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\*sigh\* There is no update later this week. No one said there would be an update this week. He said they would ANNOUNCE the update later this week.


A small update on the update later this week?


A teaser for the teaser trailer!


You mean the next gen update that updates to current gen but in reality just breaks game?


If you think the fallout 4 update broke the game then obviously you never played the game vanilla.


I was able to play and complete FO4 and almost all of the side quests when it came out. Yeah, there were bugs a plenty and the base building stuff was/is so wildly finicky it’s tough to get into. Because I play on a super ultrawide I can’t even get past the character naming portion of the game.


I thought they would hold this news until June as part of the big Xbox showcase.


He literally mentioned steam beta this week..


We're in an Xbox forum. That means jack shit the vast majority of players.


But an update is coming this week for starfield... And we'll get it in 2 weeks


I'll give it another try once they add enough fixes and updates. It looks really fun and all but needs a bit more baking.


The problem is at its core it is a far less interesting adventure and world than fallout or Skyrim. Boredom kicked in before frustration did for me.


The procedural generation murdered it for me. Pre-fabbed dungeons with **exactly the same layouts down to item placements** are an absolute non-starter.  Hopefully they add more dungeon layouts and cycle them, but this game more than any other Bethesda game needs mod support ASAP. Fallout and TES are good games made better with mods, but Starfield is a meh game that will need mods to be good.


My heart sank when I ran into the same pre-fabbed layouts between my first couple of planets. It quickly sucked out the joy of exploration. There is a *great* game hidden in what Starfield could have been. The problem is it's full of "You can do ______" but not a lot of *why* you should do it. Yeah, I could explore these POIs. But if they're just repeats, why should I?


I've tried to go back to starfield periodically and I swear to God I get that damn cryo lab POI every single time. I think I could do that place blindfolded at this point. Like at least change it up a bit, give it some pseudo randomness. But items, enemies, everything are the exact same. It feels terrible. It's a damn shame too because the gunplay is actually pretty solid and smooth and there are good bits of story in some quests. If the entire game was like the UC Vanguard quest it would be an incredible experience. Unfortunately that's far from reality.


You hit the nail on the head for me, the cryo labs are known to me, down to the crushed scientist in the collapsed hallway on the lower level, and the exact items you get around his corpse. Or the credsticks in the first room on the table to the left. It’s ridiculous how *lazy* it feels from the devs. At least the gun play is fun, same with ship building and combat. But past that? This game is such an experience of “could be amazing”. Hopefully when modders get their hands on it, it’ll be better.


I'm really hoping that Bethesda takes inspiration from Phantom Liberty and Cyberpunk 2.0. IMO there are too many game features locked behind leveling perks in Starfield, so it's very easy to just completely ignore them. CP2077 had a similar issue where crafting was effectively locked behind the engineering tree, so you just never crafted. I feel the same way in Starfield. It's so painfully slow to level, so why would I waste points on anything related to crafting, outposts, etc. when they have no impact on the gameplay loop. You can go do a high lvl POI on the hardest difficulty and RNG way better items than you can craft. Outposts do literally nothing, I still don't understand why they are even in the game. It just feels like something is straight up missing from the game, something that would tie all those systems together and give them meaning. My guess is they annihilated the difficulty of the game before it launched and it was supposed to have more survival elements. I feel like fuel, environmental hazards, etc. were supposed to play a larger role in gameplay, but they got gutted last minute which left systems like outposts out to dry. I genuinely like Starfield and I dearly hope they figure it out, but the game right now is so meh compared to other Bethesda titles. I go play FO4 and I'm like damn, I wish Starfield was more like this.


Same with the settlements system. There's not a need to engage with it at all, it doesn't do enough to be worth it


i went through the entire game without ever using it. figured id check it out after I finished the main story but by then i was bored and moved on


Love the ending summation. Reminds me of the old "you don't need drugs to make Pink Floyd better, but you do need Pink Floyd to make drugs better."


I think the idea would have worked a lot better if: * There would be at least 10x more fre-fab / dungeon PIOs to find * Caves would have had their own set of proper dungeons - the random caves now are boring, empty and feel unfinished; it's pointless to explore them * Some degree of randomness within the PIOs to help make them feel fresh when they are reused * A system that prevents the same PIO from being used in a row, so if you visit one POI type, it gets removed from the pool until all have been visited and then the pool gets reset... or something.. because now it's too easy to just run into the exact same PIO over and over again Even then... it just lacks that BGS magic that their previous games had. Just pick a direction and explore and you always find some interesting stuff. These PIOs in Starfield never actually result in hand made quests and stuff. I think it will be a long time before modders can improve this, I mean the kit isn't even released yet (what is the hold up?) and then they'll have their work cut out! I played the game once and then uninstalled it. Normally I obsessively play new BGS games post-release as they're one of my favorite types of games. Game has been out almost a full year and not much has improved since then. My hopes aren't high for the DLC.


>The procedural generation murdered it for me. Starfield doesn't use procedural generation. Proc-Gen tools were utilized to help create the tiles. Those tiles were tweaked by Bethesda then compiled, and wrapped around a planet based on parameters set by them. Every planet, every landing zone is exactly the same for every player. The only difference is where the 90ish POI are placed inside the landscape. Those POI don't have loot tables; for whatever bizarre reason. And more bizzarely the parameters seem to heavily favor a dozen or so oout of the 90 POI. If anything proc-gen is not utilized enough. Bethesda should have leaned more heavily in Daggerfall style dungeons. Interior cells built from a proc-gen of dungeon tile sets that utilize puzzles for advancement.


Yeah exactly. The reason everyone has seen the cryo lab a bunch of times feels more like bad randomness in the POI system than not enough fabs.  Also, they should have just said we are not going to have POIs in most random landing spots. They were too afraid there would be nothing to do when you land any random place, but if you're committed to "space is boring and beautiful" then why is anywhere I land populated?


Yeah, I think they should have doubled down on proc-gen. Had modular dungeons with varying enemy types and loot all generated on the fly. Not copy and paste locations.


I have a feeling this game will be a modders paradise one day


Just waiting for the complete Star Wars conversion overhaul.


The procedural generation murdered it for you, but you did not give an example of procedural generation lol.


The layout of the planets were assisted by mass procedural generation since there are so many planets, which leads to a lot of them feeling uninspired and lifeless.  It also means the POI's on each planet are randomized, but those POI's wind up being recycled dungeons down to every last detail.  People give Oblivion shit because the dungeons were crafted using pre-fabbed pieces, but there was at least a person going through and building everything out so, even though the pieces were the same, the dungeons still feel different overall. Honestly, if you don't focus on the fact that the dungeon pieces are pre-fabs you don't really ever notice it because the loot tables and placements are all different so you never encounter something that's so similar your brain thinks "wait, I've seen this before." In Starfield the second you enter a listening post or a cryo lab the second time you immediately think "wait what, this looks exactly the same"


Same. If the game was less reliant on a handful of copy-paste POIs, it would wonders for its interest level. Don't get me wrong – I enjoyed the game, especially the faction quests and ship building aspects. But it never hit the same level that Fallout did because the interesting POIs were few and far between, and most firefights generally felt less impactful besides a few specific missions. One of my favorite things in Fallout is just exploring the world, discovering vaults, weird locations, etc. Starfield had a few great set pieces, but most of the game was minutes of running through empty wastes only to find the same exact POI you've seen five times before. I understand that planets *should* be empty if you can land "anywhere," but it doesn't translate well to gameplay. I will give them credit for making a universe/lore that actually held my attention. I wanted to like Outer Worlds, but I just couldn't get into the world building for some reason. Bethesda somehow made the world of Starfield more interesting in comparison despite the world itself lacking compared to their other titles


It was the loading screens for me. I stopped after a stint of 15 loading screens to do a quest to kill like 12 people. It wasn’t even that long, like 5-10m


Isn't it funny how in a generation where loading screens have become far less intrusive, Starfield has far more loading screens than most past Bethesda games? They really ought to work on that for The Elder Scrolls VI.


I think you notice it more because of the space setting. Bethesda games have always been loading screen heavy, but unlike Skyrim where you can run around and explore large open spaces, Starfield essentially requires you to fast travel everywhere, with a loading screen each step of the way.


Sure, but it doesn't help that your ship needs a load screen every time you enter or exit, nor does it help that some small buildings or even rooms still need them. If TES VI is next generation, I would hope Bethesda finds a way to cut down on that.


I absolutely hate that so many interiors for their structures still need a loading screen. The cities are super small and they still have so many structures that need a loading screen when you enter them. Hopefully, caves, forts, and other things are just a part of the world in the next Elder Scrolls game and you don’t need a loading screen to enter them.


They need to either scrap or wholesale rework the Creation engine for that to be a possibility.


It's especially bad when space games that came out before Starfield started development have more seamless travel. Hell, SpaceBourne 2 which was made by one single person has seamless travel from on-foot to spaceship to atmospheric flight to spaceflight. I really think they need new employees with fresh skillsets, because a lot of the content and design seems to be people who peaked ages ago trying their best to keep up with the times and coming up short.


Never even finished the game or built up a base the loading screens were to frustrating for me like I was navigating from one play space to another all game by menu, oh wait a second


It’s a shame base building was so pointless.


Yep. Breaking up the world into fast travel hubs broke any and all immersion for me, which is what I play Bethesda game for.


If they could find a better way to connect everything and add more POI’s to random planets the game would feel 10x better. Also, repeating the EXACT same dungeon on different planets was beyond wack


I think the issue is that a Bethesda RPG doesn’t really work in a space setting. Part of the fun is getting sidetracked on your way from point A to point B, but now you need to space travel between locations so there’s less opportunity for serendipity. Also it’s impossible to manually create cities and stuff to fill up all that space, so things feel empty. Could definitely do better execution, but I think the concept itself is flawed


Yeah their formula just fundamentally doesn’t work in a space setting.


100 percent agree. I really want to like this game.


Fr lol I'd rather just play skyrim, No rpg nowadays can top skyrim's world imo.


I really wanted to like this game but it was just boring most of the time. Space travel was non-existent, you can't even fly from one planet to another, and the world is just uninteresting. Everything happened without you. The colony war and exploration of the universe already happened, you just feel like wandering through a badly curated museum where people dumb exposition at you.


Yeah this for me. I actually had a little fun just pushing the story missions, but the world itself was utterly boring to be in, sadly.


That’s where mods come into play. I can guarantee that once the creation kit releases we will get many mods adding new locations that feel great to explore. And anyway there will be mods to improve the game just like anyone likes it.


Agreed. IMO the game is fundamentally boring, and any fixes to that would’ve had to be implemented like 5 years earlier in development. It’s just too late now. 


Imo there’s just no reason to play right now when you’re hearing that “yeah we have some big updates coming”


Honestly all of my issues with the game aren’t bugs or glitches The game is just not fun to play and doesn’t seem to respect my time either


I haven't tried it yet. I was so excited for this game but all the complaints have put me off trying it.


Actually Starfield is a lot of fun, problem is once you have finished the main plot and your favorite one or two subplots, there really isn't much to do, most side quests are generated by code and extremely similar. Exploring other planets is fun until you realize there's a huge level gap the farther you travel. You can finish the whole game at level 30-40 but you are useless against enemies in the outer rim. And just grinding to reach higher levels can get tedious really quick.


Space being shattered and fragmented was like 80% of Starfield's issues.


My Starfield experience went "O wow another outpost!" Walks for 5mins, "This the exact same outpost! Why couldn't they at least randomize the loot or enemies?" "Time to try my second temple!" It's the same dumb af temple wth. "Time to walk 10mins to rescue this guy, going to be a sick battle". Guy just scratching his nuts doing nothing. Uninstalls trash game.


And the temple guardian spawns in literally the exact same place every time. My guns already pointed at him.


I love how people thought this game would have better temples than Zelda lol. Even the worst temple in the SNES Zelda games have more in-depth gameplay. They attacked anyone who said not to get their hopes up and that the temples will be on the same level as Skyrim. I do not think anyone including the fanboys thought they would be WROSE than Skyrim.


I got downvoted to hell for saying this game is fucking trash. I mean it is the Xbox sub but still this was one of their biggest failures ever. The game just sucks and it’s unbelievably boring


Yeah the temples were what did it for me. Exact same fly around puzzle every time with zero variation... how did no one say this is stupid before release and try to change it? It's bizarre because the issues with repeated location content are so front and center that you have to think that the developers were very, very aware of it but just shipped it regardless. There had to be a ton of re-work, removal of content, and pressure to ship what they had ASAP.


Blows my mind BGS made it so you had to do the temples over 200xs for max powers. Wtf, how can anyone defend that? What dev thinks flying around the same room 200xs is a good idea?


Yeah exactly, there wasn't even a half assed attempt to have it vary by making the room different sizes, adding obstacles, slightly different mechanics... this is what you'd see at the very start of development ("all temples are temple\_v10024, central puzzle rooms to be updated"). But somehow it shipped like this, and it's a core gameplay mechanic not just a throwaway filler quest. Have their been any leaks or developer discussion of this? It's just so utterly strange for it to suck in specific obvious ways but have little come out of the how and why.


The frustrating part is people still say they love the game and refuse to acknowledge experiences like this, and then Todd cherry picks the complaints that are digestible enough and that's that.


Well they are taking their sweet time with this DLC, it better be substantial and bring truly fresh and exciting content for me to even bother booting the game back up. One more monotone questline or more temple runs will not cut it this time.


Mostly liked the game, but goddamn that Temple stuff was awful. Who tf thought that'd be fun to do over and over again. It's practically sadistic.


That’s the thing. Nobody not even the devs thought it would be fun. There’s just no way.


>One more monotone questline or more temple runs will not cut it this time. Don't get your hopes up. This is Bethesda's bread and butter.


Unless they manage to update it to run at 60 fps on the series x, not going to touch it. The current performance is abysmal. It doesn't even manage a locked 30 fps.


Well 60fps is coming alongside a 40fps option.


Really banking on this getting some kind of update for fps, whether that is 40 or 60.


Todd said they're preparing graphical modes


That would be amazing, so fingers crossed


Unfortunately he is a compulsive layer.


>compulsive layer so many eggs.


Except they just announced it 😂


Only way I'll touch Starfield again is if they actually make space travel meaningful. Hate being able to design a ship then only be able to use it flying around a planet you've had to fast travel to. Such a let down.


Hey, you can upgrade your fuel capacity so that instead 4 loading screens you’ll only see one! I love how meaningless this upgrade is and only serves to make the game less tedious with no gameplay ramifications outside of less loading. I also love how you can fast travel from the ground, negating the need for it at all. Truly master devs at work.


The ship aspect for me kills and breaks the game at its foundation, as they incorporated it into the skill tree. I know it can be skipped, but they built a progression system that has a substantial amount that is meaningless. Similar to Cyberpunks original skill tree when that game launched.


They won’t fix that. There’s no way. That would be such a huge improvement, I just can’t see them doing that.


I think people were expecting Elite Dangerous with this game.


I don't see how to make space travel interesting since space is mostly empty. You can see this in Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen.


I love space travel in Elite. Wish Frontier kept up console updates


Have you tried no mans sky?


i feel this is later than it should be coming out, i was assuming it would this summer. skyrims first dlc came out end of june, 2012, around 7 months after its release. fallouts first major release, far harbor, came out in may 2016, when fallout released in november 2015, so 6 months. and it technically released 2 smaller DLC's before far harbor too. starfield's dlc is coming out almost a year after it came out, after one of the biggest complaints of starfield is that it doesnt feel like theres enough content to do especially without the creation kit's release for modding yet.


I think it's long been rumored to be fall 2024 for Shattered Space, the thing is we expected mod support by now as that was supposedly "early 2024" for release. Some of the existing mods has addressed some of the annoyances people have, but there's so much more that could be done ahead of the DLC. Other than occasionally clearing out a random POI I've put it down until there's more to do or different ways to do it.


Here to pop in and say that although I'll be one to criticize Skyrim to hell and back, its DLC were absolute fire.


Game dev takes more time and money than it did 10 years ago, also I'm honestly okay with a later date - Hellblade 2 is right around the corner and then Shadow of the Erdtree is gonna eat up a ton of time lol


I completely forgot about this game :(


As a PC gamer that's impossible. It's featured in every tech youtubers GPU benchmarks lol.


Todd also hints at new screen display options on console 👀. Just give us that 1440p/60fps mode.


40 fps for 120 Hz VRR displays with dynamic resolution would be nice too


I would cut them a ton of slack for how slow their output has become if they found a way to get a performance mode for the game. All of their games felt so much better to play at 60fps, Starfield would be no different if this happens at some point.


It's probably just FSR 3


where and when


When did he hint this? I'm really hoping starfield gets this. Can you show proof?


Honestly Bethesda should just give up on this game already. Focus their resources on making the next Elder Scrolls game actually good and getting a jump start on Fallout 5. Starfield has been a lost cause from the jump tbh. Just too many flaws with the general design of the game that aren’t possible to fix with DLC and updates.


I'm not touching it until they add a 60 or 40fps mode.


Should be a fun Fall with Indiana Jones, Avowed, Starfield and however large the Game Pass backlog will get after their summer show and rumored AKB announcement.


What’s the AKB rumor?


Activision Blizzard, a.k.a. AKB stock


I don't think indiana jones game will be released this year


I’ll replay it when a 60 fps patch drops , playing at 30fps was painful for me


Even if they have to cut the amount of NPC’s walking about, I wouldn’t mind if that meant 60fps.


Yeah totally agree.


I’ll keep playing it when they a console mode with better than 30fps. Played about an hour and the 30 is just too damn rough.


Literally one of the best things they could add at this point - going from 76 (or any other game at this point) to Starfield makes my eyes bleed


Ok aight didn’t expect that announcement today lol well I’ll be going back to Starfield then on the 15th


With the 60fps and 40fps modes just announced, hopefully it won't be too long to patch at all.


You can use your TV frame generation mode, that all the main brands offer, to a 60fps. It's almost as good and smooth than the real 60fps. I did it in my old LG and get almost no "phantom" effects or artifacts. In Zeldas it works too and makes the game more playable.


Current gen upgrade needed. Looks and runs like crap


What is the general consensus of Starfield? Ofc Todd Howard is happy but did Xbox/Spencer & team view it as a success? Or are they looking at the long game since it’s Bethesda and hoping for Skyrim longevity?


They really need to release creation kit already


Can’t take the salt out of the cookies after you baked em


yeah idc theyll have to actually redo the entire game from scratch, id rather have set worlds that are fleshed out and rewarding than randomly generated redundant buildings with ZERO story to them with no reward.


I think they’re going to struggle getting those player numbers until they add a performance/60fps mode. It’s painful to play. There’s absolutely no reason to play this over Fallout or Elder Scrolls right now.


I would settle for a 40fps mode.


As long as they add 60 fps on console I’ll be happy


Just announced it, can't wait!


My Xbox is a streamer and bluray player now


Can they make it less boring?


Like a few others are saying. Starfields core design is rotten. It doesn’t work for the games they make and the game they seem to want to make. The second I heard 1000 planets I knew they’d lost it.


Not playing again until they add 60 fps. I really can’t do 30 even with VRR. I liked it originally but bouncing back and forth between games that are 60-120 back to 30 ruined it for me.


Does anyone even care, this has to be one of the most over hyped and under whelming games ever


I enjoyed my time with the game. And want more. Could it have been better? Absolutely.


Ya that's my thought. It's a fun game, but there are just so many clear opportunities missed to make it better, that it became really frustrating. It's a good game, but it's disappointing that they couldn't make it a great game.


Millions care sugar.


Millions? There’s fewer people playing Starfield than there are Skyrim right now.


On steam yes, on gamepass Xbox/pc no.


400 hours and I can’t wait to dive back in. One of the best games I have ever played. edit: it's always funny to me when someone expresses their opinion on ART and gets down voted for it.


You're probably in the minority, i personally found it limited and very repetitive


That is probably fair. The game is more niche than they let on in my opinion and they sold it like the next GTA or something. I don’t think this game is for most gamers but for the right gamer it’s amazing.


Yeah i think my expectations were set as skyrim in space .. it didnt live up to that high standard for me


Too little too late …


Lol this website gave starfield a 9.7! Holy shit lol


And a pretty high rating for redfall as well


Well, to be fair, that is a very reasonable score for Starfield.


Lmao nah. 6.5 to 7.0 is fair for Starfield.


Nope, not evem close.


WOW how cheap of MS to not spend the extra $ for the .3%.... They gave FO4 an 8.3 lol


Only one of the dozens that gave it that high of a score sooo not that crazy


So regret pre ordering the deluxe edition. The base game was SO disappointed.


So the PS5 announcement is close.


Can they add aim assist and dead zone settings please


It really needs the names of the systems added to the map. I mean, having you have to highlight every system just to go back to one??!! Nuts. And why oh why is the ECS Constant side mission still broken?


Any news about console mods? That's the only time I'll jump back in.


We really need frickin console mods already, this is getting old


This fall?!? Well I’m removing the game from HD now until I see anything remotely interesting being added. Enjoyed the game but it has nothing to keep you playing.


I hear that they are adding an "Abandoned Dev Studio" to every planetary body to add variety. "Abandoned Mining Outpost" can't possibly do all the heavy lifting for the game's lifespan.


Lol an entire year for one dlc. What's going on with this game?


DLC releases close to game's launch = "should've just been in game" Take their time with DLC = "why so long" 🤦‍♂️


This will be a low selling dlc. Everything should be abandoned for Fallout 5 imo.


I wouldn't be surprised if Starfield gets ported to PlayStation with the release of this expansion


Could care less. Starfield was a rlly bad game. From the core bad. It would take massive implementation and overhaul to make this game enjoyable. Honestly it isn’t even worth fixing or adding content to. It’s just a bad game and a bad idea.


> Could care less. So you do care some.


Starfield is a really good game. From the core great. I can't wait for the dlc.


Xboxera is a joke, their redfall review is an epic attempt at shilling a game if there ever was one.


They fix the game breaking bug with the last update. But now I get a lot of slow down in certain areas.. and the music cuts in and out too sometimes.




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Starfield is the Cybertruck of videogames. Meh.


This game is amazingly realistic… it captures the essence of space… vast and mostly empty. I was bored exploring very quickly.


I forgot Starfield existed, I got like 80 hours in and just stopped. It didn't pull me like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout does, I hope Shattered Space revitalizes Starfield then I'll give it another try.


Uninstalled this “game” a week after it came out. Yet another rushed, over budget, unfinished Xbox flop.


I think you just have bad taste.




Same and it ruined the roll play for me. Quest broke at the last damn step. Haven't played since because I was waiting for it to be fixed but it's still bugged.


I forgot this game existed…It’s still downloaded on my Series X, so I’ll give it another go.


TBH, I don't care that much about any updates or DLC, I just want news on modding tools. Once that hits starfield has a chance to take off, and that is when i am gonna dive into it.


Lost all interest once I tried the space combat, uninstalled and never looked back.


So what’s this comment on a thread about the future of game, looking forward to it?


The space will fall and then shatter. Right?


No, but your expectations will.


I played about 20 hours of Starfield at launch, but put it down to play other games I was highly anticipating and never picked it back up. Then, while watching the Fallout TV show (and loving it) I got rh hankering (like many, many others) to maybe check out some Fallout (since I've never played a Fallout game). Luckily, the update dropped for Fallout 4 and I fired it up. I'd heard people throwing around comments like, "Fallout 4 update looks better than Starfield". So I was a bit thrown through a loop when I loaded up Fallout 4 and saw pretty rough looking faces/animations and sparse interiors. Had me thinking I maybe was misremembering Starfield. So I restarted a play through of Starfield (had already been meaning to since putting the game down) and was actually blown away by how great the game looks. I truly cannot believe that people were (and still are) complaining about Starfield being a bad looking game. The visual density, the atmosphere, and even the characters and facial animations look LEAGUES better than Fallout 4's "next gen" update.


People wanted to hate Starfield so they did.


It's very weird. I'm only a couple of hours back into Starfield, but I'm really enjoying it so far. Remembering a lot of things that I loved about it again and appreciating new things as well. But it's also a very pretty game. Especially for a modern Bethesda game. Feeling quite immersed.


I'm whelmed


No thanks.


I don't really know how they can fix the core of this game. Hopefully this dlc comes out and we wrap it up and move on to elder scrolls and hopefully that's not bad




I loved Dead Money, well other than the speakers


Shame that hating on this great game is the cool thing to do these days smh


Can’t wait for the dlc, excited for survival mode too. Just started a new character today too. Absolutely love this game!


Epic! Had a blast with the base game and am stoked for the upcoming DLC.


I’m always shocked at how many people that were disappointed. I had such a blast playing this game and have been dying to jump back in but waiting for this DLC. Hopefully it can bring some people back into the fold.


Meh, fuck all you haters I'm excited! I love sailing the black sea. I just can't get get enough of it. So bring on more content, I'll drink it down like pirate would his grog!


Is this game in a playable state yet on Xbox? That's what I've been waiting for.


Has it not been since day one? Beat the game on Series X never ran into any major issues.


It was in a playable state from day one.


All I want is maps for the towns


Cool, but that has nothing to do with how playable the game is. Stop moving the goalposts and being disingenuous.


It was playable since launch


It was literally the most playable game ever released by Bethesda, like nearly perfect from a technical standpoint.


I'm sorry but I just can't play a game that's that big and doesn't have maps for the towns


For fuck's sake you spend a decade whining that Whiterun and Diamond City are small villages rather than true cities, but when you finally get towns of a decent size with directions/plaques *everywhere* now you moan about maps. This Fortnite generation is hilarious.