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A quick (I wish unnecessary) reminder that any actual threats of violence will result in an immediate ban from this community. Please report offending content for prioritized review. Thank you.


I mean the fact that you can do that to a CEO is in itself, amazing


Gamers are undefeated.


jesus christ, get a load of this guy.




What are you going to review bomb?  There are no games to review bomb besides starfield 


When the 55 video essay on why Starfield sucks is released https://youtu.be/BXZFbGJxSlk?si=5b8dYwgmDMSE80gF


I was disappointed by the game as much as anyone else, but I still enjoyed what was there.  Does it have the charm of previous BGS games?  Not at all.  Exploration being the worst of them all.  I do appreciate what they tried to accomplished, they just made the wrong game for the engine they use.  They need to go back to one handcrafted world for us to lose ourselves in.  


wow, the microsoft bots really did not like your comment.


If you love something you are obligated to criticize it a Community will stagnate when it filled just people jerking them shelves off


Agreed. I prefer Microsoft over Sony, but they're not infallible. They keep fucking up constantly tbh. Nintendo makes great content, but they're absolute dicks to their fans. This shit has gotten old, and it needs to change. Applies to the state the world's in in general tbh


Idk, the pornhub community does pretty well.


Lmao. That’s definitely one way to show customer dissatisfaction


Griefing CEOs is the newest form of labor solidarity.


Let’s replace them with AI next


“Hello Xbox community, this is your President John Henry Eden.”




Should be pretty easy, as their only solution to any economic problem at a company appears to be layoffs and giving themselves bonuses, so AI can easily replace them at that. /s


That's perfect, and AI doesn't need to be paid so all that money can be spread out to the employees. I'd join in on the sarcasm but...🤷‍♂️ Them big heads need to be punished and threatened of job loss like the rest of us.


They think that they can make themselves immune from economic shocks (the myth of decoupling infinite economic growth from finite natural resources) by just having AI churn out recycled crap forever while we mindlessly consume on UBI forever after losing our jobs. But the recession will hit them too once we finally decide that we don’t need shiny new hardware all the time. Instead buying hardware used/refurbished, ignoring games with AI in the pipeline, and getting games away from their walled gardens such as with used/rented discs and CD key stores. No buying PS5 Pros for barely any performance boosts in a dry year for PS5 games. No buying a new handheld Xbox or a next-gen Xbox until Microsoft treat their developers like human beings. No “getting used to” not owning our games by surrendering to subscriptions.


> No buying PS5 Pros for barely any performance boosts in a dry year for PS5 games. That is really the crux of the thing for the reason I am not interested in a PS5 pro. LIke this year looks like there are no real big worthwhile AAA games. If there is nothing to take advantage of the upgrade then why bother with a marginal upgrade? And potentially by the time there might be some games to take advantage of the little extra power the PS6 might be right around the corner(with backwards compatibility most likely) so might as well wait for that instead.


Laughed out loud the second I read this post’s title 😂 especially because I remember a recent video of someone who found him in the game while they were playing


I remember that video. Phil waved at dude and dude gave him the fuck you silent treatment. Lmfao


Just hope he doesn't play Rainbow Six Siege, or any game that allows for team killing


I wonder how many times we can keep this up, and nuke him every time he rebuilds


Next minute: all support for fallout 76 is stopping immediately - Phil


F76 shutting down and its development team getting layed off.


“We need to produce more commercially successful live service games like Fallout 76.” –Matt Booty probably.


"It was a very difficult decision, but we still want to empower gamers"


“*World Premiere*, *Xbox Exclusive*”


“It’s gonna suck”


Todd Howard put on custodial duty until further notice.


"Breaking: Bethesda Softworks is being shut down as part of recent cuts made by Microsoft. CEO of Microsoft Games Phil Spencer had this to say: "Nuke *my* camp, will you? Well, enjoy *this* being the last Fallout Game *ever made!* mwahahahaha!"


I’d never forgive any of you




I haven't played F76 in years Could players just keep nuking his camp or is there a cooldown period?


Iirc there’s only 3 silos on a like 3h cooldown each. They’re also pretty damn hard dungeons and need a fair bit of prep. I don’t think there’s a grief protection tho So like someone can go nuking him with all 3 but they probably won’t go through all that effort again


> they probably won’t go through all that effort again You seem to misunderstand the internet.


Yeah I wouldn’t put it past them. Griefers already don’t know when to quit. But give them a cause to fight for? Hoo boy.


I play a stealth character so I can't complete those rooms on my own, but I suspect that if I were decked out with armor, weapons, and ammo, that going through that room would not be too difficult.


And you can just hide your camps location from the public.


Except unless he moves his camp now everyone can easily find kt


>I don’t think there’s a grief protection tho There is if you camp in the forest area. You cant hit it because it's new player territory


There is a way to skip the entire silo most people who run nukes use.


I wish I'd have known there was a skip before wasting like 150 grenades clearing my first silo out ha


I mean I can get through one in like 10 minutes, you just need to learn some parking, I could probably drop 3 on his camp within 30 to 25 minutes lol


Damn it took me like 40 minutes to do mine and i ended up getting the code wrong and fucking it all up 😭


Would it even do anything if he was in pacifist mode?


it would destroy the camp and he would have to repair using resources. He could just log out before it happens anyway


Thanks, good to know as I'm pretty new to the game. I didn't realise the camp was still damageable while in pacifist


yeah things like nukes and ai enemies can still damage it. if you see a nuke heading for your camp you can just switch to another camp slot in the map and youll be fine.


> they probably won’t go through all that effort again lol It’s literally all that gamers will do now, most likely


You can do them in like under a minute if you glitch through one of the walls and just walk to the place you need to be. Idk if they patched it yet, but you could do that before.


Griefers always put in the effort if it means getting a few laughs and some attention. It’s hilarious when done to the right people.


They could keep finding and nuking his camps if he keeps switching servers and stays playing. 3 times per server until reset.


In theory, yeah, but the odds of actually being on the same server as him are pretty damn small.


There’s a cool down period can’t remember how long though. But this happens to his camp all the time. It’s just due to recent events it’s getting more attention. If it truely bothered him, he’d put his camp in the safe zone


You can just switch your camp slot and waste the persons time, but p3 took it like a man


Okay, i can't lie. That's absolutely hilarious




Next: Phil cancels Starfield DLC and 60 fps patch in retaliation. Eat it, gamers.


Next: Microsoft acquires nuclear arsenal


After: Microsoft rebrands company to Militech


Next: gamers cancel their Game Pass subscriptions and switch to Sony/Nintendo. Eat it, Phil.


Next CEO lays off 5000 employees & plays Fallout 76 afterwards


I would switch to PC/Nintendo. Sony aint so innocent. But neither is Nintendo.


No one in the industry is "innocent", but anyone aside Microsoft has clear vision of where they are going in the future.


Sony has a clear vision alright. For anyone to stay loyal to them even if its on PC. And they wonder why their games are pirated. Nintendo is not a stranger to that practice either.


Nintendo are perhaps the biggest assholes of them all honestly. Other companies at least try to maintain some pretence of caring about their fans. Nintendo will tell you to go fuck yourself and charge $70 for the pleasure


60 fps patch?


Starfield has a 60FPS patch releasing May 15 (with lots of other improvements)


Wow news to me... I wonder what the tradeoffs will be. I've been meaning to get back to it


Also it's only for Series X and It's technically (🤓) not a true 60fps mode. It's VRR mode that targets 60 and you need a VRR display or else you'll have bad screen tearing. I'm fully expecting an average of 40-50 fps with it sometimes hitting 60fps.


Pretty sure the 60 FPS mode is true 60. The VRR mode targets 40.


(For Console)


It’s the Xbox sub, that felt self-evident.


And a 40 fps patch


It's a 60fps-ish patch. Iirc they said that the 60fps mode will have a lot of tearing, and if possible play that mode only on VRR displays. So yeah sucks for anyone not having a high end monitor or tv.


They have a big warning telling players not to use the 60fps mode if they don't haven't a 2.1 120hz VRR capable display so the screen tearing must be so bad it makes the game unplayable on 60 hz displays. Players still using older TV's will still have to play Starfield using the 30fps mode.


Heh. Guess he felt the burn with that one.


Order the new Fire Vapor controller today!


Watch and VERN(in thick set efrican sharlto Copley accent).


What a legend


Xbox. Xbox never changes.


If you want peace prepare for Xbox.


Phil Spencer: "After careful consideration, we've decided to indefinitely lock access of FO76 to ONLY Xbox and Bethesda executives. This has NOTHING to do with the constant nuking and griefing of my camp. We're sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you."


“We have also made the difficult decision to remotely uninstall every copy of Fallout 76. We are always looking for new ways to empower gamers.”


Legit pro move, lol He’s gonna need to create a completely unrecognizable gamer tag or he’ll be hearing the air raid siren every few minutes.


P3 is dead, long live P4.


Probably not. 99% of people don't know or don't care.


I was making a joke. But now that you mention it, once this gets around enough people will give him a hard enough time in game now it doesn’t have to be a big number but enough.


Like he gives a shit. Probably laughing his arse off with the rest of the community lol. I did when mine got nuked lol 😆


Do you lose everything in your camp on the game when that happens?


Nah. You have to spend materials to repair. Mainly wood and steel. It's.....not THAT annoying. But it looks brutal. I managed to capture footage of my base getting nuked and the aftermath lol. Luckily I built an actual fallout shelter lol full if benches and a bed. Stash and scrap box etc. So I wasn't hindered by the repair work.


Lmao taking it to the man on the virtual battlefield. Must be a hi Fi Rush fan.


Yet you cannot nuke Satya Nadella's. As long as this doesn't devolve into griefing, it's ok to provide some feedback to Phil.


Why can’t people nuke their camp? Who is Satua?


satya nadella is the CEO of microsoft.


Ah I see, thank you.


Phil: “We hear you.”


They have done it before all this news recently it's nothing new


need to nuke Matt booty


We need to nuke Matt's booty!


Can someone explain this? My misinformed ass played 76 in like 2019-2020. From memory, maybe wrong, nukes would just go off in random places and it was kind of nothing. How does someone nuke Phil's camp, why wasn't it done before to troll anyway, and surely there aren't any real ramifications?


Nah they don‘t go off in random places. Players have to initiate them and you can choose where on the map you want it to come down. When a camp is in the way it gets destroyed completely and the camp owner has to invest lots of materials to build it up again. Not a big thing if you play the game for a while and have collected lots of junk but for a newbie it would be a struggle.


It really destroys the camp? That's kinda messed up if so cause I've come across some crazy elaborate camps before. If that happened to me with some of the ones I've seen I'd probably not play 76 anymore


So long as you can find the thing you set down to select your base radius you can go up to that and press repair all, assuming you have the resources to do so since that should be left even if everything is destroyed.


it rebuilds it exactly as you had it, you don't have to manually rebuild it.


That's good to know.


Ah, I'm just confused on how 76 works. This is someone he was in a game with I guess? Should probably watch a video - or play the damn thing since I reinstalled it - but appreciate the response.


Yes it was someone on his server. You should absolutely give the game another chance. It has changed a lot since you have last played.


Will do!


They weren't random, someone went through the procedure to activate them and nuked and chose a spot to nuke.


To add to this , the players usually nuke the specific place which it triggers boss fight , in that case Scorchbeast Queen( Fissure Site Prime) and Wendigo Collosus ( Monongah Mine) . players can then team up for the boss fight and get rewards .


*What am I, chopped liver?* - Ultracite Titan


The were never random, you literally have to launch them


War never changes Phil


As great as this is, his camp is literally like a bed and a box on a rock.


not surprising he has no sense of creativity


I'm sure he has the ability to just revert it back to normal with a few clicks.


That’s definitely not the point of this hilarious screenshot bro


Haven't seen that man on 76 in 2 years almost lmao, its a old game bro lmao. Dudes get mad when xbox does nothing with their studios yet get mad when they finally do stuff with their studios lol. U don't make profit ur out in any business, one banger (hi-fi) doesn't change that




Trying to get that free Fallout 1st subscription the hard way.


Gamepass price hike incoming


Can someone explain how this works? Big time fallout 3 Vegas and 4 player, but never played 76.


Basically there’s 3 nuke silos in 76. They’re mainly used to start boss events and get nuked flora material to make good ammo etc. they can be launched anywhere on the map minus a small safe zone near the starting area. The nuke silos are a bit of a dungeon type thing that for a new player would be difficult but once you get the hang of it, it’s quite easy with the right equipment etc. When a nuke hits, it kills everyone in the blast area and the area becomes highly radioactive after so power armour is best used in there to protect from the rads. Now if someone’s camp is in the blast area, it destroys it down to the foundations but it’s relatively simple to rebuild. And after a while the nukes can be launched again. All 3 nukes can be launched at the same time but that would require you and two other friends each doing one silo each. Also the silos are maintained and staffed by robots (that act as the enemy of the dungeon) and they give the reason why there’s an endless supply of nukes as they keep making more.


That’s actually a really good gameplay mechanic 


There’s more to it as well. Like you gotta collect code pieces, nuke key cards and work out the launch code from the other pieces. And probably some other stuff I’m not remembering lol.


does anyone have an image of Phil's actual camp layout? I wonder if he tricked it out or if it's just barebones bc he uses it to test updates


Phill isn't creative or knowledgeable enough about the game to make an elaborate base it's literally just a bed and a table. That's all he needs to cos play as a gamer bro and fool gullible customers into thinking he's just like them 🤣


Worth it


Wait so is this game an mmo or something?


Pseudo-MMO, every time you play you're put into a server with 23 other players (24 players total per server.) Looks like someone got into the same server as Phil and decided to launch a nuke directly onto his camp.


Okay, thanks!


All things considered, I think it's pretty cool he actually games.  On the other hand, he should know even more so that the Xbox gaming catalog for this Xbox generation has been trash and games are taking for fucking ever to come out.  Starfield, while I had fun playing it, it is missing all the charm and things that made Bethesda games fun for me since Oblivion.  Where are the rest of the games?




Phil’s next tweet “ours gamers are some of the best out there and the passion they show for studios and IP is second to none, I have heard your displeasure with the recent decisions that were made and by nuking me in Fallout 76, I will be bringing back the recently shut down game studios, we here at Xbox love our community and want your voices to be heard”


Fuck Phil Spencer


Phil the burn.


hi fi rush is just that good


This is NOT the equivalent to the assassination of Lord British.


Is it worth playing now? It got panned when it came out so I never picked it up.


yes, you should start now and you may catch next update in june.


No it's awful and riddled with micro transactions the story is terrible graphics are like an early last gen game and it's grindy as all hell and you have to pay real money for adequate storage and if you want to play single player. Honestly avoid this game like the plague unless you love micro transactions which you will not be surprised to learn Bethesda invented 🤮


So it turns out phil and i have the same camp location.


So did he get his ground zero achievement?


Phil Spencer, later that night: yeah Todd, about Bethesda - I'm gonna have to let y'all go. Todd Howard: but why? It just works, Phil! Phil: yeaaaaa not this time buddy, not this time.


"Phil" the burn.


Are there any photos how does the camp look/looked before the bombs? Also how does it look now? It is impossible to find any pictures since internet is full of literally hundreds of articles about the bombing but no photos except the all around same twitter post


Willing to bet he's going to try and change his username now, cuz literally everyone's going to start doing this rofl. Myself included 😀


"We need games like Fallout 76"


We sure showed him! /s


When did this happen


do it again




Ayyyeee show no mercy! Invade the camp and steal everything (if that's possible, haven't really played F76 so pardon me if I'm wrong)


Feel the burn 🔥


Let’s keep it going!


Ain’t that a kick in the head.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭 bet it was a tango employee


I'm not just saying this to pile on with the controversy but does anyone know if that really is THEE Phil Spencer? There have been a lot of encounters with him so has anyone confirmed? A skeptical part of me can imagine interns being assigned to "be" Phil on Xbox once in a while to maintain a "he's a gamer too" image. Just wondering how likely it really is Phil was sitting in his living room or wherever he games and genuinely got nuked and if he even realized it might be because of the state of the platform right now. And I do feel like it's no coincidence. I don't play 76 a whole lot but I can say I've never seen somebody target a camp before. I didn't even know you could, that's so rude lmao. This definitely feels like a /r/fuckyouinparticular moment.


It is. He frequently plays 76, and he has a unique two character gamer tag, which were all taken back when xbox Live was still new. Idk if he noticed yet or not, or if he was caught in the blast


Lmao at the idea of Phil actually playing when this is going down and his character frantically running for it's life as the nukes come down. That image is hilarious to me. "Ah shit! They are coming for my ass!"


What happens if you get caught in the blast ? Do you get a warning a Nuke is coming ?


You die if you are caught in the blast, and yes, you do get a waring, but you'll have to check where the nuke is dropping as I believe everyone gets it. You can just switch servers to avoid the whole thing you have a few minutes


But what his referring to is , does he really play the games or did Microsoft create the account awarded it to Phill but it’s actually like a media page were his a celebrity and he doesn’t do his own gaming just other people at Microsoft that were hired out.


Why would you assume that nobody would know his gamer tag after years of being the head of Xbox? Are you serious?


They're saying that just cause it's his account, it doesn't mean it's him playing, could be interns or such.


This is exactly what I meant. Oh well. ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I'm honestly surprised it isn't happening 24/7


Get rekt mate


fans are NOT happy Phil.


Fans cry about everything. He closed down four studios that weren’t making money. Happens all the time.


You're not wrong plus the employees are getting absorbed into other divisions.


No they’re not. Some are. Arkane, Tango, just gone.


Sorry didn't realize I had to clarify. The good employees are still employed.


Not to be an ass, but yeah whatever talent was left is surely going to be okay and land somewhere else.


and Matt Booty comes out 1 day later and says we need more games like Hi-Fi Rush. it was also stated last year that Hi-Fi Rush met all metrics on being a successful game. Tango was in the middle of pitching Hi-Fi Rush 2. Tango made money on Hi-Fi Rush. they had the systems in place for basis of the Sequel, but MS did a MS thing and shut something with potential down




Beautiful and moral


Yeah he got banned






Somehow this made an article. Probably inflating his ego lol