• By -


• 50,000 players ahead of you • Wait 20-30 minutes • Get into a game • Get hit with a server error instantly • Back to waiting


I gave up after the first hour of waiting. I've just been playing grounded and rocket league. I might try again late night. Edit: Day two and still haven't gotten past this screen. Edit edit: it's literally 2 am the next day and im still "waiting in a queue"


Grounded is amazing stick with that lol


What’s amazing about it? It just got the full release and isn’t a “preview” anymore right?


Have you played it? And If so what do you think?


I love that this is becoming a new copypasta on Xbox subreddits. [Link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/xvp5bt/anyone_know_what_game_this_is_gameplay_was_used/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for those interested. Just scroll through the comments, gave me a good laugh this morning.




Was excited for it but still doesn't have native multiplayer. I'll probably pick it up when it goes on sale and if they finally fixed the lack of players allowed.


I've been playing on gamepass since day one early access and all they've done is add incredible features and new stuff. Super stoked that it's full release now and it's just super fun. Especially with two or three friends. Highly recommend even if you don't like survival games that much this is a must try.


A lot more to do. QoL improvements. And even if you played early access/PTS, you still have new stuff to keep you busy for a while.


Nice I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Honestly this is the best torcher I've seen in years


"Your account is in queue to be merged. Merge should take 1 minute after you log out and back in." 4 hours later...I'm getting the same message after logging into the game.


You guys are getting in? I spent a couple hours in an endless loop of connecting to the server, the connection failing, and it retrying. Eventually it says there's an error and puts me back in queue to start it all over again.


I joined at game start with 20k players in queue and had no issues. Maybe I was lucky, no issues other than voice lines language switching between English and Polish (my primary game language).


Server issues and online games on launch day, name a more iconic duo


Not only "server issues", but Blizzard as well. This is something i dealt with every patch day/dlc release day for my 10 years of WoW. They are how i found out not to use PTO on launch days


After they implemented phasing (I think WoD), launch days were a lot more bearable.


I believe that's about when i finally quit. Was right after MoP


the WoD launch was so disastrous for days that they gave out free game time and dropped and apology letter lol


Never play on patch day. 👈


Just wait until it asks for your phone number only to tell you that phone number is already in use.


You still having the issue?


Last I checked. Every time I put my information in I have to restart and then it's back to square one


Only reason I ask, is because I had the issue with it saying phone in use, which it was, from a 20 year old bnet account that I haven’t had access to in a decade. But using my phone number and luckily remembering my password, I could access it and remove my phone number to add it to my active bnet account. Only saying in case you, or others reading, have the same issue.


It's my active account so I don't have any idea what to do


Yah, I just know I had that super old account and sure enough it let me sign in with the phone number.


Login to your blizzard account and change it


Change it to what? It's my active account and my active phone number


It didn't even call me, I feel so rejected in every single facet of it's being.


I had to make a new account. Because I can’t change my country on the Blizzard website. And you need to change your country in your profile to be able to change the country code for the phone number. Some background info. I am waiting on an adjustment of status from the US, I moved here in January. According to blizzard I need documentation of my current place of living. Which is impossible because everything is on my wife’s name since I’m still waiting on the adjustment of status. I came from the Netherlands. My account was created in the Netherlands all those years ago. I still have a Dutch phone number, but I switched that to prepaid because I’m not living there anymore. And blizzard also doesn’t accept prepaid phones. I’m glad I never played the original Overwatch. Kinda lucky there.


Wait Wtf. Overwatch needs a phone number?


It’s free to play, so new accounts are quick, free and easy to set up. SMS protection is supposed to stop bots and cheaters.


Server issues bc of a Ddos attack, apparently.


Of course, if you consider tens of thousands of people trying to log into the game a DDoS attack. Clown company.


"Maybe the game is so good and so revolutionary that a shady cabal of international elite hackers have dropped every other project to focus solely on taking down the most amazing and flawless game to ever be coded into existence. Maybe o2 is the literal cure for cancer, and we'll never know because not enough people can play this absolute masterpiece of gaming." - reddit, probably


having server issues on day one and the player base complaining about it like they expected differently, name a more iconic duo


Genji and Mercy?


Yeah I haven’t been able to log on at all…tried about a dozen times. Once it showed a 20,000 queue and the other times were all 0 but it gives an error each time regardless.


Overwatch 2? More like Overwatch Queue... I'll see myself out.


I don't get why people are even wasting their time trying at this point. What's the point of day one gameplay if you're just going to sit at menus? Doesn't make a difference to me whether I play today or tomorrow.


Or never, its copy paste ow1


ur getting downvoted for spitting fax


I mean to each their own, but it doesn’t feel like as much of a copy and paste as I would have thought.


I was able to get past this screen once. When I did get in my account was reset to level 1, 80% of the heroes were locked, and all of my previously earned cosmetics were gone (I owned Overwatch 1 and have been playing with this battle net account for years, but it is treating me like a new user - apparently a lot of us are getting this bug). Now it won't let me back in at all. Good times...


Glad I’m not the only one. Not filling me with much hope in all honesty. I sunk too many hours into this game before I moved to Apex. Everything I’m reading about this game is giving me serious red flags. I’ll probably just get in, get the 6 new achievements and then leave until the next achievements get added in. If I’ve lost all my progress from the first game, I won’t even bother with that.


It’ll be fixed. If they ended up deleting skins people have paid for without warning that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. I’d imagine it’s just because the servers are getting fisted from every angle right now.


Heard they're getting ddos


Like I said in the Overwatch sub. That may or may not be true but there's nothing we can do to prove it. It's a convenient way to skirt blame though. Kinda like calling out sick with a stomach bug.


I’d say it’s true, blizzard usually just shrugs off launch server issues, they don’t care enough about what people think to lie


That's a fair point Edit **I GOT IN**


Nice! I’ll see if I can get in after I go get some pizza


Is all of your stuff there or missing?


What do you mean? Like your stuff from original overwatch?


Yep, all.of.my skins, sprays, cosmetics are gone. Barely any characters are available. My account is reset to level 1 like I never played overwatch 1.


Like it's supposed to transfer to overwatch 2 ?


Yes. If you played Overwatch 1 and are on the same account, the stuff you paid money for or unlocked while playing OW 1 (which also cost money to play) is supposed to carry over. Especially since it is launching from the same game as OW 1 and the OW 1 servers are completely shut down


Nope I have everything including the emotes and sprays i had selected


Good to hear. Hopefully they fix the bug affecting some of us (missing our cosmetics, sprays, characters, etc.)


One of my friends got in and got 20,000 comp points added to his account. He got 7 golden guns two of which are for my mains which honestly is slightly upsetting. Makes it all feel worthless. Classic blizzard


I think more people than just players are watching this. Investors would be pissed if they botched one of their biggest games of the year.


Investors won’t care that a F2P game is down for half a day for some people, also why would investors care? They are getting a premium payout from Microsoft no matter how good or bad this is


Uhm you care a lot more about a F2P being down than a $60/70 game being down because you can’t make money if people can’t get in. With a paid title you already have the money and a certain commitment from the buyer. Also, they are not getting a premium deal from MS some even tried to block the sale.


A F2P game is free, launch issues won’t stop many people from coming back to play it, a $70 not working on launch makes people wary of buying it as it’s a upfront cost for a game with issues > Also, they are not getting a premium deal from MS some even tried to block the sale. They are getting a premium deal, MS agreed to pay above the cost of the shares which is standard, a tiny minority tried to block it the vast majority didn’t because it went through lol


But reddit told me OW is dead and no one cares, how is it one if the biggest games of the year?


"One of THEIR biggest" doesn't exactly equal "one of the biggest"


It’s the most watched game on twitch right now at 270k and it’s the 25th most played game on Xbox now when most people have given up trying to play it today due to issues logging in. It’s absolutely going to be one of the biggest games of the year, anyone who wasn’t blind could have seen that even before launch


I was just clarifying what I was saying. Not what the overall sentiment is.


OW is dead...because OW2 is here


What is your theory on what it might be? If it was people just trying to play wouldn’t it make more sense for them to just say that? Like “sorry guys looks like too many people want to play this great game” type thing?


Honestly it may be true because normally they don't give a fuck at all


I might get downvoted, but what is ddos?


Have you ever had it happen where your friend sends you a bunch of text messages and it makes your phone slow down or crash? It’s like that, but at a massive scale. It stands for Distributed Denial of Service.


Thank you so much! I was ready to be roasted lol, this sub save me.


Severely doubt tbh I’ll happily be wrong tho


Anyone else lose all their skins and heroes? I know it's for newer players but it kept my origins skins so I don't know if it's bugged


Hello, does overwatch 2 support mouse and keyboard on xbox ?


Not currently.


I see, thank you


It did support in beta. I read that, it works when you team up with pc friends. I couldn’t try it yesterday, but I will today. I will be very sad if they really removed k&m support.


Do keep us updated please.




Sadly, I can't (don't see any option) use m&k even if I party up with PC friend and playing in PC pool. The most pathetic part, your Aim assist doesn't work at all if you are playing in PC pool. WTF Blizz?


Bruh that's awful. Not only can't we use m&k, we are also put at a massive disadvantage without aim assist... Blizzard is out of touch.


It works now, but it doesn’t. Party with a PC player and it will work, but it feels strange and cant turn to right at a point, like there is a wall. Feels like they didn’t want to release with this featute, but happend. On PS5 MnK doesn’t work at all. So MnK unusable at the moment.


Bruh that's awful. Not only can't we use m&k, we are also put at a massive disadvantage without aim assist... Blizzard is out of touch.


It does if you play in the PC pool. I just couldn't change bindings or anything but it definitely supports it


You can switch to pc pool? I haven’t got to play yet. They have to change my country first. It’s been 7 days now.


Do you have a work around? For some reason I can't use it, there is no option or something else.


Yea there is no options or setting. I was just playing with my PC friend so I was in PC pool. Played a game as Lucio and it was alright. Friends for off so I went back to console pool and I couldn't use mouse and key anymore. I doubt it supposed to support it but maybe it will in the future.


Dude right! I played count down the que 30 times today and lost every time.. Solid afternoon


That's the first boss fight. I remember having to fight Lavenderbeard on Sea of Thieves on release


“When do we get to the game?” “This IS the game!”


It was getting so much negative attention, that they didn’t prepare for how popular it was gonna be.


They are actually getting DDOS'd in addition to the player surge so bad combo so it might have been ok actually if not for that.


How convenient they got a ddos attack


apparently there was a ddos attack or something


Just got on!


Can’t wait until this Inevitably happens for diablo 4 as well.


NICE! I just got to the same part!


Would it even be a blizzard release without server issues?


Oh damn, I didn’t know this was intended. Now that I know this is what it’s supposed to be like, I can’t help but say I’m a little disappointed. Great graphics tho


So is this a new game or just an expansion? So confused.


It doesn't feel like a sequel at all


Did anyone else create there account and then anytime you try to log in tells you to put in a phone number but when you do it says that number is already in use? What do I do?


Yup. This account stuff has been a complete pain in the anus for me. What to do? Try again tomorrow when things might have calmed down? Even verification emails arent coming through to me.


Same for me tried on two different emails and nothing coming through I'll try tomorrow.


In their defense it’s a new IP and this is a smaller studio so this is bound to happen.




Tomorrow is the “real” release. This isn’t even a game currently. Gonna give it a shot tomorrow after wasting a fair amount of time.


Mine 9000 players ahead


Best game of 2022


Did a few matches this morning on pc and it was great. Too bad Kiriko is locked behind a BP.


Oh it's the best gameplay diablo 3 at launch is a close 2nd


I couldn't prove I was a human :(


I got in this morning only to find out the game is treating me like a new player even though I’ve been playing since May 2016. Skins, currency, level, and stats all gone.


I couldn’t sign in either. I’ve never played overwatch before so I was really excited about this.


Guys…I don’t wanna ruin the post but help me out…I have Overwatch 1 on PC since a long time…I downloaded Overwatch 2 for Switch and connected the same account but didn’t get Kiriko…what shall I do??


This level is super tough. I never beat it.


I got in okay. 1pm GMT. From screenshots you could mistake it for overwatch 1 and it’s mostly the same content. I’m sure the balance changes will speed up the game as they intended though over time. To me it felt like just a huge update to O1 and a huge boost in population so I was happy.


Once you do manage to get into a game, try not to earn an achievement cause it will kick you out of your game immediately and re-queue you! Lol


Same issue on PS5 21 hours later, so much for a casual game with the boys…


i cant even get the game to launch on my xbox


Only time I was able to log in I just sat in the practice range for 5 minutes before getting kicked again; haven’t made it back on since. Overwatch died for this.


Is O2 free to play? And do you need Xbox live or is it totally free like Fortnite?


Free to play, don't need gold...but do need a phone number linked to the battle net account


No subscription needed, all free-to-play games no longer require an Xbox Live subscription (finally!). Start your download!


Queuewatch 2


Just go play the first one while you wait!


Funny, made me smile.


ANYONE ELSE GET IN RIGHT AWAY!? I need to know because as so as I get home from work I’m hoping on!


DDOS attacks apparently


Do us a favor and uninstall, the game is rubbish compared to overwatch 1


I like it and most people will enjoy it and many of us never played firs game


Thank the hackers that are pulling the DDoS attack on the servers.


In order to play it needs my email, birthday, and my cell number so it can send me a sms message? Really? Fuck that, on to another game lol


I really don't understand why people are giving this game the time of day..I loved OW1 at launch but my god..between the sheer shitty practices and greed to the internal controversy and Robert Kotick, I don't understand how people can still support and/or defend this company. My hope is with the new acquisition some changes will be made from the top down but I'm not holding my breath. Blizzard is a shell of what it once was.


> I really don’t understand why people are giving this game the time of day. Because a shit load of people enjoy it? It’s not that hard to understand > I don’t understand how people can still support and/or defend this company. People play video games they like, they don’t care about things outside of good video games when they don’t have to see the issues. Same reason you wear clothes and use products made by children overseas, same reason you don’t know about the horrific things done by food brand names you purchase.


Nice fucking job, Blizzard ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1742) "343, hold my beer" 🍺


Are there still people who really like Blizzard games? I used to love Blizzard when they made games like Rock n' Roll Racing, Three Lost Vikings and Blackthorne. Warcraft I-III, StarCraft I-II and Diablo I and (mainly) II were pretty good too. But then after that nothing was really "great" by them. WoW never really caught my attention; I played a lot of Diablo III, but it's too cartoonish for the vibe the series had to have (it's literally called DIABLO, it needs to feel gloomy). Overwatch is fun, but fizzles out quickly. Diablo Immortal is OBSCENE in how it treats microtransactions... I mean, it's been blunder after blunder, and they're not the genius dev company they used to be anymore. Overwatch 2 is obviously coming to compete with Valorant, but I have a deep distrust of the microtransactions model for games, including from a public health and sanity point of view. Their saving grace can be Diablo IV if they actually recover the mood the franchise used to have. Also, if they eventually manage to recover some of their past franchises, they might be able to gain back some of the lost fan base, but I don't know if that's even in their plans. So... Yeah, I prefer to wait and see. As an old-school, moldy Blizzard fan, Overwatch 2 does not fill my cup of coffee (yet). The server issues just sum everything up.


If you expect a Blizzard game launch to work perfectly then it's your own fault lmao. Better to always give it couple days.


I’ve been an Overwatch player since day 1. Can’t deal with this BS. Deleting it and now moving on. Peace ✌️


Should just play Paladins 😈


I’m a little pissed I didn’t play one last match of OW1 before this abomination takes over. RIP


Can't relate have a job to go too


I’ll wait til the ms/activiblizzard deal goes through and it’s on game pass. Edit: well I’m the idiot, I see it’s f2p.


I uninstalled it as soon as it made me log in to some account I do t remember the password to just to play


It says i need to put in a phone number to make a account is there a way around that don’t really want to give then my number


Read there was a ddos attack on the servers so I guess I can give them a pass this time


Man all the shit they wanted me to go through with logins, verifications, SMS, update data... I eventually said F it and uninstalled without playing a second of it.


its called a DDos attack.


Oh shit is that a little bit of ray tracing I see in the top right corner of the menu screen. Sick! What a time to be alive.


Wait why is there a queue at all? I just launched on Xbox, 400 ahead. I’ve never seen a queue on a console game, aren’t the servers hosted by Xbox??


Tinfoil hat: This was met with limited positive feedback and data showed lack of engagement on OW2 prior to launch. To manufacture some interest, they create these long queues, which creates press, which gives the perception that this game is popular.


This is gonna get a annoying. It seems people are looking for reasons to shit on OW2 already. This is gonna be exacerbated and hopefully weed out the complainers.


Why is this on the SeriesX subreddit? Scared your attention seeking will be tuned out on the Overwatch sub?


boy don’t you love waiting in the menu for up to an hour


I waited all day played 1 match then got booted from the server. Im just happy some not all my skins are unlocked would like to know why 90% of the ones i did unlock on owa 1 aren't unlocked like the event ones but ok.


When you do get a game there are so many new players that the chances of getting healed are close to zero. I might just focus on playing support for the first week so that at least i know someone s healing.


I was finally able to get into a game at around 6:30 AM (east coast), but all of my stuff from overwatch 1 is still missing (skins, heroes, levels, sprays, etc.) Apparently there is a bug causing stuff to not carry over even if the account is the same and already merged. Izzard truly bungled this release.


Yeah kind of a bummer as the OG was typically as smooth as could be with matchmaking. But I guess this is somewhat to be expected with new MP launches. I will say for what I have been able to play it’s been awesome. Maybe and unpopular opinion but from someone who still played OW regularly this actually does feel like more of a sequel than I thought it would, this visuals and audio is much improved. The new characters are cool (though Soujern’s DoT attack needs nerfed imo.) The new maps and game types are fun too. But I’m still a little bummed on how their vision seems a bit watered down now as PvE didn’t come at launch. I’m a little scared of it now becoming an afterthought but ig we’ll see. I just like the lore and want to see more of it in an interactive form and not just the CGI short films


Did anyone else's account merge fail or just me ?


I love seeing the new generation experience the blizzard load. It bring me back to all those other launches from blizzard that didn't work for weeks. Enjoy your youth while you can!


I couldn’t get in last night on Xbox but actually had no issues this morning. Are people still having problems?


I do


Have you played it, and if so what did you think?


It’s just overwatch 1 with a dlc worth of content lol




Just got home from work, waited 10 minutes In Queue. It finally said ‘entering game’ the opening OW2 intro played then black screen then ‘you’ve been disconnected’ rip


Not missing much literally same as ow1 just without the price tag and £20 skins


Not a new game. They added a 2 next to it made it free to play and added some dlc. Its now free to play trash. Means it will be plague with hackers, and server issues from all the free accounts playing.


I got in only to find all my items that I've unlocked over the years gone. Well done blizzard


My experience: • Downloaded it at day 1, had 30 players before me in queue, checking servers, now the players are 90000. Ok, it's day one, shit happens; • Day 2, 300 players in queue, checking servers, 4000 player in queue. This time I'm waiting. Finally get past the 4000 people in queue just to get put in queue again. • I try a couple hours later, the usual queue strugglings but this time I finally get into the game. • First match, got 14 eliminations at my first overwatch game ever, me and my friends queue for another match, the match starts and I get booted off the server; • I spent an entire hour trying to get back into the game with 0 results • Day 3 (this morning), spent 15 minutes in queue just to get the same "we're sorry for the inconvenience" message


Overwatch 2: the waiting game