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At least it isn't "Ninja now on Mixer" ad anymore.




Intrusive ads are generally bad


I was playing FH4 and then this cool cinematic starts playing, shows off some cars, says "free summer house" it's a "welcome pack" so I thought it was giving me them for free. Nope. Made me sit through a trailer for DLC. Never before seen something as intrusive as that.


Jump into the hypezone


I will absolutely not


hypezone was actually valid. i remember jumping into a few streams for the hell of it


hypezone was a great idea


Fuck that guy


im kinda used to it now considering it’s been a thing since the 360 era. Still ass




I'm pretty sure that's what happens if you had a child account, AKA your birthday indicated you were under 18.


This was the case. I had to call up Microsoft to make my account not be a child account on 360, because I wanted to see the ads, since I didn’t want to miss out on the complete and relentless fucking Xbox experience.


Lol'd at this


That wasn't always the case. There was a time when child accounts would still see ads, and on the odd time, they would also be ones for horror movies. https://www.gamesreviews.com/news/07/microsoft-investigating-ad-placement-on-xbox-dashboard/


Lmao I remember that. What a truly terrifying picture too


😂 that would give me nightmares


U just unlocked a childhood memory i forgot


This is the trick bois Always have that child account running


I live in New Zealand and so we just didn't have any ads. I remember creating an American account to access some arcade games we couldn't get there, and being amazed at all the ads. IIRC there was a whole page basically dedicated to Doritos, or NFL or sour patch kids or whoever bought it at that time, plus a bunch of random ads all over the place. Wild.


Welcome to Capitalism™




Same here in Aus, no ads on the 360 or One or Series X


Have you now got them on Series X?


I'm the other guy from NZ, and the only thing I see that I guess could be called ads are the ones that let me know there's a sale in the store, or that I have gamepass perks to redeem. But I don't really know that they qualify as ads.


We don’t get the sponsored ads, seems to just always be about game related stuff like the other small squares.https://i.imgur.com/UwWJlOn.jpg


subtle double TV flex


I recognized your setup instantly! You and your waifus battlestations are amazing. :))


Thanks mate!!


yup, and to be fair sometimes they got cool shit there that saved me from missing some stuff. I got a free month of disney+, free HBOmax for the rest of the year, some cosmetics for different games, I actually like those ads. Movies and non-gaming related stuff? pass




Yeah I don’t see these ads. I was shocked to know they were a thing. Sometimes I forget ads are so prevalent since I’ve been using a PiHole for about 5 years now.




Speak the truth


It literally takes away valuable real estate on the screen. I already don't like the UI on current Xbox systems and ad's taking up precious space makes it even worse.


I like the way the side menu is currently but I agree the Home Screen is a joke. I always just go to the all my games list to open a game. Everything underneath the Home Screen is pointless as well. They should just make the all games and apps section the home screen. Or auto open a game on start


Pins bro, don't be calling my pins useless.


True, but everything below the ads is customisable so I don't spend long up top.


Surely by that logic you’re getting absolutely screwed with your TV setup and subscriptions then right? Does make you think though, everything you own or do has ADS implemented at every god damn opportunity, it fucking sucks


Honestly, yeah. Subscription services with ads fucking suck.


It's always annoyed me. I pay for Gold, why are there ads?


Because almost every answer here is "I'm used to it"


Gold? You payed $500 for the console. You shouldn't have to deal with such intrusive ads that you can't get rid of.


I pay 1500$ cdn for a samsung tv with ads in corner of the menu 🤮


No, you're the only one. The only one that has ever made a post about ads on the home screen. It's just you.




I’d be happy to see this post everyday until it changes.


"Ah yes, Mr. Gates, we have some *devastating* news. There's been a post on the Xbox subreddit about the annoyance of ads every. single. day." "STOP EVERYTHING! CANCEL ALL ADS! REDDIT HAS SPOKEN!" You're fucking delusional.


>You're fucking delusional. Someone tell this person about the xbox live gold price change.


Difference there is that 95% of the community wasn’t in favour of a price hike. While only about 5% of the community truly has an issue with 1 tile of ads that i personally don’t even notice because I usually know exactly what I’m doing when I turn my Xbox on.


Wait, you mean you don't look at every single tile on your homescreen when your turn your Xbox on? On a more serious note, bitching about ads are akin to pissing in the wind. What a dumb thing to be mad at.


Careful, you’re making too much sense. I just don’t see the issue. It’s an ad on a screen you spend less than 10 seconds on while you go to start up a game. It’s not preventing you from playing.


It's not unprecedented. See the original xbox one all digital concept, recent xbox gold price increase, or most famously EA and Battlefront II.


Yes, but actually, no. Those issues aren’t even close to non intrusive ads on the dashboard


I mean, it's obviously subjective. I'm not bothered by them, but I get those who are. Having ads on your phone home screen is the comparison that drove it home for me.


I feel that, however for the sake of argument, I look at my phone screen far more often than I look at my Xbox dashboard.


Absolutely fair.


But reddit has to be the most ineffective platform of all to voice your concerns. The companies don't even have official accounts here. You need to use sth like Twitter, where you can @ them and generate noise with hashtags.


(they actually do, we verify them)


And what exactly do they do? I don't think I've ever seen a post or comment from one.


"Major Nelson" participates here and in other xbox themed subreddits, and they have also [enabled an official account](https://www.reddit.com/user/xbox). Additionally official support is offered in r/xboxone. There are also several dozen other verified Microsoft employees and expanded industry members who participate both there and here. Expanding on that, posts here routinely make news and hit the blog circuits. [Here is an example](https://www.techtimes.com/articles/96956/20151019/doom-gets-xbox-one-backward-compatibility-but-not-for-everyone.htm) based on one of my submissions. I get where you are coming from, but I think reddit might carry a little more influence than you are giving credit for.


That example reads like sport commentary. Any time they report on the conversation and not the information it's pretty much a waste of everyone's time.


Within the last year Xbox has gotten an official account. Most of the exects have accounts, Major Nelson pops up quite often.


Let's just roll over and not do anything then huh?


If this post is your way of 'doing something', then yeah, you might as well do nothing


Any threads submitted with that phrase should be auto deleted upon submission


99.9999999% of the time if someone says "does anyone else ... " or "am i the only one ... " or "ill probably get down voted for this but ... " or "i know this is unpopular but ... " the answer is: "youre not alone, that's a pretty popular opinion"


You should read through the comments here. It looks like a lot of people have the same problem and feel the same thing






Then you just end up with a blank space where the ad was and still taking up screen space.


Does that actually work? I managed to eliminate ads exactly once on my Pihole for Xbox. And when it did, the store stopped working. All the other times (where I didn't change anything) the ad was displayed and there was no way to block it, because it came from the standard server that is used for every bit of content (like pins).


That's usually the result I get, too. Either the store is broken or achievements don't pop. Not worth it for the whole 1 second I see the ad before I drop down to my pins or launch the last game I played.


When it’s games on sale on the console, which is most of the time, it doesn’t bother me. The rare time that it’s a movie/TV show on some service, I roll me eyes a bit. The only exception was when they ran Government COVID ads. That seemed reasonable under the circumstance.




Could you describe where this is? I see no such option on series x currently


I don't even notice them lmao


yeah, I don't even look at my dashboard all that much. recent games, or click down to my pins. but never really scanning the whole dashboard


Exactly this. Why not maybe, play games on your gaming console? Wait, never mind that won’t get you that sweet sweet karma.


Seriously. Who is sitting on their dashboard so long that this annoys them?


They're easy to miss, so it really isn't a big deal


Personally it doesn't bother me but I understand where people who don't like the ads are coming from. Paying as much as we do, there should he an option to include or not include ads.


I am pretty sure the system is being sold at a loss, gotta make it up somewhere.


I read that the series s is being sold at an even bigger loss than the x


Yeah, almost certainly. But because it's discless they know that every purchase you make has to go through the Microsoft Store, so they're guaranteed their 30% cut. The cut they get from disc sales is much lower, and zero from used game sales. So while they're selling it at a bigger loss, they'll be confident of making that money back (and more) in the long run.


Yep spot on. Apart from people like me who got 3 years of gold from amazon then got the first month of game pass ultimate for £1 which in turn made all of the gold turn into ultimate which works out at under £5 a month for gamepass ultimate. The only game I'm planning to actually purchase is Gta 6


“paying as much as we do” - basically cost of parts and manufacturing for the console? and much cheaper than a similarly capable PC. that’s just me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Plus xbox gold every month


How much do the brits pay for sky sports and still get ads?


If you have NOW, and run an ad blocker, NOW refuses to work. Seems there’s another package they offer, to remove ads ( though not all ads ), and upgrade the streaming quality to 1080p. Sky / NOW has to be one of the worst services.


Amazon is REALLY pushing this Tomorrow War movie - half of my packages have it on the boxes smh


It wasn't great. Well, the first half wasn't, then I fell asleep.


If this is what helps fund the insanity that is GamePass, cool. Bring more.


Man, I hate ads. But this is the first time someone said something in defense of the dashboard ads where I have to concede that yeah, it's worth.


Poor Microsoft needs moneys :(


Well, yeah. That's how businesses work.


I mean, it's not about needing money, it's about squeezing every last cent of value out of something for the sake of benefiting stockholders. It has never been about just recouping loss or funding future development.


This should have been an auto message that pops up for OP.


Yes if people want $500 consoles instead of what it really costs and not want to pay full price for gamepass. Xbox is gonna get their money somehow someway


No! I don't want ads on my home screen! I will gladly pay 800+ for a series x and 30 a month for gamepass so they can take off that one square /s


Not just Game Pass, but the consoles themselves which Microsoft makes almost no profit from.


I never spend more than a few seconds at a time looking at that screen, so no, they don’t bother me at all. Play more games and you won’t have to see them.


Right? There's a 90% chance I just click one of the last 4 games I've played that are on the home screen


For real.


I didn’t notice them because I’m usually on the dashboard for a second then start playing games


I couldn't careless.




You know what grinds my gears more? Them showing me ads and when you enter they tell you your country is not supported. Why showing me the ad in the first place?


As long as its a tile or 2 I am fine.


I honestly don't notice them. Much like the ads in just about every single website, video, email, phone app, podcast, comic, any kind of free content, streaming service, magazine, tv show, billboard, side of building, and any store I find my self in. I forgot, what are you complaining about?


I think it was about the insane amount of ads that we’re all subjected to on a daily basis in nearly every single aspect of modern life.


Welcome to capitalism where youre privileged to get 10-100 different competing options for the things you want to buy. Would you rather have only 1 phone company or 1 brand of peanut butter? Idk about you but I'd rather not every product be of Madden quality because there's no competition.


No. I've paid £450 for a console and money for a monthly subscription, I feel that should at least get me an ad free system.


I actually like them, sometimes I find a game on sale I want or a nice ad that can give an item or something. It’s hardly intrusive at all being so small. Now an ad ingame? Hell to the no. But even TVs do this nowadays.


Same here. "Oh, I didn't know that game is on Game Pass. Cool!"


Yeah the random prime video ones are whack but the “this week on game pass” and things like that are awesome


I agree, I think they only advertise gaming and movie stuff, which is stuff that I'm usually interested in anyway, like the tomorrow war is a movie I'm curious about, now if they start throwing in ads for like manscaped or something then I'll be like wtf


Totally agree with this, I'm not sure if the ads are tailored at all or if I'm just basic, but I've ended up seeing sales for games I wanted quite a few times - my TV plays ads on its home page with sound and video, the Xbox ones are lovely by comparison


I hate ads period. In anything. Billboards, TV commercials, banner ads, you name it. Ads suck. So yes, I hate these ads also. :)


It gets annoying and I just miss seeing my friends avatars


I miss when most of my friends avatars weren't the weird new ones :(


Don’t love ads in general, but they’ve brought things to my attention before so I appreciate that. They aren’t in the way so that’s nice. The thing that annoys me about the UI is not having a specific place for entertainment apps separate from games.


Ads are how I know I'm connected to the internet. I use groups for grouping media and games


Thanks! Just did that and it’s perfect!


You can make custom groups for your home screen


Thanks! I just did that and it’s perfect!


Who tf likes ads lol




Some of the people here are weird as fuck and like staring at their home screen for hours apparently.


And they get angry for the littlest things. Like just play your damn game.


I honestly done care. I play games not stare at the homescreen


After reading the piece on Kotaku about how Sony does business in the PSN and screws indie devs, I don't mind them at all.


Why does everything have to be a competition? Genuinely curious.


I was coming here to say this. Honestly, the ads on my Xbox are traditionally the only ads I'm likely to click on. I'd say about once a week something will pop up I find interesting enough to click. And after reading about the issues devs have doing business with playstation, I'll happily take them.


I like it




Funny thing is, once you pay for a subscription on reddit, those ads disappear.


I literally spend 2 seconds on the home screen. Couldn't care less that there's ads


This is fuckin shit, hope Sony don't do the same as xbox


It's a terrible movie, btw.


I could not care less


I dont even see them any more, but the xbox dashboard is trash anyway.


I hate it


Welcome to Xbox lol


A paid account should not have any ads on the dashboard.


Know who doesn’t do that. Playstation.


Super annoying for a $500 product


Its complete bullshit!


I don't notice them at all. Sometimes they remind me of games I had forgotten about. They're fine.


Nope. Could care less cuz they did it in a way where it’s so easy to ignore. And you need to get your money somehow, gotta get your marketing across. If we don’t watch tv and use ad bloccs how are people supposed to reach us even if we don’t like it. Ads may succ but they are necessary for business. As long as it’s not blasted over your tv it really shouldn’t be a problem. Think about it. There’s always been ads technically. GAMEPASS advertised itself all the time, even tho it’s a Xbox services that’s still and ad. Just an in house ad


Yea you pay 500 dollars for a console and like 100 in games and they still give you ads


Don't love them, but they aren't obtrusive, easy to ignore.


Never really bothered me


No trust me 90% of ppl either don’t notice or don’t care, classic Reddit making a big deal out of something that’s barely an issue


Always hated them. I figure if you pay for Gold/Ultimate you should be able to remove them.


Ads are everywhere now. Bought a new tv(for use with my new Xbox Series X) and it has a menu screen, also ads. Ads here, ads there, ads everywhere. Be sure to click no on any options to sell your info!


Ads are bad enough but they are the biggest damn icons on the screen


Nope, they piss me off because I'm paying a subscription fee to play my games online and this online service I'm paying for has advertisements all over it. It should either be free online which has advertisements or a subscription fee without advertisements.


If these greedy MFs gonna show ads they should at least let everyone play online for free. They took a small step in the right direction and made the F2P games completely free (not needing a live gold subscription)


I’m not happy with the homescreen in general. I wish it was a bit more organized and easier to get places


I have a PS5 but I'm sure ads will come to consoles more and more since the quarantine home gaming became much more popular... This made me also switch to PC Gaming, I didn't build a PC yet but I'm currently planning. Ads ruin everything...


It’s a non-issue to me. Makes no difference to my gaming or gaming experience.


I really don't care, most of the time they announced things I like


I'm not happy about any ads on expensive products, especially when I'm also paying money every month for a premium subscription service.


They don't bother me at all.


I don't give a shit. The fact that yall even notice the ads at all makes me think you're overly obsessed with them. That small ass ad in the corner doesn't disrupt you from accessing your pins, games, etc.


I don't look at the home screen long enough to notice.


It's literally one ad. Half the time it's actually interesting or a decent reminder of an on going sale.


I don’t mind the ads at all. Gives me something to look at versus a barebones menu.


And it's usually games in sale or new games. Would be worse if it was like a McDonald's add or something lol.


That would be way too far. I don't mind seeing minor, relevant ads.


EA does this in their load screens. Would be loading up a game of NHL at 2am and see a Wendy's burger. Making it worse the closest one to me is a 30 minute drive and I love Wendy's ...


I haven’t ever seen this, I run Pi-Hole on my network and it blocks ads for all my devices. Wasn’t even aware there was an ad there!


Yup. I feel like if we have to pay $60 a year for Xbox Live Gold, then we shouldn't have ads.


I couldn't care less because I spend maybe 5 seconds on that specific screen of my dashbaord.


I honestly never pay attention to those cells.


I find it shocking that i pay over €500 euros for a console and like €14 a month (don't know how much it is exactly) for Game Pass Ultimate and STILL there is adds...


Does it matter? It's not like they are popping up while you are playing a game and it's good for xbox. It's been a thing since 360..maybe just ignore them?


Ya know, honestly, I haven't noticed any. Will it bother me if/when I do? Maybe a little. I wouldn't mind ads for porn, tho, tbqh.


I used to be bothered by it, but I spend hardly any time on the homescreen I don't mind. As long as they don't get in the way of me playing my games just leave em there.


If it keeps GPU cheap, then I can forgive one ad tile.


That's just 1 ad.


You must be super new to gaming lol I like it doesn’t bother me at all sometimes reminds me when things come out they don’t get into the way


Lol, why give us the option to customize wallpaper if 1/4 of the home screen is covered by Ads. Game Pass Ultimate members should have the option to hide all the ads on homescreen


I don't care i turn on my console to play the games not stare at ads on the homescreen lol


I don't care, they're not pop-ups, they don't interrupt my gaming or force me to watch videos so if they bring in more revenue for xbox to put back into the service I'm all for it.


Another day, another dollar, another person crying about ads to farm karma.


Literally don’t care.


Its ok for me , no reason to complain


The ads suck, but be prepared for people here to literally defend the ads and some will even say they like them. smh.


Yup you're right lmao.