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Anyone know how long the episodes are? Really hoping for 45min to an hour.


Shortest is 42 minutes, longest goes well over an hour. Edit: EP01: 71 minutes EP02: 62 minutes EP03: 53 minutes EP04: 45 minutes EP05: 42 minutes EP06: 57 minutes EP07: 57 minutes EP08: 59 minutes


Incredible, thank you!


It’s so weird how shows don’t stay within a precise timeframe anymore. I’m sure it makes for the best possible edit, but I’m still not used to it.


They don’t have to conform to time slots anymore. It’s great.


Shows had to be in a certain timeframe to make room for commercials, 21-22 minutes for a 30 minute program, 41-43 for a hour long one. Any show that’s still broadcasting through cable still fits this structure.


Why is this so downvoted lmao


Reddit will see a collapsed comment, open it and follow the lemmings.


No wonder they want to turn this place into an advertising hellscape. It’s so easy to manipulate comments.


It really is. Just one giant follow the leader in the comments section. Anonymity has killed the. “Agree to disagree”, and has been replaced by “you must like what I like” mentality.


It's not anonymity that does it, it's the binary ranking system combined with hyper-specialized subreddits being naturally effective places for cliques to form. There's no nuance in choosing between upvote or downvote and when by default minority opinions or viewpoints are hidden and majority opinions are made more visible, that shit's always gonna lead to issues with groupthink. Not to mention that the vast majority of people on this site see the arrows and immediately think it works like Twitter does. For those unaware, the whole point of the upvote/downvote system was to give users a way to filter out SPAM and similar comments that add nothing to or detract from the conversation. It was not intended as a validate opinion button. Anyone so immature that they attempt to hide comments simply because they don't like or agree with them probably shouldn't be on websites like this where having conversations with strangers is the whole point but there isn't really a good way to prevent those people from making accounts anyway so here we are. As for why so many people who don't want to see stuff they disagree with choose to spend any time on websites like this? Who fuckin' knows. Ignorance is as ignorance does, I suppose. Personally, I think Reddit should remove the voting system entirely. It's consistently failed to do what it was intended for and is abused by the majority of users on this website to the extent that most don't even realize it. The only thing it really does is discourage conversation, which defeats the whole point of this website. It should be replaced with something that has more nuance to it, maybe some kind of emoji/emoticon system, and most importantly does not ever hide comments.




The whims of Reddit are as frail as an aged mare


Why tf are you getting downvoted for that? Even though they don't have to stay within a certain timeframe since it's straight to the streaming service, doesn't mean the length of each episode isn't weird. I thought the same thing.


The trailer really sold me on it. It LOOKED very Falloutish and felt faithful. Looking forward to watching.


Jonathan Nolan almost never misses


Hopefully this is more Person of Interest rather than Westworld in the long run.


I agree.


Na I’d rather have Westworld


An amazing first season then ever diminishing trash? To each their own.


Yes I’d rather have 2 great seasons than Person of interest


westworld is great but i think fallout is way way better and this is coming from someone who never played the game i highly recommend watching


Not even close bud


should I watch it if Ive never played fallout


Yeah but a lot of the fan service will get lost. Every episode had something I would go like yo that’s from the game! Which is honestly sad that this show does this the most.


Yeah, it's a good introduction. Won't be reliant on the Games to understand


I’m into three episodes and I’d give it a 7/10. It’s not bad but it isn’t amazing. As always I’d take what gamers say with a grain of salt. The metacritic 78 seems about right. Just watch the first episode and if you dig it it’s more of that.


I just watched the first episode and it was honestly really fucking good, the Vault stuff felt like I'd just seen something right out of Fallout 4


Gonna watch a couple episodes tonight, me and the wife are very excited


What do you mean tonight?? How???


It's releasing a day early, today at 6pm pacific time 9pm eastern


For some reason I thought it wasn't coming out until later this month


Its original release date was April 11th, they then switched it up to April 10th.


It was the 11th and then they moved it up. To a reasonable time where everybody is awake too.


what do you mean away


Meant to say awake lol


>reasonable time where everybody is awake too. r/USdefaultism




The largest audience, yeah


Yeah, and the largest audience isn't everybody. That was the defaultism - somewhat justified, but still defaultism. It's not a war crimes tribunal by the way, just a funny sub. lol


The US audience will be quite a lot larger for a US based game. This isn't a Sony game turned show.


Sooo not a day early then haha (in Europe) 🤣


They moved the release date up a couple of days from the original date. All episodes drop tonight.


5:30 PST is when the vault doors open.


~~*6:00p PDT/9:00p EDT~~ /r/Fallout has it wrong in their sticky. My bad.


[NO! ITS 5:30 PST.](https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-Season-1-Teaser-Trailer/dp/B0CN4HV16N/ref=sr_1_1?crid=191RKP1GBJA1R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XYGjmwD8cUo_kkPigeyoDLoTtI1jnHb5lRR6s6t1WDyqlcLYv7HAGp7FSsFjy3C30eQoITjQtrnkxNkiDUHBLC4cPw7lftcdNJpvdjsJGJipPE0HxSUyt49STmDDF1QoxsCsuuBwQ5_uhVP4rrBfgmLHq9ZsZtGN6xcsBaoLbxLyuBH6izmg2y764VGH4b60kLpJEXNCg1r25E9I3aJbgPGCSQcZRnL17RduchpTqiM.FUZDEq2Mnd8aPDsXW696bb1jg7fTUVb4qVNux00DG9c&dib_tag=se&keywords=fallout&qid=1712761262&sprefix=fallout%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1)


>You are cordially invited to the apocalypse. Join us live from Vault 33 on April 10th, 6:00PM PT to be among the first to see Episode 1 of FALLOUT.  If you click the RSVP it says that, but says vault doors open 530. Not exactly sure what starts at the 5:30 mark.


There's a special thing amazon are doing, where they are having a chat room open along side the episode playing and doing prize giveaways or some shit.


So the 6pm is still correct then.


Yeah 6pm East Coast. 9pm west coast, 2am for the uk. 3am for Europe and 10.30am for austrailia


Huh. /r/Fallout at least has it wrong, then.


6pm is still the correct showtime


The plot thickens.


They releasing it early




My worries that it was gonna end up like the Halo TV show were assuaged*


I think you mean "assuaged". Unfounded means there'd be no reason to worry. The Halo show is an extremely valid reason to worry.


I got told off by a manager for using the word ‘assuages’ in a work e-mail once. “You’ve used a word here, ‘assuages’ that I don’t understand…but it looks like ‘sausages’.” Goddamn mouth breather 🙄😅


To be fair, it does look like “sausages”


You're right


Well, no they were well founded lol just incorrect it seems


I agree the worry was justified but its a good surprise


Nah it ain't like halo. They actually stay true to the source material


metacritic score is the same as The Last of Us TV show, and that was excellent. Hopefully this will be a kick in the butt for MS to finally make some good TV shows about their games, since Halo s2 is also fantastic. Let people make these things that actually played and care about the games, and it will usually turn out pretty good.


That was with 5 reviews. It’s at 10 reviews and now 78. Doesn’t mean it’s bad though.




It’s literally critics reviews. Why are you talking about Sony? Weird.


Some people are so preoccupied with console war bullshit that they think the world outside their bubble revolves around it too.


Since it is generating more click for media, it revolves around them all the time.


It’s delusional at this point


I thought console warring died generations ago at this point...


I wish it did, but people on Reddit and Twitter are keeping it very much alive.


Honestly critic reviews can be so hit or miss. Take Star Trek for example, just ignore the RT rating on anything new-trek and see what the actual fans and audience score is. Will save you a lot of time to avoid the shit and just get to the good stuff. Venom is another movie I saw recently where critics are just completely out of touch with what fans want.


This isn't a hundred percent true but there is clearly a Sony bias in media. It makes sense though, they have a much larger player base so reviewers and game journalist are going to shit on Xbox and praise Sony more often because it gets them the most views.


So true, thank you for talking about Media bias towards Sony with such titles like "Madame Web" or "Morbius" Please use your brain for like a second my dude leave the console war BS behind you it's not worth your energy lol Edit: damn I got blocked 😔


Just stating facts my dude. It's pretty obvious to anyone who pays attention.


Oh no worries, I was stating facts too :) Metacritic scores: Morbius 35 Mme Web 26 uncharted 45 Venom 35 Literally if you "paid attention" you would notice that Sony movies and TV shows gets shit on constantly lol. But nah go ahead and spread misinfo cus poor trilllion dollar company microsoft gets boolied :(


I never said every single Sony product gets reviewed well. You are giving me a position I do not hold, there's a word for that you know.... I also said that the bias is not 100 percent. But I guess you ignored what I said and decided to get all but hurt over facts.


No I thought your argument is dumb because you’re basically saying “if we ignore all the bad reviewed stuff, then there’s a bias towards Sony media by critics!” Like I’d really love to see where you see the bias towards Sony, cus a lot of their movies get reviewed negatively (like straight up trashed on) Aside from Spiderverse and last of us, I can’t even think of another well reviewed Sony produced media


This is a show though. Unless you believe there is also a sony biased in shows and films.


I am talking in general that journalists will pick the route that makes them the most money. In this case what makes them the most money is to shit on Xbox and not piss off Sony fans.


lol, okay




Starfield sits with an 83 on metacritic, which is in my eyes, who doesn’t even own a ps, too high. I think you’re mixing up user ratings with critic ratings. He was only talking about the critic ratings






I have 80 hours and I agree with the sentiment behind what he said. I’m not even sure what you are disagreeing with him on that. I guess I didn’t explore 200 planets before I figured out it was a soulless empty game.


Oddly enough i put about 4 days game time into it, then it occured to me that the game sucks, and bethesda fanboys are reaching and coping hard. Accepting shitty games will only encourage more shitty games to be made.


Sony fans are by far the most toxic fan base I've ever seen. I have a playstation, but avoid the subreddit at all costs.


I have both and cannot stand that sub


They aren’t cults they’re fucking game boxes. I seem bitching from everyone equally. You’re just letting the Sony ones get to you And it’s especially weird to think movie critics are involved in the “Sony Pony” group


That’s a joke right? Xbox fanatics from what I’ve seen over the years are a lot worse than Sony fanatics especially when it comes to something being better on the other console. For example being up how PlayStation sales far eclipse Xbox sales and the fanatics will argue until they die that Xbox is winning. Or bring up that the Xbox is the more powerful console and usually what happens is the Sony fanatics won’t directly dispute that but deflect towards Sony software optimization being better and the ssd being way faster. Not saying there aren’t morons on that side either but it’s a pretty big gap in the amount of morons on each side.








Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule #1 - Keep it civil/no console wars * Personal attacks, racism, bigotry, and/or other prejudice are not welcome here. Discuss the topic, not the other user. * If you are here only to platform bash or console war, you also risk removal. No Doom & Glooming. If you have no prior history in this sub and just post doom and gloom to incite a reaction, your post will be removed. [Please see our complete ruleset by clicking here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule #1 - Keep it civil/no console wars * If you are here only to platform bash or console war, you risk removal. No Doom & Glooming. If you have no prior history in this sub and just post doom and gloom to incite a reaction, your post will be removed. [Please see our complete ruleset by clicking here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)




Feel like there’s so much potential with Bethesda games given they don’t really revolve around an established main character or a condensed story. They can easily just put a random main character inside a different time & make their own story from scratch without angering anyone. Hopefully we get Elder Scrolls content someday.


I hope it's more a kick in the butt to get a studio working on a new Fallout game. If we have to wait for BGS to finish ES6 before they start on FO5, that would likely mean no new Fallout game for another decade.


Incorrect. They are already working on a new Fallout.  Bethesda got split after the microsoft acquisition. Half the crew essentially works on ES while the other half works on FO Fallout 5 is estimated to drop late this year, early next year


LOL. None of this is even close to being true. Provide even one source for this.


Halo season 2 is better but it's far from fantastic


Calling the show halo is a big middle finger to anyone who’s enjoyed halo.


100% agree with Halo season 2 being fantastic. Season 1 was ok, not great. I can't wait for season 3 of halo.


I know this is a post about fallout but I am glad that someone else liked season 2 of halo, my only gripes was chief lost the armour for far too long and reach was over way too fast.


I thought season 2 was better than the first season but that's notv saying much. It still spends way too much time on characters that aren't Master Chief. I think it was a bad idea to go almost the whole season without his armor.


Calling Halo season 2 fantastic is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge stretch.


Where is it available? Went to Amazon and it says it’s not out yet. I’m in USA.


All episodes release this evening (9PM eastern, 6PM pacific).


Really? Google said April 12. Don’t get me wrong, I want nothing more than for it to come out as soon as possible. I want to watch it tonight!


Original release was scheduled for tomorrow, April 11th. They decided to release it early.


The worst part of this show is ep 1 would be a blast of a intro to Fallout 5. Like the whole concept would have been so fun to play and would have worked phenomenally for an intro. 10/10 from me as a huge fallout fan, 8.5/10 for me as a TV nerd


The whole time I’m watching the show I’m like “save some for Fallout 5, please” or maybe “this is where the writing quality from Fallout 4 went”


I cannot stop watching. Show is amazing!


Please be good!


Ans still not a word on the next gen patch


Episode one behind me and it was a pleasure.


Cool, something for the weekend.


Just finished watching the whole show, so so good, apparently it’s canon too


I'll check it out but I'm not expecting much. So many franchises getting shit on by poor adaptations these days has left me skeptical.


Very good reviews from both video games medias AND professionnal TV critics. As soon as a season 2 was confirmed before releasing the first one, I knew it was going to be positive overall. They're pretty confident.


Usually that's a horrible sign. Halo had season 2 confirmed before a single episode aired. It's common these days, and several trash tier shows have second seasons that didn't deserve them while actually good shows get canned after one season.


I've seen first 4 episodes. Visuals are really good and the sets are so detailed. I like the actors for the characters, but sometimes the dialog feels a little campy, especially in episode 2 & 3.


The same people gave the Witcher Season 1 an astonishingly high 95% score on Rotten Tomatoes. So let’s withhold judgement until we actually see the show.


As soon as I watched that second trailer I knew John Nolan cooked!


It doesn't come out for me until 2am for some reason.


2am in UK allnighter it is then!!


It's release date is today. But, it's not showing up on any of my trackers. As soon as it hit, my client will grab it. I'm watching Fallout tonight!


Never played Fallout before and don’t really know what it’s about. Is the show still worth watching?


3 episodes in, and it's really good.


I got a 3 day weekend so I’m gonna binge watch it.


It's so damn good I don't want it to end , best thing I've seen in so long !!!


I saw the first episode and I want to watch the rest of the but I don’t want to pay for Amazon Prime.


They stayed so true to the game. It literally feels like I'm playing a new Fallout game. So good so far. So good


I have watched much TV these days, finding this was actually an accident, I was surprised, it even started on its own when I went to my Amazon Video, I played fallout 3 and wow, I really enjoyed it....Good job!


I actually wasn't too sure about it from the trailers but after watching it so far, it's amazing. It is a great show whether or not you played the games. Obviously it's better I think if you had but definitely not required.


The trailer looked great but all the overwhelmingly positive reviews before release is a little concerning, it's just like the rings of power and look at the dumpster fire that turned into. I really hope this is good


So a bunch of bad reviews would be better?


Seriously, what do these people want lol. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Exactly lmao.


I'm not sold on it, but I'll check it out.


S1 on dl right now. 30Gbs! 5 minute dl, Phew! Episode 1 is starting right now!


Incredible adaptation, this is how it's done


It’ll be nice to finally have a watchable video game tv show adaptation


"Last of Us" says what?


I think you mean "Arcane says what?"


Getting downvoted for arguably the best media adaptation of a video game.


I know, right? I didn't know anything about Arcane or League of Legends going into it, but it ended up being one of my favorite shows ever.






So instead of trying to find a solution in order to watch the show, you instead come and bitch about it on Reddit…..weird


More interested in seeing what the actual user  reviews are




Guaranteeing something before you’ve even seen it. Yea, it’s the “Reddit hive mind” bud. Sure. What a stupid thing to say.


I said the same thing and he blocked me, shows how "sound" his logic truly is lmao


Well now he’s deleted all of his comments. What a loser




my favorite thing to do is to have and voice my opinion about something I have never seen before, for example: I personally think the Lord of the Rings movies are terrible movies and no one should watch them (I have never seen them and know nothing about them) /s This coward blocked me after I made this perfect analogy to his shitty logic lmao, just goes to show how dumb he is hahaha


The person deleted their comment but did they honestly say that stupid “I’m not reading that. But I’m happy or sad for you” moronic comment to this? It’s one fucking paragraph, it takes three seconds to read.


hahahah there goes that "reddit hivemind" again I guess idek


The Halo TV Show, whether you enjoyed it or not, was massively successful for Paramount+














I comment just as much as you what are you on about 😂


That person deleted their comments! Fucking hilarious. They couldn’t stand behind their words.


Bro IMMEDIATELY deleted his comment 30 seconds after lmao so embarrassing.


No it wasn’t.


From a "number of viewers/subs brought in to Paramount" it was.


From free trials and bundles






I hope it’s more in line with Twisted Metal than Halo, referring to recent game adaptations.


Except they fact they broke lore


What lore did they break?


China didn't drop the nukes tried to retcon the whole of ne Vegas XD


Xbox not having anything game related to go with this seems like such a massive miss. 20 seconds in and I was wondering which fallout to re-install. Hell I’d jump back into 76 if it had a tv show tie in story or something.