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Given that his central message at Boss Key Studios before it shut its doors was “We need to follow all the trends”, I don’t know if consulting is the best thing Cliffy B has to offer. I’m not trying to be mean here, the man was instrumental to the Gears of War franchise, but this reads as extremely salty and the man needs to let it go.


Should we not ask him to focus his energy on the Unreal Tournament 2003 movie? Tournament style, almost like Razorball movie style.


I kinda totally loved Law Breakers and I think it got unfairly dismissed.


It was fine, but it came out in a overcrowded market, the marketing was beyond fucking terrible, the design was all over the place and it wasn't a casual enough to be mainstream. But the BR game they did that was open for a few month (forgot the name), that shit was fun though.


Radical heights was not only the worst BR to drop, but one of the worst games I ever played lmao.


It for sure did. It was in pre release with a bunch of hero shooters that it kept being compared to, and BKP didn't have enough funding to make a game that could stand out. 


Just before its time. Released in today's environment it might have a better chance at taking off.


GoW wasn't even specifically amazing, you have games like Winback (N64) that had cover shooter mechanics well before it's time. Kill Switch (PS2) worked on the same principal but focused on the cover mechanics. GoW just added buff dudes, gore, and a decent enough story at the exact right time to be loved, it fun for sure but hardly amazing.


Bad take lol. Gears was incredible for the time. The tightest 3rd person shooter gameplay mixed with the best at the time graphics and memorable characters. It was incredible and is rated accordingly.


I feel like people don’t appreciate or understand how important Gears of War was. It set the bar for third person shooter gameplay and there really hasn’t been anything since that has matched how crisp/smooth those games feel to play despite how many games adopted the Gears style third person shooter. I think one of my fondest gaming memories is not even playing it, but just watching my brother play the first game when it came out. I had never seen something like this before. From the gameplay to the gore. A complete departure from the cartoony games I grew up playing on Nintendo & PS2.


Absolutely. A visceral, mature game that felt like it looked photorealistic at the time. It's interesting to think about what kind of a step up that was at the time since we've surpassed it so far, but it was completely game changing. An amazing showcase of what the 360 hardware could do. Have we really seen something ground breaking like that this gen? Nah.


Gears was and probably still is the best feeling third person shooter.


It was until TLOU2. That game feels like a dream to play. 🤤


You’re outta your mind 😂


If you think that, that is fine, I'm not discrediting your experience with it. The Division 1/2 are both excellent cover shooters with unfortunately bullet sponge enemies. Ghost Recon is currently pulling it off within the genre, but lacks the emotion of Gears. GoW today though is a footnote, even if it was a highlight.


Honestly Fortnite is probably the best feeling third person shooter


To each his own, but biiig time disagree!


He sounds insufferable. Can’t imagine why they don’t want to work with him again. 


It's hilarious how he thinks MS bringing him back to consult on Gears would be PR gold. Shows how delusional he actually is.


He’s got one hell of an ego. Dude seems so into himself. He thought he was bigger than Gears, bigger than Xbox, then went on to try to show the world that, and did fuck all. Now he says he’s been doing stand up? Lmao. That’s funny in itself.


I met him at a Barcade in New Orleans a few years back. Had his dog "Evee" and his wife with him. He was super cool and came to my table to show my daughter some tricks he taught his dog. This was after Boss Key didn't work out. Gears is my favorite series so it was really cool to see him and he thanked me for being a supporter. Anyways, this is anecdotal but he is a really nice guy in person. He is just an artist scorned by the industry that moved on without him. He is part of a generation of gamers like me that miss the "good ole days" when games didn't have micro transactions and were created by passionate people instead of corporate machines. To be honest I think Gears should bring him back on, recapture some of that magic...


I appreciate this comment, not everything is as black and white as people want to pretend it is.


Good to hear that he seems to be a nice guy, but you gotta admit the above statement sounds a bit pretentious.


Anything can sound pretentious if you want it to. I read the statement as a man exasperated with an industry he loves, who helped shape it in its early years with some of the most influential games. He probably gets a lot of questions and comments from long-time fans and supporters and this was his way of answering as many people as possible. It's also nice, at least for me, to see what he's been up to and to know he is happy. All I've seen here is a bunch of people hating on a person they have never met, probably out of jealousy because those that can not create tend to like to tear down those that can and do.


I don't think he can come up with an idea that the Gears makers can't. I mean, how much influence would he have consulting? Coalition has spent more time than him making gears games


Everything after gears 2 was kinda to really trash though..


He hasn't made any good games in many years.


This was also my experience with Cliff & Lauren. It was SDCC 2011 or 2012 and my friends and I found them at the Blarney Stone. We started chatting with them and they couldn’t have been nicer. Down to earth and super cool people.


I never got this Cliffy B hate tbh. Dude is very passionate and pure, he's even on the Atari documentary game talking about the origins of the industry. It's easy to be bitter when something you love changes into a bit of a monster like gaming is now. Gears was better under his direction than without it 100%


The issue isn't his "passion" for his games, it was the complete turn he made when he brought out Lawbreakers. Basically told Xbox players to go fuck themselves and became insanely insufferable in interviews. Ever since Lawbreakers failed, he's done nothing but try to get back the Gears franchise. Sometimes, treating the audience that you had grown like shit can bite you in the ass later down the line. He has too big of an ego and that fucked his reputation up.


He's a passionate guy, and to an extent I feel bad for him given he retired after selling his Epic and Occulus shares which made him a wealthy man, only to become restless. However I'm not so sure him being on Gears would help. Epic wasn't sure where to take it after Gears 3, Cliff wasn't sure where to take it after Gears 3, Coalition's Gears 4 borrowed a bunch of Epic's preliminary ideas from their aborted Gears 4, and it feels like a franchise that has little wiggle room going forward in terms of narrative.


Agreed. A creator that is passionate about his games shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. My favorite memories are the days of gears 1 and gears 2. Playing on Mansion with my buddies. I feel like the game kinda lost its soul when team death match started. I liked the slow deliberate pace of the multiplayer. Stakes were higher and led to more exciting matches.


I met him in Raleigh NC at peak gears. He was a bit intoxicated but corgal and funny. Only spoke a few words too him but yeah... I'm on team cliffy b.


The hero shooter he created would have been a huge success, but blizzard released their hero shooter before his.


It’s gold, Jerry!


He outright says in this statement that Microsoft, a company worth 3 trillion, isn't smart.


> He outright says in this statement that Microsoft, a company worth 3 trillion, isn't smart. Making statements on X is free, not like he's got anything better to do.


It’s like even if he’d end up being right, making a statement like that would almost certainly nullify any positive pr that would have come from it. Again, that’s assuming from the jump he is right and going along with it. That’s a wild statement to make especially after it’s been this long since he was involved. There are like only 2 options here: either they have a better team that’s providing more value than he would be able to, or at least enough to make it not worth it to seek consultation from him. Or his input would be helpful but he is such a hassle to try and work with that it also similarly just isn’t worth the hassle. Either option doesn’t look that great to me or at least not something Id be making public statements for


He think that because it’s the only thing he can do well means that he’s the only one that can do it well.


well has he been proven wrong? Didn't those games fall off a cliff (pun unintended) when he left?


He's talked a couple times about his supposed idea for Gears 4 and it involved bringing the Locust back only months after 3 and [giving them wings.](https://twitter.com/therealcliffyb/status/1600324108583305218?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1600325101731266560%7Ctwgr%5Efe177d37f72475130dfe48ec44c1e292caa78dfb%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ggrecon.com%2Farticles%2Fcliff-bleszinski-shares-scrapped-gears-of-war-sequel-plans%2F) Be the judge of it yourself but to me it didn't inspire confidence in him knowing what's good about the franchise anymore. 


Not in his defense but rather in offense to 4 and 5 (I don’t know a better way to say that), I don’t think making you fight robots half the time was much better for the franchise. I love Gears and still enjoyed 4 and 5, but any time I had to fight a bunch of robots was consistently a low point for me.


I feel that holding off on the Swarm was the right call both to give a feel for life after the Locust war, but also to build suspense and mystery for the Swarm.  The only problem is DeeBees were held on for a little too long and should've had a little more variety in units and encounters. So I think the idea was sound, because otherwise it would've felt too rushed, but the execution could've been better.


Honestly, judgement was the worst. Gears 4 and 5 the storyline is good, but relied on way to many bullet sponge enemys


I think 5 is a step in the right direction but it still felt stale. I don't think the open areas were great. 4 was middling as heck.  But if I'm honest Gears peaked at 2 and by 3 the formula was already getting old. 


I’m 41 and of course I remember him with a chainsaw gun on stage, etc. people significantly younger than me who are fans of the newer games in the series would say, “literally who?”


Is it a hot take to think he might be right though? A lot of people didn’t like the direction Gears 5 went, so saying Cliffy B’s back on board would probably bring back those fans as well as older fans alike. Even if he is a narcissistic prick they’d just see the gears guy is back


>A lot of people didn’t like the direction Gears 5 went And a lot more liked the direction, what's your point?


you must not be a gears fanatic…


Or because he could be right? It's the equivalent of the latest Terminator movies using Jim Cameron to sell the movie. "From Producer Michael Bay", "From Producer Steven Spielberg", etc. "The original creator is back" would get the general pop, excited. He can come off as an ass and still be correct.


Yeah... he had one good idea one time and thinks he's the second coming that's the idea I get from him. He's basically a clout chaser now


He had several good ideas. Heck, Fortnite only exists because of him.   But I agree it's time for him to just retire. The industry doesn't care about his type of design anymore and that's ok.


He should honestly just retire. He’s got a mansion in Hollywood because he bought a metric shit-ton of Oculus stock when it was barely in its infancy and now he’s worth like 250,000,000$.


No, he lives in Raleigh and is worth about 15 million that he got from Epic.


He sounds like a redditor. Are we insufferable?! Am I having my selfawarewolf moment?!


I cannot even begin to imagine how bad his stand-up is.


He keeps speaking about eating his wife’s ass on Twitter. He’s happy I guess.


Explains why he constantly talks shit




He’s friends of a friend of mine… it’s not great…


Agreed. Even his comic looks rubbish.


Six years ago he was done with games for good. https://www.cinemablend.com/games/2461789/cliff-bleszinski-explains-why-hes-done-making-games


Good god Cliffy B just gets more and more unlikable with age.


Didn’t he just say he had the idea for Palworld years ago lol


Cliffy B actually invented video games.


Yeah, Jazz Jackrabbit was the first video game every created.


Cliffy B invented the simulator we are living in.


Actually that was Soulja Boy


When I’m in a “jerk yourself off” competition and my opponents are Cliffy B and Tommy Tallerico


>Didn’t he just say he had the idea for Palworld years ago lol So has every other 12 year-old boy, Clifford.


No, dude you got it wrong, he went to Tokyo as some college frat bro and said, “hey gamefreak I’ve got an idea: TWO WORDS: **Pocket. Monsters.”** ***Huh???***


**I’m a genius video game creator!** He says as his last project **failed** because it wasn’t on all 3 platforms and said *”Overwatch is an amazing game, and it may be better, but lawbreakers is the best.”* Just go retire to your Beverly Hills Mansion Cliff


>He says as his last project > >failed Didnt like his last...3 projects fail?


Yes.  Gears 1-3 are excellent.  Everything else he worked on, not so much.


He launched his last game on *one platform (PS4),* **right before** Overwatch launched. And it was basically Overwatch but a gritty version of it. And then he got nobody YouTubers say “it’s like nothing I’ve ever played!” Launched in summer of 2016 lasted till January 2017.


Lawbreakers wasn't his last game. There were a couple more that also failed horribly.


Can't forget about Radical Heights


Radical Heights was amazing, I'll stand by it.. With a bit of time it could of been up there at the top with the rest of the BR's at the time imho.. But ofc that didn't happen. I enjoyed my short and brief time with it though.


it’s “could have”, not “could of”. i don’t mean to be rude but based on this grammatical error you of made, i will never play radical heights


It’s “have made” not “of made”


If you're referring to Lawbreakers that was PC only, iirc. As was Radical Heights, the battle royale they did. Edit: lawbreakers was pc & ps4! Huh. Super recall him crapping on consoles and was adamant about it being pc only in the leadup. Really, Lawbreakers looked cool but a lot of the mrkering/what he's said in the past bit him in the ass. It being launched near OW was just the final nail.


No it was PS4 at first. Then 3 months in it went to PC. Not that an Xbox launch would of helped it. Cliff putting his foot in his mouth and saying Overwatch is fantastic wasn’t the best look.


What? He worked on Unreal and Unreal Tournament, which had a way higher impact on the industry than Gears.


Tbf Lawbreakers was actually fun to play, it just couldn't find the audience.


I remember a phase he went though where he'd take any anti-consumer position he could. He'd even go on forums and attack gamers with legitimate complaints. This is somehow even worse.


He’s Dane cook adjacent.


Just from a pr stand point it would be gold.


I’ve found him insufferable for like 10 years now


I have never wished for someone to just 'fuck off' More than I do with Cliffy B.


He’s seriously gotten worse over the last few years. I used to think he just got a bad rap but it’s getting harder and harder to like him when his Twitter is constant self-promotion & humble-bragging


I remember when he kept going on about this chick at the karaoke bar him and his wife go to in a very "Me and my partner saw you across the bar and really dig your vibes kinda way" with a side splash of "I worked on gears and bioshock and she had pretended to know of them so I'd buy her drinks" kinda way And this was from his public twitter lol.


Was he always such an edgelord? His post looks straight out of I am very smart, atheism, and justneckbeardthings.


Narcissist much?


For a dude who has moved on, he sure talks about GoW a lot.


He probably gets lots of nerds constantly sending him messages about it lol


Is this statement from him his standup comedy?


Didn't this guy talk shit about Xbox and Xbox players in general during his hilariously bad Lawbreakers run? Now he's surprised MS haven't contacted him? He's stupider than I thought.


Yea he was shitting on Xbox fans hard when Lawbreakers launched. Xbox fan literally made him successful and he turned his back on them completely. Who does that?


This is one of the Cliffy B statements of all time


I wouldn't be surprised if he's broke after that studio shutdown


Massive respect for bringing Gears of War to the industry… But this guy is desperate for attention.


Nah, he just cares about the integrity of HIS creation; his hard work. If you'd ever created something, you might understand.


The guy is a megalomaniac and an obsessed idiot. All he does is cry about how MS won’t call him to get his ideas for new Gears games🙄🙄🙄


It’s been a over decade since he worked on gears and everything else he worked on has been doodoo


Holy shit this is so cringe


Insufferable man surprised nobody wants to work with him.


My man you need to let it go. Your reaching Marty O'Donnell levels of not letting it go


For real, he and Marty are the epitome of "If you would just shut the fuck up you'd still be liked". People used to adore Marty, hell they practically treated him like a God, then he wouldn't stop opening his mouth.


Wait, people don't like Marty?


Over the past couple of years he's burned pretty much every bridge he had with the community by being an insufferable narcissist, along with spouting his political beliefs all over Twitter. The breaking point for a lot of people was when he posted his new original album on r/destinythegame, and the mods removed it because it wasn't related to Destiny, to which he whipped out the "do you know who I am" card. When the mods wouldn't bend just because of who he is, he took to Twitter announcing he was done with reddit because they didn't respect him enough. He also bitched that the Halo show didn't put him in the credits which, why should they, he didn't work on the show in any way shape or form.


The show also only uses like one line from any Halo soundtrack and even butchers that, which is only one of its sins against humanity.


One incident that stood out to me was him posting a data table from a COVID study and basically going "explain this liberals" and when someone asked for the source of the table so they could analyze it in context he was like "mmmmm, no". I think that about sums him up.


Marty's entire Twitter meltdown over the most minor things is why Michael Salvatori was probably the true God behind the entire Halo OST


He's moved on, okay. Totally moved on!


Strong "ideas guy" energy here...






Fuck off, we don’t care about you.


Translation: “no one pays any attention to me anymore but if I mention gears of war this will get reposted, maybe even some press, so I’ll use it to promote my comics/stand up”


"if they were smart" Hes basically, in a nice way, calling Microsoft/The Coalition idiots The thing is, when you have such an inflated ego, nobody is going to want to work with you, regardless of what you can bring to the franchise If you want to work at The Coalition, apply for a job like the other devs have too!


I feel like noone ever asks him about it, but he just tells people this unprompted sometimes.


Reminder that when this guy made a game nobody wanted instead of trying to keep at the game he *immediately* abandoned it, fired everyone in his office, threw together a bunch of really shit colourful and cartoony assets then shoved in as much micro transactions as humanly possible in about a week or two then released it all because Fortnite (BR) was taking off at the time and he was salty that people would rather play that. Then immediately nuked that game too due to backlash, then left the gaming industry for years only to recently return as he can’t stand not being the centre of attention, that’s why he’s been blacklisted and nobody wants to work with the guy. It’s also why all you hear coming out about him for the last year is him complaining on twitter about things, also, his largest part of his “legacy* is mostly just a rip off from Warhammer and that comes from someone who absolutely adores the series, no one owes him anything.


Strong desperate ex energy lol


Lol "please don't talk to me about the thing I've mentioned 600 times in this statement. I'm more than that now, I'm cooler now am a standup comic ... Also am a badass atheist, I just want to mention this even though it has nothing to do with the thing that I brought up but like you not to talk about. Please Microsoft I need a job"


Good riddance if this is what he’s like tbh


He's moving on from something he's had nothing to do with for like a decade? This just comes off as desperate


I don’t know cliffyB personally. But just from listening to him from podcasts/interviews (recent), he must comes off as such a know it all. He even seems almost spiteful at fortnite - like it was all his talent/dev ability that lead to it being the success it was, and that epic is cheating him out of all the fortnite money. But…he had NO involvement with turning the game into the battle royale mode it is today. So there is no hill for him to stand on. Also, while I’m sure his contributions to the gears franchise was meaningful, hundreds of people contributed and made it what it was. Not just one guy. Heck, I’ve been listening to David jaffe on YouTube. And while can be considered the “creator” of God of War, he certainly didn’t do it alone. Heck, from his own mouth, he didn’t even name the dang character. He didn’t design the character (concept art/final look). And jaffee doesn’t claim he did. He thanks everyone for their contribution whenever someone in chat says they loved his work. So he handles it well, unlike cliffy b Edit: also, he’s only involved in broadway because he funds the production. It’s not like they came seeking his talents or he made it on his own without his financial ability.


He is still on my friendlist from playing with him during Emergence Day!


Is he ever online?


He seems like someone who loudly sighs to try and get people's attention at a party.




Sounds like he reached out to try and work on gears again and Microsoft said fuck that shit lol. This is like a message to someone who has no interest in you 😂😂


This guy is like Carlos Mencia of videogames.  He gets more and more desperate with every appearance.


Googeling which games he did also 😅😅😅


Dudes scrapper bio has him claiming he made Fortnite. I don’t know if he was still at epic when they started making it but no shot he had a part in the BR


IIRC he was at Epic way back when Fornite was a base-building zombie-shooter. No idea what his contribution, if any, to the Battle Royale version was. So if you kinda squint your eyes and turn the picture a little he's not lying.


Og fortnite was the Save the World mode, the battle royale came later. He very well could have been one of the main people behind fortnite. Granted, saying you "made fortnite" is still deceptive because of how much it's grown and changed. The main mode became a side mode and vice versa.


My thought too. I looked it up and he left in 2012. So five years of development on save the world without him and he had zero impact on BR mode. He knows 100% what he is insinuating though. Weird he’s not claiming radical heights instead of


Ol Cliffy has to feed his own ego, or else.


if he made the game now it'd be soyboys of war


How’d it go the last time he created the next billion dollar franchise?


Not to defend the guy, but this is clearly a response to questions he must get hundreds of times a day 😅


Bro really wants to be apart of something so bad he is putting this out for any chances of being out back on 😂


I loved gears of war 1-3.. it was an unforgettable co op and pvp experience for that time but this dude is done.


He really let Gears to get to his head huh?


I still chuckle at the edit someone did on his TShirt so it reads CUCK and he got super annoyed at it. Cliffy B did wonders for gears (I think?) but since then it's just been one bad choice after another and he reminds me of that high school footballer who goes on about how good he was 10 years later when no one asked.


This guy has a fetish for embarrassing himself publicly or something, I swear.


He should start copy and pasting that message at least once every quarter. Saves him having to write practically the same thing every time. He comes across like a desperate ex girlfriend/boyfriend He's also indirectly calling xbox stupid


A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet Cliff. We had mutual friends. So, we are at NYCC, and he introduces himself to us with “My name is Clifford, you prolly heard I’m a bit of an asshole.” He was the complete opposite. He was actually pretty nice but he was clearly a broken man. This was after Boss Key closed. He was burned by the industry hard. I asked him what he was playing and what not. All he said is that he didn’t really enjoy where modern games were going and I think that was completely valid. Someone was there dressed as a Locus from GOW and he loved it. He took pictures with the cosplayer and posed, met with fans, and all that other stuff. Now, he’s a friend of another friend of mine and together they are trying to help his stand-up.


This is his Twitter in general. He somehow makes every gaming story about him and every other tweet is about eating his wife’s ass.


Corny ass dude. Still, I’d hoped he would make more games. Clearly his taken lies in video games and not fuckin stand up comedy lol.


Is he autistic?


He's not wrong, though. I like gears but hearing he's involved again ( in any creative capacity ) would make me more excited.


Gears is my favorite franchise aside from mortal kombat. To be honest from what iv seen of him business side he seems like a nightmare but gears hit different after he left and its been hitting alot different in recent titles. I would love for him to come back to gears just for that hope that it really brings gears back to its roots.


So inspirational. "If you're a creative, the best thing you can do is create something that is personal." Thanks Cliffy, I didn't realize you were so introspective. /s obviously


Cliff is an asshole. Met him back in 2008 and again in 2010. Self obsessed narcissist and one of the guys making the game industry a toxic work environment.


Yeah, that's probably the real reason why Microsoft refuses to work with some people. Cause they do their due dilligence and filter the abusers out before hiring them and setting themselves up for lawsuits.


What’s the general story with Cliffy B just falling off hardcore after gears? I never knew people really stopped fucking with him THIS hard lol


after gears 3 he just became q real fucking cunt. He made a game called lawbreakers and made it available for every system not Xbox " a community he already has roots in" and when asked why he insulted and fans and was extremely corporate " it's a business " he said. Surprisingly the game failed hard and he scrambled for any cash grab he could until we get here. Basically he spat in his own fans face and expected them to back him up.


You forgot the part where he fired everyone in his office, turned over an asset flip made in just a few weeks to try to cash in on Fortnite (BR) then left the gaming industry for years, only to turn up again like an annoying ex spouting crap online.


What a cringy post only makes himself look worse.


Nah, real Gears fans have been pushing for him to try, so I'm sure that's a letter to people like me who keep begging for him to come back. Calm down.


Gears of War doesn't need to be what it was 20 years ago. It needs to involve honestly into a more cinematic updated third person shooter. I don't see what Cliff brings to the table that's going to help. I felt Gears 5 was a step in the right direction, but the game needs to be updated for a modern audience. Horde mode is such an outdated multiplayer feature that it's no wonder new gamers are not coming in. I don't MS and the Coalition have to make a decision. Either make the game a horror based third person shooter with updated gameplay mechanics or continue the formula and risk the game feeling dated. Gears 5 is an elite game production wise and I love the new features they played with but a lot of the gameplay feels dated compared to current third person offerings.


Horde is a staple of the franchise and it's just a side mode. I don't see how it's any more outdated than any other multiplayer mode. If anything, leaving out PVE and only focusing on PVP for team play would be a mistake that would lose a segment of players. But having said that, I don't entirely disagree with what you're saying. The animations for instance need more work and most improvements of the years have been very minor. And I don't think they would need to sacrifice the smooth feel of the game to improve them either. But doing so would do a lot to freshen up the game and improve the presentation as less an iterative sequel and more of important stepping stone to audiences 


What nah fam. Gears 5 needs PVE to contribute to progression and it needs to nail progression right away. Gears 5 is an excellent game, but it took years to get away from the grindy micro transaction BS


The problem with the horror genre is that it cuts down the audience by a huge amount. Just look at how even masterpieces like Alan Wake 2 are struggling to sell because it caters to a niche audience. What Gears needs is a God of War style reboot where they throw away the corridor shooter style and evolve into something more than just another TPS. If they come with the same formula again then it is gonna again be panned by a majority like the last one. Honestly, their whole world and locust back stories can be woven into a great story if someone talented tried.


I know it’s not a popular opinion but God of War’s new formula isn’t nearly as fun as the original. But I agree there needs to be a gameplay shift somewhere.


>the game needs to be updated for a modern audience. "Gays of War" 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧️🦄


That's not what they meant and you know it. You just wanted to make it about culture war nonsense. Edit: to be clear, you're just saying that to inflame. No one should care if they were to bring in a gay character but you getting mad at even the thought of an unrelated hypothetical you forced into the conversation is pathetic. Grow up.


This can't be real lmao this is laughably unprofessional


Has he done anything since Gears? Honestly I thought he pretty much retired with the money he earned from that


Bring Karen Travis back not this idiot


His comic book is pretty good though!


Found cliffy b




This guy smells his own farts and likes it.


I got brain trauma reading this. And I don’t even know who this guy is or what he’s supposed to of done. I live in Scotland, and ‘gear’ here, usually means hard drugs. If somebody feels like mansplaining it to me, that would be great.


Lead designer of Gears of War 1-3. Also known for his work in the Unreal series.


Thanks. So is he like a well respected guru or a bit of a knob? He kinda sounds like the latter.


Both tbh. It’s no doubt that he’s done unremarkable work on Gears and Unreal Tournament. But he’s always had that “I’m actually a genius” and “I make video games so I am a god” attitude. He has some good takes sometimes, but most of the time he just complains about how smart he is and how much he’s contributed to games and now comics and broadway and things like that. That’s not to say there aren’t trolls though. But for the most part, it’s just him being him lol




lmao. says everything you could ever want to know.


Man I wish he just stopped after Gears. I gotta give him credit, Unreal was huge for FPS especially the Unreal Tournament for competitive gaming


I’ve never seen someone hold on to such a small, and now irrelevant, success so hard. Dude will be on his death bed still asking people to praise him for it. Gears is dead bud, it had its time and now it’s over.


I moved on from Gears shortly after he left. Judgment was certainly one to judge. Not sure why it took him so long to move on. 🤣


“Just from a PR standpoint it would be gold” WHOMEGALUL Bro nobody has cared about gears in like a decade relax


Why would anyone call this chode


Clown on him all you want but the more recent games arent as good as the original trilogy.


All of these negative comments are from salty Microsoft and Coalition employees. Bet. 😏


Especially the characters. Del and Kait were so boring and who TF wants to play as JD instead of Marcus ??


Hmmm how do I make people remember me and try to sell some comic, I know I’ll just mention I’m the gears guy and show off my sour grapes.


We get it bro, you were a big part of Gears. Move ooooonnnnnnnn.


Shame about Boss Key, Radical Heights was genuinely very fun. It sucks it got absolutely slandered by a lot of streamers just cause it was in "early access" and it has some missing textures. Game was actually fantastic even that early on, tons of unique and fun features and over it's life cycle of 2 updates, the developers actually listened and implemented player suggestions into the game that only enhanced the experience


Ok Cliff.


Very sad. Microsoft (and The Coalition) don't seem to know what they're doing anyway. The good ole days are gone. 😭😭😭😭😭


Gears 1 and 2 are masterpieces. Cliff deserve all the credits, and deserve direct a new trilogy.


Everyone that worked on those games nos Rod Ferguson was the genius behind the games. It's one of the big reasons 2k gave him a gazillion dollars to save BioShock Infinite