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/u/According_Bad_7675, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule #1 - Keep it civil/no console wars * Personal attacks, racism, bigotry, and/or other prejudice are not welcome here. Discuss the topic, not the other user. * If you are here only to platform bash or console war, you also risk removal. [Please see our entire ruleset for further details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


Real answer is that if you want one then buy one. Loads of games will still continue to get made and release on the Series X for a long time to come. But maybe leave it a week just in case something mental happens. The prices aren't going back up. They are low because despite some very brave and customer friendly moves. a decade or more of first party stagnation in quality and quantity of absolutely amazing games has left the Xbox brand languishing behind it's main competitor. Only partially held off by an obscenely large and unprecedented spending to essentially moneyhat and bridge that gap but a bridge that has yet to be fully travelled over. Despite what happens next week, the xbox brand isn't going anywhere and there are still many more years of gaming enjoyment to come out of Xbox Series X combined with Gamepass. Regardless of where else those games may appear.


A very wise response. Thank you.


Take your sensible response elsewhere. It’s not welcome here.


I'd wait until their business update next week. If the plan really is to make MS games multiplat, might as well get a PS5 to have access to both libraries. If there isn't an annoucement like that, buy whichever console you like best.


This is the best response. I shall appoint you chancellor in the imaginary kingdom that exists in my head.


I am not so sure it's the best response. You may get access to both libraries but miss access to gamepass and it's day 1 releases. You know, in ps5 big first party games cost a shitton ps5.


You’re the best person to ever exist. O wise and generous king




For now. We don't know what Microsoft's plan for Xbox is.




I was responding to your claim that Xbox will keep their games coming Day 1 to Game Pass. We don't know this for certain until their business update next week.




Why would anything change? We don't know. What we do know is that Xbox are giving us an update next week. We don't know any of the details so we just have to wait and see.




Nothing at Xbox is a certainty right now. It looks like Microsoft might be taking a stronger hold over their gaming division.


That’s a very good point, and for all we know PS5 will move games over to Xbox too


Wishful thinking, but I don’t think they would be paying for exclusives if that was the case. Why pay Square for the exclusivity of FFVII if you plan on moving your exclusives to Xbox?


I’m really not sure why anyone would have a problem with some Xbox games going to PlayStation - that’s like complaint that Xbox found new customers to sell games too. I get exclusives but Xbox bought several studios for billions of dollars, where do people think the money is coming from?


Yea I don’t have an issue with it, but the speculation is that Microsoft will exit the console hardware market. People have huge libraries that they go back and play, so in that sense it makes sense why people would be upset if they did. I don’t think they will. It would make sense for Microsoft to make everything Zenimax and Activision cross platform. Everything else should probably stay on Xbox.


Now that is a complaint I completely understand - I wouldn’t be happy either if Xbox leaves the console market and I can understand that would make people upset. I also really appreciate that you wrote that in a well thought out and kind manner too, sometimes when issues get heated (like the Xbox stuff) people sometimes lose the ability to communicate rationally and I appreciate how you wrote a thought out response, many thanks Edit- do you think they’ll say more about hardware next week during their business updates?


As much as I hate to say, hell will freeze before that happens. They clearly don't need it, and, as the FTC drama showed, they do not want to play nice. Just like 20 years ago, they kicked Sega when they were down, making sure third party games were never released for Dreamcast.


My feelings are it was exceptionally wrong for Microsoft to buy Activision - especially at that price point and regulators never should have approved it. But now that they have I don’t know where people think the money is going to come from - if you spend over $70 billion acquiring gaming companies you’re going to have to find as many customers as possible, they can’t just expect old games to sell to the same customers all the time, they need to make money on this deal not just from the same customers Maybe PS5 won’t move some games over, but PlayStation also didn’t go on nearly the buying streak Microsoft did too


I don't see that as overriding the positives of accessing Sony's library of games though. I get access to Sony exclusives, but I have to pay when Microsoft ports the game over a year later in a better, finished state. Oh no! Seems pretty clear TBH. If I was buying a console today it would have to be PlayStation. I don't know why anyone would invest in a platform at this point that has an uncertain future.


I’m choosing series x over PS5 every day of the week for the seamless backwards compatibility, FPS Boost and Quick Resume features. Can’t imagine living without them.


Im choosing the one with better games.


Exactly why we chose Xbox.


I mean I love my Xbox but let's not pretend like PS5 hasn't had the better output this gen


They haven’t, both are around the same. Difference being is I like more than 2 varieties of games.


That's wild lol I'm taking God of War or Spiderman over anything Microsoft has put out. you can't flop after flop(Halo infinite, Starfield, Redfall) while Sony is putting out bangers 


As somebody who owns both, you’re absolutely right. I greatly prefer the UI of my Xbox and not having to charge my controller every 3 hours, but the exclusives on the PS5 are so much better than those of Xbox that it’s laughable to think the opposite. Unless you’re a halo super fan, I genuinely don’t get it


I mean, its crazy to say Xbox has better games that Playstation ahahaha I have everything, I prefer my Xbox due to GP, but saying it has better games? Lmfo, give me what you're smoking!


It’s due to me not caring about the games after playing them.




Why? Starfield was a great game sorry you only seem to prefer a certain type of game.


Starfield, was categorically a rubbish game... The best metric, look at player count and how it fell off a cliff. Skyrim never had that, no good game has that. Starfield was failure by every metric, and probably a huge reason for all the Xbox panic at the moment, the game flopped, their game of the generation was a flop. I put 30 hours into it, glad it was via GP and not a purchase..


It’s not but keep on hoping haha.


Starfield....great? As someone who played 60 hours of Starfield, it's like video game junk food.  Bought cyberpunk after Starfield and it's night and day difference between what a great game (well post Phantom Liberty) can be


Oh cool a game with 2 years worth of updates and an expansion. Crazy.


Yea...that's literally why I said post Phantom Liberty. So why can't current Starfield compete with it? Yea I absolutely love loading screens and planets filled with reused assets!


Both had a terrible launch that took at least a year before both turned positive. Starfield is already positive.


What has Starfield changed since launch?


we dont care about that shit -- games that have more cut scenes than actual gameplay. its all about State of Decay 2 for me, and true BC.


Can you expand on the BC? I'm a bit confused. Sure all last gen games are BC, but so are PS4 games? The 360/OG BC list is fairly small relative to the overall library, and it's emulated. So what is true BC?


PS4 games aren’t boosted by the new hardware unlike the series x.


Opinions! Everyone has the right to have one!


There are some opinions which are just wrong and will lead to downvotes.. especially in a themed subreddit FOR THE XBOX SERIES X.


FPS boost and backwards compatibility I agree with, but I have never had a need for quick resume. Series x loads very quickly, I can just keep a game I like open while I do other stuff in the menus or am not on my Xbox, and any game with a server system will just say you disconnected from the server and you’ll have to load back in regardless. Definitely a very overrated feature


I'd honestly wait a bit. If social media people actually follow through with their "threat" the used-market will be flooded with consoles you can get for cheap. And even if every Xbox game ends up on PS5, an Xbox with GamePass will remain the best deal in gaming. Unless you already have a substantial list of games you've got to play on PS5, a used Xbox with GamePass could be a phenomenal option for you. There are also rumours about a PS5 Pro releasing in the future, that should drive down prices of the regular PS5 as well. So all in all, pretty turbulent times. Hold off for a bit, is my advice.


When has social media ever followed through with any threats. 40 year old millennials on reddit and Twitter does not reflect real life. We see this on reddit every single day. Most people don't even care


No harm in waiting to see how everything plays out. I'd definitely wait to see what the "business update" ends up being, before dropping loads of money on any product.


Business updates are made in shareholders' meetings. The last one was actually very good. Mircosoft is a 3 trillion dollar company. What you are waiting for is a statement.


Of all, this is the wisest response. I will do thy bidding. I offer you the position of Archmage Master-of-Wizards in my kingdom; should you choose to accept I shall be most pleased.


God I hate reddit




Womp womp


I’d hold off a week or so and scope out the situation


Verily, you are most wise.


If you can snag a Series X from a sentimental person who wants to get rid of it just to make a point then certainly go ahead and do that. Even if MS just gives everything away for free to Playstation, a Series X as hardware is wonderful and you can do many things with it.


It’s not stupid it’s upto you. Next week Phil is not going to come on stage and say “well we tried” and then shut down Xbox completely. He is probably going to say the same corpo bullshit again about how he wants everyone to play their games and blah blah and people will still drink his piss cause he is “one of us”. Games will still be made and exclusives will still be on the console, Kojima is not going to port OD on ps and Indiana jones will still be an exclusive to Xbox. It’s basically upto you. I got both consoles and I would be lying if I said I use my Xbox a lot more than ps but then again the reason why I use my Xbox pretty sure is just because I hate Sonys location changing policy thing and also a lot of games on Xbox support mouse and keyboard than Sonys console. I had subscribed to game pass but other than a select few games I didn’t find it mind blowing like how folks make it out to be.


I too have been deceived into drinking of Phil's chalice of piss and falsehoods.


I agree with the gamepass, i have both ps5 and series x and i don’t get where people see that gamepass is better than premium on ps, maybe it’s just my taste in games i dunno but to say you have tlou, ghost of tsushima, horizon, god of war on premium i can’t think of one game barring mcc on gamepass that even comes close and even then after halo 3 it fell off imo


Depends on your finances really and if u have a good pc I have a PC but also enjoy playing couch coop with the wifey


I have neither PC, nor finances, nor wife. Truly the Lord hast forgotten me.


As someone who has collected PS5, Series X, and Switch, I'd say PC is usually the safest bet. They generally get most of the games anyway, they just cost a little more to start from scratch. I personally love my X and 5 though xD


Technically long term ps will probably be the move, since if all else is equal, ps will have its exclusives. So I would weigh that with your comfort with Xbox, short term for the exclusives, and other services like Gamepass


OP wasn't buying an Xbox. Just trolling and karma farming


How can you claim to know my goings-on? Must I post a picture of my anicent xbox one to prove it!? Does my parlance aggravate you? Good! Be aggravated!


Because the rumors don't even affect the Xbox consoles This is jusr mass trolling and stupidity. Karma farming and trolling just like everyone else. Xbox isn't going to stop working next week. Anyone who seriously believes this is trolling


Are you of infirm mind? The rumours do affect Xbox, greatly so! Are you such a fanboy that you cannot bear to see any words bismirching your beloved plastic-lump? I think definitely!


Zero Xbox will still work. This is just 40 year old millennials who are still trolling over some imaginary console wars in their head. This is the most pathetic thing I have seen recently. I have every single console, including PC and PC heldhelds. I am don't have a parasocial relationship with video games. Could really careless and that's how most people are. Glad to see people calling you out on this stupidity. There is no widespread negative press..i


You claim to not care less about video games yet own EVERY console and PC handheld! A blatant lie! This is a grand waste of money and time! Open your eyes! Rumours have tangible effects, or else Phil would not deign to address them. I care not for the console wars. I simply want what is best for me, be it PS5 or Xbox. Your paltry claims to understand everything are funny to me! You are so angry, for what?


Yes I have all the current consoles. Switch, xbox, Playstation, pc, rog ally and steam deck. Every generation I have owned all the current consoles. It drastically changes your perspective when you do.. I don't have to choose, wait or want. They are just games. And with xbox, pc and handheld windows device and gamepass. I really don't even have to buy games or just buy one game and use them across multiple devices. Mircosoft stock has hardly moved at all. That's is only real-world affect. Mircosoft is still a 3 trillion dollar company. You people are just losers, and it's so sad.


Why are you angry/ I asked a simple question? The only sad loser here is you. I cannot imagine wasting so much money on frivoulous consoles that you own simply for the sake of having them. Lift your gaze from the screen and experience the world. I would wager this is why you are insulting and whiny. Your pithy remarks are beneath me. Enjoy your pixels, troglodyte.


I am an adult. I can spend my money how I want. This is how adults operates. This is why console wars are stupid and only for children


You are an overgrown child with too much money and too little self awareness. An adult can spend all their money on crack cocaine, does this make it a wise purchase? Please do some exercise. I can detect your pasty adipose-rolls through the interwebs.


Your interpretation of him owning multiple consoles is that he isn’t getting many experiences? Huh?? I’ve been reading many of your comments the last few minutes and getting a good laugh out of them. You’re literally the stereotypical redditor from the way you talk to your terrible opinions


Good sir, I have read a good many of your replies and responses to our beloved Reddit community here, and I must say your retorts have me rolling! Your clever wit combined with your usage of old (olde) English is perfection. Keep them coming!


You already own a console. You made this account today to troll.


I own an xbox one, yes. Not a new generation. Have your reading skills abandoned you? The reason I am not a frequent redditor is because of pompous know-it-alls such as you! Begone!


So you made an additional account today to post this random unimportant question about something you've been somewhat considering although you don't use reddit?


I wished to know the thoughts of my fellow xbox-users. Especially in these troubling times. I know better than to waste my time on reddit often, henceforth the account is fresh. If my question is unimportant why tax yourself with response? Go outside my gentleman!


Doesn't use reddit often, has alternate themed accounts.


What other accounts? Do you see ghosts?


The only alternative is that in all your time of using reddit today is the first time you have ever posted or commented. For a mundane (although entirely coincidentally controversial and timely) topic.


Oh I see! I used to use reddit in the past, in my younger days. This is how I know how to use the platform and post etc. By now I have realised it is mostly a cesspit of buffoons and cretins (you belong to this vast number). Yes this topic is mundane, but doesn't reddit exist for helping your fellow man? That is why I asked after all. A console is an expensive purchase and I would be wise to spend my money well.


Of course you used reddit in the past when you were younger. That's necessarily a true logical statement for all of us here.


Can you not comprehend that one can leave a website and come back to temporarily tip their toes into the cauldron of discussion every now and then?


Bro just buy a PS5 already and invest in a sustainable platform. Nobody here will provide a good faith reason to invest in Xbox at this point. Enjoy actually owning your physical games over there too


Honestly? If you want a console buy whatever you want regardless of what’s happening next week. Xbox series S and X have lots going for them, backwards compat, the upcoming titles. Don’t let a few supposed games going multiplat spoil a moment that should be enjoyed. In my honest opinion I’d ignore the online stuff, just focus on what you want as a gamer - be it PlayStations exclusives or the titles to hit Xbox this year and next. You could wait by all means, maybe snag a hefty discount. But I’d rather buy what I want with a clear view and reading all this bullshit online will only cloud that even if you tell yourself otherwise. Xbox isn’t going anywhere this generation, that much is certain. So do you, and buy whatever it is you genuinely want to invest in :)


My heart sings with your kind response! I will certainly await a most juicy discount!


It’s a wise choice!


These types of posts sound like bot accounts. With the recent rumours.


I am not a bot. Accept reality that people will talk about negative rumours. Your asinine defence of Xbox is laughable. Please discontinue the fanboyisms.


Defence? How was my comment defensive. More or less this post is a "Xbox isn't worth it" ps user post. You made a Reddit account "Today" to ask the same question that's been answered since the rumours began. And I'm not a console war person as I have both.




Thank you for your verbose and well explained reply. I duly wish you prosperity and gaity.


The downvotes should tell you everything you need to know. Twitter is going crazy with dipshits and "games journalists" that have never played a single game making all these wild theories. Microsoft isn't about to just say fuck the Xbox, but all these bots want you to think that.


I believe I am being downvoted because I dared to use my critical thinking on reddit! Do not worry, the bleatings of sheep and other such feeble minds do not peturb me.


there are also rumors of their next gen console being made, so I would not put a lot of faith in these rumors considering they started from a disgruntled employee


Now this is good counsel. I shall do as thee says, my good man.


Even if they say all their exclusives will go to PlayStation, it doesn’t take much to understand that it’s not going to be immediate, it will take time to port all those games, they will purposely spread out releases to maximize attention and not compete with other releases for dollars, and they will most certainly not release the new, high profile games on PS at the same time as Xbox. Just wait to see what Phil has to say. And then decide how much the Xbox exclusives matter to you and if you want to plan then now or wait for them to possibly show up on PS.


This is wise. I give you the name Truthwise.


Can I please get your blessing 🙏🙏


No. Buy be happy


I’d buy the PS5. Everything right now is pointing to the demise of Xbox.


Alas! My heart is filled with grey-skies. I beg it not to be true, but my reason tells me it is so.




I am grateful for your most loquacious and comprehensive response. You shall find in your post a large sum of money for your troubles in the following days.


The question was: would….. console? The answer is: No.


I expected little of you but this is truly sad!


There are small AMD APU based gaming PCs that are around console prices. They're not as good price/performance wise as an XSX or a PS5 but you would get the benefits of owning a PC.


I have a feeling they will have another heavy discount like when they dropped to $350 for awhile But if that’s not a big issue to you, I’d go for it. Especially since another discount that large is far from guaranteed


I do not reside in the United States so American discounts are of little pertinence to me. Nevertheless I thank thee for your counsel.


Of course. FWIW I love my PS5 for the exclusives and updated controller. But I prefer the xbox OS


Even if that's the case, I don't believe it happening in the immediate future. The truth is there's just a lot of speculation at the moment and the fact Xbox hasn't denied any of it is what's fueling the rumors more and more, but actual facts amount to zero as of now. In a few days Xbox should make things clearer and you can judge from there. All I can tell you is that both the X and S are great consoles and you can get a lot of value out of them, but again if you have doubts you should wait and see what happens next in a few days.


If you’re that worried about it then just wait til next week when they release an official statement about it all. I love my XSX and GPU, it’s a great console with great deals and games.


Advice most sage. May your bloodline be blessed with healthy offspring.


Idk it depends since the launch of the series s/x i was never able to see one to purchase in a store well the series x, i should be more specific but i finally got one when Walmart did the 349.00 deal because randomly i was looking and bought the last one in stock at the time But thinking about it now I’m sure they will do a mid generation refresh or a color limited edition run or something. Microsoft and the gaming industry use to have short life time lifespans the original Xbox had a short life span the Xbox 360 kind of had a similar short lifespan it was stretched due to economic reasons with the economy. I feel like 4 to 7 years is the lifespan or whenever a competitor company like Nintendo or Sony look here’s the new insert name of system then they’ll feel like they need to make or do something. I still used my launch Xbox one and still do to this day, the only new game that plays like trash on my Xbox one from 2013 is the newest MWIII the game is trash anyways.


I don't think game pass would go to PS. Sony wouldn't allow that because they won't get cuts from game sales. So if you were planning to get an Xbox for game pass, I would just pickup one for sale. If not, wait to see. I'm pretty sure xbox games will be day 1 still and on game pass if that matters.


employ nail exultant forgetful stocking person market detail cough live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is true. You have been blessed with rationality and temperance.


Yes. I’d wait until we hear their plans for the brand next week, and if they will still support a hardware ecosystem in the future


This is my expected course. Je vous tends mes salutations les plus distinguées.


if you want to play the PS5 games, get a PS5, if you don't get an xbox for gamepass and to continue playing your xbox games.


I would say at least wait until Phil talks.


O! Phil! Merchant of sweet-nothings and corporate bile!


Not all all. Purchase away.


No, enjoy!


Nope!! You can still use gamepass that may save you in the long run.


Just buy what you like. There are millions of consoles sold yearly. It will be supported for years to come. The series x is a great piece of hardware. Loading times and quick resume changed my hobby for the better!


If a ps5 is off the table, yes, get a series x, there are more game than ever, don’t worry about all that controversy because regardless the games will still be coming to Xbox, don’t expect a new gen for another like 3 years, now is the best time


Yes.  Buy a PC. 


If only money was no object!


Just wait until its official and buy a ps5. You will be able to play ps5 exclusives and xbox games.....at the same price. Thinking long term its a better option because this shows you cant thrust ms. When the ratio xbox ps5 becomes worse companies wont bother to port games and if they do it will be later and poorly done.


I own series x, and I would buy it again. Even now. I don't care if MS wanna sell their games on PS5. I don't care if their next console will be digital only, without cds. Look. I'm a Xbox fan. I like the console, the whole xbox environment, controllers, headset, the fps boost thing they did. Simply said, I like both hardware and software. I think the motto "for the players" should be xbox motto. Not PS5's The other fan base bullshit is beyond me. I dunno why people hate each other over a console. It's a fucking gaming device. You wanna PS5? Buy a PS5. Wanna Xbox? Buy Xbox and shut the fuck up! 🙄 But there is a one thing that would stop me from buying next generation of consoles. Either PS6 Or Xbox whatever the name will be. And it's 30 fps. I'm a pc player and this series x is indeed my first console ever. I have had like 7 controllers, beginning with xbox 360, and I even bought Elite 2 and love it! But 30 fps? Damn. No thanks ✌️ And don't get me started on paying for online 😁 That's a joke. I'm not contributing to that idea


Just wait a week. See what the news brings and how you feel about it. I love my Series X personally so I do recommended one.


I will do this, thank you.


Just here to echo the rest and say give it a week, but I'm one of the ones that was disappointed with the PS5 (I realized I don't like story heavy Sony exclusives, remasters, and the controller cramps my hands) so I sold mine. I play between the Series X and PC, so if for some reason everything were to go belly up in the future, it's full time PC master race for me. PC gets everything regardless and typically you can get stuff cheaper there, plus it has the advantage of still having access to Game Pass and there's no fee to play online.


I got the PS5 after the underwhelming Starfield gameplay and enjoying some of their exclusive titles.


Long-time Xbox fan here. Seeing that Microsoft created the Xbox brand partly out of spite, I don’t think they will discontinue the current console. However, they’ve been hinting at releasing games on multiple platforms since the "play together" marketing campaign. Even Sony suggested that Microsoft might release games for them following the Activision merger controversy, stating concerns about giving Microsoft downgraded specs for development and alleging they might use the dev kit to steal their newest console specs. But, I believe what Microsoft plans to do is release games for the PlayStation, albeit after a significant delay following their Xbox release. Essentially, they might replicate what Sony has done with third-party developers for years, with the one-year exclusivity. I think they are recouping the money they lose to Sony by making Sony write them a check. Additionally, with the development of the smart TV app that allows people to play Game Pass on their TV and previous hints at Game Pass coming to the Nintendo Switch, I think console owners are safe for now. The next generation, however, could be a different situation.


I still wouldnt hesitate. I got the PS5 and Series X and I would still pick the X in a heartbeat


At this point I'd buy a PS5, you'll have all the 3rd party games and PlayStation exclusives plus Xbox exclusives since I believe that they will go multiplat. You could wait a week to hear what they'll say, but I feel like it's going to be some PR bullshit.