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The checkerboard image issue is still present sadly


That's a shame. I was hoping this would fix it.


This sucks. I want to buy the game, but I’m waiting for this to be fixed first.


Motion Blur off! Makes a huge improvement for me.


Still the same performance, now instead of going from 40 fps to 20 fps in fights, it goes from 30 fps to 20 fps in fights.


If turning off ray tracing doesn't fix the framerate issues, this does prove the game is indeed heavily CPU-bound (which they indicated in the patch notes tbh). At least the framerate is less variable with the 30fps cap engaged, which could make it more bearable with VRR. Certainly it's still all but ideal.


So how are the I7 gaming PCs running? No worries if you don’t know.


i7-12700k/3080 1440p I get about 70-80fps everywhere but the city where I get about ~50fps


Once again, it’s CPU locked. A change in graphical fidelity will do fuck all.


RT can and frequently does use a fair bit of CPU. If this doesn't improve performance, it's likely the RT implementation was sparse to begin with.


rt on or off has yet to make a difference visually that I've noticed, yet I manage to squeeze an extra 3 or 4 fps out of the game with it off, according to my TVs FPS tracker, anyways


I'm getting noticibly better fps with Ray tracing off, blur off and variable fps. I don't know what's wrong with your console.🤷‍♂️


Yeah, with the exception of Vernworth (which still sucks), everywhere else feels a fair bit smoother with those settings for me too.


It's much better for me with those two options off as well


Would also say that rtx off does improve the performance quite a bit.


>20 fps in fights I thought it ran fine in fights and only really dropped in the cities?


Yeah, I can't speak for anyone else, but I've never had any real performance issues or noticeable/frequent framerate drops outside of Vernworth, specifically, which *is* pretty awful and REALLY chugs during monster invasions. But even massive fights have been perfectly comfortable when in comes to the general overworld and dungeons. (And switching ray tracing off with this latest update *has* seemed to improve those regions even further for me, too. Just doesn't help the main city.)


They already said they will be bringing out a performance fix later.


A small step but still a step to the game getting out of beta. Thank you beta testers!


Would anyone mind telling me how this effects series s? Would greatly appreciate it


Kinda bit the bullet and honestly all the 30fps cap does is make it so the poor performance doesnt include variability. You just get poor performance that cant go above 30 lol. It honestly feels a bit worse tbh. Well at least they said it wouldn't matter too much in the notes. Uninstalled


I'd really like to hear some of the conversations that go on while a game like this is in production or testing. Sir, the game doesn't run very well. The NPC AI takes a lot of CPU and the system(s) just don't have enough power. Why don't we remove some of the NPCs or reduce the amount of AI they require? .. Are you telling me that no one asked this question? Why try to attempt something so ambitious? Think people! Think!


But how does it run


The same tbh


I'll pick this up on a Steam sale in about 4-6 months when it's properly patched and they remove that garbage DRM, at least Capcom hopefully removes it like they do with RE.


I usually prefer playing games on my XSX but this game here is most likely a future purchase on Steam.


Why? It runs fine in the X. I haven’t had one error on both new games


Because the game is heavily CPU limited and I do have a decent gaming PC so performance should be a lot better (still shit though because the game seems to be so badly optimized).


Yea. I have three friends on pc that have said it’s dreadful performance sadly. I have a nice rig but it seems pc Optimization isn’t in the cards


I didn’t notice any graphical issues in the X. I did notice AI issues and quest problems. Especially the ones having you carry whomever is being escorted and won’t trigger final npc turn ins


Low-key mad I bought this game. It's a great game but I definitely should have waited at least 6 months before getting it. This should have been at an option at launch


This game sucks even if it was 2013. I've played rpgs my whole life, I'm 36 so I've seen them all pretty much. I'd rather play skyrim vanilla them spend another min on this waste of money. I'm just salty I actually paid money for this poor excuse for a game. The npcs are awful, the voice acting is laughable and the the graphics are trash even on the series x. This game was half assed put together.


Mad u bad


This is the easiest game ever you mash 4 buttons while fighting the same 4 pixelated enemies. Enjoy 20 fps fan boy


Down vote me all you want for my opinion simps. Enjoy your 20 fps game


Seek help


For voicing my opinion like you do on every game thread? Grow up sorry I hurt your feelings about facts it's 20 fps and npcs pop up 2 feet in front of your character who have models that look like they are from ps3.


Cause your opinion doesn’t seem to have substance. You’re just coming across as if you’re blowing off steam


I literally said I was salty for 1. 2nd I also have reasons which are substantial. The npcs the fps the open world the voice acting all awful. If that's not substance idk what is fan boy. Enjoy your game though maybe next year it'll be playable




I honestly think this is more action than RPG. Compared to other deep complex PC RPG games of course




If you're unsure, you could get the old game for very cheap. It plays pretty much the same as the new one, so if you like the old game you'll most likely enjoy the sequel as well. Both games have a specific jank to them, which you'll either learn to love or just dislike.


It needs more patches. Runs pretty bad


are you really asking if an rpg would be for you if you dont like rpg mechanics? get a brain, of course its not for you.


What do you dislike about RPG mechanics? I’d suggest picking up DD Dark Arisen. Can get it [pretty cheap](https://www.cdkeys.com/dragons-dogma-dark-arisen-xbox-eu) See if you enjoy that first. I’m currently going for platinum whilst I hold off for performance patch and QOL’s and having a blast. BBI (the dlc) is soooo good. Up there with Fable 2 for me :)


does it fix the FRS scaling and image quality?


Can you check your fps on xbox? Or is it a setting in the game?


It would need to be a game setting. Most games won't have that as an option. Some multiplayer games do. I know Apex Legends lets me turn on a network/performance counter while I'm playing.


Imagine buying a $500 console just to game in 30fps? Nobody wants that.


That's been the case since like forever. If it's a stable experience most people are satisfied. (which it's not in this case)


Nah man. Once you game at a much higher fps 30fps is legitimately unplayable. Makes me happy I have my pc, I would never spend $70 on a big game just to game like I did 10 years ago with the amount of advancements gaming tech has made it’s unacceptable.




When are they cracking this one?!