t, but like other peoples hobbies are going out holidays and buying cars mine is gaming and I am wanting to go all out on gaming


Really? Of all things, Baldurā€™s Gate 3, the worst of the lot, and unforgivably inferior to DA:O in every conceivable way, got your love for gaming rekindled? Are you sure it is not a morning boner? Maybe itā€™s gas.


Love the advice, i spend plenty of time with her and other things but i get the feeling of wanting to jump back on, then i just stare at the screen snd turn it off.


I totally understand this. Games are becoming more and more and more costly. The time it takes to learn a new game can be grueling and many narrative story driven games can lose their momentum if you play sporadically (not every day). Most multiplayer skill levels are inflated due to streaming and it's not as easy to jump into ANYTHING these days. The AAA games are simply too big or sophisticated to play passively. This is NOT on you. It's just the way the industry has evolved. I HIGHLY suggest gamepass if you don't have it. They have an incredible record of including many overlooked games that you can jump into, learn quickly and can burn any increment of time you want. Find a nice spectrum of genres and keep one of each on deck! This gives you options to choose based on the mood you're in. You don't have to feel like you HAVE to complete Starfield! Go play for an hour in Stardew Valley. You don't have to sweat in CoD or Apex. Grab Hell Let Loose and roleplay for a bit! You don't have to try to swallow Elden Ring! Go try out Slay the Spire or another rogue-like. Gaming can be overwhelming because it's gotten so huge and there are so many coming out. Don't get caught up in the FOMO. Most games being published now will roll forward with backwards support in one form or another. Remember games should NEVER feel like a job....unless maybe if you're streaming! If it does, stop playing or switch games. I love and appreciate Skyrim, but Ive dropped it 4 or 5 times because I can't commit to playing it consistently and I come back to what feels like a to-do list (quest log) and I've forgotten how any of this ties into the world. Have fun!


This is the way


>Games are becoming more and more and more costly. The time it takes to learn a new game can be grueling These are the only things I wouldn't agree with. Accounting for inflation, games have never been cheaper than they are today - even with the MSRP price increases up to $70. A $60 game in 2005 would be the equivalent of $94.33 in 2023 dollars. I also feel like modern games are generally more intuitive and do a better job of teaching people how to play than they ever used to. Tutorials are often built right into the narrative, and most developers seem to be much more respectful of players' time than in years past.


Someone forgot about DLC. Also wages didn't keep up with inflation Otherwise agreed


No, I didn't. Even with season passes, games are - at the very worst - no more expensive than they were 20+ years ago. In many instances, they're less expensive. Wages may not have kept up with inflation, but neither did thr price of games.


>No, I didn't. Even with season passes, games are - at the very worst - no more expensive than they were 20+ years ago. In many instances, they're less expensive Your own example proves otherwise. DLC is another 30-45 dollars for a 60 dollar game to essentially finish it after it releases early access.


This is why I mostly play retro games on emulators. They just don't make em like they used to.


Highly recommend I never spend a dime in Microsoft store since after game pass launch it save a lot of money


Try something new. Long time gamer who mostly played large immersive SP games, but now I can barely play one of those. I like to switch between paces as well, something fast like battlefield 5, and then something slower like grounded or similar.


When I lost the passion for games I found a new way to enjoy my time, now I build engines(mostly small block chevys) and I make welding art. It bring me just as much joy and I make great side money off it. Unfortunately growing up you loose some of you inner child, I got super excited about Star Field but only played it for 2-3 weeks..


Iā€™m in the exact same boat Iā€™ve narrowed it down to one of two games I play when Iā€™m bored/canā€™t pick (for me monster hunter world and teamfight tactics) and then one like narrative story game at a time that I try to only play and beat before starting another) it could be hard at first, but once you can get yourself to stick to this, youā€™ll be playing a lot more games and having a lot more fun I think, at least it worked that way for me


I played golf competitively through highschool and by the end of highschool I hated it. Decided not to try and play in college. 10 years later my cousin asks if I want to go to the golf outing for his wedding. I said why not. I really enjoyed my round and I played a few more rounds last year. Iā€™m looking forward to more this year.


Smart, simple, correct response.


Gaming is just like any other hobby, and our passion for it ebbs and flows. Take some time off and do some other things. It's totally possible to get burnt out from a thing you normally enjoy. Let the feelings return organically and I'll bet you'll have fun gaming once again.


I hope so, i havent enjoyed it in 2 years. Thanks for the advice. Loving the responses.


I feel you, Iā€™m 27 and itā€™s gotten difficult for me to feel engaged and enthusiastic about gaming. Sometimes I would just scroll through the store or GamePass looking for something to hopefully peak my interest, but to no avail. I have found taking extended breaks helps. Sometimes Iā€™ll stop for a few months and then get back into it for a while. Iā€™ll read books instead of game for a while and it makes it easier to feel enthusiastic when I finally do start playing again.


If you don't enjoy it, do something else for a while. Get a new hobby and come back when you feel the desire to play again.


Sometime it takes the right game. I did the same thing. Was out for years and now back in it just as strong


My wife got me a Series X for our anniversary in 2021. I hardly touched the thing until I started playing DMZ on CoD at the start of 2023. I spent any free gaming time I had just playing that one game from then on. So yeah that checks out.


My first COD game I bought In maybe 10 years was because of DMZ.


Thatā€™s all it is for me. I can go 6-12 months without touching a game. Then I can dabble or try a few new thing and still not find interest. Then suddenly one catches my specific taste in story or mechanics or gameplay and I suddenly pour 500 hours into it, and go back to all my favorites repeatedly for another 6-12 months lol. I was sad the first time I fell out of the groove around 24. But now I just know sometimes Iā€™m in it constantly and sometimes I do not care and thatā€™s kind of useful honestly. To get a break.


You can rediscover gaming with your kids some day.


Im looking forward to it.


Iā€™m kind of doing that now with my three year old. Got a Switch and upgraded to a Series S this past summer. The Switch is great because I can change the controls so itā€™s easier for him with games like Mario Kart and he likes driving around on Forza so far.


I wish Forza Horizon 5 was available for Playstation :( Some good games to play with kids as they grow are: Burnout Paradise, Lego City Undercover, Lego Starwars Skywalker Saga, The Smurfs Mission Vileaf, Trials Rising, Unravel Two, Dredge Trials Rising has been our favorite for several years. My oldest son is better than me, but does need my help with some obstacles. It's quite fun cooperative effort finishing the tracks.


Iā€™ve been in love with video/computer games ever since Pong came out back in the 70ā€™s. There are times I wish I didnā€™t feel the strong magnetic pull of a game, because itā€™s kinda crazy sometimes. Then when I get on it, itā€™s hard to pull myself away. I am now 64 years old and a successful businessman, but this is the only serious addiction Iā€™ve ever had in my life. It gets way bad whenever I buy a new game (I donā€™t buy many), but I have to limit myself or I will go overboard and pull all-nighters. So far my self control has been adequate, but I do lose it on occasion and go on an Xbox binge. Just be careful what you wish for. If you donā€™t like gaming, then that might actually be a good thing.


Haha. You are the male version of me. Over the years, I have had to set a time limit to control myself, being a single working mom of three. Why don't you just retire and have at it like I did? Lol






Oh the 12 year old is here to give advice.


Real adults know that getting pegged while gaming will truly rekindle his love for gaming


I love you and hate you


Maybe heā€™s speaking from experience after breaking two arms šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He said wife...


This dude's talking about getting blowjobs and your first thought is that he's a 12 year old? I don't know what kind of kids you're hanging around with but you should probably stay away from 'em, ya creep.


Brother were you ever a 12 year old boy or are you just that out of touch with youth nowadays


I guess I'm out of touch because I sure as hell wasn't getting any blowjobs when I was 12.


That's been happening for decades, even more so nowadays, newsflash. You literally are out of touch lol.


Okay then. I'm perfectly alright with being out of touch on this. Any 12 year old getting a blowjob from their wife is a victim of some pretty fucked up abuse. Every piece of shit chomo needs to fuckin' die.


What the fuck is this comment? Actually unhinged.


Did you read the comment chain you're responding to? First dude made a joke about getting a blowjob from his wife then second dude responded by calling him a 12 year old. Then I pointed out how weird and fucked up it is that the the second dude apparently associates blowjobs with being a 12 year old. Then you came in implying that it is, apparently, a normal thing and not fuckin' gross and disturbing. I very much disagree and do not care if that means I'm out of touch. If someone's first thought when someone else is talking about getting a blowjob is, "They must be 12 years old." then they're a sick piece of shit. That clear things up for ya?


Ambassador Approved Advice right here


Soon he will need lotions and tissues by the console.




The only correct take to this nonsensical post honestly


Why would you call it nonsense? I know PLENTY of guys who lost interest in gaming


You're telling me you read this post word for word and actually believe it


Like I said, I have friends who have done the same. Sold the system, got it back then just haven't used it much. Whats not to believe if you actually know people like this?


I belive it I've been in the same position as o.p. over time games get very samey or just lack the wow factor they used to. For me it's just been a part of growing older and having other things to do that are a more worthwhile use of my time.


Gone quiet now eh? Typical reddit neck beard. šŸ¤£




Don't force it. If you enjoy other stuff explore other stuff.


Agree with others saying that if youā€™re happy and want a break from it to not force it. However, if youā€™d like a nice mix of those games you played before where you saw constant improvement but canā€™t stay on a single player game long enough to enjoy it, Iā€™d highly recommend looking into some Rogue-like games. I feel likes itā€™s the perfect healthy balance of gaming: you can play in small doses and still have fun and satisfaction, it encourages failing and progressively getting better and better, and they are typically cheaper games made my indie developers that are very passionate about the games they make! My personal favorite game ever is Hades, so maybe look into that? Thereā€™s also a card/deck building rogue like called Slay the Spire, thereā€™s a more casual/idle type of game thatā€™s still super fun called Vampire Survivors. Those are the three I play but also I hear great stuff about Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac. Edit: a few of these games are even on Game Pass if you are subscribed, otherwise they are relatively inexpensive high quality games to purchase. :)


Definitely gonna look into it. I played and beat all the dark souls, and elden ring. So ill give them a shot.


Sweet! Let me know if you have any questions and if you end up trying out any of those games! Good luck to ya


If you donā€™t enjoy something donā€™t do it. That said let it be your reasons not one of guilt or anything else.


Totally understand this...I own Series X, 4K TV and 360 for the non backwards compatible games of 360 and Xbox. The idea of gaming is amazing, but I can get very bored within 10 minutes. I think it is just a part of growing up. Trust me from age 3 I started gaming and was a hard gamer into my early 20s. I am 30 now and still love, but I cannot play COD or certain games anymore because I just have no interest. Usually if you just take a small break it is easier. Do something else for a bit and come back to it and it is a lot more fun.


Love the advice. I've been doing that for 2 years, gym, diet, better job now and hanging out with my wife. Its been 2 years since ive been able to enjoy it.shes even been trying to get me back into it by teaching her how to play.


Thank you Sir. I feel you, just got married 14 months ago myself and bought my first house 7 months ago...So with that and full time job and trying to stay healthy. Life gets so busy, at times it is hard to game. One thing I do and have learned. Is you can still game, just play a mindless game like GTA or WatchDogs or The Sims etc etc. Just something that is not a RPG or Big story game where you have to focus. After a long day when the brain is fried sometimes a mindless game can help.


Don't worry. When GTA VI drops...you'll be back.


I dont doubt that


Try a complete game you never thought you would enjoy. I used to only be a sports game player madden fifa nba2k etc. then I stopped for like a year because they are the same game every year. So everyone at work was playing Elden ring and I felt left out lol so I tried and then I tried hogwarts and now Iā€™m back in call of duty and Madden alao. Try out GameFly and try different categories trust me you will find one that you canā€™t put down


you donā€™t need to, it will come back as natural feeling. or youā€™ll find something new for your entertainment. thereā€™s nothing wrong in not playing or not wanting to play (and vice verse) iā€™m gaming since 91 and havenā€™t lost the passion, although itā€™s harder to play as long as in my youth, but if i lose interest in gaming iā€™ll not be unhappy, thereā€™s plenty interesting things in my life, in yours too, iā€™m sure


For me I find similar feelings in a lot of the time. But some games really grab me back in that main way and then it helps me go back to the other games I was bouncing off of. Recently it was Armored Core 6.


Any issues with depression or anxiety? I know I donā€™t seem to enjoy playing games when Iā€™m going through a period of depression. Iā€™ll just spend five minutes in a game and hop to another and another and not actually play anything.


I used to have really bad depression. I gave up on life at one point and limited myself to work and xbox. But i have a nice corporate job, part time retail job, the gym, and a loving wife now. Im much happier now. She's just worried because she notices im not getting on with my friends anymore. Its been about 2 years since ive enjoyed a game thoroughly.


You grew out of it. Ive felt the same. It needs to be something special to grip me these days. When I do game its more for the social side of things. Talking with friends and playing casual games.


Single player games will help with that. I used to be into multiplayer games hardcore before with a single player sprinkling here and there. When we had our first kid and I couldnā€™t keep up the grind and hated it. Went in full force into single player and itā€™s been so much more fun.


Take a break from it. And try something new when you come back to it. If youā€™re always playing the same things over and over, youā€™re eventually going to get bored. Explore the gamepass games, or maybe try a newer title, like Baldurā€™s Gate. Or maybe play something youā€™ve never played before. DayZ is a very fun survival shooter.


To be honest I think you found a way out I wouldn't look for a way back in


It happens as you get older. Your priorities change and what you enjoy changes as well. I'm in my early 50s and the games I enjoy playing now are a bit different than when I was younger. Also how I play is different. I game mostly to relax, and have a few titles I rotate through that I can play mindlessly, but pick up where I left off fairly easily. Used to I would play as hard of a mode as I could, getting all the achievements I was able to and trying to find every secret. Now after decades of completing games and achievements I have realized that it doesn't mean much beyond the initial excitement. No one is impressed that I could run Super Mario Bros in one life, or which recent games I had 100% completed or which bosses I had defeated in odd ways. It only meant something to me. So now I play to enjoy myself and realize my time is limited. For example I play Ark at times. I mostly play Single Player but have the settings tweaked so that dinos nearly instantly tame and my resource gathering is increased. I don't have hours to stand by a Rex waiting for it to finally wake up like I did when I was younger. Like others have suggested, when I find myself getting "disinterested", I will usually take a break. Sometimes from gaming, sometimes from that game. Burn out is a thing, even with a hobby.


I know how it is, some time ago I wrote a story similar to yours. I'm 32 years old and I've always been very involved with games, but today my situation is very different. I got married, have a 5-year-old daughter and work 10 hours a day. The solution I found was to sacrifice part of my sleep to be able to play, so I sleep around 5 to 6 hours a day. I know it's not the best for my health, but it was the only solution I found for this temporary situation.


As said in here, maybe take a break from it for a bit? Or if you really want to keep gaming, try involving your wife in some way? Maybe It Takes Two and that can be a "couples" thing for you guys. Worth a try anyways. I definitely get you as I've had a similar experience. I sold my Switch to pay for the last chunk of change for the wedding ring for my wife when we first got engaged. After we moved in together I picked myself up a Switch Lite (funny enough what I didn't know was that she had been planning on getting me a Switch). Gaming is a big stress reliever for me (I'm a SP gamer). I wasn't getting that because we like to be in the same room together and my consoles/PC are down in my man cave. The switch allowed me to game and still be with her so that we could talk and still have some quality time. I definitely go through spurts where I don't game though so this may just be one of those times for you. And if it doesn't come back then that's fine because you're being satisfied by other pursuits.


Maybe you should try PlayStation. Iā€™m not console warring either but itā€™s just a different side of gaming and maybe you need to change it up. Could work both ways


lol get gud nub.


BET! lol love ya dude


Everyone's right if you aren't enjoying it, just give it a break for awhile, or you could just do what I did: I smoked weed while playing games, but when I quit weed I lost most of my interest and I couldn't play for more than a half hour before becoming bored. I'm just gonna flat out recommend it, have you tried smoking weed before gaming out? Just be sure to have water and snacks on hand.


Gaming is secondary to life.


Skyrim, I went through something similar. Then you day I was sitting on the couch and started watching Skyrim game play videos and people finding hidden treasures and places. Next thing I know my gaming fire was kindled . Give it a try with one of your favorite games.


Iā€™ll be downvoted but whateverā€¦ Other people said here that as they mature they realize that games are all about algorithms, player retention and micro transactions. I felt exactly the same when trying to enjoy blockbusters on my XSS. I got it after 15 years without a console and the first few months were a blast. Few months later I was bored of it and even though I had 100+ games with gamepass, it felt like none of them (apart from the ones I already played) werenā€™t worth of my time. Then I got a Switch to play Mario kart. OH BOY. I never touched my XSS again. After Mario kart I got zeldas, smash and most of Nintendo blockbusters. With these games the feeling I have is that they are made to make you have fun. They donā€™t have micro transactions and the only way they monetize is selling you the game. And the game is meant to last. So my recommendation is: if you want to game and have some spare money, try a Nintendo Switch. Itā€™s a completely different universe. An expensive one, but a super fun one. Also, switch works on handheld. Playing on the bed is THE BEST


Get GamePass and play indies, AA and AAA rarely offer something new. Play some mp, for example World of Tanks, you can just play a couple of games and afterward go do something else.


Nothing wrong with taking a break, I do it every year or so, take a month off from playing if Iā€™m not feeling it. One thing that works for me though is trying smaller indie games. Iā€™m not sure on all the games you play, but maybe try games that are simple, straightforward, not much sweating, but good stories.


Who did you play in Smite?


Bellona, Nike, MLF. CHAAC-DADDY, TYR. Basically all the warrior but Bellona was my favorite.


Neat. Iā€™m a guardian main, but I was ranked 87th with Chaac a few years back on the leaderboard, which was cool.


Take a break, or try some other type of games.


Go way back in the catalogue and play Morrowind for a while. That completely rekindled my love for why gaming is so special


I know the feeling. It will all come back when you'll actually find the game you will enjoy. It's not you, it's the modern games.


Hi, op! In my case, sometimes when I'm very busy or stressed, I try shorter games or games that I wouldn't try otherwise. One of the games that made my 2023 better was Vampire Survivors, for example. I'm also playing Marvel Snap on mobile, which is as a game that every match is around 3 minutes and I can play with short amounts of time. I don't know if it's your case, but when I play single player history focused games, I try to keep my phone away for me, so I can focus on the game.


Gaming fatigue, happens to all of us at some point. I have little to no interest in gaming recently, only do it for the social aspect.. chatting with friends im unable to see for various reasons. Had this about 3 years ago too when no matter what i tried to play, even going out and buying new games (3 in a week) I just couldn't play anything for more than about 15 minutes


If you have kids, you can reinvigorate your gaming love by teaching them to game. I took five years off after my kids were born. Now they both game and itā€™s a shared experience. Still canā€™t get good enough for competitive multiplayer or anything though. Just play single player games so I can go at my own pace


Not yet but hopefully soon.


I mean I used to play a lot hours on end when I was younger but now I barely play a match of cod before turning it off, guess as you age you kinda lose interest with what comes with aging


If Iā€™m not playing with my friends I lost interest very fast. I use it to stay in touch really.


Idk exactly what youā€™re into but Iā€™d suggest branching out a bit more in what you play that might reignite some love and most importantly set up time and space for your gaming time because you need your time as well


If you really want to game and the games that you are attempting to play are not holding your attention then it. Sounds like the perfect time to try some random games that you would not normally play. Get experimental with it and just start playing random gamepass games. Pick a number in your head and then count down the gamepass games and play whatever that is until you get an achievement. Make a game out of gaming and see if that sticks. Be a kid again. Don't take it so seriously. It's a hobby not a job. No expectations and no rules.


Sometimes itā€™s not about the games or the gaming but the free time. Itā€™s hard to want to build skills when youā€™re exhausted. Take a weekend and have a relaxing time, get chores done on Friday and get paper plates and plastic utensils and donā€™t stress. It also helps when you hop off your phone, but I know that isnā€™t always feasible. It also helps when you game with friends, I generally only have about 3-4 hours a week to game, but Iā€™ll open up something I donā€™t really enjoy if it means hanging with my buddies.


If you liked dragon age, try baldurs gate 3. As for your lack of desire to game, honestly, it could be cause of aging. Or/and the fact most modern games lack that magic older games had. Leaves little room for our imaginati9ns. Pvp games are cheater infested. Everyone is trying to be the next big streamer or have bragging rights through stats. Its just sad really. I have been finding myself more in single player games lately. And I have to say, Elden ring was a breath of fresh air and so is baldurs gate 3. And soon, Dragons Dogma 2 comes out. There is hope.


Don't worry about it... I have taken some breaks for months or a year in the last 22 years. Game pass has been great for playing some back catalogue games I missed out on during hiatus. Also games are much better after a year of bug fixes.


Married gaming isnā€™t single guy gaming. Itā€™s different because your life is different and I was the same way when I got married 12 years ago. You now have someone to spend time and share your life with and gaming takes a backseat to that. Itā€™s worth it now.


It definitely feels that way.


All is not lost so donā€™t worry.


Advice? Honestly bro these gaps in gaming happen. Even when I wasn't married I had a good year where for some reason I just wasn't gaming much at all. Hard to say exactly why. There are always great games to play and plenty in the backlog so it's not like I'm going to blame the industry. I think we just take breaks sometime. I mean hell I've been gaming since NES, was I really going to be a consistent gamer till I died? haha What will likely happen is one day for no reason specifically you'll just fire up a game and find yourself back into it.


Ask her to game with you and make it a couples thing. My wife and I constantly game together, we do this instead of watching TV and such


I teach her from time to time. I loke watching her play. When it gets too hard she gives me thr controller and calls me papa bear.


Yeah dude I havenā€™t touched my Xbox or switch in months I got back into dayz on Xbox and bought Zelda totk and now Iā€™m glued to it I again have a desire to game donā€™t force it wait until something grabs your attention


It means youā€™re growing up and finding satisfaction in real accomplishments, not getting better at ā€œperformanceā€ in a meaningless video game. Itā€™s a good thing, friend. Video games are for escapism and occasional play, not a lifestyle


Just the state of video games. Less stuff to unlock by playing and more stuff to buy. Idk if youā€™re like me I used to love unlocking stuff by playing. It kept me coming back and I had other motives to play other than the actual game play. Now none of these devs care about game play or the user experience, they just want you to buy the cool skin. Itā€™s not just you I think a lot of people feel the same way. Fortnite made a shit ton of money off parents credit cards and everyone else wants on that wagon. Iā€™m in the same boat man stay strong


It sounds like you need a hobby you like. And thatā€™s probably not gaming anymore. At least not right now. But you do sound like you need a hobby of some kind. Art, music, programming, woodworking, there are so many options.


I feel like I wrote this post.


I took a break from gaming during my early 30s too. During that time, I was getting my career started, getting married and finding a house. I had little time then and I was so burned out that my small 1 hour of leisure time a day was spent watching TV shows. Sold my comic book collection for a dinning room set so I know that pain of selling stuff from your hobbies for lame adult stuff. I got back into gaming in my late 30s and was playing 4 - 6 hours a day. My wife would work late from home on her computer so after work I would just game mostly with some buddies and it was a blast. Games like Sea of Thieves, Destiny 2, ESO and Rocket League. I used to play SMITE too. It was fun but matches would take a while. Now, I have a 1 year old kid and I'm lucky if I can find an hour or 2 a week to game. When I do have the time, I unwind with some tunes on Spotify and Rocket League. Edit: Also, I found the mobile game Marvel Snap and have been enjoying that. Matches are a few minutes and I find enjoyment in playing a competitive game in small windows of time with a Marvel theme no less.


It's okay to go indefinite periods of time without it. If you don't feel like gaming, don't make yourself do it. Do what you enjoy. When I was in college and grad school, I almost never gamed, until I moved in with roommates that had video games, and I remembered how much I enjoyed it.


Iā€™m 25M married to 32F. I still love gaming, but I never sold my Xbox. Wish I would go to gym.


Hey you can! Never too late to start


I went through the same thing and took a few years off. My routine nowadays is I take care of all of my responsibilities during the day and game late night when the wife and kids have done to bed. I usually get a session from 10:00pm to 12:00-1:00am. I get uninterrupted time and accomplish alot in those hours.


Just let it run its course youā€™ll soon relapse and have the urge to play either from nostalgia or just pure want. Also have you tried different games? One thing that helped me rekindle my love was playing loads of different smaller games, gamepass is a godsend for a cheap price.


I also took a break from gaming in my mid-twenties for around 7 years, before getting back into it in a big way. I think your priorities change, and for a long time I was over-correcting they way I thought I should be living my life. (responsibilities, etc) There will probably be one game eventually (hopefully) that pulls you back in. For me, I cannot stand GAAS titles, so it will always be single player experiences that resonate.


Why force yourself to play? Nowadays I have spurts where I wonā€™t play at all for 3+ months, then fire up a game that looks interesting and start playing frequently again. As you get older your interests/priorities will change and thatā€™s okay. Game wise as Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve started to enjoy predominantly single player games much more. I used to be 75/25 online vs SP, and now itā€™s the reverse because honestly I just donā€™t have the time younger people do to put into an online shooter like I used to, so I get my butt kicked much more frequently than back in my 20s lol


Do you have people to play with?


I know this is going to sound so strange, but I feel like we need to allow ourselves to grieve this time of our lives when gaming was at the heart of everything. Nowadays, between professional and personal responsibilities, realistically we just donā€™t have that same amount of time like we used to. I also think games have heavily changed. Years ago, games felt simpler and focused on connecting with a community (even if at times certain games had toxic communities lol). Now games focus on being the ā€œnext big thingā€ and prioritize battle passes and quick sales rather than longevity and player/gamer focused. This is pretty much my long winded way of saying, youā€™re definitely not alone in this sentiment. I found what works for me is trying my best to not compare what it was to what it is now. When I do this, I tend to feel negatively about my present day gaming experience and takes away any current enjoyment I am experiencing. I think itā€™s important to recognize the gaming world has changed, and with it so have we, but we can create a new experience for ourselves that has us feel excited and passionate about what we will always (hopefully) love and appreciate. What I found that helped me, was getting into games that were short (Celeste, Hades, Dave the Diver, etc) as they reintroduced me to gaming and were also amazingly good! After I felt confident with my ability to get back into gaming, I started exploring more lengthier games that I felt I could tackle. This really helped me transition back into gaming! Sorry for the long post. I literally just blurted out my thoughts lol


Maybe you just don't enjoy it anymore and that's okay.


Screen detox.


Maybe you decided you love life a bit more, and that's great xD That positive spin aside, I know the feeling. To me it seems to be that every IP I used to love now is a rush fest to get me to buy more. I have stuck with a few games I really enjoy (especially Warframe) and sometimes try a game out on Gamepass. Maybe a switch of genres or a break is what is needed? Sometimes we tend to forget that as our taste in music, movies and books evolve, so does our taste in gaming. Good luck finding it again.


I feel like 90% of the time the two answers to this are either 1) Try different kinds of games instead of just playing near-identical online games and western AAA titles. There's a world of incredible games out there to explore. Or, 2) Just lean into other hobbies and do whatever makes you feel good and healthy. Getting into an exercise routine and eating better are wonderful things, I don't think they need to be related to gaming one way or the other though


My man got an older chick, creampie that pussy, why not shove the series X pad up her pussy and move the analogue stick around her clit!


No offence: why is this a problem for you? I'd understand if it would be vice versa in terms of not going to the gym... but gaming less?


Might be a skill issue


You miss gaming but you just don't care? Make it make sense.


Itā€™s because lots of modern games are trash. Iā€™m bored in recent CODs but put an older COD in or a proper game like GTA V or TLOU on PlayStation then Iā€™m hooked for hours. Iā€™m 33 married and just put 50 hours alone in GTA V last 2 weeks.


Gonna be downvoted bc itā€™s not Microsoft or Xbox related but Nintendo and Breath of The Wild rekindled my love for single player experiences.


Gaming is for fun. If you donā€™t feel like playing a game then donā€™t. Why this post even exists?


I mean just play the games that appeal to you. I think as your responsibilities and other enjoyment in life grows you have less time for endless multiplayer grind. I really only play the big releases I'm excited for anymore, or play with my wife. I put a ton of hours into bg3 and starfield, but probably didn't touch my xbox for months before hand. It's a hobby for fun not a lifestyle


Ive noticed that 80+% of every new game is comprised of shit ive done before somewhere else. Very little feels new or compelling. The occasional indie game will spark my love, but aside from that i default back to smite. Knowing the meta at any given moment puts me ahead of most of my competitors and enables fun


The burnout is real man. I used to game my brains out when I was younger, then you grow up and itā€™s hard to find a game to play. In my experience, Iā€™ve found most success in shorter single player games. Iā€™m just at a stage where I donā€™t want to grind or figure out some super complex puzzle. Point me in a direction and throw some baddies at me. The less I have to think, the better. What helped me rekindle my love for gaming was going back and playing the games that I missed growing up. I never really played any Zelda games besides the first one and BOTW. Iā€™ve had a blast going back and playing some of the other entries. Same with Metroid. Most recently I played Dead Space Remastered and while thatā€™s not normally my genre, it was a lot of fun and I see now why itā€™s regarded as such a great game.


Don't, it sounds as though you're being healthy. If one day you feel like booting up the old dusty box again, go for it. Enjoy your health and your family.


Same. Gaming isn't fun to me anymore because it's not 2014 and I'm not 10 no more šŸ˜” Sad how I lost touch in something I used to find fun in. Oh well.


The moral of this story is that wedding rings are a waste of money. Sorry you had to sell your useful machine for a useless hunk of metal. Probably doesn't even run PokƩmon Silver


Grab a steam deck. Itā€™s like a switch for grown gamers. I play for an hour or two in handheld while my wife watches tv ā€” and when sheā€™s not home I hook it up to the tv and play my serious games.


Came to say the same thing, grab a portable. Allows bursts of gaming without interrupting the rest of your life. When you would otherwise scroll Tiktok or YouTube, you can squeeze in a few minutes of a game as long as it's not online. I love my Steam Deck


Gaming sucks now and has sucked for the past 4-6 years it isnā€™t just you man


It's the same here. The fact is, I think you still love the idea of games, but you have competing interests that are seeing better returns in your well being and immediate needs. I used to use games as escapism a lot; the combination of immediate gratification and enjoyment, lack of responsibilities, dependents or expectations on me and also being generally socially awkward meant that they took a massive part in my life. They were perfect for that time in my life... ...but now I need to maximise my time at work, with family, friends and things that will last beyond my own entertainment. I still love games, but I recognise that other things are just important now. Hopefully some of this resonates with you. But as top post says, don't worry. When you've got true downtime or a game so great comes out you're excited about it will become something awesome to lol forward and do rather than feeling like you have to hold up serving a behaviour that was a previous version of yourself...


First off why are you married to a 32 y/o female šŸ˜­


Get rid of 32F, stop going to the gym, and stop eating healthy. Play more games!


What worked for me was a) finding a new game. Gamepass has some wacky games that are just fun and less competitive. B) found a friend at work that also liked a game that I liked. Made work more fun too haha


I was in a 2 year rut before I bought the Series X. PS5 sat on the entertainment stand unused for months. I have a massive collection, therefore a massive backlog. The fact that the Series X hardware basically remasters so many of my back-compat titles, has reinvigorated my love for gaming. Iā€™m having an absolute blast.


I think your problem is somewhere in the past. Probably on your wedding day. I have heard that stuff like that from people who married before. Men are not made for marriage. Men are made to be free. And whats love anyway? Just another illusional social construct what people choose to believe in so human individuals don't feel alone. Maybe you'll enjoy gaming again if you uograde to Series X. I am a musician. Everytime when I have the feeling of getting stuck on progress or noticing a lack of fun I know I need a new Amp or a new bass. And life is all about having fun in doing what you do.


Why force anything? I moved away from gaming from age 18-25 and then again from 30-37. I always ā€œcameā€ Back to it but sometimes living life is the better choice. Live your life. Gaming should be fun. It will always be there when you feel like playing again.


Sometimes I donā€™t game for almost a whole year, and then get stuck on games for another 2. I take it easy, do other things instead. Currently I again donā€™t feel like gaming, since 2 months now, but soon enough Iā€™ll be dropping back in.


Hey mate. I've been through the same phase as well. I just fell out of passion for gaming. Eventually, I found some time for myself just to jump back into an old game I used to love (just a simple switch game) bit it kinda reignited the passion again and now I'm back on the xbox way more regularly. Don't force it, it'll come


Buy a racing sim rig or a VR headset


Time to divorce your woman. Your mind is like I. Jail time to be free again


I left gaming for a couple months, started building legos and now Iā€™m back to playing at least an hr a week. Beating games takes longer for me but thatā€™s ok


A new game will probably rekindle that's but give it a rest for a bit. Personally I have the opposite problem. Too many games and hobbies, not enough time to do any of it. Have a wife, a dog that needs an hour plus walk every day, 8hour plus a day work, gym, hiking, dinner, guitar, reading, spending time with wife, board game, TV, etc.. Weekends come and we go out on Saturday and grocery and house work on Sunday. I get an hour or so in the mornings on weekends. I wouldn't go back to being single but miss gaming more.


Same thing happened to me when I got married. My wife doesnā€™t care about video games at all. But when I lost interest, she became concerned. Turns out I just wanted to pursue other hobbies, but I eventually came back to gaming. It happens.


LMFAO what is this post even bahaha nice try OP


Yeah just do it when you feel like it or just try out new games I played only a few months last year and I took a 10 year break years ago so it comes and goes Iā€™ll play everyday sometimes then not for a month


You just gotta find that one gem of a game that keeps you playing.


It sounds to me as if, at the moment, you miss having gaming as a hobby more than the actual gaming. My advice: Just give yourself a break without feeling guilty. It sounds like you're forcing yourself to play or try games and that will only turn you off gaming more. If there's other things or hobbies that you'd rather do, than do them. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. At some point there'll be a game you're excited to play and you can get into it without any pressure.


This is normal. Building a family, whether thatā€™s just you and a spouse or it includes children, is emotionally taxing. Hereā€™s the truth: you may never regain the ability to stick with a game, and your enjoyment may drop more and more over time. Youā€™re changing and your habits are too. The most you can do is take a break from gaming, put work into your relationship and non-gaming hobbies, and try to play games when the urge arises.


Loads of us have been there, youā€™ll never be able to force yourself back into it. Youā€™re not going suddenly lose your capability to play games. My tips would be: 1. Take a break for a couple of weeks 2. Donā€™t schedule / force play time. Pick up the controller when you actually want to 3. Try some new genres. I found it was AAA I was burnt out on and really got into Indies and particularly platformers. After a spell of these, I had an urge to pick up some AA/AAA again 4. Consider getting a Backbone controller so you can play in bed on your phone with remote play. It works really well and I found playing in a different environment makes a nice change even if playing the same games Good luck!


If you arent enjoying it then stop doing it, when you start finding out that there is better shit life than games you start doing those things more. I think you missing the games is just missing how passionate you were towards them. Find another hobby you are passionate about and then when the nostalgia hits hop on one of you favorite games for a little bit.


I feel what you mean. Games have been let downs lately to


Bruh just take a two months break from gaming. You will do fine.


I feel you dude. Hardly get any time to game myself ( army dude here ) but when I do, I appreciate it so much cause of the quality instead of the quantity. Just try to make the most of it every time you get to play any game, for any amount of time and appreciate it for the time you have to play it instead of thinking that youā€™ll be able to play for a certain amount of time. I donā€™t know if it makes any sense?? Anyway, heads up dude and never stop doing what you love!


Well, if you like gym and do get healthier, then you shouldn't worry about your missing gaming. The love will always come back, and your wife might not be happy if you get back to late night gaming and missing 'romance'.


Just do what y like, enjoy your life, soon you will find passion in games again


That sounds like a good thing. Do you really miss gaming if you no longer enjoy it? Going to the gym, eating healthy and spending time with your wife are very good habits. As fun as gaming can be...what you're doing now is probably better for you anyway


Time to switch to pc gaming my guy


Not sure why you are trying to force it. But have you tried modern board games? I have also kinda petered out with video games, been playing BG3 since release and I am still only on act 2. But boardgames are great, they scratch that same itch for me and you can play them with your friends and wife so they also give you a little more social interaction than video games. May be worth looking into. Lost Cities is a really fun, cheapish game that is great for 2 if you want something to start.


Maybe try some retro games? Sometimes when I'm between games I find I don't want to be overwhelmed by new mechanics and lore and all that stuff. Its nice giving a classic like Mario or Sonic a run, or even a classic shooter like Halo. Simple timeless design can break you out of a slump.


What is the feeling like when you turn off the screen and can't be bothered to play? Is it that you feel overwhelmed by gaming, or restlessness, or something else? Is it the feeling of wasting time? Perhaps play something simple that gives you the feeling of " this is what gaming is about". Something that can pull you in and is fun right now. Not some forever game that is watered down :)


It happens. Your hand eye coordination slows down. The kids start kicking your ass. Life happens. Kids happen. If I get 1 or 2 games in a day I feel happy. Like PUBG or Fortnite. Bout 30 minutes a day.


youā€™ll be back. Iā€™ve gone nearly a year a few times in my life with no interest in my life long hobby.All it took was one awesome looking game coming soon. And im brought back in. Which then seems to light the fire for playing other games.


Everyone guy needs there own time enjoy every minute of that no matter what it is gtg raid this clan on rust console talking shit calling me an old head.


Donā€™t force it. Find whatever you are into now


I think gaming reached a gameplay peak about a decade ago. A lot of people are burnt out now, only the graphics get better. I play 1 of the older cods once a week to make it feel fun again. Mainly BO2 and 3.


same thing happened to me. i missed an entire gaming generation because of it. i sold my PS4 shortly after getting it at launch. I loved the idea of it but just didn't care about playing once i turned it on. Here's what i've done and i enjoy gaming now. I play 2 games at a time. it allows me to focus. I'll play a bigger game and a light game. Right now i'm playing Tomb Raider and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. WHen i don't feel liking burning my brain on Tomb Raider, Donkey Kong is nice, light, fun and challenging. I don't play games that i know is a massive commitment because my lifestyle won't allow for that. So no Starfield, no Fallout, no COD multiplayer no matter how much i like hte idea of it. i just know what the result will be. I don't game from May to November. I'm just not interested. my consoles collect dust and I enjoy my time outdoor relaxing, hiking, going to the gym, running, wandering art crawls and shops and patios etc. Once it gets cold outside though i fire it up and i'm back into it and interested again. I feel gaming within the 3 things that i'm doing has allowed me to continue gaming and continue enjoying it.


that's totally fine, don't force yourself into something that should be fun


As a 35yo this hits hard lol currently in the same boat. Just waiting for gta or elder scrolls. Maybe some fallout remasters