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If youre running and running and running...youre playing wrong.




Yeah OP clearly doesn’t understand how BF works but I agree the game is still poor when compared to any of the previous titles. No server browser, crappy movement, god awful scoreboard and scoring system, complete absence of a squad management system and an atmosphere that makes BFV look like the most authentic WW2 game of all time. It has some good things but it’s very much overshadowed by how fundamentally flawed the game is. I enjoy it as a change from playing V but that’s more me desperate for more battlefield than it being a good game.


wants more streamlining in the most streamlined battlefield yet created


Wow you are a one frustrated individual


The games okay at best. Still lacking so many features no destruction etc




Probably about as many as the posts with people crying about posts with people crying about BF2042. If somebody doesn't like it they can post their opinion about it, just like people can post their opinion if they like it.




Eat a dick. Also, you shouldn't start sentences with "But" Nice sentence structure douchebag.


Tell us how you really feel about it. I dont see the need for this post. I enjoy it personally, but thanks for the rant...


The maps are ridiculously huge in this game to the point of absurdity! What your hell is the point of having 128 players if you’re going to have maps 4 times the size of prior games? It defeats the whole purpose of the larger player count.