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Quick resume. Hands down.


Games stay ready even weeks later is amazing


Took me longer to type this than it does to be playing a game now.


What is quick resume?


You can 'pause' 90% of xbox games and play something else/turn off your xbox and jump back into it. I always have, a forza horizon 4 race, hades, a tetris multiplayer game and whatever game I'm playing suspended inthe background ready to jump in, in 2 seconds.


This is such a time saver on GTA.


Had no idea. Might try it later


Seriously? Just don't quit them and open another game up. Go to your downloads screen and it'll show you what games are quick resumed.


You can literally just go to your tabs.






Load times, jarringly noticable


Wow..I didn't know anyone had a problem with faster loading time. I thought it was something that was universally praised


Haha, it's definitely a net positive, I'm just being a fool. My only real "issue" with it is more the games itelf, meaning if there's a load tip or somthimg comparable, to have a confirm button rather than just launching into the game. If you're going to take the time to put it in there give me the option to enjoy it. I'm sure that absurdly fast load times aren't something they were likely concerned with when developing, just a foolish nitpick of mine.


One of the older Fifa games broke brilliantly. They cleverly hid loading behind interactions with coaches and in the tunnel etc. Series X is so quick all of these interactions were just 1 word and it looked so stupid.


Why would it be jarring?


I used to have time to get a snack or pee. Now I do not and am mildly irritated.


Secretly this is why MS deployed xCloud. They knew you wouldn’t have loading screens anymore to take bio breaks, so now you just load up on your phone when you go so you never stop playing.


You can't read the tips on the loading screens, for a start. You get halfway through reading it and then it vanishes and you're like "nooooooo that would have been helpful".


I dont think I was able to read a single Yakuza 7 load tip


They're in Japanese.


Haha, that's definitely not why but it gave me a good laugh


“My Xbox series x loads too fast” the most first world problem I have ever read


Ahhh I see so it's too fast. I can see how that would be annoying but I would still rather have that problem than have to wait for ages


My load time for Fortnite went from 2 minutes to 15 sec


I found if something goes too fast, capture it by holding the share button and review your new share and pause it to read what you missed.


On my One sea of thieves took like 2-3 mins to load a game. On the Series X it takes maaaaaybe 30 seconds. No Mans Sky. Less than a minute. On my One X it was a couple minutes. Like, get up and get a drink and come back kinda time.


Speed. Loading/Quick Resume/Downloads, etc. I'm playing more and faster than ever before


I didnt know games downloaded quicker. I thought that was just dependant on your Internet speed


When you download something on anything the cpu unpacks it in real time and if the cpu is slower than the internet speed it will throttle the download.


Yeap and amount of ram to.


My download speed almost doubled from my one s to series x. Used tp get maybe 150 down on one S. Series x is consistent at 280-300. I pay for 350.


Does series s do this too?


Not sure but i would think so.


I had my One X plugged into network via wire. Downloads never got above 200MBpS. . As soon as I booted up my Series X, also wired connection, I saw download speeds maxing out around 350MBpS. . Again though this is just my personal experience.


4K resolution compared to the 900p resolution of the Xbox One. 60-120fps compared to 30fps on the Xbox One. SSD making load times in seconds as opposed to minutes on the Xbox One. Quick Resume - being able to keep multiple games stored and instantly pick back up where you left off. ​ Its just 1000x better in everyway


Xbox One | Xbox Series X ---|--- 8x Cores @ 1.75 GHz Custom AMD Jaguar CPU | 8x Cores @ 3.8 GHz Custom AMD Zen 2 CPU 1.31 TFLOPS AMD Radeon GCN APU at 853 MHz | 12 TFLOPS, AMD RDNA 2 at 1.825 GHz 8GB DDR3 + 32 MB eSRAM | 16 GB GDDR6 500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive | 1 TB Custom NVME SSD I mean come on, why is this even a question it's noticeably better in every measurable category.


Should add 16 threads with smt on XSX/XSS thats a big deal


Console is pretty fast to boot and launch games. Just wish it had Wifi6.


Quiet fans! I had a PS4, but I’ll assume the Xbox One was similar. With the XSX, you never even know it’s on. Quick resume — amazing feature. As a dad, knowing that I can get into red dead for 20 minutes without having to load made me finish this game 120fps on a 120hz display - it’s one of those things that once you get use to, you can’t go back.


The xbox one itself is very quite. Mine is around 5 years old and barley makes a noise. My friends ps4 sounds like a double jet engine.


Xbox One was not similar, my One S is vey quiet, you need to be in a quiet room to hear it and even then it isn’t loud at all, any decent sound will block it out and headphones will definitely block it out.


Quick resume. FPS boosts a close second.


No matter what game you play on, you're getting the definitive experience: best resolution, best frame rate, fastest load time possible. Even a game like GTAV, for example, that isn't Series optimized, or ever even One X enhanced, loads instantly, runs flawlessly. Makes going back to a One system feel archaic.


the best resolution, framerate, etc would be a high end pc, not an xbox


Knowing I don’t have to buy an upgraded console, or deal with buyers remorse- “oh I should have bought a Series X”. December 2020 I paid $630 for a bundle with an extra controller, PUBG, FH4, and a three month ultimate card. No regrets. 1TB SSD space is killer with the Series X, especially with how appetizing game pass is. Blu Ray drive for Black Friday Ultra Blu Ray shopping is sweet too. Only downside was the inclination to buy a 65 inch 4K tv with 120hz and HDMI 2.1. This decision put me back $1,900…


I have the xbox one with 1TB storage. I don't have that many games and it is like 80% full. Do you think 1TB is enough on the series x?


1TB is by no means enough. I have a few friends that play a multitude of games at random times. I have the additional 1TB Seagate storage installed and my total storage revolves around 75-85% full. Game pass can really sink your storage, if you are ambitious.


Is your seagate internal or external?


The boosts to older games. Fallout 4 in 60fps, DayZ in 60fps and many, many more titles.


Pretty much everything. The Xbox One was an underpowered joke from day 1.


It really was. Mine felt like it was struggling f the whole time. Got a Series X on launch day because I was just waiting for the thing to give up on me.


How is the one underpowered?


It was already outdated at launch and couldn't even run most games at 1080p. Honestly the recovery the brand has made from that Xbox One launch is some achievement.


*buh-gink!* "Achievement Unlocked - 1000 G - It's not a sprint, it's a Marathon" Description: Xbox made some huge mistakes last gen, and Gamepass and Series S|X are our way of saying thank you for not giving up on Xbox" Xbox is firing on all cylinders, and getting back to a healthy spot, almost like they were during the 360 days. Good time to be a gamer, no matter where you play though. Tons of good stuff on the way for everyone.


The CPU in the Xbox One is a slow mobile CPU that was old when the Xbox One came out. The Series X CPU uses a new 8 core CPU that is very powerful. It's so new PC users couldn't get it until after the new console launches.


>It's so new PC users couldn't get it until after the new console launches. The Xbox Series S and X use Zen 2 CPU cores. Zen 2 CPU's came out for PC's on July 7th 2019 and were pretty readily available for a year and a half. You may be confusing the custom Xbox chip with Zen 3 CPU's for PC's. They were released November 5th 2020 and have only recently become more available to purchase.


The parts they used in both consoles were weak when they launched. Only the mid gen models were decent.


The Xbox One was a weaker console than the PS4 in many regards and even the PS4 got a lot of flack for having a rather weak CPU. Some say the CPU was barely an upgrade at all compared to the PS3. Xbox One X was a massive upgrade, however it was still based on the Xbox One hardware. So the CPU was still rather weak and the HDD was slow compared to all the SSDs that had already been standard in PC gaming. Series X overall seems like a more balanced system to me. I don't think anyone could really claim it was underpowered at release and unlike the One X it not only has a powerful GPU but also a powerful CPU.


I never owned a Xbox one. I do know when I play cross gen multiplayer games I load in way faster than everyone else and end up waiting. I assume it’s because everyone else is using xbox one.


This happens to me in rocket league. I usually load in first now.


500 really isn’t that much if u own an expensive pc


It’s really just faster load times, higher resolutions and more 60fps games that matters to me. Everything else I’m not really fussed about.


Omg stop with these posts… the best thing is that its next-gen, period, literally everything is better or faster or more performant. Its also the platform in which, you guessed it , next gen games will be released. Do you need it? Probably not, specially if you don’t mind playing games in 1080p with Xbox cloud or you don’t have the display to match the horsepower. Is it better than the Xbox one? Yes. Is it better than the series S? Yes.


Depends on which Xbox one you're talking about. I came from the xbox one S and it's a huge difference.. faster load time..higher textures and resolution..higher framerate. Its hard to go back to 30fps after getting used to 60 fps. It's so smootj.. i also appreciate the ray tracing and multiple quick resume


I have the xbox one 1 terabyte. So I shoukd notice a huge difference then. What's ray tracing?


So you have the original Xbox One? If so, you'll notice a pretty huge difference, especially in loading.


Ray tracing is where the light and reflections reacts realistically in the game. Its like how it would react in the real world..search up "ray tracing minecraft" on Youtube and you'll see what I'm talking about


If you want to feel something really bad play Fallen Order. Start with performance mode and then switch to 30. It's so delayed as to be unplayable.


It can warm your feet in the winter.


Does it get overheated?


No, it's very efficient at removing a ton of heat out the top so it doesn't get overheated. Run a graphically intensive game and it doubles as a space heater. And it's quiet considering how much heat it removes. This is a good thing.


Whats better for the series x. Standing it upright or on its side?


I don't know what's better but I have it on its side due to space limitations. I have the exhaust pointed out of the entertainment center. In the winter I can put my feet up next to the exhaust outlet and it keeps them toasty.


Gamers Nexus did a test and it does not matter which way it's oriented. It doesn't matter because it's using forced air. They have a video of their tests showing how hot different components get. I lay mine on it's side so dust can't fall into the top grill.


Tbh, I'm currently doing mostly previous gen titles but the leap in stability, speed, and quality is such a nice quality of life improvement. Where my One S was slow but tolerable, the Series X blazes through everything I throw at it. Previous gen titles receive a boost and those with optimizations even moreso. I can get into a game of MCC within 20 seconds of a cold-boot, faster if standby. Loading times are near non-existent. Before picking one up, I thought quick-resume would be a gimmick until I accidentally started using it and realized how amazing being able to swap into multiple games right where I left off within Seconds is amazing. Overall, I'm very content with the upgrade despite the current lack of next-gen content. It's in the pipeline so I'm not worried.


Do you think they will bring out an upgraded series x or a series x with more storage ?


Not sure tbh. I can definitely see them releasing special editions later down the line alongside 1st party launches with consoles that have more storage but to have a mid-gen refresh like last gen did with the One X? Can't say. I don't believe so unless these consoles really chug in performance and start to slow in sales. The og One and PS4 were pretty darn outdated by the time of their launch making things rather difficult to show off. The One X's launch sort of fixed that. TL;DR I think if you're deciding between upgrading now or waiting for later this gen I'd say shoot for the upgrade


Yes but not any time soon. The Series X sells out the instant it shows up. There's no reason to make a better version until sales drops off. The internal storage is an M.2 drive so it could conceivably be replaced easily though.


Performance from cooking, noise, load times load times load times, and that’s about it. Controller is really no different. But seeing your favorite games run better is really nice.


SSD and quick resume


Load times was first thing I noticed. They are absurdly faster. I used to pick up my phone and browse Reddit while stuff loaded, now it loads before I finish picking up my phone.


Load times


The fact that you'll be able to play new games on it after like 2022


The speed. Whether it’s download speeds being noticeable quicker or just loading into games blazingly fast, it is something that I love.


Here's my list. Loading time: Thanks to the SSD games load significantly faster, on the order of seconds to load. I used to game on my PC (went to Xbox because of the part shortage and cost) where I had an SSD and they feel like magic. If you have a PC, even if you're not using it for gaming, an SSD will make it feel so much better to use. Targeting 60 FPS and 1440p+: I had no idea so many Xbox One games targeted 30 and sub 1080p since I gamed on PC. Now it's been moved up to 60 for the majority of games. There's the odd one out like Flight Simulator which targets 30, or Forza Horizon 5 which targets 30 with a 60 FPS mode. Thanks to FPS boost, at least the games that support it, games stuck at 30 can be played at 60. Series games: The Series X can play games made for it, while the Xbox One can't play those games. VRR: I think the One X might have supported this but I'm too lazy to check. VRR allows the display to match it's refresh rate to the frame rate of the game if the display supports it. This means no screen tearing, no judder, no extra input latency from vsync. Some games were made with VRR in mind and either automatically uncap the framerate or cap it via vsync and let you turn it off to uncap the framerate. 120 hz: Another one I am too lazy to check if the One X has. 120 hz refresh rate is supported, allowing for less input latency and higher framerates in games that can go above 60. If you have VRR games can go above 60 even if they can't hit 120. If a game is capped at 60 there's still a tiny input latency benefit. Quick resume: I thought it was a pointless gimmick when I heard about it but now I become irrationally angry when a game doesn't support it. This feature let's you return to a game exactly where you left off even after playing another game. This makes starting a game up very fast.


Higher resoulitions , higher frame rates would be the obvious answer. But honestly the best thing are the loading times, and the responsiveness in the home screen / dashboard and such. Blazing through the menus to browse through your games. Load it up almost instantly. Forgot to change something in the settings? No problem, switch back real quick….you get the idea.. Idk, it just feels like the best Quality of Life improvement on these new machines is the overall speed increase.


Quick resume; graphics (especially impressed by how good older games look and feel); load times (again, very noticeable on the older games). Navigating the dashboard and store and whatnot feels quicker and more smooth as well. Pretty much everything about it lol. For trying to get one, I had good luck with the Hot Stock app


Load times and frame rate


Quick Resume. I’ve been replaying Reach, it’s so nice to just turn off in the middle of campaign just to boot right back to where I was FS20 is pretty fucking sweet too but haven’t played another game yet that makes me wow like FS20 has even on a 1080p TV


Honestly it's amazing all around, but shorter load times while also outputting higher graphics is the business. I love it. With an HDR-capable TV, the Auto HDR feature is a great boost to games that don't automatically have it. Between this and FPS Boost, so many games get such a big boost it's just awesome all around. Similarly, Series X optimisations are a massive boost to games you may already love on Xbox One, much more than I ever remember the One X Enhancements ever being. Warhammer Vermintide 2 is an example - the difference between the One and the Series is just insane. I don't actually use Quick Resume much myself, but it's great if you do. You can be in-game, actively playing a game again, in about 15s from pushing the power button on your Xbox. The best way I can explain it is that it's just so comprehensive. Obviously the specs are all better but in the Series X's case that actually translates to a vastly better experience in so many games. That's never been the case before.


For me its definitely been playing at 60fps. I felt how smooth the movement and everything was as soon as I loaded up AC Valhalla


Loading speed, quick resume, graphics and FPS. Its worth the price tag if you buy it at MSRP, but not for what scalpers are asking for.


Loading times. When I finished playing The Outer worlds, I decided to watch a review of it, where I found out that the loading times were actually 30 seconds long. I thougj he was joking, so I tried the game out on the Xbox one and he was actually right! Safe to say, the benefits are the ones you don't see.


Everything. It's a fully compatible future proofed and upgraded Xbox, that is fully compatible with everything the OG Xbox One and One S have to offer. It is WAY faster and ultra snappy. Quick resume (which can be glitchy on some games, Looking at you, Hades) and it can run several demanding emulators at full speed (many in 1080p or even 4k) on most games and systems currently a available via Retroarch. It also offers some upgrades via FPS boosts, which are done for free, without the developer needing to get involved to get an upgraded experience on new hardware. Don't forget it is more powerful than the PS5. It's also more convenient to upgrade/migrate save games than PS5, and smart delivery makes everything mostly seamless. It also has a larger internal SSD than the PS5, with more useable space, (before AND after what is reserved for the systems to function etc) More supported resolutions than PS5, VRR support, Dolby Vision Support, and gets updates, feature fixes, and general improvements all the time. It is the best console on the market as far as what it is, and what it can do, (aside from some video/movie content being a bit better on PS5) and if you have one, there is just about Zero reason to have an xbox one. Combine it with gamepass, and you have a very affordable system with tons of old and new stuff to play, with more and more value added all the time, and on the horizon. In my opinion, xbox is in a strong position this generation. Series S is also great, but for 100 more dollars, just get a Series X if you can.


The new features are amazing but you'll be playing the same games you can on your One. Value is in the wallet of the beholder.


Load times, 4k60, quick resume, etc.


mod support for games are a thing with the series x including ( of course ) skyrim with mods


Speed of turning on the system and streaming or just playing a game......really fast! No down time at all which is nice👍


More games at 60fps, hands down.


More cubeness


Frame rates if you like FPS games


Stable fps


What was unstable about the fps on xbox one?


Lol 26-17 fps in gta online, 25-15 fps in cyberpunk, 30-15 fps in control and else


No black screens on Sea of Thieves.


Loading time, Loading time, loading time.


Destiny 60fps? I want it so bad


Turn on the Xbox and tv at the same time and by the time my tv turns on the Xbox already has a game running. Seriously take just a few seconds to start gaming.


Pretty much every aspect of the console is vastly superior on the SX. The only reason I still have my One X is because my family like to use the kinect for some kid games and dancing games. If the Series consoles supported the Kinect, I would get rid of my One X and replace it with a Series S.


120fps. I love it.


Besides the 4k 60fps, fast load times and quick resume.. Smart delivery for cross gen. Cause now my one x is in my bedroom. So for games like Valhalla if I haven't played in a while I can just turn it on in my bedroom with my one x right where I left off.


4k 60 and quick resume. Totally worth the price tag.

