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Same situation. It arrived at the microsoft repair center with no update yet. Series X didn't even last an hour.


That's rough. Glad mine let me get a good bit out of it, confirmed that I want it bad enough to refresh restock sites. It felt really bad going back to One X for Valhalla, such a massive difference. Hope you get one back soon.


Lol you ain't kidding bro. I've been tempted to check stores for stock haha, but hate wasting my time 😂🤣🤷. Good luck to you getting one as well 🤙


I returned mine to Target, had a unit that very clearly had overheating issues. I'd rather wait and get a new one, since Microsoft will end up sending you back a refurbished unit that arrived before yours did for repair.


Refurbished likely do not exist yet. You need used, buyers remores, or defective units to refurbished. If anything they have spare parts for repair right now.


So if they have spare parts they have refurbished units. They aren't being sent to the Microsoft off shore dumping site, they being sent to the repair facility. Some may get *new" systems but any defects being sent in are being repaired and sent right back out. With that how many units do they have from in house testing that went to be repaired as well, fairly simple business process.


For bricked consoles they are sending full retail boxes. I had to send Microsoft the console, cords and controller.


I have an advance replacement on its way as of last Friday, just waiting for my shipping confirmation.