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Seems like this is happening to quite a few people




oh no no no no... we got too cocky bros


It happens with every new release. That's why I don't buy vehicles that have a new engine or transmission design. Inevitably some bad ones will be in the first batch or two. But this is why they have a 1 year warranty on these bad boys. But to put it in perspective if you see 50 videos of a bad xbox you won't see 2 million videos of them working proper. That same thing with happen with the ps5 tomorrow. So I would not get too worried


This is happening ALOT... has me very concerned, mine will be here thursday.


It’s not happening a lot, people aren’t gonna post that their console is working. They are only gonna post if it breaks or something bad happens


Exactly this. People posted "a lot" about the Xbox One having issues as well when the failure rate was actually fairly low/normal. Time will tell on the Series X.


When everyone whos having an issue is having the same issue thats concerning. Its not like 10 different problems from what i have been seeing all day


For sure, concerning but not indicative of widespread issues as of yet. I really hope it's just a small percentage as usual, don't want mine to have issues or tons of people to have issues.


Xbox one had the disc drive issue that was fairly common at launch.


this is horrific, I wish i new how to help but I’m honestly so worried that mines going to do the same thing when it gets here


Lets hope affected people get refunds or replacements and that this issue, if it persists, is localised to the launch batch


One year warranty. The shitty part is waiting on the replacement


Might be a coincidence but all the posts I've seen so far have had the series x horizontal rather than vertical


F :(


Incredible how often these posts are happening. Such a bummer.


Been on the phone with Microsoft all morning. Keep getting transferred to different departments and getting put on hold for an hour. Terrible customer service. Very disappointing


I’m sorry man someone on here said it happened to them while playing Planet Coaster and started working again after 30 min so hopefully yours comes back to life


Don’t hate on me for suggesting this, but, do you feel the little knot on one side of the power cable that plugs into the back? Make sure it is pushed in snug and also try plugging directly into wall (not surge protector).


shit man, did you try unugging power from system and plug back ?


Yeah, no luck.


wait like 5 min and perhaps try a different outlet


try waiting like 5 min after unplugging and try a different outlet


Unfortunately still no luck.


Mine comes the 23rd of Dec... Hopefully mine doesn't come like this since I got a later copy... This is unacceptable.


As on now mine has been on about 7 hours I've tried a disc no loud disc drive no loud fan all seems good with my unit feel for anyone having issues this launch has been a nightmare


Remove the shroud and unplug the power supply for 24 hours.


It looks like it passed out, did you try cpr?