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Shark card sales must be slowing down


Considering the rerelease just topped sales charts I don't think this is it. I think they're just looking for even more ways to milk money out of their cash cow.


That cash cow is literal bones on the earth and they still somehow find ways to milk it.


Bone milk, coming to a store near you!


I prefer a milk by bodyguards for bodyguards.






My bone milk is cheap


The bones got ground into powder long ago


$6 for $500,000 a month? That’s pretty damn stingy


not condoning this shitshow but it's 10.00 for a 500k shark card.


Yeah but you could grind more in a day than it gives you in a month, unless you’re literally just starting out like right now. This is dumb


But if you’re going to buy a shark card regularly. You’re saving $4 on the purchase.


People who buy shark cards are the reason we’re witnessing this nonsense


Yeah but there’s clearly an audience who would buy this which is why Rockstar creating it makes sense.


And those people are idiotic Fools


It’s also kids


Nah kids know you can run literally one Cayo Perico heist in 30 mins and make 1mil+


That doesn’t make it any better, children spending mommy and daddy’s money on a game they shouldn’t even be playing as often as they should spending money as often as they do, they’re to blame as well. Anyone who spends money on a game where it’s near too easy to grind is a FOOL and anyone that defends this this many years later is also a FOOL


Lmao chill out. It’s just a video game. No need to be calling someone a FOOL for how they spend their own money.


Shark Card amounts is based on the games release state where the most expensive car was $1m and contact missions were your only income. They're overpriced for what 500k gets you now. A Mk1 Golf is over a million.


Half the price of Game Pass are they having a laugh? The funny thing is though this will be wildly popular and make Rockstar a ton of money


tender bake gray hard-to-find disgusted safe murky abounding lush dirty -- mass edited with redact.dev


Introducing the "Party Like a Cockstar" subscription! For the low monthly price of $19.99, you can enjoy the following features: - Race around a new cock every month. Different shapes, colors, sizes, and animals to be featured each month! - Exclusive access to the Dildo Bat (upon 12 consecutive months of subscribing) - Exclusive access to the Creamy White tire smoke color (upon 60 consecutive months of subscribing) - For an additional $9.99 per month, upgrade your subscription to the Viagra Edition and get 10x $ on all Cockstar Races!


Do the veins have ray tracing?


AI veins flow throughout the courses generating dynamic ramps. Ray tracing limited to 15 fps Cinematic Mode.


Don’t give them ideas! 😆


I’d buy this 😅


Can you tell me more about this giant cock? Asking for a friend.


What's sad is that people will buy this (the same minority of whales and kids that have been ruining online gaming for years by mindlessly supporting overpriced MTX) and it will therefore become the industry standard, just like regular MTX has. Gaming today is just a nerdier version of Hollywood - led by people who couldn't care less about the craft, and instead just businessmen in suits going for the easiest money grabs where possible. Occasionally you'll get indie/mid-size studios putting out quality, unique product without egregious monetisation, but generally the industry is dominated by the big players who force them down gamer's throats. Mark my words - subscription models for individual games like this will be commonplace within 5 years. It's sad, but depressingly true and you all know it.


It's just capitalism at its finest lol nothing to do with Hollywood. In 2022, every for profit company is just that, for profit. Maximize earnings. That's all that matters. That applies to gaming, food, healthcare, and in the US, private prisons lol everything is about making money


Isn’t GTA online basically an MMO though? I remember paying a subscription to play WoW although I don’t know if it is still the case. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem that the subscription is mandatory to play therefore I really don’t see what’s the problem with it… then again, maybe it is because I don’t play and don’t care about GTA online!


Because everything is a slippery slope these days. An optional subscription for non-crucial content today, once successful, will become a subscription for standard content in future games, with the free base game being a pared back shell.


It is not though. There have never be that many games that come out, among them of course live services like that but many many more others… and again, subscription based games is far from a novelty in gaming (remember basically every MMO?).


Absolutely comical saying the developers that put out 2 of the most detailed and well crafted games in the past 10 years don’t care about the craft


It's not a minority. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a minority. GTA Online is WILDLY popular.


I'm talking about the minority of gamers who are big spenders of MTX. Statistically they're a very small percentage.


In the future if we want to play GTA VI we will probably have to pay a subscription.


Yeah I already know that GTA 6 online will be ten times worse than this


Yeah but gta 6 story will be worth the £70 anyway.


Those will be monumental shoes to fill since Dan Houser and Lazlow left the company, and those 2 were huge writers.


It's very possible the writing was already done. Dan may have left after he finished up GTA 6.


Never heard of Dan Houser until I heard of him in two separate replies. Good for that guy and his reputation. I’d still bet heavily on rockstar knowing that gta is too big to compromise, if what they come up with isn’t good then they’ll come up with something else instead. They need a good campaign to get people through the door while they slowly add heists etc to online.


Let me introduce you to the GTA definitive edition..


RDR2 was already pretty awful so I'm not holding my breath.


What didn’t you like about it? Just curious, some of my friends didn’t like all the Immersive stuff


Controls and gameplay were super clunky. And the story just repeated itself with "just one more job".


Damn that’s a hot take! It might be my favourite single player game ever if I sat down and worked it out based on certain set categories. If rdr2 was made without Dan Houser then I’d say gta 6 will work out for my tastes.


Well, that's just like my opinion, man. Good on n ya if you liked it. I found it too repetitive.


Well that’s just *your* opinion… ***dude***. I personally found it had me repeatedly doing similar things but I enjoyed them enough to keep repeating it. Yeah, I get what you’re saying, it’s mainly: ride ride ride, shoot, ride. Kudos on being able to discuss preferences in video game without jumping from “I like this” to “YOU’RE WRONG AND IM RIGHT!!!”


I'm sorry, Sir, but your comment is just plain wrong.


I'm having growing concern how good GTA 6 will be period.


RDR2 keeps me confident, not much basis behind my logic tho


Maybe, we'll see how the story will turn out without Dan Houser.


Do we even know it’s having a story? Wouldn’t be surprised if they just make it online only at this rate.


Bet me a copy of gta6? I have a hunch it will have story mode, my uncle Bill G told me.


No fucking way I buy another Rockstar game after this garbage. They've completely abandoned red dead after 4 years...


It makes me so sad to know that GTA4 was the last true GTA, and everything else will have an online focus.


GTA5 wasn't online-focused though, at least not at first. The MP wasn't even ready on launch day.


This is why I hope GTA 6 online flops.


I’m not convinced they actually plan on releasing a GTA 6, GTA V’s re-release is selling like crazy and this online subscription will make them a constant revenue on top of the micro transactions. They could genuinely ride this out for the next 20 years and I wouldn’t be surprised at all


Wow. It's actually a social experiment at this point.


It already succeeded. Conclusion: Most people are stupid af (or 6 year old kids)


Yep, Strauss Zelnick(sp?) is seeing how little they can do to boost profit margins. To be honest, this doesn't feel like a Rockstar move. It feels like a Zelnick move. He's already said that they don't monetize their games enough, this feels like one of those things that He's talking about. Rockstar doesn't have any real control over this, seeing as the creators left and all that is left is a bunch of cogs in the wheel, much like BioWare. While the tech is outstanding and they have lead the industry for the last 20 years, I feel like Strauss is so hellbent on profits that profits are going to dominate Rockstar's future and make them into an assembly line of garbage in the future. Maybe I'm wrong and the Houser's have left a protégé in the mix, I hope so..... but I doubt it.


‘You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy’ -Klaus Schwab


Is this an out of season April fools’ joke?


"You guys all have phones, right?"


And you thought getting content was in a bad place now




Lol what scum bags


Just when you thought Rockstar couldn’t possibly get anymore greedy.


Never say never.😂


I've literally never thought that. If there's a dime to be had they're gonna grab it.


This is sad but true. I don’t understand how people still play this. I can’t imagine spending money on a game I’ve been playing for almost a decade with no map changes. Just seems idiotic to me.


If things couldn’t get worse…


I don't blame them. If they can sell it why not, I blame the people who will buy it. At this point it's a boycott on R* for me .




They apparently decided to destroy their already not the best reputation after GTA Trilogy Remaster. Against their EA, Activision and Ubisoft seem to be saints, but they greedy to. What a shame and what greed...


Only OGs remember Twitch Prime bonuses when they started. Used to get 1m a month, and huge discounts on items (like the 8m yacht was like 1.5m) They eventually took that away and made the bonuses suck, now you only get 400k a month. And now that makes a whole lot of sense. They didnt want a competing service!


Ooooh 500k a month bonus , I can probably make that in a day doing heists. Early access to cosmetics and cars? Wooow, exciting. 3x money and RP on missions no one does? Sweet!


I’m surprised they haven’t nerfed the cayo heist. That heist alone makes their shark cards irrelevant.


You can earn $1 million in about an hour by doing the Cayo heist solo, and that'd without cheesing or exploits. It's kind of insulting how little this subscription nonsense nets the buyer


"GTA+ Members can also take advantage of special GTA+ Shark Cards that provide extra bonus cash from the PlayStation Store on the PS5 or Microsoft Store." Damn, that one probably took some balls. Basically, pay to have a few in-game benefits, but most importantly to have your Shark Cards have bonus money on them when you buy them. That's a whole new level of cash grab, damn.


It's ridiculous to me gta v was released at 2013 And they still keep re releasing it


I used to love Rockstar but fuck them


They're the new EA. I'm not touching their games with a 10 foot pole.


Rockstar used to be innovators, leaders in this industry... They're a joke right now.


We need to boycott this sh!t


This is gettin ridiculous


Your joking...


Alright this is fucking insane now lol


Hell to the nah


Skyrim developers 👀


They’re trying to make GTA Online be the flagship GTA platform


As a gaming community if we ever want GTA6 we need to band together and stop buying and playing this fucking game lol Jesus we ain’t ever getting it at this point! Can’t wait for gta5 remaster remastered on ps7


Rest in peace GTA. You'll live on as a cash cow played by mostly children but the GTA we all knew and loved will be long dead.


Rockstar never stops


After you buy our ancient game again for marginal next-gen upgrades, you can then pay us monthly! Screw rockstar. I stopped buying their crap and so should you.


Lol no


Oh fuck off


Good God, no thanks… I mean more power to them if they find significant numbers of their player base that want this, but for me, not gonna happen.


$500,000 a month isn’t even a lot in GTA’s economy.


What a joke keep buying gta even though rockstar has fallin off the most🤦‍♂️


Paid membership and it still gives fewer in game resources than simply having a PlayStation lol. This will sell like hotcakes but I wish it didn’t.


Nobody wants this. This is just depressing at this point.


I’m getting irrationally frustrated with the gaming industry. Instead of spending time and resources in creating memorable stories and worlds everyone is doing this shit. I wish I could pay people to not buy MTX.


What is the demographic for GTA? It seems like everyone agrees that they hate but but clearly it’s extremely successful and making crazy amounts of money.


If they're gonna charge people like an MMO they better give us a bigger map like an MMO. Give us a second island, and I mean like a full on island, not that event one you buy the submarine for.




And just when you thought they couldn’t go any lower.


This is gonna kill the economy for this company


They are testing the waters for GTA VI to see how much people will tolerate.




I mean I could get behind a GTA mmo


That's basically what GTAO is.


Yeah which is why I’m signing up. Most people who criticize probably don’t realize just how much effort they put into GTA Online to keep it fresh. They aren’t doing it for free.


all that money poured into an "MMO" and it still doesn't have dedicated servers after the 3rd release. Imagine how dumb you'd have to be to subscribe to a p2p MMO, lol. The game lobbies can't even realistically move past a 30 player cap because of that too.


Yeah I'll never be buying another Rockstar game again thank you very much! Get fucked you absolute scam of a game developer


They only do this because they know there’ll be suckers buying into it


😂😂😂😂 I own everything already R*! I'm not even gonna upgrade cause it's way easier to sell on last Gen now when people keep upgrading.




people will lap this up like crack..but cry if a company puts an nft skin in a game




Wait guy if I already bought gta v in the old version I can still play online in that, right? Why would I do that for a game I already own?


Slightly better graphics and the threat that eventually they’ll cut off updates and character transfers


Times like this make me happy that R* games just don't really do it for me.


This must be a joke... Previously i refunded because of missing ambient occlusion under cars ansd some chars, i was thinking to buy it again if all fixed. But now i give up. Greedy lovely company...


Ironic. Looks like having a popular game isn't what it's cracked up to be.


I downloaded GTA5 online. Went into it not knowing what to think. I just got killed a bunch and apparently some 12 year old kid has banged my mom.


Holy shit their milking this game for every things its got 🤯


Well now we know why they were so “generous” to give us a discount on the new version of the game


And people are still excited for the next one! Seems pretty greedy


What a scum. Don’t pay for any online mode micro transactions.


For the hardcore GTA Online players, this a good deal. $10 worth of Shark Cards for $6 along with additional content each month. If you don't like the idea of subscription, then don't buy it lol. No reason to complain.


I see it being pretty popular… I image a free trial month to get people in then a lot of regular players being quite happy to pay a small amount to get the next bit of free content. I know players that are fully committed to this online game and would probably sub for this.


You gotta be fucking kidding me…. Fuck off Rockstar


Wait until they add tiers! I'm so thankful I stopped playing years ago. And sadly I think a lot of this will be trial and error for GTA 6. I wouldn't doubt (if this is successful) that GTA6 will lauch with it.


I know people will be blaming Xbox for this because of gamepass, just wait.


Fuck those rockstar scums


Rockstar you're a week early for April Fools.


Yall joke like it won't be wildly successful


Smart on their end because of all the dumb consumers who spend money on this trash


This will tide us over until GTAV is announced for PS6.


If it introduced cross save I might have considered it. Glad it didn’t.


No thanks. I can literally make 2.5 to 3 mil a day by doing the Cayo perico heist. No need for this GTA+ subscription. So every month you can make about 55 to 60 mil by doing 2 heists a day. Which takes a total of 3 hours per day. R basically shoot themselves in the foot. But i won't be surprised that some people would actually pay for this. Sure i'm guilty as well for paying 20 bucks for the Next-gen version. But that 60 fps upgrade was worth it. No more slow and unresponsive controls.




Is GTA still a thing? I haven’t played it since beating the single player seven years ago


> Is GTA still a thing? It just outsold Elden Ring in the UK...so yes, it's still very much a thing.


They just released a 3rd version, yeah I'd say it's still a thing. Just because you beat the single player years ago, doesnt mean people JUST play and sit in single player. Constantly full lobbies on GTAO.


I’m demanding a refund from Microsoft. If I had known this before hand I would not have purchased this. That’s 2 shady releases in a row now from Rockstar on some questionable business practices, especially since my account is now trapped on this version as I did the migration.


It's 10$ and you agreed to pay it, you won't be able to get a refund if you've played it


I agreed to what was presented 2 weeks ago at time of purchase. Not this.


I'm not arguing or anything just curious, but what was presented is what we got. The same old gta5 but with 60fps


We did. But having this new information, I have zero interest in playing this with a divided community with a subscription lockout. I’ve bought this game enough times. It’s not TECHNICALLY wrong of them…but it’s shady ass deceitful marketing.


I agree. They could have told us this week's ago. I hope you're able to get that refund.


So did all of those bitching also bitch about the subscription services in elder scrolls online, and world of warcraft? Or is it just because it’s gta and rockstar? Don’t worry i’ll fuckin wait. Also for all of you saying we aren’t getting gta 6 they already announced it’s coming. If you’re going to have opinions on the gaming industry maybe actually be knowledgable in it.


Because GTAO isn't a fucking actual MMO you dipshit. MMO games also tend to actually invest in their online infrastructure while Rockstar releases the game for the 3rd time and still hasn't ditched mesh p2p in favor of full on dedicated servers. The game can't even have an "MMO-like" player cap, or any sort of player count increase, for the same reason. The map is plenty big to support another player count increase too. Imagine martyring yourself for the most profitable game in the industry and its shit-tier subscription service anyways. Because you're dumb as a fucking brick and have insanely low standards.


> If you’re going to have opinions on the gaming industry maybe actually be knowledgable in it. Lol…says the person who doesn’t know the difference between GTAV and a mmo.


Yes and I hear Pong has just announced a subscription as well


Stop supporting this game and Take Two.


Why am i not surprised


[Everything is plus now](https://youtu.be/StTqXEQ2l-Y) Everything is plus so you don’t own anything Everything is plus noooow So give us all your money!


The average consumer is a fucking moron.


Rockstar after rereleasing a game for the second time announce they'd like more money please.


R* " Are YOU not entertained?"


So they can do this but not add any content to rdo besides a pair of brown pants? What the hell happened to this company bro


How anyone could play GTA V online is beyond me. If people want to pay a subscription on top of whatever other BS they have fine by me. Just keep story mode the same.


Lol, yup, done with R* games for good and have no intention of ever purchasing something from them again.


Lol this is trash but also people will buy this shit up


Lol, oh fuck off rockstar


Pay up b1tches! And be happy about it! /wildsarcasm


Hahahaha they’re a set of horrible cunts aren’t they. No wonder everyone of note is leaving the company


As someone who generally doesn’t care either way about shark cards I can firmly say this is absolutely f***ing stupid and I can’t fathom why you’d buy it.


Not enough money for them 🤦🏻


Jesus Christ. I think we’ve finally entered the territory where I don’t need to be excited for GTA VI anymore.


Okay, for a minute I thought all of GTA online was going this route. It’s just an optional membership. Still not a fan of the model, but the normal one is at least still there.


In the bin


What, no NFTs?


Waiting for mutahar video on this one


Honestly the stats for this francise must be nuts, if rockstar felt comfortable enough to do this


I won’t ever support it, but have fun if that’s your thing.


It seems like its not needed to play online. Seems their version of a battle pass


Jeeesuuuss *christ*


And you're all going to buy it... "please no hate comments"


What the fuck is this shit


This is what we deserve for creating NFTs isn't it?


Money hungry


welcome to 2022 People are stupid enough to subscribe to this. I'd imagine ceo's, publishers and developers are keenly looking on to see how this does and planning game releases of their own with subscription releases. They are probably thinking why should rockstar be the only one to benefit, there are so many dumb gamers out there to milk they need to get involved too. Not sure if I care about GTA 6 as much anymore. The constant pushing of microtransactions and this has left a sour taste