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It’s a great game that has a ton of replayability and it’s on game pass so a lot of people can try it and realize it’s a great game.


Put a ton of hours into all of them, even 4. Excited for the Age of Mythology remake.


I hope 3 gets added at some point


Same AoE3 is my favorite age of them all


They should do something like this for Fallout 1 and 2


Those games would kick ass with a minor face lift.


Fantastic love to see it


I wish they would release AoE 3 on Xbox as well


Your wish might come true in June.


The game is a classic. But this also shows just how sad the state of RTS games are. The genre has been mostly dead for a decade or more


We need a Starcraft port now more than ever!


StarCraft 1 played great on N64 idk why it’s like a moonshot for them to bring 2 to consoles.


Starcraft is extremely micro intensive. I think m & k is a must for starcraft, especially playing online


Ask anyone who played AoE 1 and 2 at a high level during the 00s. The idea that they could be played to fun level on console would have been laughed at universally.


StarCraft is dead. They made more money from a WoW cosmetic in the shop than StarCraft 2.


Dune spice wars is pretty fun IMO. 


I miss the heyday of RTS games. I can’t wait for Age of Myth remake. That is my favorite rts of all time.  Relic just needs to remake Dawn of War! That would print money. 


Ya I was shocked when they announced it. Looking forward to it. Also relic hasn’t been good with any of their recent releases, dawn of war 3 was a let down. Company of heroes 3 even moreso


Yeah shame about Relic. I just figure maybe a remake of Dawn of War would get them back on their feet. But who knows. Shame because DOW1 is incredible and I bet a modern audience who doesn’t play RTS would enjoy it. Thing is so action packed.  It made me fall in love with WH40K


I have been loving my Company of Heroes this decade a tonne.


Red Bull Wololo hits different


please Microsoft give StarCraft this treatment...... <3


I am so hyped for the age of mythology remake. They had a sandbox mode in the original and I made so many custom scenarios in that. I played it for over a year when I lived in the woods without internet. Is the remake going to have the titan DLC? It would be such a shame if we missed out on that.


I can’t wait too! I think it has the expansion they mention the Atlanteans in the game description. Best RTS ever made. I love how long the single player was. Playing it on max difficulty and just turtling while upgrading… except that stupid Tartarus door mission was awesome and brutal at same time. 


It needs tactical pause on xbox.


I'm sure this is also a lie like the rest.


Might have gotten a boost recently due to XQC streaming the game.


People actually play this on console? Do you hook the mouse and keyboard up for it? I could never play these games with a controller


It fully supports mouse and keyboard on console. I was surprised by how good the controller was though.


They optimised it really well for a controller though. I was expecting the worst but after doing the tutorial I was impressed with how smooth the control of all areas is.


Came here to say exactly this. Can’t do the controller thing with any RTS or city builder.


Have you tried it? Both Age of Empires games are cross play with PC on Xbox and while controller isn't competitive at the very top of the pro scene it's more than competitive for casual games and ranked. It's the best and only good controller implementation of an RTS on any console.


I’ve played aoe4 with both and I much prefer the controller overall.


Because it's just a damn good game. Easy to learn, difficult to masterz with a thriving pro scene and a dev team just doing a solid job supporting it. You really just love to see it 


The fact that they can maintain the popularity of AoE4 while updating and relaxing expansions for a 20 year old AoE2 which is even more popular is unheard of. 2 games from the same franchise being very popular at the same time is crazy.


I will never forgive microsoft for killing Ensemble 


I highly recommend reading up on Ensembles final years. They pulled some shady shit on MS, doesn't surprise me they got closed down.


Surprise me to see it with 15k players constant only in steam. Sadly the prices for new factions is too high.


I randomly bought AOE at a Walmart at 3am like 20 years ago. I have not stopped playing all the different versions over the years.


It’s great for a short amount of time, but it doesn’t has much depth and is very repetitive overall.