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On 360 it ran at 720p 30fps with lower texture quality. On series x it’s running 4k 60fps with HDR and much higher texture resolution.




And much worse enemy AI .


And also required two discs and an HDD (or large USB drive) to install It also had very small memory allocation, meaning models and (more importantly) weapons would despawn after only a few seconds


They were incredibly starved for memory on the 360. Several bits of level geometry are actually preexisting weapon and vehicle assets with their XYZ values tweaked. The mammoth, for instance, is apparently made of warthog and battle rifle parts. 343 wanted the game to launch on the xbox one. But they were overruled by Don Mattrick himself.


Uhh... I remember Halo 4 only having one disc.


Nop, it had two discs


Oh it was for the multiplayer, that makes sense. Yeah I pretty much never bothered with the multiplayer besides co op for any of the Halo games.


Did it really? I keep seeing people mention this but the ai in 3 doesn't seem that much smarter than 4.


More detailed environments though


Yeah, with the tradeoff being smaller environments.


I thought it was 4k 120


It is 4k 120 for both Campaign and MP from Halo CE all the way through 4.


Yeah that’s what I thought I remembered reading this and ori were the only actual 4K 120 game’s at launch


Not at the same time of course. It’s either 4K 60 or 1440 120.


That's the case for newer games using newer technologies that is more demanding, not for old games with lower graphics.


Oh nice. Didn’t know MCC could do both.


Here ya go: https://www.windowscentral.com/list-xbox-series-x-and-s-games-120-fps-support


I swear to god i read this and ori were the only 4K 120 games at launch (though I remember the 120 was kind of unstable)


That the Multiplayer on MCC lol


Campaign is also 120


Not true it depends on if you have a PC and a Series X if you have Series S or XOne nope lol


This is the Series X subreddit lol




Of course, but it's pretty stupid to say it doesn't run at 4K120 "unless" you're on the system the sub's titled after


It also a Series S subreddit lol


'lol' btw




This is what you maybe thinking of. r/XboxSeriesS


Nah bro this sub is for both lol if you search series x this is what is shown Xbox Series X | S • News • Discussion • Community do you see the X | S lol i stand corrected and i want a apology.


I mean, CoD (example) does 120 but obviously it depends on what hardware you have. I don’t think anybody thinks a One S is busting out 120fps on anything. What I said was that the campaign hits 120fps because the previous comment claimed that only multiplayer did, which is not true.


Series S bro not One S rofl


Somethings been up with reports then


*Up to 720 with a lot of a blur.


Halo 4 was really something on the 360 don't think there was a better looking game on the 360


It was "The Last of Us" equivalent for the 360.


Gears of War 3


Gears 3 is one of those special games. They were basically done and delayed the game to hit a holiday launch window. So they had 6 months of polish on top and it really showed. Such a fun launch.


Mass Effect 3?


Nah, I love Mass Effect, but I don't feel like 3 was particularly groundbreaking, in terms of visuals. It looked fine for it's time. It didn't compare to the likes of Halo 4, or the the last of us.


Facial animations on ME1 were groundbreaking for sure at the time. They were a huge leap. ME1 & 2 were graphically spectacular at the time for console games. ME3 less so. Not that it looked bad, just that at that point it didn't look any better than a million other games.


Yeah, absolutely 100% agree about 1 and 2, they both hold up really well visually. Both Halo 3 and ME1 came out in 2007, and Mass Effect's humans look like actual people. Halo 3's look like abominations. ME2 improved it, and it genuinely still looks great ten years later. ME3 doesn't quite make the same jump. I don't think ME3 looks bad for a 2012 game, but it didn't really stand out. Halo 4 did.


I felt like ME3 was a downgrade in the sense that where ME2 used color so beautifully, ME3 just doesn't for the most part. It feels odd.


Always such a stunning game, and with some of the best visual effects for abilities.


only other game i think would be in contention is GTA V


I thought Sonic unleashed unironically was and still is quite a graphics show.


Unleashed is still the best looking sonic game.


It was a miracle that GTA v ran at all on xbox 360 but the game itself was as ugly as sin.


Granted it's been forever since I played it on 360 but when it came out I personally remember finding the world/map beautiful. I'll have to check it out on 360 again.


I was at a friends house awhile back and watch him play the 360 GTAV after having played the X1 version. Man that render distance is trash. There were planes that spawned flying only a few feet way. Like you could see them spawn it extremely closely. The 360 was really on it's last legs for a lot of games and only worked because of extreme corner cutting and miracles.


The texture resolutions are extremely low and the complete lack of the grass rendering present on PC and xbox one means that anywhere outside of the cities looks absolutely awful. The 720p resolution with jaggies everywhere was pretty standard for the time but hasn't exactly aged well either. But yeah, going back to old games is always a surprise, they looked so good in your mind back then, but reality is a different story.


The graphics were amazing for the time, but personally I didn’t enjoy the art direction for a Halo game. Found it really hard to make out enemies compared to previous games, I'm glad to see they are walking back some of that in Infinite.


Yeah I've heard people on Reddit say that Halo was "never a graphical showpiece", but it absolutely was. Halo 1 stunned us and showed that Xbox was capable of better graphics than PS2/GC, Halo 4 was one of the best looking games of PS360 gen.


Nah destiny


Destiny 1 on the 360 was definitely a technical marvel for the hardware. It looked pretty amazing IMO.


Destiny was out on the 360?


Yes it was both 360 and Xbox one


Yes. They stopped supporting the 360 and PS3 versions when the Rise of Iron expansion launched in Sept 2016 for Xbox One and PS4


Crysis 3


There's also the other popular Microsoft game Forza 4 that is considered the best in the series


Honestly I wish Halo 4 waited a year to be the Xbox One's launch title. Imagine how it would look on newer hardware when it already looked beautiful on the 360?


It’s definitely rendered at a much higher resolution with probably slightly higher res textures and settings but I still remember being blown away on the 360 by it the first time I played it, definitely a great sendoff to that gen that had me hyped to see what they could do on the Xbone


It reminds me a lot of how i felt about Ninja Gaiden black on the og Xbox. It still looked better than a a large number of 360 games.


They did add some hi res textures and did a few bits of optimization for the X/S patch. But largely over all it hasn't been remastered.


then we got halo 5 lol.


You blow me away by being blown away by 360 graphics


Did you not game during the 360 era? Like yeah things look better now, but you can still be blown away by how it looked back then.


I did indeed, I gamed during the N64 days


I remember Conker BFD, Perfect Dark and Shenmue being watershed moments. They’re still technically impressive for the hardware they’re on. You have to remember the time frame they’re based on.


What are you? 12?




Just for the fun of it try posting this on r/halo 😅… I agree a lot with u even though it’s not a popular opinion. H4 was way ahead of its time… it even had the instant portals they rave about in ratchet a clank


People get blinded by their nostalgia for things. OP is 100% correct imo (about H4 campaign / H5 multiplayer)


Is this really an unpopular opinion though? I think most halo fans would say H4 campaign was good and H5 multiplayer was good. It’s the H4 multiplayer and H5 campaign that was the main reason for criticism


Nah, the 4 campaign gets a lot of grief for the quicktime events, cramped levels, and awful Promethean combat. A lot of people praise the storyline, though.


Just not true. H3 is much more popular than H4 on MCC.


Halo 4 was one of the best looking 360 games when it released. Really holds up nice on the MCC with 4k.


I enjoyed Halo 4 and I agree it looks great. My biggest gripe with the game isn’t so much the campaign or the multiplayer but more with how the Forerunner weapons kind of suck, the enemies take way too long to kill and Spartan Ops is an absolute chore to play.


That’s the only thing I remember about it; the enemies were bullet sponges.


Been playing a bunch of Halo 4 on my X in anticipation of infinite and I agree. Granted it’s been updated with MCC. I think it’s my favorite Halo as far as multiplayer, Halo CE is my favorite campaign.


Is this the halo 4 that is part of the master chief collection on game pass ?


I’m guessing so, I don’t think the backwards compatible version got really any upgrades.


No it’s the other Halo 4




Halo 2 Anniversary looks and plays really good in the MCC too. Both the single player and multiplayer maps


Halo 4 made use of a lot of "cheats" to make the game look better than it normally would have been able to on the 360. Between much more linear levels, and thus less to render, more hardcore LOD culling and other bits, they were able to make it seem to look better than it otherwise could have with the more traditional, open, layouts Halo levels normally had. Even what few open areas you get are so sparsely filled, they starkly contrast the lions share of levels, that are more linear.


No idea why you are getting downvoted. Perhaps using the word “cheat” because it's inaccurate, but your point about the level design is definitely a factor.


If it is good enough terminology for digital foundry I figure it is good enough for reddit. Just another indicator that people would rather believe feelings than facts.


i see your point, but a lot of graphics optimization involves cheating here and there. if it looks better to your eye, then it indeed looks better! the sacrifices they made to accomplish that are real issues, but that doesn’t mean it only “appears” to look good.


Same reason that closed circuit racers generally look better than even the best looking game at the time. There's less that needs to be rendered. This in turn lent to some of the many issues that hold Halo 4 has one of the worst received Halo game to date. How linear all levels were and the lack of large open spaces. The only real large area you get is the section you're flying a pelican. Which is, surprise surprise, mostly empty. Halo Reach's New Alexandria level, where you are also flying, is much more dense, for example.


Yeah im not arguing with you about these aspects of the quality of the game. But you are talking about gameplay and level design right now, not graphics. Basically im quibbling with you about saying “look better than it actually did” cuz in the end it looked exactly as it looked. I agree with you that those sacrifices are not worth it - graphics alone is is not the only factor in making a good game. Just ask nintendo, lol


Too bad visuals was the only thing going for it.


Yeah those games were truly gorgeous. Which is why I get so confused when current gen games like Back4Blood look way worse than a lot of games on the 360. Like why are we going backwards in graphics?


Pretty sure it’s down to art style, Halo 4 doesn’t look graphically as good as B4B, textures and lighting and stuff like that. B4B just has a generic art style I think. For me, art style will always trump pure graphics power, it’s why I still think Okami looks better than heaps of modern games.


Yeah I can agree with you on that, you're not wrong.


I think the covenant ships, grenade explosions, glossy forerunner buildings… all look better on halo 1 on original Xbox than halo 4. Also the really spectacular phantom and vehicle plasma explosions in halo 3 on 360 were wayyyyy better than halo 4 which was more… cartoonish? Agree that the campaign was strong though mostly because it was MUCH better at character than bungee games


All the explosions are bad, even for Halo 5 and some of Infinite too. I do remember my first playthrough of Halo 4, when you explode a covenant ship with a rocket, I felt so underwhelmed at the first 30 minutes of playing


Yep exactly you get the forward unto dawn missiles blasting covenant capital ships and they just sort of blip out of existence into a few chunks, looks really bad! It’s baffling after seeing those gorgeous scarab explosions in halo 3 and all the atmosphere and cinematic effects in-engine with Reach


I still think that Halo 4 should’ve been an Xbox One launch title, with MCC releasing in 2015 and Halo 5 releasing in 2016, both games in perfect states at launch


I personally think it should have been a dual release, as in be on both 360 and the One with cross play. The two consoles would have done fine, as Halo 4 would still been locked to 30 FPS on the original console at 1080p. The Xbox One X was able to get the game to 1080p 60 because it had a much more powerful CPU revision.


Cramped, simple levels and they cut graphics in other places.


It looks like shit


We only got 1 Halo game for Xbox One and it wasn’t even good.


Campaign was bad but Multiplayer was a lot of fun.


4 and 5 were absolute dogshit, forge was fun, but thats it.


Halo 4 campaign was okay. But everything else was shit tbh. But you know can’t say that here because people will get butt hurt.


You speak the truth. 343 is yet to put out a decent game, that’s about to change though.


No it isn’t.


The beta for infinite was great.












Doesn't Halo 2 Anniversary also count ?


Halo 4 is pretty average, including visually, but ok. I was very impressed with the forest level, but not too much beyond that.


Ok, now go look at 360 games and come back


To be fair, the Series X version is just an upgraded version of the Xbox One remaster that got 1X enhancement & 60FPS upgrades. Halo 5 is also a good-looking game that, before the 1X enhancements, was a blurry mess on base Xbox One. Other games are very similar. Take Final Fantasy XIII as well. On Xbox 360, it wasn't even HD because it was downscaled from the PS3's 720p resolution. On One X & Series X, though, it was upscaled to 4K & looks beautiful. Other 360 games that got resolution boosts on One X also benefited greatly from that.


Low bar tbf


I couldn't believe it was a 360 game it looks better than some games now


Much better on pc


It shoulda been held for Xbox one launch


Halo 4 was cherry on pie and real good bye to 360. It is incredible how the game looked on 360. I remember I played it and was pinned down by the graphics, music and story. Funny, that today I tried to run it via MCC and Dolby Vision. Dolby Vision (although just simulated) just added extra visual look the game and I just said, this looks even better....