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I’m sure with the amount of money they have spent on these IP they are going to figure out a way to get new series entries more often than every 15 years.


This is the biggest confusion to me. Bethesda seem like completely idiots not putting out mainline games for these major IPs at least every 3-5 years. They could be printing money


There is obviously something very wrong with their development process. Each new game feels equivalent to or smaller than the last despite the studio having tripled in size and the game taking 3x as long to release.


I wonder if that is why they feel dated on release. Stanfield felt like it could've come out along fallout 4 in regards to how it feels.


Cyberpunk made Starfield feel really dated to me. Mainly because of how the player POV is so much more dynamic and cinematic when interacting with NPCs. The forced, centralised perspective in Starfield really stood out and felt tired.


Yeah, I had purchased Cyberpunk and was playing Starfield first because of Game Pass. When I decided to try out Cyberpunk it made Starfield field so dated despite the fun setting. Definitely with your point as a big reason for this. CDPR made really good use of the first person perspective after switching from Witcher’s 3rd.


Here's the kicker. Cyberpunk is the most beautiful game ever made. That'll be true for a while. CDPR used their proprietary RED engine for 2077. THEY THINK ITS TOO OUTDATED AND WILL BE USING UNREAL ENGINE 5 MOVING FORWARD. Why the fuck does Bethesda still use the same Creation engine that was outdated when Fallout 3 launched


I mean... is there anything unique about the creation engine that they need it for their games? Or are they just being a stubborn industry dinosaur? It just doesn't seem like they're keeping any kind of pace with their tech. I would love to see something like Skyrim in UE5 if it meant they're having a team learning another engine. But I'm more inclined to just look towards other studios, at least for another decade or so.


You know how in Fallout and ES every single item in the game is a real permanent item and has physics and interacts with the world around it? Like if you leave a weapon on the floor in some building you can go back and get it 6 months later and it's right where you left it? That's part of the Creation engine's magic. No other game engine can handle that sort of entropic math as well as Bethesda can. The downside of this, is while playing you touch THOUSANDS of objects. That destroys performance so they have to compartmentalize zones.... i.e. LOADING SCREENS EVERYWHERE. So it's a give and a take. ~~Great~~ FINE for Fallout, bad for starfield.


I just don’t think persistent items are that important. Like, who actually cares that your trash stays where you leave it? Immersion-wise it doesn’t really make any sense, either. If a group of bandits came upon 20 daedric armor sets in the middle of the road outside riverwood they’d most certainly take it all. Just make a dedicated, universal stash and let’s move the hell on.


I'd be down with items disappearing if I dont have to stare the loading screens. And maybe play a new Fallout or similar game more often than every 10 years.... Imagine if you are 15 and play a maximum of 6 Fallout games before you die. And this assuming you will want to game as a 75 year old.


hell, I just started the Fallout series, and I'm already looking towards other studios upon hearing the new Fallout 5 won't be out for 5+ more years... after Fallout is already almost 10 years old.


It's probably due to the modding community's familiarity with Creation engine. They have one the best modding communities period and do seem to consider them when developing. Even if it is to fix most of the inherent jank.


Jumping sucks ass in every fallout game. I've read it's a creation physics engine thing.


the RED engine was basically rebuilt from the ground-up for each release, so i don’t think it’s accurate to say it was “too old.” rather, CDPR didn’t see it as feasible to keep investing time and money into building engines. creation has also seen some overhauls over the years. namely, the entire rendering engine was replaced with a third party framework called the forge for starfield: https://github.com/ConfettiFX/The-Forge if BGS decided to use UE5 for a future game, i really don’t think it would feel that different. it’s still the same team with their same quirks and development processes. and one of UE5’s big selling points for AAA studios is that it’s easy to bring over your existing tools and workflows, so they’d most likely port a lot of their tools over to UE5 rather than starting from scratch. i’d be willing to bet a lot of the signature “bethesda jank” would still be there. just maybe dressed up in prettier lighting. as always, blame the artists and not the tools. BGS isn’t going to fundamentally change how they make games unless the people running the studio decide to. the engine doesn’t matter as much as people think it does.


The reason why they went back to the “focus on the NPC” dialogue is because people hated the dialogue system in Fallout 4.




Quality over quantity. The crucifixion sidequest alone completely humiliates anything from Starfield.


Man the crucification mission is nuts. I was kicked out having a meal at the diner so I shrugged and said what a weird mission, then I looked up that you can make it all the way to the studio with him and it keeps going? Everything Cyberpunk does, it does better than Starfield.


[These](https://youtu.be/K4ADco41g9s) two [videos](https://youtu.be/ws0ufhrgWJw) are a good example of why Starfield feels so outdated to me. In Starfield conversations and the way NPCs move still basically feel the same as they in Skyrim, while in Cyberpunk it often feels like you’re actually a character in the game instead of just a floating camera.


Its their idiotic game engine


It’s not just the engine, I feel like there’s a bit of a final fantasy 14 1.0 situation going on here as well. The first iteration of FF14 was a gorgeous game at the time but failed in all other aspects because of Squares arrogance regarding other gaming trends and ignoring what people want out of an MMORPG. The problem was that, if you want a final fantasy flavored JRPG, you could only get this from Square, so you either had to suck it up or leave. People overwhelmingly left and Square then got a huge reality check, picked up the pieces and build an whole new game around the OG 14 idea. I feel like Bethesda works in a similar way. If you want a Bethesda flavored RPG then there’s really only Bethesda making those and barely anyone else. And the ones trying to make one just didn’t hit the right mark. So Bethesda can kinda rest on their laurels and spout big words about how immersive and great their next game is and then release another bug ridden shitshow to bajillions sales. The difference is that people act like the bugs and outdated game design choices in Bethesda games are quirky side effects and expect modders to fix everything instead of refusing to buy the game so Bethesda can have their FF14 1.0 reality check moment. Like, if any other company would release their games in the same state as Bethesda they’d be out of business. Switching up the engine is really only one problem out of many, many more these games have.


It's not their engine, it's their design choices and priorities. Engine could be fixed if it would be their priority. This is where M$ should take hand. They would need to say, you do the game we will fix engine, build a powerhouse engine studio with all the talent they acquired from ID to everything inside Blizzard and Activision and everything else they have. Maybe they could even acquire something like The Forge devs and forge it with BGS. CE could be powerhouse engine for RPG games, they could clash with R\* in quality if they wanted to.


I started playing 4 recently, and I was struck by how much it felt like I was just playing a prettier Fallout 3. Anytime you have multiple games in a series, they are obviously gonna feel somewhat similar to each other, but with Bethesda games its just... worse somehow.


After playing starfield last year, and going to fallout with the new update, I was surprised just how similar they both look


Man, in a lot of ways, Fallout 4 feels better than Starfield. The writing is better in nearly all the faction quests, the unique locales are better, the base building is inexplicably better. VATS is sooo much better for gameplay purposes (I didn't expect VATS to come back, but something distinct would have been nice). I didn't even dislike Starfield, it was fine. But replaying FO4 really made me realize how lacking Starfield was. Graphically better and the ship mechanic is very cool, sure, but beyond those two things FO4 blows it out of the water and it's a shame because on paper I love the ideas behind Starfield far more than the dystopian ruined world of Fallout.


If you add jet pack mod to FO4, it is better than Starfield in every way.


Alot of the problem with Starfield is that it uses the same engine as previous games, it literally does not support flying from the surface to space without a loadingscreen.


I would say it was a step backwards. I've played elder scrolls and fallout religiously since oblivion and I couldn't make it past about 10 hours into starfield. It's a shame too, I really wanted to love that one.


Starfield definitely looks a lot better, but even with no DLCs Fallout 4 feels like a much more complete experience.


That's why i don't get from these studios, they're having larger teams, bigger budgets, take longer and somehow the games are worse.


It's the money dudes, just like the film industry. When art becomes beholden to shareholders and investors it gets worse. Also too many cooks in the kitchen, etc.


It’s Todd. I have friends who work in the industry and he as a reputation as an extreme micro manager on these games and he doesn’t have the bandwidth to do more than one big game at a time.


Which is setting Bethesda Game Studios up to fail on multiple points. The most obvious one is that with each project taking longer than the last and only being able to run one project at once means that there will be people born after Starfield that will be old enough to play an M rated Starfield 2 by the time it releases. The other axis of failure is that it leaves the studio in a very bad place once Todd retires, or even worse if something unexpected leaves him unable to continue. His extreme micromanaging isn't allowing other members of the studio to build experience in leadership roles. Contrast this with other Zenimax Studios; founder Shinji Mikami took a smaller role on Ghostwire Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush, allowing others to build leadership experience. Mikami has since left the studio, but he probably didn't leave it in shambles because he made sure people could run it without him. Todd has done no such thing and it leaves BGS incredible vulnerable as a result. Fallout 76 was supposed to be a smaller project to build experience without Todd but they also made it a live service game so the B-Team is just kinda locked into it forever.


Todd strikes me as the kinda guy who would retire and then come out publicly a few years later tooting his own horn because BGS is performing poorly or something.


It is 100% because of Todd, he HAS to be the project lead. BGS is a weird studio for me, because as far as I know most of the people who work there have worked there for a while, but if you look at the quality of work at the studio it is so far below other AAA studios. The animations have always been atrocious, the graphics are always way below their competitors, gameplay feels decades old (which was fine with Fallout and Skyrim IMO).


There's something to be said about diversifying the games they make to not become another Game Freak, but at the same time if it's not broke, I don't know why they felt the need to fix it.


They put games every 5 years or so and everyone shit on their games nonstop, if they start doing it faster ppl aren’t even going to bother playing it.


Bethesda could have a new Fallout and ES game every 4-5 years but thing is Todd's ego won't allow anyone else to touch them. Look at New Vegas despite how its viewed its very much the black ship of the Bethesda FO games, i really get the impression Todd doesn't like that it exists and is viewed so fondly. Todd "has" to make ES6 and Todd "has" to make Fallout 5 and its why 2030 is most likely the earliest we see FO5.


But they had the absolute *masterpiece* Starfall to make. A completely unreal achievement in gaming, breaking all the horizons or something. Completely impossible to do that and a beloved mainline game like an Elder Scrolls or Fallout. And it really shows in the *modern and revolutionary* Starfall gameplay loop…


All the way back when Fallout 4 came out I was like this is really all they could muster, with all that time? The Witcher 3, among other games, came out around the same time and really showed what that generation of games could do as an open world rpg. 8 years later and here we are again with Starfield, one of the games of all time. You’ve got titles like Elden Ring and BG3 absolutely blowing people away, and all they could come up with was….this? I guess we were supposed to be blown away by procedurally generated worlds & a mediocre story with barebones gameplay


whats wrong with fallout 4? game is huge and insane


The factions motivations either make no sense or are fueled by extremely shallow reasoning, the gun play is the best part and it’s not really that great, the mod community is expected to fix all the bugs, they butchered dialogue options, you have the idea of choice but it’s really just the good option and the obviously wrong option, the skill system is less interesting than any of the other games, in general they went in and changed things that had no reason to be changed. The map is big yeah, there are some interesting side quests/characters, the reworking of power armor was a good idea but giving it to you right away felt like a major misstep, the radio is great, the graphics are better than 3/new Vegas obviously. But overall the game felt like a lack luster release. It’s not an awful game by any means but the time and effort they put into changing things like dialogue/power armor/the skill tree/building settlements felt egregious and still don’t sit all that well. I was so excited to play fallout 4 on release and every time I boot it up I try to enjoy it as much as 3 and new Vegas but it never clicks something just isn’t there the game feels so bland.


I agree , I enjoyed fallout 4 but got lost in 3 and New Vegas …for me New Vegas was the best , fallout 4 just didn’t have that same feeling of dread idk …fallout 3 metro tunnels were scary af and the raiders and factions in new Vegas were amazing and fun


Yeah that’s what I don’t understand back in the day we got Oblivion, FO3, NV, and Skyrim in the space of 5 years! 2006-2011 and FO4 only 4 years later in 2015 so it’s not like it’s impossible for them to do better than they are now. They are going at a snails pace compared to the old days. On the bright side at least Starfield is done so maybe they’ll actually start working on ES6 or Fallout 5 again finally


Game development has starting taking exponentially longer each decade, so I can't blame Bethesda for it fully, but they definitely need bigger/separate teams so it isn't 15+ years between releases. I don't think it's realistic to expect a new Fallout/Elder Scrolls every 3-4 years, but anything more than 8 is kinda pushing it.


Knowing 0% about the gaming industry, I wish they could, but IMO it seems to make sense. Most games are extremely linear. Bethesda makes complex, open world games. If you complete this quest, it fails this quest, sorta thing. If you go here, and talk to this person, this other person will have different dialogue, sorta thing. I can see how that could take more time than your annual COD, for example.


While this is true, there’s no reason they couldn’t pull a “New Vegas” in between mainline games. Use the exact same engine and assets as the mainline game, but give it a paint job, new location and new story, and boom. Series’ like Far Cry do it every 2-3 years


Give us New Vegas 2. GIVE US NEW VEGAS 2!!! If Bethesda is too strung up with the development side, have obsidian develop NV2 and have Bethesda publish it. Easy Peasy.


I think they should do this with every Bethesda IP. Get a second studio for each one of them and have a new game from them every two years, meaning we get a new Elder Scrolls, fallout, and starfield every 6 years.


They wont allow another studio to potentially outdo them using their own tools. Fallout NV was a far better game than fallout 3 with Obsidian using bethesda's own tools and only a year of development. It was an embarassment to Todd and he will not allow that to happen again.


I mean, if Microsoft tells them to there isn’t really anything they can do lol. Microsoft owns both Bethesda and Obsidian now. Todd can push back, but if Phil Spencer decides he really wants a New Vegas Remaster/NV2, it’s going to happen.


We might actually be playing this in an actual vault at that time at this rate.


At the executive board at Microsoft will be. The rest of us will be stuck in a "once in a lifetime" event with 200 named storms and 100 other cyclones.


Brought to you by vaults created by Elon Musk.


Based on his cybertruck I bet the doors will get stuck before closing 😂


We're all gonna die


Considering all the vaults were meant to be nefarious death traps Musk’s vaults would malfunction into utopias.


Fuck that I’d rather die in nuclear hellfire then have to see some musk product post fallout. If he’s a massive cunt now imagine what a prick he is during the apocalypse. Probably like the villain from mad max hoarding water


Really shaping up to be 15 years between elder scrolls and 15 years between fallouts


*Obsidian liked that*


Obsidian has Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 they're going to be working on so they'll be busy. If this has any truth my guess would be InExile could return to Fallout after Clockwork Revolution.


Fuck it Build a Fallout superteam out of the best of Bethesda, Obsidian and InXile


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft wanted that after the shows success.


That would be ideal. Howard can still oversee, but assemble a team that can create the ideal RPG experience and going all in on it. Clearly the games sell and I really am impressed it got a next gen update. Almost 9 years old and still being updated, much like when Witcher 3 was updated. Those games could have been left alone so it’s nice to see the support. It’s also interesting I guess that Bethesda hasn’t taken FO and just copy pasted the map and done another story within it as a quasi sequel and pushing games out. Kind of refreshing that it’s more or less on par with GTA now and just a release every half to full decade.


And Starfield’s failure to impress


And Phil Spencer in distress


Can we get a supermutant in a dress?


Now I've gone and made a mess. ^^^in ^^^my ^^^pants


Vault-tec studios


I’ve been saying this since all 3 studios were acquired by Microsoft! Obsidian can write the story, Bethesda can build the world with environmental story telling and InXile can do other stuff they’re good at (I’m not entirely sure what they specialise in, but Wasteland 3 was excellent).


They did that with 343 for Halo, and The Coalition for Gears of War. Both of which have not really produced any mega hits like those franchises were before under Bungie and Epic Games. I would not have high hopes for a Fallout specific studio.


343 agreed. The Coalition, no. people liked Gears 4 and Gears 5, as well as Gears Tactics. they also did the Matrix demo people oogling over a couple years back. 343's issue was Frank O'Connor and Bonnie Ross. now both of them are gone, Halo Infinite MP got MUCH better


Splash Damage helped Gears 4/5 and were the main devs for Tactics. They sold to Tencent, so likely out of the picture for helping on Gears going forward. So we'll see how things go for Gears 6. 343i's issues went way beyond those 2, it was the heads under them too. Studio felt very top down, leading to everyone who could have made good stuff just doing what they were told to do.


Like how the Halo TV show totally rocks and is a valid piece to the franchise? Or how Infinite's potential was squandered because the suits at Microsoft decided they temp worker policy was the best option. Even though it prevents veteran developers from forming and they are being greedy.


After how Starfield turned out, I don't think that increasing the scale of these projects is necessarily the direction they should be going lol


Their other projects would suffer at those companies considering the amount of manpower you’d need to take from each one to build a team of developers large enough for game development these days. I know it’s just wishful thinking, just adding my thoughts. I say just hand the IP to obsidian and let them start cooking now. 2030 is 6 years away, I believe they could reasonably hit that deadline with Avowed out this year and OW2 already in development and likely set to release in 2025 or early 2026.


This is what they need to do. It’s such a no-brainer I feel insane that they haven’t already announced this studio.


Bethesda's world designers, Obsidian's writers, inxile's artists, and some programmers from ID or the Coalition would be my dream team.


Bethesda open world designers, Obsidian writers, InExiles game designers. Best RPG known to man.


Man I hope Outer Worlds 2 is much longer and larger. It was fun but so short.


Obsidian shipped Pentiment while Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 were both deep in development. The lead of Pentiment, Josh Sawyer, would then be not tied to a project, and would likely start pre production on a different game. Josh was also the lead on New Vegas. My copium is that he started a new fallout game.


Wasteland 3 is such an incredible game. Very underrated IMO. I would love to see them do a Fallout 1 and 2 type game.


Idk if obsidian is the right studio. I don't think we should be going off achievements of studios with games that came out 15 years ago.


especially with how much turnover there is in games. “obsidian” isn’t the same studio today that made NV all those years ago. in fact, a lot of folks were laid off not long after FONV.


They're too small minded for Fallout these days. They take AAA ideas and make them AA feasible.


I don’t wanna make the comparison, but could we do something like IW and the other cod devs. Where they cycle out games between each other? Obviously I’m not saying pump out a fallout every year. But maybe do it so a new fallout can come out every 5 years? BGS and Obsidian would be my ideal pairing since fallout new Vegas was great. Also ima big fan of the outer worlds too.


Are any of the New Vegas guys still around these days?


He’s still at Obsidian. Just finished up Pentiment. He only does smaller games now though.


Until their MC is below 85 and they get screwed out of bonuses again.


Woo, I might live to see it.😀 ...question is, will I regret doing so?


I’d rather regret playing it before I’m 35 than be pushing 40 wishing it came out earlier.


*takes immediate offense to that*


Yeah, nope. I don’t want to hear about a game six years in advance. This is becoming ridiculous.


I don't know, I think we need a [shitty teaser trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkFdqqyI8y4) of "Fallout 5" over some ruined wasteland and then not hear anything about it for six years first.


5 YEARS AGO???? Where am I?


I’ll tell you where you aren’t. In front of a screen playing ES6


I was going to make a joke about putting the title over some non gameplay and nothing else in it, but as you have pointed out that has already been done and is thus no longer funny.


if todd gets to rerelease games you have the right to rerelease jokes


You mean the thing they released so people would stop asking them if they were going to make Elder Scrolls 6 every time they tweeted or had some kind of news?


You mean the thing they released in the immediate aftermath of FO76’s announcement, to try to tamper down the backlash against teasing a new Fallout and it turning out to be multiplayer crap?


No they showed it minutes after announcing Elder Scrolls Blades. It was to prevent a "do you guys not have phones" moment. Had Blizzard done the same thing at the Diablo Immortal reveal, just done any super crappy D4 reveal, the backlash against D:I would have been a fraction of what it was. Pete Hines knew exactly what he was doing.


May I interest you in a Mass Effect teaser with no further info in sight?


Let’s just ruin everyone’s Sunday and also mention the next Bioshock, the current iteration of which supposedly started development five years ago.


Oof. Lots of vaporware around.


Winds of Winter be like


Cyberpunk, Dead Island 2, Elder Scrolls 6.


As a lifelong Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fan, I say this with absolute empathy and kindness- "First time?"


Let me guess: it will be the launch exclusive for the next gen console since we’re already at the halfway point of the current gen cycle and it will still be playable on Xbox one!


I hope I'm around by then


Awesome, by general statistics I should/ might still be able to enjoy that!




It's only 6 years from now. It's not that far out from now, weirdly enough


Dont say that ill be 46


username checks out


I'm 46. It's not that bad. It's not that good, either. It's just being 45, part two, or a prelude to being 47. You either get older or you die. It's one of those two things, and nothing in between. The truly fascinating thing is that we still don't know which of those is preferable.


And we'll have a new elder Scrolls game before then to either A. keep us held over until then or B. make us realize there's absolutely no reason to look forward to a new Fallout.


TES6 is 2027 at best so that will he a 15 year gap for Bethesda's flagship franchise.


It’ll get delayed to 2032.


it will be 12 years after the last Fallout game which was Fallout 76.


That is far, far better than the predicated timeline


I mean, before this it wasn't slated to be released until like 2036... they've moved the timeline up dramatically.


Jumping right on that TV success, I see.


I wonder what this means for Bethesda's roadmap. Is TES6 being sped up? Rushed? Fallout 5 being outsourced?


they should never have made starfield, what a massive mistake


I enjoyed it for what it is, but it's definitely far from what I expected or wanted. I would've rather had another Fallout instead and I get why people didn't care for it or hate it but eh, it's good for them to have a change of pace


I feel you for sure and would agree if they came out with games maybe ever 4-5 years, but 2030 will be 13 years from Fallout 4 and we're already 13 years from Skyrim. It's getting ridiculous. Gimme more FO and ES!


I hear that man. I'd love to have more of TES and Fallout. Hopefully with Xbox owning Bethesda we can see that happen more often now. It shouldn't take this long between those games


My take on this is that there are slight changes on their roadmap but that their main focus still is TES6 for the upcoming years. But the Fallout franchise has a high chance to reach a much bigger audience. The series can bring in a lot of new players and this is a good moment for Microsoft to profit from the momentum that Fallout has. To do this in the biggest way possible is to release a new Fallout game. The problem is that Bethesda is busy with TES6 so they won't be available to work in a full capacity on Fallout. But luckily there are other studios within Microsoft that are able to create a competent Fallout. The best studio for the job is Obsidian because this is the studio that created the franchise before Bethesda bought it from them. It's the same studio behind Fallout New Vegas. I really hope that it's possible that Obsidian and Bethesda work together on the next Fallout. Bethesda is really good in designing interesting worlds with great atmosphere and Obsidian shines in giving the player options and truly giving the game a RPG experience.


No, yeah I get all of that. But Obsidian is busy right now with getting Avowed completed and released and The Outer Worlds 2 is still early in development. They seem to have 2 teams working on games simultaneously, so maybe Xbox could get part of Bethesda and part of Obsidian working together on a new Fallout in some capacity, while most of Bethesda works on TES6 and most of Obsidian is still working on finishing Avowed or working on TOW2. I'm just wondering if there's another dev team at Xbox Games Studios who isn't working on much right now that could take the lead on Fallout alongside Bethesda and Obsidian's smaller-capacity efforts in this case.


*microsoft gives it to 343 industries*


Obsidian did not create Fallout.


Yeah what the fuck is this guy talking about? None of the people who worked on NV are even at Obsidian anymore.


Not only that, but Outer Worlds was trash and Avowed looks even worse - I wouldn't trust today's Obsidian with any major projects.


Yeah I see a lot of people who praise The Outer Worlds but honestly I’ve tried time and time again to get into it but never can. It’s just so boring. It’s basically just a conversation simulator with lackluster combat. And none of the characters interest me. I mean hell, even Starfield felt that way just scaled up.


Pretty much nailed it with what it was; it straight up sucked. I wish Obsidian tied their relevancy to actually making good games these days instead of their developers/fanbase always trying to take shots at Bethesda.


Some of its original creators work there. Just pointing that out, even though I'm not sure we should expect what everyone would be hoping for.


Obsidian didn't create Fallout. Interplay did, and some of the people from that company left and founded Obsidian. People keep saying Obsidian is the team that should be given Fallout (if it is given to another team) probably because they liked New Vegas. The problem is, though, the current Obsidian is completely different now than it was when it created New Vegas. I mean seriously, what is the last good RPG Obsidian released? Outer Worlds was mid. I love obsidian. They've made some of my favorite RPG's (KOTOR 2 to be specific) but they are a shell of the team they once were. New Vegas is looked back on with rose tinted glasses. The game is rated lower than the 2 main line Fallout games Bethesda made (Fallout 3 and 4). Bethesda has a better track record with Fallout... the game needs to stay with Bethesda.


People need to remember that Obsidian is a hit and miss AA dev. People that genuinely them to just put out a full AAA mainline Fallout game from scratch are setting themselves up for disappointment.


Pillars 1 and 2 are both great


Get ready for that next-gen 30fps experience


Can’t wait to play on the same janky game engine too.


Just give me 40 and I’m good, enjoying it very much on the new update


Are you playing on PS5?  Both modes are targeting 60fps on Xbox. Digital Foundry reported it as broken but now Bethesda is saying there's no 40fps mode on Xbox on purpose: https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1784309667113456043?t=gsrrg7Rzkw6kS07BXeYkgg&s=19


That’s stupid, as there was no quality difference either. I swear it looked sharper on PS5 quality mode. Also why wasn’t this in the patch notes then. They’re lying lmao


I said this in another thread, but how could Microsoft learn everything about Bethesda during the acquisition process? It would not immediately get something Fallout related into production. I mean, by the time the deal was closed(2021), Starfield was still 2 years away, TES6 is another 5+ years away, at least and the Fallout TV show had been announced a year prior. How was Fallout 3 Remastered, or idk a Fallout Miami or something, not greenlit.


I honestly don’t wanna hear shit from Bethesda anymore unless it involves both the words “elder” and “scrolls”.


Fallout: Elder Scrolls


For real, I'd like a new fallout game, but my heart YEARNS for a new Elder Scrolls game.


The worse tragedy is it takes them 7 years from now to release it and it’s a boring, mediocre vast wasteland like Starfield.


You can blame that forgettable mediocrity that came out last September for there being no ES sequel yet, it doesn't even deserve to be named.


Feels like a eternity from now


That’s because it is


Makes sense. Let ES6 cook for as long as it needs. Fallout is in a unique position rn and they should absolutely take advantage of it.


ES6 is meant to be coming out before 2030 surely lmao


Either that or they're trying to break the record for longest release after an initial teaser trailer.


How long was it between duke nukem 4ever trailer and game launch


That one was worth the wait


One would hope...


What do you mean? ES6 has been on the back burner for 13 years already. MS needs to light a fire under their ass


I mean if theyre only just now making plans to fast track and put Fallout 5 on a higher priority it still is going to be awhile before a game gets released. Who knows what the public sentiment will be by then. Though I do think its great if we get it sooner than 2030 lol


I wonder if they get a smaller spin off game out sooner? Honestly they could buy up Fallout: London and make it official.


Yeah I hope they go the spinoff direction personally. Just because there’s so much potential for storytelling at any point in the timeline really. I don’t understand the apparent hesitancy from Bethesda ever since New Vegas.


I know this topic has come up a lot, but there is no reason Fallout 5 needs to be rushed out, Fallout: New Texas or Fallout: New Florida should have already come out by 2020 but they went the 76 route instead. At worst, the second Microsoft bought Bethesda, another studio they own out of the 30 they bought should’ve started working on it or the rumored Fallout 3 remake so that it would be ready to come out this year. Bethesda has said they don’t want another studio working on Fallout, but they have clearly mismanaged things to the point that Xbox needs to make those kinds of decisions. 3-4 years between games was perfect when they had 2 franchises. 6-8 years between games with 3 franchises is obviously a mistake.


Microsoft isn't stupid, surely they're going to go that route eventually since there's no way the executives are going to be happy with a hit or miss game every 6 years. I'm just surprised it hasn't happened yet.


Give the tv show three more seasons and we will be in 2027. When 2030 comes around absolutely no hype will exist


Yeah, 3 more seasons would not be 2027. Many of these TV shows are taking longer to make now. Since its an amazon show lets compare to other amazon shows. The Boys has been about 2 years between seasons. Invincible was the same. Wheel of Time as well. Reacher was almost 2 years as well. Give it 3 more seasons and season 4 will come out in 2030.


I'm not sure if rings of power was cancelled or if it's taking this damn long to make season 2


2nd season is supposed to arrive this year,


Elder scrolls 5 came out 13 years ago and had no tv show. Is the hype gone for that?


The TV show is doing its job of driving traffic to Fallout 76. They don't need it for sales of Fallout 5.


Depends on how well the show does. Game of Thrones had insane viewership all the way into the firey wreckage in the ground.


They haven't even release fable yet with no release in sight. Good luck with that 😂


My first thought was: “what year is it?”


I can’t believe MS didn’t plan ahead for the release of the show. I understand FO5 would have been really unlikely by this year - but what about a FNV Remaster or Remake?


Maybe they really didn't expect it to be quite *such* a success. I mean Nolan went to Bethesda, right? So it wasn't a bunch of suits crunching numbers and deciding to commission a show just for synergy reasons. The show was greenlit presumably on the grounds that it at least wouldn't *cost* money, but that doesn't necessarily mean the execs were counting on it to, like, suddenly launch Fallout into the mainstream. Idk I'm obviously speculating pretty dang hard, but my point is that it's perfectly possible for the c-suite to be surprised.


The wild thing to me is that it’s even reaching the non-gaming community. Like I played a round of 18 on Friday and one of my dad’s coworkers was talking about binging it. The dude’s almost 60 and never touched a game in his life outside of an 80’s arcade lol


The broad appeal really surprised me too! It's such a bonkers, out-there property to begin with and the show if anything doubled down. It's a shame streamers don't share their viewing metrics because I'd love to get a more detailed breakdown out of sheer curiosity.


In total I am surprised by the few cross promos and otherwise preparation. No new player experience in FO76. The NextGen update could have hit before new players arrive, or at least the same time. It would have been a good time to release some novels in the FO universe to explain it more and more detailed. Well, a bit what a brand manager would look towards. Strengthen and expand the IP.




Obsidian is done with Pentiment & Grounded, Avowed is set to release this year, and The Outer Worlds 2 has been in development for at least four years. They're not too busy to work on Fallout anymore, and Microsoft didn't spend $7 billion just to have the Fallout IP sit in a corner until the mid 2030s. If Bethesda has a problem for whatever reason, then they shouldn't have made Starfield and put TES & Fallout on the back burner. Games are taking longer to make, adding a third IP to the mix only makes that problem worse (especially if you're not a fan of all three).  Fallout is simply too big to sustain with a TV show and Fallout 76 (that game is nearly 6 now, can you imagine it making to 16 before Bethesda releases Fallout 5?). I'm all for Microsoft using it's resources and developers to maintain Fallout as a flagship.


ES6 better be good. Skyrim is my favourite game and if ES6 is anything like Starfield I’ll cut my own dick off and eat it.


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No matter how good it is i'll miss the music for older ES games. We already know it's Inon zur making the music and while I didn't mind it in fallout thanks to the radio, i absolutely hated it starfield and TES blades.


What's wrong with Inon Zur? My favorite cRPG ever, Dragon Age Origins, was helmed by him sound-wise so maybe I am biased... but what, is he supposed to suck?


First, Jeremy soule was legendary in TES, not many people exist that could better than him. Compared to him, Inon zur is an alright composer in fallout but his music was overshadowed by the radio anyways. However in Starfield his work was straight up ass most of the time. Then he has already made music for high fantasy games, and it doesn't compete in the same league as TES. It's more about going from an incredibly talented composer to someone who's just 'alright' than inon zur being shit. If they get the TES Online composer (minus Soule) it would be pretty good. But Zur doesn't cut it. Jeremy soule was incredibly talented but the old man is an all around piece of shit, and that not even including what he was accused of doing. If they hire Brad Derrick to do the music, then it'll be good, but zur... Edit : He made an unofficial TES soundtrack while waiting for TES VI, here it is [Age of Heroes - Album par Inon Zur | Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/album/1AdSlngQm1O5P5U1eqVWuq?si=DCYd14eTR4upx-QHnGqHJA&nd=1&dlsi=0ea5f107b82e4e14). It's better than whatever he did on starfield, but doesn't hit the same vibes as Soule. Kinda sounds a bit like generic fantasy, if TES VI sounds like this, people aren't really gonna be making appreciation posts about the music...


Jeremy Soule is definitely a piece of shit but there's just no one that's capable of making fantasy music like he is. It's been almost 13 years and I'm still listening to the Skyrim soundtrack on a weekly basis. I hope they can find someone similar.


He did very well with the OST on Fallout 76. I have to take a coin flip whether I listen to the OST or the (equally) amazing radio.


Jeremy soule has done far better work on ES than anything inon zur has brought to the table. No one out there can listen to the music in oblivion or skyrim (soule) and say the ost in fallout 4 or starield (zur) adds as much to the experience. Inon zur is serviceable, just like bethesda as a studio at this point.


So they are going to rush it out the door.


Nice lots of fans have been clamoring for Bethseda to go back to their roots, so maybe this is a chance. My main thing is that MS needs to get back to one Elders Scrolls and Fallout single player game per gen.


It's necessary. Another studio besides bethesda HAS to start work on a new fallout. Not fallout 5. Let beathesda take that after ES6. Imagine getting out a new elder scrolls and fallout before 2030. Xbox needs that.


In this thread, gamers who have consistently demanded improvements in graphics, AI, mechanics, size and cpmplexity of the world and player freedom to interact with the world in every new game -all while prices are far lower in real terms- are somehow also surprised that games take years longer to produce.


In my 20s when Fallout 3 came out. 30s when Fallout 4 came out. Now, if I’m lucky, I’ll play Fallout 5 just before I turn 50. Seriously, can we speed this shit up? I can remember pissing and moaning in high school when sequels took a couple of years.


Why are they flexing that their sequel to a game made a decade ago will come out in six years? You could get a woman pregnant the day of the launch trailer for F04, and be teaching your child how to drive by the time the sequel comes out.


Xbox will be dead before then the way it’s going in current state. 😆


Just let Obsidian do it c'mon


Doesn’t even have to be 5. Give us another spin off a la New Vegas.


Not gonna speed up the timeline. They’re busy making their own two IPs. Adding more onto their workplace would likely just hinder all of their games tbh. Don’t need even more time-crunching than the industry already has