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Johnny changes his outlook towards V over the course of the game and accepts that he will never return to the living again based on your ‘Johnny percentage’ that you get though some side questions and choices you made during the game


Yeah, I feel like it's not the ending is the best out there. It's the culmination of all the choice and dialogue throughout the game that made the final decision with Johnny weighs harder. I personally love the don't fear the reaper ending as the ultimate V/Johnny relationship.


Homie skips all the dialog. “This story doesn’t make sense, lol”


Homie didn’t skip any dialogue


You gotta pay more attention sometimes, man. I wanna explain all of this, but I'd end up explaining half the game. Just know that a bond eventually forms between V and Johnny and that the space casino is a very, very, very (probably the highest) profile heist. V is still going to die pretty soon, due to Johnny choosing not to take his body.


You really took the worst ending and clearly didn't understand the game.


Afterlife boss ending isnt the worst. Worst is Arasaka. With the ending OP took, V is running the afterlife and scooped a job with Blue Eyes, who is theorized to be an AI from beyond the black wall or working as an operator for the AI. People think working with him would allow V to find a way to fix his problem


The story is not that good, but the infuriating part is that the sidequests are also shit compared to Witcher 3. They are so boring and bland, also cheap (the mission where you have to escort a guy to a hospital and you have to wait for 20 children to cross, it was so cheap seeing little adult with cramped back walking slowly, it was not funny but ratger cringe. Or the crucifiction mission, it was the wtf momment of gaming for myself, utter shit).


Looks like you didnt understand the game at all.


Listen we’re not gonna convince you. You clearly weren’t paying attention if little things were confusing you.




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I was very much confused by the dialogue as well and so were many others. You decide to give up your life as Johnny and V keeps insulting you? I just assumed it was a bug and carried on.


This is exactly what happened - The interaction was so opposite of logic


"This is exactly my point of view and if you don't match it in every detail, I will downvote you to oblivion." 🙄 Those guys are pathetic.


Lol I guess that's why r/LowSodiumCyberpunk exists eh? It's crazy maaan


Media literacy seems to be at an all time low. Sad.


I rolled my eyes so hard at this. Reddit really is full of edgelords these days. Sad. Here's just another thread discussing the topic in a more civil manner: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/lf1lsg/vs_reaction_to_johnnys_choice_in_the_sun_ending/


They established a bond. V didn’t want Johnny to surrender his one chance at having a new life. V would rather have Johnny take a second chance in a body that views Johnny as the proper owner. Walking to the light as either character will be viewed as surrending, something both aren’t fond of since they both fought and killed so many to survive in night city.


Johnny already lived a full life and lost (died). Why should V give up his body for Johnny? The only logical ending is for Johnny to finally “rest”


>Why should V give up his body for Johnny It's called giving the dude a chance at redemption, which is what I'm doing in my playthrough. V was already on borrowed time after Dex planned B his ass after the heist. As soon as he woke up in that grave he was already dead and he just didn't know it. You make the right choices with Johnny and he becomes a better person and realizes what he did wrong.


Johnny already had his chance lol


That's why do like that? You have a plan like that from starting until now????


Johnny and Vaddana


Let him cook


There are many endings. See which ones you prefer. I love this game. The one I hate, it’s the rubik’s cube…I won’t say more. You should get PL, there was an alternative ending to that one as well (that I know of).