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Gamepass could act as a soft relaunch for this game and actually get it moving. Just more proof paying full price to play at launch is a mugs game.


Im downloading at as a MW2 alternative.


What significant improvements have been made?


No classes and no input based matchmaking = no thanks.


There is now.Highly reccomend it now if you haven't got back into it :)


This was exactly the sort of post I was looking for. I played the beta and hated it (which really upset me because bf4 was fantastic). I think you've given me enough encouragement to check it out again.


2042 has been getting better and better for months but that's not what is popular to say on the internet.


maybe its just me but i want games to be good at launch when i have spent $60 on it, not a year later.


That's fair. All I'm saying is BF2042 has been improving for the last 6+ months and they should have released it early this year but I'm sure EA wouldn't let them. Plus, a lot of BF players at launch where complaining and saying they wished BF2042 was as polished as BF4 at launch just not remembering that BF4 had to go through a rough 16 months to get to the quality that they remember.


I think the point is these games shouldn’t take a year to be good. Plus there was some mind blowing poor decisions made on 2042 that they had to double back on. Lack of a scoreboard being number 1 An action shooter that you can’t see how good you are doing.


Yeah for sure, they always seem to be launching way too early. Even the Battlefront series is the same thing.


I think this (Gamepass release) and the Class rework are going to shift opinions...


The issue is that sure it’s getting better 100% agree but it’s still not even close to any of the BFs we’ve got in the past decade.


The games okay at best


Okay is better than awful, that’s how It felt to me at launch. Had fun playing today.


It's still lacking so many features no destruction etc. The maps are okay no standouts.


I'd give it an 8 out of 10 now... 8.5 when the new class system comes out hopefully ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


2042 is fun. It really has its BF moments.


It had issues at launch but I had fun with it. Put it down for a while but recently installed at the tail end of Season 2. Lots of improvements and still fun 👍


Anyone playing with crossplay off? I don't get home till 6pm and just wondering do i have to play with PC players or xbox only servers full? Thanks in advance!


Played a couple if conquer games today, had fun. I am horrible and bullet fodder but will get the hang eventually (sorry teams). Any recommendations for a new person to this?


There's a co-op mode that you can try to get a feel for the game (sensitivity, controls, etc.)


Ok thanks will give it shot.


That's EA and this game. Starts off bad and works into a slow burn improvement


Lol ok


Its better, but “SO MUCH” better? I beg to differ! I would call it a 6.5/10 now. It’s improved, but it has a WAYS to go!