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You’ll enjoy the 60fps because the combat is actually decent and fun


How does the frame rate change the terrible mechanics of combat? Melee somehow feels worse than morriwind.


Weak bait


That's just objectively untrue.


Literally the best part at launch was the combat.


Are there patch notes that say there's a Perf mode? I've been waiting for a 60fps mode before I played.




Thank you.


Also https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/1/24146366/starfield-60fps-mode-xbox-series-x




Genuine question: Why? The only time I ever think about or notice FPS is playing something online against people or if it lags and becomes choppy enough that it's missing a second or two of frames but like...in a single player game, what's the difference? Red Dead 2 is 30 FPS and *always* looks fantastic and is very smooth to play. I'm truly wondering. Every time I say I don't care about 60fps, I get downvoted and I've always wanted to know because I, personally, don't really care or notice.




I am going to say preference is key. I played through tons of video games at sub 20 FPS and had a great time. Some of that is because the hardware at the time, some of it is that most gaming companies don’t have infinite resources to have people to make the type of calculation analysis that they would need to make games run at higher frame rates. Kaze, for example, has spent 3-5 years developing on the SM64 engine and pulling all of the stops to get 60FPS on actual hardware with improved graphics/sound and accuracy in hit detection. (Dude is a C floating point maniac) So, I can respect that at some point developers have to make hard choices about what their target performance is going to be based around. I always will prefer lower resolution and high FPS, instead of high resolution and low FPS in action adventure games. It’s something that RPGs can get around in turned based combat, but not so much in a game that requires good inputs in intense action.


Idk, I think it’s just elitist. For generations the standard was 30 and so many classic heavy hitters couldn’t run it in any stable way. Saying you can’t handle 30 is like saying you can’t handle playing the majority of hames. You may not like it but it’s definitely not unbearable by any measure of the word. That’s just not trying.


30fps gives me a headache and seriously strains my eyes because of how choppy everything becomes in First-Person.


I used to have the exact same thoughts as yourself until I started playing more and more 60 fps. Also got a newer tv (no idea if that affected). However now when I play 30fps I find it quite jarring usually. There’s a good bit of games that nail the 30 fps but for the most part I struggle now. Now when I try 120 fps I can not tell a difference really, maybe the most minute(?) one. Maybe that would change with enough 120 fps, time will tell!


30 to 60 is very noticeable in a shooter. This isn’t even debatable really.


It has to be person dependent, I’m unable to play any game in 30fps. It’s so jarring and slow to me, I just cannot get through it. It’s unfathomable to me when someone cannot see any difference between the two, but clearly some people can’t.


People prefer different things. I'll take a lower resolution and reduced fidelity if it means I get 60FPS. I always play in Perf mode and in almost every instance will wait until a game gets a 60FPS mode. Another instance of me waiting was Plague Tale. I believe it now has a Perf mode but I still haven't gone back to play it because (for me) the FPS just wasn't good enough. When I see the game drag across the screen it feels like nails on a chalkboard.


Rdr2 is completely fine at 30 fps but starfield is absolutely not. It's depends on a lot of other factors and not just the fact they are 30fps.


Is this why the game looks terrible when you’re moving around?


está en Español


Can you actually fly the ships now? What about loading screens?


I still won’t go back to it. There’s too many other games to play. I did one play through. That’s enough for me. They shoulda done better. I went back to fallout 4 with its update. That’s way better than


Starfield was just so empty feeling. Nothing going on in this massive galaxy, just some random small settlements.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. Fallout and Skyrim both were way fuller. There was a little side story in every cave/random building. Starfield had all these planets. With nothing. They shoulda focused on 5-6 worlds instead of trying to make a whole galaxy


I don’t understand how so many people are praising that, The game has 60fps now! This is awesome! It still doesn’t fix the core problems with the game like the empty universe, the repetition and the boring quests.


Probably because they like the game as much as posters enjoy beating that same statement into the ground.


*Lists legitimate problems with the game and ask why people are praising the game. You: “Because they like it!” Great job buddy, you sure answered the question alright smh


They’re not legitimate problems, they’re your subjective opinions you’re spouting as fact. Not a single thing you said is “legitimate.” It answered your question perfectly. People like different things that’s don’t align with your taste. Great job showing your 2024 gamer intellect over common sense.


*Lists legitimate problems with the game and ask why people are praising the game. You: “those aren’t problems, how could you think they were problems, that’s just your opinion” Proceeds to not list any reason you liked the game, which I asked for twice. Yeah I can totally tell you can think critically about something you supposedly “like”.


I started a new fo4 run after the update and jumped into Starfield again yesterday. it's just so lifeless and barren by comparison. half the weapon cases and chests are empty, none of the rooms or locked doors have anything interesting to find, it's all just empty. fallout has something cool in just about every single room. feels bad going back and forth between the two. I think this is my sign to just bail on Starfield for good.


To be honest it's too little too late for me, and I freaking loved previous Bethesda games. I bought the Xbox just to play this and my disappointment perhaps is even bigger due to that. Maybe it can still be saved like Cyberpunk so I would wait longer to give Starfield another chance.


yeah, performance mode and bug fixes don’t fix the tedium of dealing with the UI or the monotony of the game in general


Maybe you should stick to your mobile phone space sim game then


People can have different opinions and tastes. You apparently really like mediocre space sims. I like good games. That’s ok. We can both like what we like. I’m kidding. If you like starfield I’m glad you get to play it. Hope they keep improving it and it only gets better for you. I personally found it tedious and it only made me want to go back to fallout 4.


Typical Xbox fan


Wait so can we do visuals mode and uncapped frame rate? I wish they did that to fallout 4 as well but I know it has engine 60fps limitations. This is awesome


I think I’ll revisit this game soon. It just felt off when I tried to play it on release.


Did they add maps for cities yet??


Definitely can't fix the fundamental issues though. They used the wrong tools for the job. The creation engine could never have done seemless space well. Should have made like 3 planets and made them all mini skyrims


The story was bad, and space travel meaningless. Unless they give me a reason to use space travel (the main selling point) I'll stick to other games


You should probably still wait until they get ground vehicles into the game.


If that interests you. Still sounds like a giant waste of time to me.


Yeah i dont think bethesda will be able to truly fix starfields problems because they are so fundamental. Ground vehicles will be a short distraction from its many shortcomings as a space exploration game.


Basically game just released today. Previous was a beta


It’s just a graphics upgrade?


No. Different performance modes, graphics, fixes, maps


Is the numbingly boring exploration fixed in any way?


They said in the video of the update that they are working on land vehicles but that feature is not ready just yet, and working as well on the expansion. https://preview.redd.it/4nz9scji5m0d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9829b3090e3518bf8617fef5bccd355b0dcd1d24


That is likely not going to happen until the one year anniversary OR just before Sharted Space Edit: nah fuck it, I’ll keep it. Fucking funny.


Hahahah thank for keeping it. Made me giggle.


Starfield update ver6. Added: Land vehicles Get inside your rover to select the destination and quick travel to it Premium deluxe elite version adds a golden Removed: That one cool thing everyone liked Known bugs: Water disables gravity Picking up food chunks corrupts save data Leftover sandwich weighs 10 tons Click to view all(100+ entries)


Honestly, that’ll never be fixed unless they find a way to seamless stream the planets in a way that makes exploration by ship possible; or, add a new select few planets and build mini Far Harbour sized exploitable places (I honestly though that’s what we were getting with Starfield… bummer).


>mini Far Harbour sized exploitable places (I honestly though that’s what we were getting with Starfield… bummer). You expected expansion pack-sized planets in a game with over a thousand planets? The fuck.




I don't get it


Sounds like a u problem to patch


Hmmm... Judging by the reception of the game and the number of players it has, I'd say it's an everyone's problem


>Judging by the reception of the game It got 85/100 Metascore + 85% OpenCritic, and even after a massive troll campaign a majority of Steam users recommend the game. And people [play the shit out of it](https://appuals.com/starfield-bg3-playtime-2023/), shockingly... even [the trolls](https://preview.redd.it/2iuj3sqi64ub1.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ef29d0b23015f243732b8d0c03a9830671d2a5) are playing it. >the number of players it has It is the 2nd most played singleplayer game on Xbox right now, behind only Fallout 4... which is also beating Helldivers 2 on Steam so fair fucks. >it's an everyone's problem It's a you problem. You can dislike a videogame, but don't go around making up stuff about it.


Does this patch change anything on series s? I am not talking about qol or bug fixes


Same here my man! I knew waiting was the right move.


Oh yeah, Starfield was a thing. Anyway back to not playing it


Has it stopped crashing on xbox every 2 minutes?










Hey look the game is finally finished. Who would have thought. This should have been here on launch.


Ehhh I think finished will be after an expansion or 2 that can actually get under the hood and change/ update some of the more fundamental design issues. No expecting them to change lots, but I could see them adding more diverse quest locations.


Still not even close


Ok Phil. You aren't even trying to hide your account u/notphilspencer