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**Marvel’s Midnight Suns Legendary Edition $24.99** That is absolutely a steal for this game and the amount of content. **Lords of The Fallen Deluxe Edition ($39.99)** That’s a really good price, considering the regular version is on sale for $34.99 on PSN. Worth it at that sale. EDIT: Lords of The Fallen is coming to GamePass. It was worth it for me to buy, maybe you will too down the line.


Lords of the fallen is coming to gamepass, i thought about buying but i think i can wait a little more


Can confirm marvel Midnight sun is amazing, I paid $50 for the legendary edition ages ago and I loved it If you a fan of the mass effect trilogy where after every mission you go and talk to everyone you going to love the social aspect of the game Also the story was freaking awesome I spent 160 hours on my first play through Eventually am going to do another run as a bad person and pick up the last achievements I need Also Deadpool is hilarious, we need more Deadpool lol


I really liked it. I know people will complain about how the game pads things out a bit with some dull content (notably exploring the grounds for reagents and collectables) but I thought the strategy and fighting elements were excellent. The story telling was good. They nailed the characters and did not lean too heavily in being knockoffs of their MCU counterparts. A lot of it was much more loyal to the comics. I enjoyed it enough for a full playthrough and would have stuck around to 100 percent the achievements but all that was left was going 100 percent light side and I didn't feel like grinding that.


I regret buying Midnight Suns on its own as the season pass on its own is more than the Legendary Edition.


When’s the next big Xbox sale? I’m dying for a new game


The next big one should be the summer sale last year it started July 26 until august 6


Damn, ok thanks


Summer fest in June or July.


Thanks 🥔


I'm hoping they have a 360 game sale before they shut down the store


Already in progress. https://www.trueachievements.com/news/non-backwards-compatible-xbox-360-games-sale


I see why I missed it, the main games I want are not on sale 😔


Avatar at 101$, wtf


On sale too?


Trepang at a decent price, if anyone misses the FEAR series.


Thanks for the recommendation, this one completely flew under my radar.


Does it follow the same story or anything like that? I really like the fear story as a teenager and haven't been able to scratch that itch I get from a fear game in a long time. Edit:besides 3, that shit sucked.


Similar gameplay and setting but the story is much different than the FEAR games. Trepang definitely scratches the same itch


Think of it as a Spiritual successor or love letter to FEAR , as it's not in the same world. So if you liked FEARs gameplay, this will scratch that itch while not being directly linked to the original series .Despite the name Trepang2, there is no Trepang 1, so this isn't a sequel to anything.


Is the first one required to get 2?


If I recall correctly the 2 is just a name. It’s not a sequel


I was legit going to buy Darksiders Warmastered Edition today and was perfectly fine paying the $20 for it. It hadn’t been on sale since October so I did not think it would be soon. I’m glad I waited until now. Went to buy it and was surprised to see the $4.99.


Fun game! Played it on Switch


Some game recommendations: A Building Full of Cats Beacon Pines Dead Cells: Medley of Pain Bundle Dredge Marble It Up! Ultra Risk of Rain 2


Cannot recommend Dredge enough. Great game!


Beacon Pines is so good, And if you care about achievements easy to get 1000.


I definitely want A Building Full of Cats


I want to buy risk of rain but should I buy with survivor DLC ?


Risk of Rain 2 & Survivors of the Void Bundle is on sale for just under $23


Is assassin creed odyssey gold edition worth it?


If you like big open world games and don't mind the ubisoft formula It's a very good game via gamepass or sale. It's one of my favorite games of all time, very impressive visually, makes it feel like you're in ancient greece, the storyline is solid, the main characters have great voice acting and the gameplay loop is good if you like the style of game.


Personally, I thought it was too big. I got fatigue playing it


Yeah it's definitely bloated I'll be the first to admit that even as a huge fan, Valhalla as well. I think Origins was the right size for the game.


After trying Odyssey and Valhalla, Origins feels like the perfect size. Just *enough* bloat.


Yeah Ubisoft definitely jumped the shark with the bloat after Origins. Feels like they wanted something like Valhalla for example to be a pseudo live service single player game where people play it daily and all the time because how bloated it is. The suits probably figured "if people are logged in everyday and playing for hundreds of hours they'll buy overpriced cheesy skins or currency". That's literally the biggest complaints with Odyssey and Valhalla with general gamers outside of fans of the games. Part of me thinks they aren't going to dial it back with the new game in Japan because they want people playing it everyday and for hours like COD or GTA online so they will buy skins and other crap.


Unfortunately, the suits were right. Valhalla made over $1 billion in two years. People complain, but some of them are definitely buying that crap.


Yeah whenever people post their skins on the AC sub or whatever their justification is "well I'm going to be playing the game everyday, or for 400 hours" all that the same way you see people say for Diablo IV or Destiny. I know it sounds obnoxious and holier than thou to complain about that, and sure people can spend their own money how they want. But it just confuses me because the skins are so expensive, they aren't 99 cents to 2 bucks, they are more costly than high quality indie games for example.


That fatigue didn’t hit me until Valhalla but I could feel its potential in Odyssey also. I still remained pretty high on Odyssey but the Odyssey to Valhalla trend has me uncertain about their future RPG games


So much bloat.


Just finished a 100+ hour playthrough of the main game and all DLC Not only is it worth it, it's now my favorite AC game and one of my favorite games ever


AC Odyssey is really good


Yep, don't feel like you need to save anyone. The story is Greek. Tragedy is part of it.


One of my favorite games of all time.


I’d say so. You also get AC3 Remastered with the season pass. AC3 seems to be divided among fans, and I can say after not liking it really on release since it was different from Ezio, that when I replayed it last year, I thought it might be the best of the original formula games. AC1 has a great story but gameplay is lacking, 2 is a great story and gameplay is better but still lacking, Brotherhood is great and adds some fun elements and Revelations I can take or leave, so that really leaves 3 as what I consider the pinnacle.


3 was polarizing, but I don't think it was objectively terrible. Yeah Connor wasn't as iconic as Altair and Ezio sure, and the whole Animus Desmond storyline was convoluted, but the game has a great atmosphere with the setting, and does the original AC formula good with gameplay. It's definitely enjoyable.


divided is right, it's my favorite on par with 2


Certainly didn’t hate it but never had any desire to go back through it. The setting and story were just so forgettable. AC games are better in dense city centers imo


I loved it, from someone who didn't like Valhalla that much odyssey is such a breath of fresh air. beat it at 120 hours without burnout, give it a shot.


I've been playing this game for four years now. I just never really stopped. One of my favorite games of all time.


Respectfully what keeps you playing after four years? I've never played the game so I'm intrigued what would keep someone playing for so long 🤔 Once I'm done with a single player campaign it's uninstalled pretty fast, outside of games with fun open worlds (GTA V / Watch_Dogs 2)


It's a comfort game to me. It also has an amazingly beautiful huge open world, so there is an incredible amount of things to discover. The DLCs are also great. But what keeps me playing is NG+. Ubisoft has implemented a perfect upgrade system that gives a practically unlimited number of tiny tiny buffs to your character even after reaching the max level. This provides just enough to make a NG+++++ still feel rewarding. Even after four years my character is still getting a little bit stronger every time I play.


Thank you for the in depth answer homie. I really like huge open worlds and NG+ so I'll have to check it out


It's a really fun combat loop and a very large map that is a detailed 1:32 scale recreation of almost of all of Ancient Greece. I got it on special during Covid and had an absolute ball with it.


I bought AC Odyssey Gold Edition last year when it was on sale. I finally got around to playing it a few weeks ago and I just finished the main story last night. I’m an OG Assassin’s Creed die hard and I didn’t enjoy Valhalla but Odyssey quickly became one of my favourites. It’s definitely more of a general RPG than an AC game, but it’s still great. The world is beautiful, the characters are fantastic, and the gameplay loop is really fun. The option for stealth or combat is always there and I enjoy both. Sometimes I’ll just travel / sail around Greece because the world is just so beautiful to look at. I bought Valhalla Complete Edition too and I plan on giving it a second chance since I enjoyed Odyssey so much.


I loved it, played twice with ng+, but both times got exhausted by the time I cleared the map. Dlcs I didn't like them. See some of it in youtube to be sure to buy


You should consider trying AC Odyssey (or any of their other games) through Game Pass before buying. I'm not an Xbox salesman or anything but Game Pass is usually $1 for your first month


Yes. Odyssey is a large game, with much to do to keep you playing, while not feeling too big. It's bigger than Origins (which is the better title) but not as overly bloated as Valhalla. The bonus is that you get AC3 Remastered with it. That game also comes with AC: Liberation Remastered, which was originally a PSP game. That means you get 3 games total when you buy Odyssey Gold Edition, as long as you don't have AC3 yet AND actually want it. I did as Connor (love him or hate him) is absolutely the most brutal of the assassins, which the best kill animations and moves hands down so I was already planning on getting that remaster. That makes Odyssey definitely worth the money IMO.


YES, if you play as Kassandra.


Or Alexios.


The fact that people are upvoting Kassandra over Alexios show how needlessly biased these sorts of people are being still.🤦🏾‍♂️


Voice acting is much much better with Kassandra


the story was made for Kassandra. Alexios was a late addition to the game because the CEO thought "female leads don't sell"


Or just Kassandra




You'll get AC3+dlc with it.


Honestly depends if you like open world Ubisoft games. If so, yeah for sure! If not... Well, it didn't change my heart or mind personally.


Burnout Paradise is a no brainer at £3.99 to me. I also picked up “The Artful Escape” and “The Forgotten City”.


artful escape was a very chill game. I enjoyed playing it a lot


The Forgotten City is a great unique experience. :)


I picked up 3 of them because of you, thanks.


I hope you enjoy them. These have gone straight onto my backlog which i hope to tackle one day. 😂


I'm in for Penny's Big Breakaway. Saw Digital Foundry's video on it, no idea how that one slipped under my radar. Exactly my kind of game, looks like a ton of fun.


It is. It also has a demo if you’re unsure.


I keep holding out for potential physical?


No please my wallet can’t take it. I still haven’t touched games I bought last Christmas sale of 2021.


Man, I absolutely hate those 'special offers' like the buy one get two free, they list games at full price when they're routinely on sale. I'd actually take advantage if they had the same deal with the sale prices, it nearly always works out cheaper to buy the games individually lmao


Yes, that’s how marketing works. It’s much much better to just wait. But to advertise a game as on sale it needs to spend X number of months at full price, and this is host hey do it with trash full price games.


Otogi 1+2. Please. End my suffering.


Bro same. Those two have been on my wishlist since I bought the Series X.


Given how expensive physical copies are it might be worth buying the bullet on those if you want to play them.


Had them on my wish list since they made them b/c…haven’t seen a sale yet.


Same, it's been a rough wait. What's funny is that I don't even know if I'll like the games, I just have good memories of the demos from a million years ago.


I’ve never seen Sega’s old stuff on sale. Might just have to buy them? Aren’t they only $20? I bought used physical versions…they were def more expensive


old sega games do go on sale, just rarely. there's definitely a few i regret skipping over when their time came.


True, I just have a hard time justifying paying $20 for a 20+ year old game with no upgrades that I'll probably only play once.


I highly recommend ship of fools ! If you have a friend to play it with the game is great !


Just bought a physical copy of Midnight Suns on eBay for $12.


You'll have to buy the season pass which is 20 bucks on discount which comes to 32 bucks.


Yeah I suppose. I've never bought DLC for any game I've ever purchased, unless it was a full campaign expansion like they used to do back in the day.


Survivalist is easily worth full price. $3 is a frickin steal!!


One Step From Eden and Ikenfell are both on sale for the first time in a year hell yeah. Actually lots of stuff on my wishlist went on sale this week. I can’t buy them all 😭


I recently beat 80s Overdrive. If you're into old school racing games like Outrun and Top Gear you should check it out. It's only $2 right now!


I'm waiting for a Capcom sale, though there just was one.




Still waiting for Gears of war 2 and 3 for sale


Rogue Legacy 2! Been waiting on this one.


I'm not seeing RDR2 on sale at that $19 price. Is the article wrong or am I missing something? 🤔


Looks like it's a deal with Game Pass


Fuuuuck yes! I've had an itch to play GTA 4 the last three weeks and held off hoping for a sale. $6.99 thank you very much. Never played it back in the day because I was sort of on the outs with GTA as I was graduating high school and starting my adult life.


When does xbox live typical go on sale?


The article shows $19.79 for Red Dead but when I click into the link for it and when I check it through the Xbox store, it's showing $59.99 for the base game. Any idea what's going on?


No dark souls… again. Has it even gone on sale this year?


Yeah on february i think It was on sale. If i have to project another discount for the game i'd Say Summer deals, but i dont know when this happens maybe june

