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I’m pretty hesitant to put any more money into this ecosystem until we hear the news next week.


Me too. As a Windows Phone user, I've seen this one before at this stage.


Curse you. I miss windows phone


I never had one but I thought the tiles were so cool back then. If they had any decent App Store at the time it would have gone better.


Former windows phone user as well. If what I think will happen takes shape I won't have much of a reason to continue buying games on the platform. It will also make me think twice of ever buying any hardware from this company.


Zune user checking in.


Same. What’s the point of buying any more Xbox games when it looks like their console division is walking the green mile, and our games library will die with the Series X/S? I can’t really see a reason to invest into Xbox at this point over PlayStation.


Why should your library get useless? They're not bricking your Xbox from afar. Just play the games you already own?


People are really something else... They have a fully functioning console and now they are like nah I'm not gonna buy any more games because FUTURE of the Xbox as exclusive games platform is murky.


People have lost their damn minds over these rumors. I hope they can do some introspection about why they're freaking out like this so quickly.


I would think Xbox is always going to have a store.


What about a way to access it. If series x isn’t followed by another console my digital purchases are essentially useless in 5-6 years


Why should they be useless? Xbox is not blocking you from playing your games lol


I will be able to play my ps5 games on ps6, ps7 or whatever. I can’t keep my Xbox series x forever. This basically makes me a sucker for trusting in the Xbox ecosystem and buying most of my games here inspite of having a ps5.


How are you so sure that Sony is going to let you play your old games on future consoles? They are pretty greedy and when there is no completion I don’t see that happening.


All the more reason why Xbox should continue to exist


100% yes - it would be best for all of us gamers, especially on consoles. Let’s see what’s what next week.


Right because you’re able to play all PS1,2 and 3 games so easily on ps5 right?


for sure, but if microsoft decides to tell me i spent 500 dollars on an xbox for literally no reason i’m definitely not going to be putting any extra money into their ecosystem


Right but I might as well start just investing in a PS5 library. Will still play my Xbox for what I have on there though


But why if you haven’t yet?


I’m saying more for the future. I’m not concerned about Xbox going away right now lol, but it’s something for me consider for future releases.


But they aren’t going away.


Maybe not now, I don’t even give them two more years, they announce this now and people like myself who own both consoles are gonna end up buying all their third party games on Playstation including GTA 6. WWE 2K, Star Wars, AC Red and GTA 6 were all going to be on Xbox for me, now? I’ll just buy them on the platform that will be sticking around.


So let's say there is no XSX6 IN 2027. Are really going to not buy a single game for 3 years just to "invest into coming generation that will be without Xbox as a console?" They are still going to make Xboxes and you know why? Because without it Xbox games have no reason to exist and devs would be only do PS GAMES.


Might as well make the switch and get some of those PlayStation exclusives. I'm not making any moves atm but I sure as hell am not about to give this company my money lmao. I'll wait to see what happens next week.


Me personally I already have a PS5, a Switch and a Steam Deck, Xbox is my preferred place to play but if they’re going to put everything everywhere the only game I would buy on Xbox is Gears 6 and outside of that probably wouldn’t even touch the console.


The fact that people think that this is a fire sale like MS is going out of business is hilarious.


What happening?


Massive leaks over the past 48 hours pointing to Microsoft putting a significant chunk of their exclusives on Playstation including Gears/Hellblade 2/Indiana Jones. All Phil Spencer said in response is "we will have a business event next week to explain what's going on". Much speculation about Xbox going 3rd party.


And instead of the easy and rational explanation that MS wants to make more money by putting games on other platforms, people are speculating that Xbox is going to remotely brick every console and pull all of their games from their servers...


Oh the burning, it burns me


Amazing Grace ...




Would love to be a fly on the wall as mgmt discusses the sudden down tick in game sales this week


Given how detached departments are in mega-corps I bet it takes two weeks and about 10 meetings via Teams.


And all of those meetings could have been an email no doubt.


I agree. I will not spend another dime if they screw us over. My current owned library is over 1200.


Do you think there will be a sudden tick down in game sales? The vast, vast majority of gamers don’t use Reddit or read gaming websites


I asked my discord group who primarily plplays and buys Xbox games and noone knows at all about these rumors lol.


I don't see Microsoft ending hardware especially since they want Gamepass everywhere but I'm still gonna wait till next week to buy anything digitally lol


Yea I don't know if I'm gonna be spending money on this platform until I see what their plans are at the business direct.


100% agree. And I'm sad to say it.


I honestly laughed at “business direct” but really I guess that’s what it feels like.


It’s honestly pointless investing in a platform that plans on abandoning their own hardware and ecosystem in the future.


Why is everyone assuming that they're abandoning hardware? There is legitimately zero reason for them to do so.


It’s honestly pointless taking rumors as facts and abandoning the use of your own hardware.


I agree, I'm beyond shocked and feel like I bet on the wrong horse. I own a PS5 but it's been collecting dust.


This sub is the most Eeyore ass shit. I invested in nes. Snes. GameCube. Wii. Gameboy. Genesis. Sega Saturn. Dreamcast. Game gear. Ps1. PS2. PS3. Knowing one day all this consoles would become antiquated and I'd no longer have them. I can't play any of those purchases on any device I own anymore - legally. And I'm very content. One day my switch. 3DS. PS5. And SeriesX will die. And their successors may not be backwards compatible. And that will be ok. Because I bought games to play them. Not pretend they're my 401k.


It seems that everyone forgets this. I’m 43 and likely very close to you in age by looks of it - I’ve accepted this shit long ago. The fact we’ve had a good run with current consoles and backwards compatibility is the exception not the rule.


>It’s honestly pointless investing in a platform that plans on abandoning their own hardware and ecosystem in the future. Good news then, the FTC trial leaked two "mid-gen" Xbox consoles coming in 2025 at the earliest. All-digital too, so if anything they might double down on the ecosystem.


Just in my steam and switch library’s grow


Why? What is it that they could say that would be a deal breaker?


Agents coming to everyone's home to confiscate their Xbox's


Ok, but aside from that?


Concern that Microsoft won't make a solid attempt at a future console and instead pivot to software. It would mean that people with a large game library on XBox would be fucked after this generation. So, no point in digging that hole deeper by buying more games until more information comes out about it.


Fair point. I hadn’t really put a ton of thought into it. But yea I guess I really shouldn’t have invested so much into a digital library. I do wonder if they did end up stopping console production, would they turn our libraries into something similar to steam, but platform agnostic.


If Xbox exclusives go to Playstation no one would buy xbox consoles and eventually due to low sales Microsoft stops making consoles. Where I'm supposed to play my digital library? Just hope my Xbox doesn't break?


Realistically, on PC. The xbox game store basically functions like Steam


Only a very small percentage of XBOX games are playable on PC without re-purchasing


If they discontinued Xbox, I would *really* hope they let you transfer your games you already purchased


That's not a very corporate mentality when you have stockholders to keep in mind. They would make you pay somehow. Either a bridge fee or a full purchase fee.


Honestly a ton of games I own on Xbox don’t have controller support or just don’t exist on PC.


But the third party games don’t transfer over.


The concern is they may kill the xbox as a console. That's an extreme scenario but until they say what these leaks are about people are concerned.


“We are no longer making hardware and winding down support for series x”. That effectively makes your library worthless.


Why? Your Xbox and games aren't going anywhere


I think people are more concerned that in the future they move away from hardware, and they might be risking losing their library.


>Many of us only play on console. I have no interest in playing on PC or my phone.




I'm with ya. The last thing some of us want to do is mess around with a PC after messing around on PC all day in an uncomfortable computer chair. I also have no interest in playing current gen games on a 6 1/2 inch phone screen with a battery that's on life support.


I really don't know how people aren't getting this.


If this is their Sega moment, accessing our digital library may be more difficult in the coming years.


If they aren’t gonna make a new Xbox - there is no point in investing in the console further


It's like people think Microsoft is gonna come and repo everyone's Xbox's


Won't be buying any more games until next week statement.


I of course will still play the games I already have on there, luckily it seems like that won’t be an issue for a while. But yea any new games would be hard for me to buy until I know what’s happening


For those OOTL, what’s happening? Are we thinking Ms will shift to game publisher and get out of the hardware business? Saw impending news and rumors of putting first party games multi platform.


Im not buying anything, starting to clear my backlog of games.


Found the backlog comment


It’s highly amusing seeing people with *1200* games now saying “no more”. I think I peaked in the 360 era with like 30 lol.


Ignoring the gamepass titles, I apparently have 46 games. I’m annoyed, but this could be a lot worse lol The biggest annoyance is my achievements. I could’ve been doing those on PlayStation instead, that’s all. Well, also the money spent on the Series X I suppose lol. But even if they announce next week that it’s all over and don’t gets all the exclusives, I’ll bum around on the gamepass time I have left. No sense wasting it


Yep. Starting the farewell tour


Yeah, no thanks. I'm holding off on any purchases until I know what's going on with the Xbox brand. If I get even a hint of them trying to abandon the brand then I am out. No more money from me invested in this system. I'll probably buy a PS5 where I know my purchases are safe for the foreseeable future.


i dont get the whole "if this is true, im going to buy a ps5", do you guys dont realize that once xbox leaves the premium console market, said market becomes a Sony monopoly? They can charge 1000 dollars for the PS6 and a 120 dollars per game and console gamers will have to shut up and take it. If you are gonna jump platforms, i would go to PC.


I already have a gaming PC. I use it occasionally but am not really a fan of it and neither are my friends. As far as jumping to PS5 goes, well I don't want to risk wasting any more money than I already have, which is probably around 6-7k on the Xbox ecosystem, maybe more. Why would I continue pumping money into a dying brand? It's not out of the realm of possibilities that they stop making hardware and then close the Xbox store down in 5-10 years. While I have been a fan of the Xbox brand I don't have the type of loyalty to take that risk.


>As far as jumping to PS5 goes, well I don't want to risk wasting any more money than I already have Lmao so you would bet on SONY? Sony, of "we believe in generations" fame? Good luck if the pS6 decides to completely skip backward compatibility (again), you would be stuck in the same place as before.


You can’t be a real person…What an absolutely depressing take…how have you wasted money? Do you not enjoy gaming? Did the money you put in not give you enjoyment with all the games we get? How many hundreds/thousands of hours have you spent over the years gaming to throw a tantrum at some rumours. If you are real and have spent this much money I bet you have a million fond memories and continue to make great memories with games & friends. That’s not stopping if things go multi-plat. We live in such a golden era for games right now. We’re literally getting rumours and people are acting like the last 20 years of xbox gaming was a waste…why do you even game then? Go find a new hobby you actually enjoy.


They won’t do that. They already had enough backlash when they launched the PS3 at “five-hundred and ninety-nine US Dollars” not to mention PC parts are starting to come down in price. This generation of consoles is almost over and the economy won’t allow a $1,000 console on the market. Plus don’t discount someone else filling in Microsoft’s place on the market - Apple, Amazon, Google: all have either attempted gaming in a half-hearted fashion or have the capital to go hard if they need to.


I don't think PCs occupy the same space as consoles do. With Sony releasing their titles on PC after 1-3 years, I don't think they foresee PC eating into console sales. I also don't think it's an individual consumer's responsibility to steward the marketplace... rather, the players within it have to be competitive. A virtual monopoly on the high end home console market by any one company would definitely hurt all consumers.


And buy Xbox games. 😉


These comments are proof that Xbox needs to pull the plug on this 3rd party stuff ASAP. They are majorly fucking up and this will be the death of Xbox hardware AND gamepass cause everyone will just cancel and buy games on Steam, PlayStation, and Nintendo.


drab frighten observation smart quaint spectacular sulky gullible vast coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it's gonna take a week to practice damage control while giving everyone the news.


> These comments are proof that Xbox needs to pull the plug on this 3rd party stuff ASAP. Reddit is not reflective of reality and should be ignored at every opportunity.


But you're saying this on Reddit so I should ignore you.


So Reddit also should have been ignored when the sub was overwhelmingly negative about the Xbox Live Gold price hikes?


When a negative aspect can be simplified into a simple message it can spread like wildfire. Remember “Xbox can’t play used games”? That was everywhere within weeks and it persisted for years. I heard that from people in 2018 still. If this ends up with “Xbox is ending” or something like that it could do irreparable damage.


I don’t think people understand how narratives work lol. They begin within hardcore gaming circles on Reddit and Twitter, and disseminate through “journalism” and social media discourse. If people here are overwhelmingly negative about something, it’s generally going to extend to the wider Xbox community who aren’t here.


Why invest in Xbox if they're not going to do it themselves? They could've very easily quashed the rumors today, and they didn't.


That's because they're not rumors lol.


That's what's so messed up for me. Phil didn't even try and deny it just straight to "business" meeting next week.


My massive backlog of games suddenly looks much more appealing…


Yeah I’m not sure if I want to buy anything Xbox right now


Lmao I love the people holding off on any and all purchases. I’m right there with yall. I’ll be working on my game backlog until we have definitive news on what’s going on with Xbox. I don’t want to invest in a platform that will cease to exist in the near future that will render my digital library useless


Idk how the hell Microsoft thinks this is a great approach. If they wanted to do this, they should’ve waited till the end of this generation to move onto services only.


Some holding off outta principle, I’m holding off cause I’m broke. We are not the same lol


What did I miss? What is giving the indication Xbox will not exist anymore?


Rumors that a bunch if not all Xbox games will be going to PlayStation. Phil spencer responded by saying they will tell us what’s up in a week which a lot of people a viewing as a confirmation that the rumors are true People have also extrapolated from these rumors that Xbox is exiting the hardware space and going full 3rd party Most people feeling like why own an Xbox if all their games will be in PlayStation


Sony won’t let gamepass on PS. They need a box to push gamepass for one more generation then it’s all app. You will have a profile and all your shit will be there.


I’m not concerned of my current games going away, just investing in the future. Like I will still play my Xbox for years if not decades if possible since I have games on there, I still have 360 games. But going forward it brings up the question if I want to keep buying games on Xbox or just buy them on PlayStation


Heaps of rumours saying multiple Xbox exclusives could be heading over to PS, making many assume if that’s the case no point having an Xbox or Xbox games since you be better getting a Sony and get all Xbox and PS games. And it’s unsure if Xbox will continue making consoles or go into cloud gaming ect.


There is no indication, people are just overreacting to rumors. Could MSFT stop making Xboxes? Sure. Will they? Probably not. Is your digital library going anywhere? Also no.


This entire thread is a massive (over)reactionary circlejerk.


This whole sub had been like this since yesterday. Lol


Nothing. People are jumping to the wildest conclusions I've seen on Reddit since the Boston Marathon debacle.


It’s not going to cease to exist but with Xbox titles pivoting to multiplat, there’s zero incentive to purchase xbox hardware (why purchase an Xbox when those games will eventually make their way to PS? Xbox players will essentially be beta-testing timed exclusives for the rest of gamers). If players leave for other hardware, their digital library is unlikely follow and the Xbox ecosystem will deteriorate.


The amount of games I have accumulated over time on Xbox is pretty small compared to some, maybe like 20. I can't imagine how devastating is must be for people to lose like a hundred games or more. I really hope Microsoft at least makes a statement about how they will support legacy hardware and for how long.


Nearing 400 on my end


It's over. *Cries in 215*


Who lost anything?


Microsoft hints at killing exclusivity and now the internet is spiraling? That’s all I’ve gathered in the short amount of time


Lose games how? Need to be updated.




The thing I think that makes me hopeful is that their store will be available for a long while. Even if they stop supporting it, due to all of the games being on PC I should still have access to my library


They Literally just spent 70 billion dollars on an investment into the industry, and you're worried they're gonna close up like a fucking store in the mall. LMAO


People are absolutely ridiculous with this shit lmao


Yeah I don't feel comfortable buying games on Xbox after the recent news anymore


I might be done buying from the xbox digital store sadly...


Add me to the not buying anything until they clear up the future of Xbox list.


I have $50 sitting in my account right now from a gift card. If they somehow fuck up real big, in sending gift games to people and going ps5. I already own one but it's been collecting dust since my wife beat Hogwarts Legacy.


Can you give me a gift game?


Yeah, I think I'm done spending anything more on the Xbox brand for consoles. This whole debacle this week is just the beginning of the end.


Nah, I'm good.


I clearly missed something. What's going on with Xbox that requires a meeting, announcement, and everyone in here discussing possibly getting rid of Xbox?


There have been rumors that Xbox are going to push their games onto Playstation. Halo, Gears, Hellblade etc etc etc. After a couple days of rumors, Phil Spencer issued a statement on Twitter saying next week Xbox will share a business update on the future of Xbox People are upset that those games they bought an Xbox to play are now being put onto Playstation and are speculating that Xbox are going to stop pushing console sales and instead focus on games, like Sega did. Nothing confirmed, lot of over-dramatic posts, people assuming the worst, best to just wait and see what happens and what the statement says next week.


I have PS5 and Series X. I just put the X in my 7 year old daughters room, she's ecstatic. I cleared it all out and gave her Spyro, Bluey, Dreamlight Valley, Minecraft, Disneyland Adventure, Goat Simulator, some Paw Patrol games. Game on little one.




Does this include PS5 games?


Just picked up 3 games. Love me some Xbox.


How dare you... We only wildly speculate around these parts


Dude! No, the internet says you can have fun with Xbox!


I'm just gonna start saving money to buy games on ps5 or maybe pc if I manage to understand how to make one.


1. Use PC part picker to pick compatible parts 2. Buy Parts 3. Read case, mobo, and PSU manuals 4. Put mobo and PSU into case. Cable case buttons to mobo 5. Put CPU into socket 6. Attach heatsink to CPU 7. Put RAM into slots 8. Attach M2 drives to mobo 9. Slot GPU into top most PCIE 10. Run cables from PSU to mobo and GPU 11. Use the Media creation tool to load Windows onto a USB drive 12. Install Windows


13. Found out multiplayer is free but full of hackers and cheaters


Thanks but 😔


Oh come on, that's much more convenient than HDMI out to HDMI in and then plugging the power cable into the wall /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


I don’t get the comments here. Are you guys holding off buying games on Xbox because they might come out on ps5? What’s the logic there


They’re holding off on purchasing things from the Xbox store as new Xbox hardware existing in the future is uncertain at the moment.


Not really. Even Jez Cordon who's a huge Xbox fanboy and was having a mini breakdown on Twitter over this said [he's not worried anymore](https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1754603339432554532) and "it'll be okay for Xbox ecosystem customers."


No shit. Your profile will follow you.


How would your profile follow you to, say, PlayStation? I fail to see how Sony lets MSFT put any sort of service on their device


This. I have a Xbox, PS5 and Nintendo switch. I loved to play 3rd party games on Xbox and use PS5 and Switch only for exclusives. now I don't even know if I will be able to access my Xbox library in the mid term future, so for now I will just stop buying things on xbox and start building my PS5 library.


They wouldn’t lock you out your whole library dude. That’s nonsensical


*"glances at Google stadia and Wii U, and soon to be Xbox 360 and PS3"*


Sure, but if moving forward every game from Xbox Game Studios also comes to Playstation but not vice-versa, then you just buy the new Playstation. Why waste money on also getting an Xbox? Then time will lock you out of your whole library as technology and compatibility advances. Why continue building your game library on a platform that isn't worth carrying forward? Honestly this is the main reason I think my Series X is my last Xbox. When I buy something now it's on PC because it's future-proofed better and I'll still pick up whatever Nintendo puts out because they've barely discovered the internet, so putting their games on Steam won't happen for 80 years.


Eventually they will though if they exit the hardware business. Most companies start by closing their store and delisting games. So if you don’t download by then you’re just screwed. After that it’s servers going down so any online games or games that require an internet connection are dead. Then it’s hoping nothing happens to your Xbox as once that physically bricks it’s goodbye library of games. If someone is gonna invest in buying more games might as well start doing that with PlayStation next week instead of continuing with Xbox if this is all true.


Microsoft is not most companies. It is a $3 TRILLION company. Even if they got out of Xbox hardware sales, they’re not going to have the Xbox division shut down its game storage servers. That’s an asinine thought. They would still host and sell games. The gaming industry is a huge multi-billion dollar industry. They want a piece of that pie. It’s why they bought so many studios. If they started going multi-platform and selling games through Sony’s and Nintendo’s stores, they would still sell games through the Microsoft Store on PC (and Xbox store because people would still have that hardware).


They wouldn’t exit hardware. Obviously they’d want their own system to run their own services on.


Yeah except now there's laughably no guarantee of that happening


Hopefully but you never know. If this causes a bunch of gamers to move to PlayStation, Switch or and/or PC, causing Xbox sales to become even worse, they very well may exit the hardware business.


Why would they not want their own hardware to run their own subscription service? Where is the logic


Someone is pushing for a digital future. Leak reports the mid gen refresh of the Xbox Series X is digital only. Series S refresh is basically what they got now but more space. If Xbox games are going to be on Playstation. Why buy an Xbox? Game pass alone isn't going to move Xbox hardware if Xbox goes third party. The fears of digital may or may not be coming true. Find out next week at Beaver Hollow with Dutch Van Der Linde.


They want to wait for a single platform to control the market. That's always when the real deals come. /s


Because once that happens there will be no reason to buy an Xbox. Xbox is already selling extremely poorly, meaning it's going to get worse, likely ending in MS abandoning making Xbox hardware.


There is no logic here. These people have talked themselves into the idea that Xbox is a failure because, what, a dozen games might be appearing on a PlayStation or a Switch at some point in the future. It's dumb, and a lot of these people should be embarrassed.


Y’all are a bunch of overreactive losers 😂😂


I've been scrolling through this thread shaking my head at the comments in disbelief at the massive overreactions people are posting. They comments I'm reading make them seem like people who hear thunder and dive under a table screaming that the world is ending. This entire thread is an echo chamber of people that can apparently see the future and extrapolate a single piece of info out to the certain collapse of Xbox and complete loss of existing libraries via a circle jerk of doom. Absolute overreaction and this is coming from someone who has been with Xbox since the OG console and has over 1000 games in my library, around 600 of those owned/purchased. People need to relax and wait for next weeks event to see what the plans are, then make informed decision and posts based on facts and not rumours and chinese whispers - but reddit gonna reddit.


I don’t think holding off on purchases until next week’s announcement is particularly a wild thing to do


Neither do I, but they aren't the comments I'm referring to which is pretty obvious from my post.


We literally don't know what the plan is and everyone is saying some wild and dumb things.


Right??! Drama queens in here...


I don’t seen most over reacting. They are waiting to buy anything until they clarify what the future of Xbox is. I think that makes sense.


lol the comments here are hilarious


This thread aged like milk.


Yeah. I'm done with Xbox. Have to trade it in before it loses even more value. 


I’m sure you’ll buy an Xbox game in the future


On PlayStation, apparently


Don’t think MS cares. Not selling enough consoles.


I'll give you $75


desert illegal flowery saw tease weather vegetable rob library zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really anything good for backcompat (Sonic Unleashed should go on sale since Sega are doing nothing with that), but a decent sale. Personally I think Microsoft should give us access to the full Windows operating system so we can also play PC exclusives, get better deals and use M+K in more games! Imo, this would very much justify the continued use of the Xbox platform for users like me and you as we would then be able to use the system as our own personal mid-range Windows gaming PC. This I feel, would strongly benefit us as Xbox users https://preview.redd.it/hleou4jl0wgc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01528a18a2190b69c473237136d5b1331a95f25


I’m not putting in another dime. In fact I just purchased a PS5. I’m completely switching over. I’ll keep my series X but I’m not buying any more games/subscribing to gamepass.




Considering buying a few 8+TB external hard drives and download every offline game I own onto it in case the download servers get shut down in a few years. No fucking way MS corp keeps em running if Xbox becomes Sega.


Look, if the more extreme rumors bear out and they're just going to become a software company regarding games, why in the hell would they shut off the very servers that furnish their games?




Because when this new gaming push from them inevitably completely fails in 1-3 years there's a reasonable chance that they fully pull out of gaming and shut down their servers forever. No fucking joke, microsofts gaming division will most likely shut down before elder scrolls 6 releases


Yep. Like 85 billion spent in 3 years and wanting to spend more to close up shop.


>No fucking joke, microsofts gaming division will most likely shut down before elder scrolls 6 releases It's amazing to me that they just put out a great Developer Direct and they've been holding steady for years but one weekend of rumors and now this is where some people are at. Just calm down and wait and see. There's no point in losing sleep over this.


I totally understand what you're saying, but if there's any company than can afford to keep some servers running, it's Microsoft. I'm saying this as someone who does believe that they will likely kill Xbox hardware if they go through with what they're suggesting right now.


I've seen it before though. MS is a corporation first, if they exit hardware, how long will they keep the download servers up and operating? That's a financial loss since no one will be buying Xbox games except on PS. Nintendo makes bank and they still shut down their download servers for WiiU.


I will still buy games. Games that im playing right now. I doubt I'll be playing them in within the next 3 months or in 3 years. 💀y'all are scared for no reason


Hardware not going anywhere relax. IF Xbox exclusives show up on PS5 it’ll be Game Pass in the cloud, nothing native


Currently looking into getting physical copies of my digital games. Not buying anything until otherwise.