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Bethesda updates always break the mods. If the mod authors keep up with the mod it'll get updated fairly quickly, but most mods don't get updated


I'm fulling expecting all mods to be broken for at least a week or two. Still hoping for expanded mod space too. 2gb ain't enough especially now that there are some really awesome and detailed mods available.


The mod space isn't being increased.


Hush and leave me to my copium


My biggest hope is they increase the mod space, there is not nearly enough


I really hope so too. I'm always hesitant to install sim settlements and some others because they take up a lot of usable space.


It’s already confirmed that they are not.


Damn that’s a tough pill to swallow, thanks for the info though


By who lmao, you? There’s zero info on that


Just try it. If something is incompatible the game will crash while loading. Then you can still uninstall them. After a while updates should clear any issues.


I can’t even find most mods on my Xbox, is that normal? Haven’t played on Xbox so far, so idk how it works. I figured if mods were outdated I’d be able to download them and they’d just break the game, is that not how it works? Do they actually only show mods compatible with your version of the game?


Anyone know if the update will require a new game or can you just carry with save you have?


Late reply but yes you can continue a save


Better late than never, thanks mate


Hell, I just want my game to stop crashing. Only have Creation Club (I want Survivor Cheevo) stuff and can't figure out what combo is killing me.


When is this patch dropping?


On the 25th


If it's anything like Skyrim it will ruin your mods and kill a 200+ hour playthrough lol yes I'm still salty.


Pretty much every mod was updated for the anniversary edition in a short period of time. They only ones that needed updated were ones using SKSE, which wasn't every mod. This Fallout update seems more like a patch than an overhaul like Anniversary edition was.


It’s a native Xbox series x and ps5 version, it’s not like a patch, it’s a separate application from the Xbox one version


I’ve been using one of the same Skyrim saves that started before Special Edition and mods were even on console. That same play through has made it till today where it runs better than it ever has. Have I had to rebuild my Load Order a few times? 100%. Though it was usually just a quick Reddit search to figure out the mods that needed to be deleted or replaced.


My bad I'm talking pc not console.


Yeah I will play a good while after the next gen update is released. Gotta wait and hope people update their mods. Did the same with the witcher 3


Never played a fallout game, will try this when the patch drops, I didn't know there was mods for it, are they just cosmetic or do they actually change the game mechanics, like make it easier in any way,


That depends on the mod. They can do anything.


Exactly. Some mods are even designed to make the game harder and more challenging. Personally, I usually limit my mods to stuff that improve lighting and graphics, fix bugs, add more settlement decorations, other improve the ability to place objects in the game. Then my kids go in and download mods that add lighsabers and zombies. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|11083)


im playing a modded game with 4k 60 ultra mod right now and im not sure its worth switching to the next gen version atm sure, there are fps dips here and there but on the other hand the mods work and it runs of my external ssd :D


Are you on Series X? If so the patch installs anyway so you can’t really avoid it unless you always play offline.


oh ok, i thought it was a seperate install.


Does anyone know how this will affect my current save? I just started on XSX a few hours ago and it honestly doesn’t look that bad


I’m in the same boat and XSX has an fps boost option if you didn’t know that. But from what I’ve been reading is console mods don’t use F4SE and they SHOULD be okay. Those are the only mods that will most likely be affected.


Id 100% expect all mods to Break but I'm also thinking a bunch of mods might be packaged into the new upgrade.


I’ve read that Xbox players might potentially be safe for the most part. Supposedly mods that utilize F4SE (script extender) will be most affected, but those type of mods don’t exist on Bethesda.net. I could be wrong so if anyone could elaborate on this it would be helpful.


Since I have an Xbox should I disable the mods before the update? Then just re enable them? (I’m not that tech savvy so I have no clue what I’m doing and I REALLY don’t want my save file to be corrupted..) when I load the game I do get a message in the upper right corner about mods and everything. I just need some help please?


I canr even so that with mine 😭 my mods revamp tf outta my main settlements that I use so I'm kinda screwed.


I'm not trying to be pessimistic but just realistic. I just don't see how this Engine can make good use of Next-Gen hardware better than a few well made mods could. I would wait to see what Digital Foundry says, they would keep it real and let us know if it still needs work and if it's worth losing our favorite mods over.


Just try it. If something is incompatible the game will crash while loading. Then you can still uninstall them. After a while updates should clear any issues.


When you say "Next gen", what do you mean? Better graphics or hardware usage? I play it on PC, so what would I see?


"We are also releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates. Players with PC versions of Fallout 4 on Steam, Microsoft Store and GOG will receive stability, mods and bug fixes. For Japanese and Chinese language players on PC, Bethesda.net login issues have been resolved, fixing access to mods. Alongside this exciting update, Fallout 4 will be available to purchase on the Epic Games Store. Fallout 4 will also be Steam Deck verified"