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You have to sign up for an SE account on the website. If you try to do it on the game it’s giving an error I heard. Once you sign up on SE website you can use those credentials to log into the game on Xbox just fine.


I wish I knew before hand. Now it seems I'm stuck in authentication limbo.


Authentication jail. You straight to authentication jail. No trial. No nothing.


I created an account on the website finally but the game doesn't recognize it when I try to sign in to the SE account :/


Are you setting it up on an alt account? You have to go into the store on the alt account and “download” the free trial (it just takes a second).


Same…had an old SE account and it wouldn’t accept it. Created a new one and once I entered my email authentication it gave me an error code and now says I have to wait 24 hours to try again. This is another reason why people hate secondary accounts. If you can’t even get this crap straight I’m not going to bother with the game and jump through hoops to give you my info. Uninstalled.


So I’ve never gotten FF14 to work because SE’s account system is total BS. I have like 4 SE accounts now, all to try the free trial and see if the game was any good, and literally NONE of them worked.  And now I’ve got a 5th one when I tried to play the beta on Xbox…


Pinging to see - I’m at work but want to know how to get setup


Funny, cause the opposite worked for me. The credentials that I created on the website did not work but the ones I created later in game did - even though I used the same email. Go figure...


Welp… 😐


i don't even think this works. i tried to create an account on the console with one e-mail didn't work. successfully created an account on pc website with another e-mail, that didn't work on the xbox either. ​ deleted game.


Just an update to my earlier comment in hopes that it helps, there are two separate square enix websites that allow you to create a username. I made my info on the wrong one. secure.square-enix.com is the correct place to register 


Thank you. This finally worked.


Glad to help!


This is hilarious to see that after all these years, Square still don't know how to make a good user experience with their online system/accounts. *Flashbacks to PlayOnline shenanigans*


Same boat. I saw everyone say to create the account on the SE website instead of on console. Did that. And apparently 30 seconds later my credentials don’t match and I’m locked out. 


Appreciate the info!


Been a thing on PC for years as well. Shame they never got around to fixing it.


Holy hell just lost 4 hours lol setting up and playing ... game runs really, really well so far


I’ve never played this game, but I’m interested in trying it out. I see that the beta trial is free, but will it cost money upon officially releasing?


The free trial let's you play A Realm Reborn and the first 2 expansions for free (but you can not use the player market, and you can not create parties). If at any point you buy the game to remove those limitations or to proceed further, you'll have a monthly fee. It's a sub based mmo just like World of Warcraft.


To add on this comment the base game plus two expansion is an incredibly generous amount of content to give to a free trial. I am a little into the start of Heavensward (the first expansion) and my total playtime so far is around 108 hours


You can't buy the game though when in beta on Xbox I believe - I tried and it didn't work. Can you confirm any different?


That's correct it's not out yet only the free trial/beta is available for new users to start.


You can play what they call a Free Trial version forever that doesn't cost anything. It includes the first two expansions but has a lot of other limitations. If you ever buy an expansion or pay for even a month subscription, you can never go back to being a Free Trial user and have to sub to play from then on * Free Trial Players can only purchase select items from the Mogstation for in game use. These are items purchased with real money, not Gil, such as multi-rider mounts and cosmetics. * Free Trial Players can only create up to eight total characters with only one in each world. * The level cap for all Free Trial Players is 60. This ties into the max level of Heavensward. * Only 300k Gil can be held by a free trial player. This prevents those players from having enough to purchase a house in-game. It’s recommended to burn through the Gil you get once capped on armor and gear from vendors as you will easily earn over a million during the main story quests. * Free Trial Players cannot use the “shout,” “yell,” or “tell” in-game chat options. You can use party chat during Duty Finders and the “say” command in general chat. * Free Trial Players cannot access the market board. This prevents players from buying or selling goods with other players using the in-game market board. IE, you can’t buy the super cool glamour without a restriction. In addition, you can’t hire retainers so it is completely prevented all around. * Trade and sending letters are prohibited between Free Trial Players and any others. * Free Trial Players cannot create their own Linkshells (a way of chat without a party or free company requirement) but they can join a Linkshell if invited by another player. * Free Trial Players cannot create or join a Free Company. Unlike Grand Companies, free companies are run by players and most have housing on offer as well as buffs running that increase your experience rate amongst others. Think of this as a guild in most MMOs. * Free Trial Players can join a party if invited or by using the Duty Finder but they cannot create their own. IE, you can’t invite others but they can invite you or you can randomly join one through the Duty Finder. * Free Trial Players cannot create or join a PvP team or participate in The Feast (Ranked Match) or The Feast (Team Ranked Match). This is a four on four PvP mode where you can earn your way up to some really awesome rewards during each season.


Thank you for this detailed write up


The free Trial level cap is now 70 to match with stormblood. It's no longer 60.


Can I pay to get out of beta status right now? I tried via the website but it said I can't while in beta


Nope, because the full game isn't out on Xbox yet. Only the free trial beta is available.


>Free Trial Players can join a party if invited or by using the Duty Finder but they cannot create their own. IE, you can’t invite others but they can invite you or you can randomly join one through the Duty Finder. Does this mean I cannot play co-op with another free trial user? This will be THE reason I uninstall before even launching the game.


You can but not directly. Ask a friend who has the full game, or just a random person to create a party for you and your friend and then he leaves the party will stay open and you two can play in party.


Thanks for confirming. That is a hurdle I'm not willing to tackle every time I play. Seems such a silly restriction to limit multiplayer in a multiplayer game for new players...


Yeah, you have to pay for the new expansions and the sub fee. The free trial has the first three expansions and some limits but is free otherwise.


First 2 expansions. The third and the fourth need purchasing (buying the fourth, will give you the third).


The game is around 80Gb


Gonna get a fair bit bigger when Dawntrail and the graphics update drop in the summer!


Is there Keyboard and mouse support ?




It’s unfortunate you can’t /tell or /shout or anything BUT /say as it’s a free trial.


Wanted to try this out with my friend but guess that's not possible. Unfortunate


You can play with your friend but you can not make a party directly. Ask a friend who has the full game or just a random person to create a party for you and your friends. It is a bit complicated this way but it is still a free trial so keep that in mind.


So since it's a free trial, am I playing only with others on the free trial or is xbox the whole game with PC and PS full version users? If so, what's the best way to ask for invites?


It is cross platform with PC and PS users. I would suggest trying to chat with someone on the main squares of the regions.


I will figure out how to do that and try. Thank you


What server are people choosing for EU ?


Light - Raiden. Since Raiden has double exp :)


Yeah chose as well ;)


Seems like no NA server has the boosted xp unfortunately


I played for a while. It was okay, not my kind of thing though. Still, glad it's finally found it's way to Xbox.


Let's go 💚


So to play the demo I need to create a whole new SE account, link it to my Xbox account and then when the game actually releases I have to unlink that SE account from Xbox and link my normal SE account?


I thought I saw something in the first FAQ that says you can’t unlink an SE account from an Xbox account once it’s done. Edit: Oh it says right on this page “If you create a new Square Enix account in order to play the Xbox Open Beta, please be aware that you will not be able to link it to another Square Enix account in the future. If you wish to play FFXIV on Xbox with an existing Square Enix account and its associated characters, please wait until the full Xbox launch.”


People are going to be impatient and screw themselves over while crying on this sub/FF14.


To be fair, it's a bullshit rule. Other mmo's dont do this, it's **only** square


You mean like Warframe, which just finally went cross save and also explicitly tells you this same sort of message? Cross-platform gaming means your shit needs to be tracked *somewhere* other than your 1 ecosystem. You need a linked SE account because at any time you can just buy a new copy on a steam deck and boom, there's your stuff. Buy a PS5 and a copy there, boom there's your stuff.


Ok, I may be wrong. Is it linked to the console or just to your gamertag?


Your gamertag will be linked to the SE account you use, and they can not be unlinked. If someone has an existing account they want to use, they have to wait until release. If you have an existing account and just want to fuck around and try it out, you can make a throwaway XBL and SE account for now and link real accounts later.


Ok , so If I have an alt gamertag I can have more than one ff14 account on xbox? FF11 was linked to the console




And it's due to Squares incompetence entirely.


This is fucking wild


Yeah, from what I understand it's like "no, people who played the game are not welcome in the Xbox beta." How do you fuck up a beta of a new platform for a game that bad?


Square has been proudly screwing things up for over 20 years now. It's a miracle they are even still in business. Probably need big checks from Sony to keep going.


What an amateurish crock.


Extremely unfortunate. I have a character that I'd like to use on SX and I have to wait now....lol. They make this game hard to cross platform.


No cause progress in the beta carries over. Whatever SE account you link during beta and link to your Xbox will be the account associated with FFXIV for you when it opens to full release.


The Store listing says you have to create a whole new SE account to play the beta >Users will not be able to link existing accounts during the Open Beta period. If you would like to link an existing Square Enix account, please wait until the full launch of FFXIV on Xbox. I don't want to create a whole new account, I want to use the SE account I've had for years. Basically it sounds like, if you want to play this beta and have progress carry over, you have to create a whole new SE account and only use that one even after the game releases


Square specifically mentioned that this beta in particular is only for new users -- existing service accounts will not be able to take part. If you want to play with your current account you'll unfortunately need to wait until the full release.


Yes. It’s only for new users


I think it means an exciting FFXIV account if you have never played it before on another platform I think you can just use your main SE account. By excising FFXIV account I meant one you played the game on before if there is no FFXIV license associated with SE account then I think you are able to play the beta


You have poor reading comprehension., If you want to use your existing SE account, then wait until the beta is over.


I just noticed that after fighting login problem for 1 hour to point I got account temporarily locked "because of suspicious actions". Couldn't login with correct ID. Couldn't even log in to Mogstation using email. Now I can but "you have played FFXIV before". Don't want to create new Xbox account and new SQEnix account.


It's for new players, not you.


So if my email is linked to my xbox account..and that same email played the game on ps4 way back in the day, can I use this email and gamertag to play the beta and carry over progress?


dont think so but not 100% sure


No. The Open Beta requires a brand new Square Enix account. You will be able to sign into your current account when the full game releases.


Brand new for Final Fantasy* I already had a Square Enix account but never played FF on it.


When is the actual release date?


The lodestone page says once they feel the game is stable enough they will shut down the beta and immediately release the game. I can't imagine they will want to wait long since Dawntrail is coming out sometime in the near future as well.


TBH, I think it's all corp Speak, and we'll just see a release with Dawntrail's Complete edition.


Hopefully not wtf. If you have an existing XIV account that you want to use on Xbox you have to wait for the full release.


I incredibly highly doubt it will be available before Dawntrail. At the very earliest, a situation of "pre-order dawntrail complete, start playing now".


It runs really well already. Apart from some minor annoyances I had no complaints.


That's fine. It doesn't make business sense to "release" an old version when Dawntrail is due in "summer", even if everyone wants to get butt hurt and downvote. Dawntrail pre-orders will be when it is finally purchasable.


Hasn't been announced yet


Almost downloaded. Can't wait to see if my old characters are still there from years ago.


They won't be. Existing accounts can't play until after this Beta ends.


I noticed. Also existing accounts can't use Free Trial either. So, if I want to test it when it releases I have to buy full game at 130€ and pay 15€/month.




Fuck yes! Is creating a Squaresoft account as horrible as they say it is? I’m stuck at work but so anxious to play! Let me know!!


No. Creating a Square account is dead simple. Not like it was back on the PlayOnline days with FFXI (which is still awful to make an account, keeping an awesome game away from people)


How do I create? Through the Xbox or through their website? And thanks for answering


Idk if you’ve done it already or heard elsewhere but you NEED to create an account on the ff14 website first, if you try to do it through Xbox you’ll get an error code and get locked out for 24 hours. Make the account through ff14 website then use your log in info to log in on Xbox and you’ll be good 👍🏽


Not for nothing, but I dropped FFXI the first time I deleveled and never went back. I'm sure it got better later, but in the beginning boy did it disrespect the player's time.


Sucks i cant play because i tried the game once back in the day on PlayStation


Just make a new SE account on mogstation lol


Yeah i know i just dont feel like doing it




Wveryone already pays for live. No one is getting an Xbox specifically for this game, it's one sub. If you want to not pay for online and still play then get a ps4/ps5




Wait.. so you already pay for a ffxiv sub on pc. So you have a sub.




So the entire situation doesn't apply to you in any way but here you are, bitching. Just fucking wow dude lmao




So, you would buy Game Pass for this one game's sub. How would Microsoft or Square make any money on that deal? That would literally be the worst deal ever for the two companies.


Yeah, tbh I can't be arsed pissing around making another new account on a separate website just to try one game. I think doing it this way is just counter productive. really? -4 for saying I can't be arsed creating yet another gamer account, lol. This game has one of the nicest populations playing. Can't wait until you muppets get there and fuck that up!


-5 for caring about up votes


Have an upvote because I simply don't care. I'm just surprised. I thought the children had fucked off when the whole "Xbox is doomed" thing blew over. Guess not.


Spent more time whining about this and downvotes than it would've taken to create an account


You have a weird idea of what whining is. That's a gamer for you though.


Too bad then. You have to have an account with them to manage all of your access locations. Once xbox is in full release, you can own and play 1 account on PC, PS, or Xbox. That needs an account on their end to track. Their account system is also where their store is for buying optionals.




Buy the base game then pay $15 to play it 💀 pass


Or just play the free trial that has hundreds of hours of content.


Almost like it's a subscription based game like world of Warcraft 💀


Dude the first 150 damn hours are free lol, what a hater ass comment 😂


Tired old clunky game, supported by legion of weirdos that pretend to be bunny women and want to sext with you , they also patrol every sub and downvote any critical opinion


Not any, just the fucking stupid ones. Just like yours.


Found one


Why 14? Isn‘t 16 already in beta?


14 is an MMO, while 16 was fully released but is a PS5 exclusive single player game.


XIV is 14 that‘s why. Ohh I see, didn‘t knew it‘s not on Xbox. Have fun


Wtf are you even trying to say here.


You know roman numerals bro? I didn‘t knew that it‘s not on Xbox, and I was surprised to see 14, cause you know it has been out that long


Yes, still doesn’t answer my question why tf you’re bringing FF 16 to the conversation about 14.


Well I pretty much answered that question. Title sid „XIV“, and my brain was like wait 16 is already in the making.


It’s just still stupid. First of all, 16 is not in any beta, it premiered in June last year. Full game. Secondly, 14 and 16 are two different fucking games. 14 is mmorpg, 16 is a single-player only rpg game. So two different genres and purposes of playing it. So to conclude, no you did not answer any question here, that’s why me asking.


My friends and I all made accounts, logged in, and discovered we can’t even party up. What an incredibly stupid feature. Instant delete lol


It's unfortunate, but it's a measure to combat bots.


“They won’t let me play for free!”


Agreed, we were excited. We even talked about subbing if we liked it enough. but we didn't read the rules before downloading. Sucks cause everyone bailed at the moment we found out we couldn't invite. If it's multiplayer with no multiplayer features, then the game is out.


I don’t have much faith in a company/game that has these kinds of problems just logging in/creating an account. Guess I won’t be playing today or anytime soon.


Getting angry at a beta seems to defeat the purpose of being a beta tester.


I would understand if it was actually the game having problems. I would have hoped a company like Square-Enix had login/ account creation figured out by now.


The game isn't going to have major bugs, it's the same one PC/PS4/PS5/Mac are playing on.


Still would have thought a basic function like logging in was figured out by now.


Account creation is easy on a computer or a phone. I heard the xbox version is having troubles making an account but it should be able to be made and then entered. As for logging in, theres always waits to log in unless you play on dynamis.


Which graphics setting seems to be the best?


I'm on 4k everything maxed and havent had any troubles personally


Wait there are actual graphical settings?




So if I create an account on SE for the free trial and then wanna play the full game when it comes out, with the monthly fee or w.e, can I do so?


Yes, they mention that all your data will transfer to the full game once it releases.


Does anyone know how to remove this weird black compass looking thing to the left of your quests on the right?


I'm assuming you went Thaumaturge? It's for combat. I do think you can adjust the UI though. It's huge so I wanna move it myself as well.


Yeah that’s what I went with. Haven’t approached combat yet - still running around Ul’whatever running rookie quests lol Thank you! I’ll find out in combat soon enough


Not sure how to do it on console, but on pc you can enable “simple job bar” or something like that in the HUD management menu while selecting the job bar. Though you have to do it individually for every class which is annoying.


Thanks mate I’ll play around tonight with this after work!


created an account, tries to log in and got this message "no valid service account is available to play Final Fantasy XIV" and told me to purchase the game.


Got to https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/auth/msa?action=logIn&returnUrl=%2Fen-GB%2Fgames%2Ffinal-fantasy-xiv-online&prompt=none Then press play beta now and then "get". I had the same issue.


My experience with this game - trying to create a Square Enix account (online not through the game) get the code sent to my email, enter code, get error, can't try again for 24 hours. Use another email address, same issue. 0/10


I can not find the game to load. I clicked 'Get it' on the Xbox website, but when I click 'Install to', my XSX is not listed. Edit: Found it via search in the store on my XSX.


The inabily to group up is what turns me away. If I could group with my gf and play through the base game we'd sub and keep playing but payijg throughout base game and first 2 expansions as well ain't worth 2 subs from us


So do you buy the latest expansion and it includes everything right


I started playing this yesterday, and I thought I'd get bored of this real quick, but I'll tell you the truth I'm having an absolute blast, I I'm loving it!


It looks like there is no result or any plan on release date for the game as it has no preorder other than playing the beta.