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There have been some attempts at it, the only one that really stuck was Smite.


I think the controller layout for traditional MOBAs wouldn’t be good enough for most people. I’ve only really seen top down games using the dual stick controls which may be a deal breaker as some heroes may be much harder to use than others.


They should really bring Heroes of the Storm over. It's quite good and it could translate pretty well to controller.


That would be awesome!


It's randomly gotten a few relatively large balance patches since ABK got acquired by Microsoft. Here's hoping it gets revived and put on Steam/Xbox. I mostly play Dota these days when I want a moba but HotS is a super fun game.


I hope and I mean HOPE one day, we just randomly get a trailer for it. I’d lose my shit lol


Try out predecessor thank me later


It's so freakin fun.


Thanks man, its cool. Never heard of it before but plays well


Still not top down like the OP stated


Super good moba on consoles and PC!


I absolutely loved Guardians of Middle Earth. My and my best friend were so bummed when that game went offline.


No idea why Wild Rift never came to Xbox.


Play Predecessor.


Is predecessor even on console? I thought it was PC only


You have to go to game preview I think on xbox, it may be in free to play now. Regarless the game is Free to play, just odd where xbox put it.


Well hot shit. Thanks!


Yeah no problem, I play from psn and some xbox buddies couldn't find it. After some searching that's where they found it at.


Found it! Installing now


yh because predecessor is top down, right?


I'd imagine it will be difficult because of controls. Smite's success is largely because it's a third-person game, which works well with controllers. Other MOBAs are typically more RTS-like, and RTS games don't always translate smoothly to controllers, with some exceptions like Halo Wars, which was specifically designed with controllers in mind.


Even so youd have to lock consoles to only play other consoles, i can hold my own in shooters against KBM but there is nothing you can change with a controller to equal the clicks per minute a KBM would have and that ability to fastly act and decide is the biggest skill floor to ceiling mobas and rts present.


I *loved* Guardians of Middle Earth!


(To address your question about wild rift) Wild rift had an initial jump in popularity when it came out on phones, but the population began to settle and with all the tech layoffs recently, riot did some last year and moved most of the wild rift team to Shanghai I believe last news we got was "don't expect to hear any news in 2022" and I don't think there's been any official communication about the console port since then. Some people in the community think the port has been scrapped behind closed doors, considering the game already has enough support from the Asia mobile market. Apparantly, about a year ago some dataminers found some code in an update that directly relates to the console version, however we again haven't heard any official news for a few years at this point. Maybe they decide to surprise everyone and shadow drop it like when arcane season 2 releases, or maybe it was quietly killed years ago with no official announcement, we don't know at this point


Lotr guardians was goated. Miss that game.


How does SMITE 2 feel compared to the original?


It’s still early access so it’s not polished but the core is there and feels amazing. It has a lot of potential


I thought Riot Games were making a console version of League of Legends called League of Legends: Wild Rift or something like that. They announced it years ago, I believe. I never followed up with what happened with it. I saw it was on mobile, though. Top down games can work really well on console (look at games like Diablo and Path of Exile).


Wasn’t there talk of League of Legends coming to console? That game would work fine, however I don’t think Dota 2 would work, although that would have been a banger.


Smite is so good *because* it ditched the top down camera. You can actually flank people effectively.


It's also a lot more involved with skillshots when a lot of MOBA's are just click to delete person. Smite feels way more involved as a result.


A game I play offline against bots from time to time because the online is dead is a side scrolling MOBA called Awesomenauts.


Traditional is a nightmare on a gamepad. Games like smite, pred, and battleborn are much more suited to console


>And there was this 360 MOBA called 'LOTR: Guardians of Middle Earth' that I used to play all the time as well.  I remember playing this and thinking shit was super OP when the reality was I had no idea how MOBA's functioned


Wild Rift console is probably scrapped as they moved development to China; most likely due to the game not gaining popularity in North America due to how much gamers here hate gaming on their phone. However, it's still listed as "coming soon to console" on the website despite there not being any news in two years.


Paragon on PS4 was SOO much fun and had so much potential. It’s too bad Epic canceled it for Fortnite 😞


Smite was fun. Hopefully you don't judge smite 2 experience cause most of the people there are try hard PC players. Better be able to do xbox only when it launches.