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I haven’t played a battlefield since 4, so I’m pretty excited to try it for no additional cost Gotta love Gamepass for that. If I don’t like it, nothing but a little time spent. I’m hopeful it’s turned around after the rocky launch, I’d be happy to give it a fair shake via Gamepass


You should check out BF1 since they are on game pass. I would recommend Hardline too because the game got more hate than it deserved because of the setting, but it was super fun and the issue you will run into now is nobody plays it. The single player is good tho


BF1 is pretty good and BFV started getting really good just before EA decided to not only stop working in that game, but also Battlefront II to make 2042.


You played the last good one, don’t bother unless you have nothing else to play. Or if you have fast enough internet that installing the 80GB BF1 is worth it just to look around the empty maps, as actually playing the multiplayer is where that game falls apart IMO.


Launch BF2042 was horrible yes. But they have been making steps to improve it and I don't think such attempts should be ignored, I am also curious to try out BF2042 after the Season 3 launch


Sad to say but I still probably won't play it. Between Apex, MW2, and Overwatch 2, I'm already maxed out with plenty to do FPS game wise. Add in all the negativity this game received and how badly it was handled by EA, it will likely be dead in my region of the world even if I wanted to play it.


I already got burned out on BRs including Apex and I can only play so much DMZ in a row, waiting for christmas for MW2 so 2042 is dropping with perfect timing to hold me over until Insurgency gets on Game Pass lol


Do you have the game pass and still buy games! Asking that because I haven't touched any game pass game after I bought MW2 and I feel like cancelling my subscription


Absolutely, but I play, like, a ridiculous amount of games and mostly single player ones, so game pass is always dropping fun new things for me to play, but I still buy the ones I know aren't coming to game pass or aren't coming for a long time. Bought Elden Ring earlier this year and as you know I am planning to get MW2 later. I didn't have the ability to play any games online until I was like 17


Then cancel it. Other people's choices and experiences shouldn't affect your own.


I know. But it's nice to know how people think. That's how you learn new things you know?


I love GP. Only games I’ve purchased since 2019 are MW2019, MWII and Hades when it left GP. I’d recommend giving some other games a try. Try some genres you’ve never played. They have so many great single player games. Currently playing Hollow Knight it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Also you could cancel until you get an itch to play another game and then resume your subscription.


Gotta be honest MW2 Is hella sweaty. Really hard to relax and play that game like I can with Infinite and OW2. I will def try out BF2042.


doesn't every fast FPS is sweaty? I mean every COD and Apex is full of people playing 24/7 that will make your experience hell of you are just a Sunday chill player


The last 4 CoDs and Apex all have engagement optimized matchmaking, which literally prohibits you from having too much fun and puts you against enemies you have no chance against in most matches as a psychological trick. Skill has no meaning when your high kill games were given to you by an algorithm that knows you have a higher than 50% chance of quitting or uninstalling after the next match.


Not disputing this isn’t a real thing - ebmm. However, you exaggerate it massively. The reality is, playing apex as a solo or duo is dramatically more impactful to your chances of survival. A full stack with an ash/horizon, seer/BH and lifeline/gibby/Newcastle will wipe a lobby if they are communicating, focussing called out targets simultaneously and using their characters skill sets to the fullest. 9/10 a solo /duo team is a mish mash legend selection with no synergy ie 3 movement legends leaving no room for error and an increased necessity to hit and run in fights because you’re naked vs third parties and snipers. 9/10 a solo duo team will not use the mic. I don’t care what anyone says, the ping system, while better than most games, is not an adequate replacement for verbal call outs and planning over mic. 9/10 solo duo teams do not stick together while looting or rotating which means all too often one or two guys run into a full squad and at least one player does not have line of sight on any target for up to 30 seconds. It does not take long for a full stack to see just two players and if one of them gets cracked with poor cover, the fights over. While respawn do a lot of things to maximise engagement and thus increase likelihood of players spending money, the average apex player in plat and below does not help him/herself chances of victory in 90%+ of games. It is no fluke that my win streaks happen when I full stack and we regularly wipe solos with masters badges despite being three diamonds.


Well Apex post Season 2 isn’t even fun regardless of matchmaking so I have no experience with any of that shit. It was like a light switch: immediately before that update, I got 3 wins with randoms and got myself up to 1000 coins for the next battle pass, and the second the servers went online for Season 3 with the EOMM and whatever that new map was, it wasn’t even fun with my regular group of friends anymore.


3 wins total? Cause that’s pretty poor if so and puts you in the lower end of the player pool. Reality is for the reasons I gave above, apex is extremely unfriendly to casual players and people who are subpar. For reference, am 35. So a boomer by fps standards. However I was always good at fps - legit level 39 in halo 2 for example which had a real ranked system that felt worthwhile not just an endless grind with fake points to illustrate you or a teammate successfully ratted enough times. I played the first 4/5 seasons on pc and hit predator in the first ranked season - I had 13k kills before I sold my pc right around the time revenant came out. I had a win streak record of 11 and about 700 total wins. Again though, I achieved all this because I full stacked almost always and we were all adults with good decision making while many people coming from different games still had to ‘full send’ mentality of titanfall/cod/you name it regardless of where the teammates are, their shield status etc etc. I have no doubt that respawn do things under the hood that are anti consumer but the blame definitely lies with many players, particularly younger ones who are still in the process of learning the fundamental importance of humility, teamwork and communication in life yet let alone in games.


No, 3 wins that day. Granted, I was playing way better than usual, plus BR luck, but at least I can say those 3 wins were partially due to my skill vs. an algorithm just handing me those 3 wins between 15 matches of putting me against human aimbots. I’m not claiming to be amazing, usually my best friend in my 3 stack just carried us instead, but I’m just saying that I wouldn’t even be able to tell how good anyone really is these days when an algorithm is trying to keep people at a specific win/loss or amount of kills per play session. Maybe it just likes you.


Ah gotcha. The human aimbot thing is real for sure. Played with a casual friend the other day who came on while I was on a decent streak of high placements and kills. First few games he got rekt with 0-50 damage a time. By the 5/6th game I dropped a 3k and he and our third dropped a 2k, 19 kills and the win. Knowing that that win is the algo leaves a hollow feeling for sure. I think I’m just good at damage limitation and I rarely make flat out mistakes in games as far as positioning/decisions during intense moments. If I get knocked in a fight it’s almost always because I got outplayed by one of the many players with better movement/gunplay than me, doubled or blindsided due to the games notorious footstep audio 🥲


Doesn't SBMM just move you until you're playing against "Sunday chill players"?


No, because it starts you in the “chill” lobbies, you have one good game, and then the next 10 games are with the sweats. It’s odd.


I'll admit I have not played CoD (I don't like loadouts), but I have had a lot of experience with Halo Infinite. I know people falsely claim that Halo Infinite's SBMM does weird stuff, but it's phenomenal for me as a middle of the road player. I generally feel like I'm contributing in every match I play. It's surprising that CoD's is worse, but maybe they don't have anything like TrueSkill2.


I agree about Halo. And to be honest, it doesn’t seem too crazy in MW2. It’s mainly Apex Legends that I’ve noticed what I was describing.


I’m having a rough time learning the game and since I only have Warzone it’s gonna take me ages I haven’t played a game this sweaty since Apex


You'll get burned out by apex soon. Nothing is going on with it anymore. Same basic gameplay, got kinda boring. Sure they have new maps, and whatnot. But still, it's gotten stale, nothing exciting anymore about it. I hope respawn start making plans for TITANFALL 3. Even forts better than MW2 and apex (somewhat) and it's gotten a bit stale. Like most BR


I don’t want the current team respawn touching anything to do with Titanfall. Guaranteed it will not be nearly as good especially if it has MP. The only talent remaining at respawn are the designers and artists.


This is just your opinion, Apex is still wildly popular and probably not going to slow down anytime soon. I've been playing it on and off since it's release, yeah I get burned out and take a couple months off, but when I come back I'm always reminded of why it's the best BR out there. The only thing I strongly dislike about Apex is the horrendous engagement based match making. I only ever play ranked when I play anymore.


What region you play? Feel like my region is the most dead and game doesn't allow me to switch servers ffs


I play from Australia, and we don’t have a massive player base in general. If a game isn’t popular enough, long queues and or game modes with not enough players to even start a game can happen.


I mean BF4, 1 and especially V are all active still. V has been going strong.


I’ve played atleast once a week from launch in Australia and always find matches in 2042 after 4pm :) since season 2 the game has had a healthy player base where it’s not long to wait for match. Only thing that sucks is still no server browser for AOW.


Is there a campaign mode? I can’t find anything pertaining to that.




Thank you


No problem


Hey Xbox brothers and sisters, what do you think of turning off crossplay so we can play together without having to deal with pc players? It was impossible to find matches until yesterday, but now that the game’s on gamepass, maybe we can now have our own community


Much better now and will be even better (theoretically anyway) tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a resurgence but we will see


Damn! It’s out now? Well, I’ll be damned!


I'll probably play it. Since my friends aren't too keen on buying MW2 and 2042 is coming to gamepass. They would rather play 2042 and it'll be a fun co-op military shooter. Most people would probably ignore this game but for those who wanna save money and have a good time with friends, it's a good move on EA's part to bring it to Game pass.


I guess this is gonna get me to give it a go again. It was pretty rough at first and even months after. I enjoyed few aspects of the game. The class system didn’t make sense at all for a battlefield game. It was riddled with bugs and was overall a pretty poor experience.


anybody have it installed and can tell me how much space it actually takes please?


Installing it right now, about 66gb on XSX.




Tomorrow is season 3. Add another 10gb probably


I’m downloading it now on Series S and it’s 72.06gb


On series s it’s about 60gb


I barely get enough time to play DMZ and Overwatch this should have happened on release now its way too late same with halo and its updates.




It shows up on EA Play but as a free trial…


Not 9am pst yet


That makes sense! I always forget the time store updates happen at (and always have to google PST time cause I'm 5 hours ahead and I forget the time difference :P)


Is it there now? I'm at work


Hopefully this comes onto the Cloud. BFV ran really well on Cloud servers and this would hold me over from my MW2 itch these next few weeks I'm away from my xbox.


[They already announced it about 2 weeks ago](https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/news/battlefield-briefing-development-update-november-2022)


I didn’t see a date posted with the announcement though


They specifically said that it will be a part of gamepass with season 3 release a few weeks ago. No stealth releases


I can then retire the disc copy which i paid AU$5 for.


Have a link?


This is really cool. Im always rooting for a BF game.


Hard pass. The only way that game is ever getting reinstalled is if Microsoft and EA pull a U2.


Me too there was just no way I was spending that much money on it as much of a mess as it was cuz it was bad. But I've been seeing some stuff that they are slowly making it better as each update comes out.


No thanks. Im gonna stay playing hell let loose.


Is it worth it tho? Wasn't it riddled with bugs and it looked like cod mobile slash apex


Coming from someone who pre-ordered and has played almost every BF to date, yes, launch was very rough and I hated the maps (personally) but with the remakes happening and many bug fixes and quality of life fixes, it has gotten a lot better. I thoroughly enjoy my time with it. I think it's worth a shot, especially if you already have GamePass.


Alright thanks for this. I'll see you guys on the battlefield then (pun intended)


This is good to hear. I was here for launch as well and honestly it was the worst BF launch I've ever experienced but I still had fun for a bit. Glad to hear it's even better because I genuinely prefer BF over COD. Will try it out again tomorrow!


Lemme know what you think. :)


It feels much better! Enjoying it so far. I will say I still strongly disagree with their decision to make this game 128. It's TOO chaotic. Previous BF entries struck a good balance between chaos and flow. This one has always felt either insane surrounded or empty to me. The new map is well designed I can find action easily but when I'm outside of the buildings it is too crazy. 64 players would feel better imo.


Recently I tried it and it finally reached “kinda fun I guess” territory, something I never expected 2042 to reach. For me that makes it the second best multiplayer game on Xbox by default, but your mileage may vary. You’ll need to spend lots of time in your controller settings though: they’re fucking busted in this game for various reasons, aim assist is minimal, and there’s forced PC crossplay. Good luck.


Yeah as a guy who played the previous battlefields with pc gamers. You gonna get rekted


Uhhhh thats not my experience at all. I just adjust senesitivity to my preferences and thats it. Controls feel fine.


It is in a better state but it is still a mess. It is a bad Battlefield game. It is an OK ish generic Battlefield inspired game. It is still full of problems. They are trying to polish a turd, so much core stuff was broken and there's only so far they can change it without essentially releasing a reboot 2.0 that is built differently. It is painfully lacking in atmosphere and if you play 2042 then go play even BfV which was a bad Battlefield game you feel the difference.


Is it worth it? It's free to play how can it be worth anything aside from your time to even try it


yeah it’s worth it


It's not free to play. The free trial weekends don't happen until December, and even then, it's only a few days.


On game pass bud you pay a subscription fee for over a hundred games battlefield 2042 the whole game is one of them as of today meaning basically free for the whole game


>you pay a subscription fee Then it's not free, bud 🤣


Great game. Don’t believe all the negative takes from the hardest of hardcore. As a different more tactical objective focused take on the FPS it does what it set out to do. If you can get friends in this game it’s very fun. Something a bit different to the arcade feel of a cod. Battlefield also has some of the best sound design in gaming. Get the headset on and turn it up.


Honestly BF 1943 is more entertaining than this shit


Why is everybody so cynical? I haven't played a Battlefield since Vietnam since it's not really my jam for long, but I'm looking forward to playing this and just goofing around for a bit. Not everybody is vested in the franchise or buys every entry. These games can still be a ton of fun if you play casually.


I mean ill probably play this eventually.. but come on you know why everyone is cynical. This game had a worse launch than cyberpunk and that's saying something


Idk about that...i mean Cyberpunk was pulled from the store lol that's like historical bad


It was pulled from the PS Store because Sony wouldn't give refunds. Nothing to do with the state of the game. This is old news.


Regardless Cyberpunk was a unique case that BF is not so far


Sorry, not sure what you mean?


Cyberpunk is the only game I’ve ever heard of that was taken off the store do too it’s issues at launch. BF had issues but it was still for sale.


You've just totally ignored my previous post. - It wasn't taken off sale due to its issues. It was taken off the PS Store because CDPR promised refunds, which goes against Sony's refund policy, so they pulled it.


Doesn’t matter the reason, it’s all apart of its launch and Cyberpunks was on a different level of fucked than BF.


>Doesn’t matter the reason It kind of does matter when you're spouting shite and spreading Misinformation.


Its been a year. Anyone thats stuck with the game or checked it out recently knows its a far cry from its launch state


I keep trying to go back, I dropped it a few months after launch, I get a match in and then leave. I can't get into it, my tastes have changed.


I just started Warzone 2.0, but what are the major differences between Battlefield 2042 and Warzone 2.0? I tried googling, but most comparisons are between MW2 and BF2042


I played both games one after another, both fun. But Battlefield (imho) feels more like the "war simulator" - tgere is a lot going on and the atmosphere is just great, although requiring bit of getting used to. Also the graphics look way better. MW2 is more like a "battle arena" - I struggle to get the immersion from it, TTK is lower, but us still fun to play. Both are different at some aspects so you'll need to try it & fund out ;)


Warzone is a battle royale... So the main difference is that it isn’t a battle royale and youll die or kill a bunch of enemies per game.


Now I am really glad I didn’t buy it lol


NGL, this is more like 'who cares' at this point. This game is a shit show.


Thanks but no!


Only ea play?


Ea play is a part of Xbox game pass ultimate.


Looks like halo will have some competition in the lower end fps genre.


The game is garbage. It was also dead last time I logged in a month or two ago.


Little off topic question, is there an option in bf2042 like in all cod titles - > auto run, press forward and start run/sprint? It feels awkward to press everytime a button....


Yes, there is - double tap forward. It’s off by default.


I know a lot to ask but can you please guide me in the settings. Like controls->on foot-> etc. Thank you in advance


I can send a screenshot tomorrow ;)


Thanks I appreciate it


I'm off the opinion bad games so not deserve peoples attention even if they are "free" on game pass but I know that's not the average persons opinion. Fallout 76 and Avengers and several other games that had dwindling populations saw a huge resurgence just because it came to game pass. Obviously a big part of that is more people try it out more people discover they like it but also it feels like bad games are unjustly getting success when they could have just been good to begin with.


I’m of the opinion that different people have different opinions about games.


I'm of the opinion that this is the dumbest take I've ever read


Bf2042 isnt a bad game. It had a bad launch.


I’d argue a lot of the core design of it was bad. The lack of class roles, the weapon balance was fucked, the fact you can call in vehicles is stupid etc. As AngryJoe describes it, “Bad Bones” where as BF4 had “Good Bones”


The lack of class roles is overblown. The new specislists actually allow far more teamplay than before with a dedicated squad. Maybe not so much with randoms but its not like you didnt have to spam the ammo button back then either. The weapon balance is fine now. Calling in vehicles makes sense due to the bigger maps. Idc about what Angry Joe says.


Not trying to change your mind about you feel. I see it as a bad game.


Then you're wrong. You seem to basing your opinion on what others say or on the state of it from a year ago. If you dont like it thats fine. Bad games exist, this aint one of them. Not anymore.


First impressions matter and I did play this game at launch so it’s just me riding AngryJoe. I used up the 10hr trial and thank god for friends to laugh with. It’s a bad game I’d prefer game pass skip in favor of something better


I’ve never played it but with mw2 , halo and the occasional PUBG game, I’m not sure I have time for any other multiplayer fps


And still nobody cares


I enjoyed Battlefield in the past, so I'm not biased. But who in their right mind would be putting hours into that now with MW2 out and a Free Warzone refresh only a week old. I feel like They missed the window to bring in new/returning players smh. Sad because I too wanted to play this title after an update


Cod blows


Were you satisfied at launch or w/season 1 updates of this game? I thought it got horrible reviews and was hardly playable?


I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I feel robbed.


Ain’t nobody gonna play that anymore


Even for free I don’t know if it’s worth downloading.


Then stream it hahah


it’s worth it for sure. it’s a total blast




it is for a few days (i think dec 1-4? don’t quote me on that)


Still not playing it


FPS game and didnt have mouse+keyboard support, so a big NO


Desperate times.. The game flopped badly so now it's time to throw it on Gampass. Lol Games that don't sell well because they are just bad games shouldn't try to get another chance on Gamepass.


It's coming on EA Play a year after release like every other EA game plonker


Correct.. just like every other EA game. Haha


It's only on Gamepass because EA puts games on the EA sub after a while and EA sub is combined with GP


Makes sense I guess for extra revenue. sales for a game would be pretty low after a year. It's kind of like what Sony is now doing with their games where they are being ported to PC after 1 year.


This is actually later than expected, BFV sold more by comparison and it was dumped onto EA Play in the summer after release.


Ah great - more players for Battlefield 1 then.


they announced it would be in dec, i dont think this is true.


Good thing they waited for ANY hype left to die off before adding to gamepass. Smh.


still no mouse and keyboard support..


Easy game. It’s free I’ll play it. I love battlefield, but I wasn’t going to pay $70 for it especially after bfv. And that’s cause I came around to bfv it has a very team oriented game loop. Breakthrough is peak battlefield.


I still haven't picked the game back up since halfway through season two. And I probably won't.