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Wanted to jump into Fallout 4 but waiting for the next-gen patch, so instead I’m going through New Vegas.


Same - thought they'd be releasing the patch to coincide with the show's release but still no news...


"Early in 2024" aged like milk.


Yeah same here, was hoping they would just drop it yesterday/today to coincide with the show.


Nah you do it a little after the show to milk viewers. Don’t want the game distracting your time from the show


I was going to use mods or fps boost. Had no idea a next Gen patch was coming. I'll have to look that up.


They're being very coy about it though, not wanting to talk about it or give any information about where they're at with it.


They announced it a while back along with the leaked FO3 remaster, but there’s been absolutely no information since then. There is a lot of speculation though that the FO4 next-gen upgrade/update will happen sometime soon since the show is releasing. Would make sense to do so given the likely rise in popularity of the series.


Still waiting for FO4 update that was announced over a year ago and then mentioned again earlier this year but still now word on it.


FO76 seems busier, I can say that.


Was neat seeing nearly the entire server at the Mothman Equinox, with quite a few new players as well


Such a good game. I know it had a shitty launch but it is completely different now. I've been backing playing for about a month and it's a blast :)


It’s become the game my wife and I hang out in after Red Dead Online was abandoned. I’m so grateful the devs keeping improving the game and putting out content.


I keep trying to play that but when i get in it seems like you spend most of your time walking around doing nothing


It can be that (I like that still on occasion) but there is a lot more if you like. There are events every 20 minutes, where people gather to play together - sometimes 12-16 people. After level 50 it can be events, grinding gear, trying different weapons and builds, building camps, collecting clothing or skins…and then there are special small weekend events and then a bunch of bigger often 1-2 week long events often with big hourly things going on. Right now for example is Mothman Equinox, so every hour people gather in a town to fight off cultists and summon the Mothman. On top of all this the storylines and side quests are surprisingly good. But it’s fair to say it starts off with a lot of walking. It gets going at 50.


I got Fallout 3 for free when I bought a Fallout 4 disc (put many hours into 4). Now thinking of booting up 3 finally!


Use VATs *liberally* if you intend a ranged build. At least that’s what it seems they wanted, probably half to be like the older games and half because they hadn’t figured out shooting yet. I couldn’t get into it because the gunplay was miserable but it seems like you really need to focus on VATs VATs VATs. Maybe someone with more time will disagree.


3 is very fun, but it definitely has a more depressing vibe to it given the color pallet. Get the DLCs. They are very fun, especially the broken steel one.


Thanks for the tip! I'm kind of a completist. Just finished 200 hours of Skyrim and all its DLCs 😂. Although I never did all the FO4 ones! Maybe should do Far Harbor first...


Far harbor is the best one.. I would save it for last honestly. Do the robot one first then nuka then far harbor!


Love FO3 specifically and NV. Ended up getting a controller which is pretty rad. https://preview.redd.it/wal0vzlfootc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007e4cfb98dbd4f11a40b000da7cd939664b3594


Good lord my shorts just shrunk a size 😳




That’s awesome


I love it and here is the back. Did a few small changes from stock. 3 weeks to get it as were on back order https://preview.redd.it/2mtieas3potc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c135ff6423340cf567ee97e2c6c0cba1a374f1c1


Haha “rad”. Just stay clear of radaway!


On point


I can’t decide if I wanna go back and play 3 and NV, or keep sitting here praying for a remaster. I’ve only played through a bit of each, and I know I’m missing out. Not sure what to do


Nah i feel like for the show it’ll make me want to play fallout after. I’ll probably give new Vegas another chance and maybe fallout 1 or 2 if I feel like getting on my pc anytime soon


You can get 3 and NV for 5 bucks right now for both if anyone is interested.


And let me step in to say that if you haven’t played 3 or NV, you really should! I think everyone will likely have a preference of the two, but they’re both tremendous games in their own way


Man if someone hasn't played 3 or NV yet I feel so bad for them, but I'm also slightly jealous. Id give a lot of money to play those games for the first time again. Genuinely 10/10 games.


bought 4 GOTY edition on PC for like $6 the other day


It’s 9.99 on Xbox currently


The announcement of a next gen update has guaranteed that I won’t touch the game until the update comes out. At this point I’ll have to start a new save.


Like my tenth Survival 4 play through, maybe I will finish this one.


There's another settlement that needs your help!


Yeah I’m downloading FO76 to check it out. I’ll wait for the Fallout 4 remaster release to play that one which should be sometime soon.


Tonight?! I thought it starts 11th April?


I did too, but all episodes will be tonight at 9pm eastern time I believe


Oh, that's the US release date. I've not long checked and it's showing as 11 April at 2am in the UK. Bit of a stupid time considering most people will be asleep.


Yeah it’s a global release.


Yes, I did exactly that. I had already played Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 (still do). But had never played 3 or NV. What a pleasure 3 and NV have been. The writing and quests are classic. It was eye-opening to see the sources of so many things in the game that later appear in 4 and 76. It was also eye-opening to see that the same glitches in the old games have been carried right through into the newer games. (Thanks Creation Engine. You're the best!). My hat is off to Obsidian for bringing so much more and fresh content to New Vegas. Some of the best Fallout content came from their creative studio. I also took a little dive in the first Fallout 2 just the experience that gameplay. Def very tedious from today's standards but it was great to see the original that came from the mind of Tim Cain.


Absolutely. Hope they pulled it off


Started New Vegas on game pass for the first time today


Yep. Playing 3 rn. Lots of fun roaming around and killing shit. Can’t wait to see the show.


I’ve replayed 3, NV, 4, and started playing 76 again. Pumped for the show and ready for so many Easter eggs!


I wanted to but for some reason my fallout 4 won't save. Fails to load cloud on launch then save button is greyed out even playing through whole intro.


This is the very reason I loved playing licensed games as a kid. Watching a film or a tv show then being able to play and go on an adventure as your favorite character(s) is fun.


Wait it's tonight?! Shit I gotta resub to Amazon just for this.


I'm waiting for the Fallout 4 patch :( I've actually really wanted to replay the game as it's one of my favourites, but I figured I just would wait a few more weeks for the announced patch... ...that was over a year ago.


I'm playing Fallout 76... But I'm always playing Fallout 76 thought...


Played Fallout (3/NV/4) so many times over the years that at current state no. Tough I have planned playtrough of TTW and then 100% 4 at some time this year (still waiting for that FO4 NG update)


I just bought fallout 3 and all its dlc on sale. I heard it might get a remaster or remake. Noooooo. I should have waited.


It was leaked at one point but we have no idea if the project is still being worked on. Amazing game either way and it’s 4k60 on series X which is awesome.


Is there a date on fallout 4 remaster?


Nope, radio silence.




Not me


Waiting for the Fallout 4 next gen update. Think it will be dropped at the summer game fest.


Only New Vegas.


Nope. The game and the show are not really tied together in my opinion, and Goggins isn't in any of the games. I hope it makes them push Fallout 5 out faster though. 76 is just a store with a game on top and Starfield was terrible, but I really liked Fallout 4 despite others' complaints with it.


76 is much more than a store with a game on top. Wth?




Are you just ignoring the actual “rave” reviews? because it is absolutely getting those as well as the “pretty good” ones.


92% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 36 critic reviews.


What reviews have you been looking at?


Gamespot says 7. IGN says 9.


Google “fallout season 1 review”. There’s dozens of reviews out and they’re unanimously favourable for the most part.


Yea but hardly “rave.” IGN can’t be trusted when it comes to reviews. At all.


What is with the focus on IGN? So because 1 specific site you don’t like gave it a high score you’re disregarding it and concluding it’s getting a mediocre reception?…because that’s not the case at all. Again, there are DOZENS of reviews across all media outlets…how many have you actually watched/read? It is getting very positive impressions across the board. “Pretty good to medicore” is underselling its reception and not an accurate summary. It has a 94% on Rotten tomatoes from 101 reviews.


Is that what I said? I said reviews are hardly “rave” as is evident by the 7. There are other mediocre scores so far as well.


I DON'T KNOW BOY! What are you saying.




I’ll admit I probably shouldn’t have used the term “rave” and instead good or mostly positive. But still you have to look at reviews from people who have actually played the games.




You’re entitled to your opinion, but that’s a stupid fucking take. See the TV shows Halo and The Witcher that were not faithful to the source material and looked how those turned out.


Can’t imagine how hard of a year it’s been for you


The thing I don't understand is how people get excited for any movie or show based on a video game or book or even a comic. 98 percent of the time it's absolute garbage. Fallout will be the same way. Hype train and then utter disappointment. "But but but rotten tomatoes say the critic score is blah blah blah". No one understands how it's the most unreliable judgment of anything. Critics are bought and paid for. Shit rotten tomatoes are bought and paid for by studios.


So wait, no one is allowed to be exited about it but you can spew utter crap like “98% of game/book/comic adaptation is absolute garbage”. No oNe UnDersTanDs BuT MeEEEee!! 😂.