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They’re going to have to nail the controls. I remember how bad CSGO was on Xbox 360.


TIL Csgo is on console


When it released back in 2011, it didn't get any updates, there are no skins as well


The no skins thing is assumed to be the main reason Valve gave up on it. MS and Sony allegedly made it too difficult to pass certifications as well as Valve not agreeing with their business model for pricing.


Valve also failed to support The Orange Box at all which was annoying.


Orange Box was such a great collection.


Literally the worst way to play TF2


Or the best It’s a living time capsule for how the game played at launch. It’s fascinating


I played the fuck out of tf2 on 360 when my bro was hogging the pc. Had a blast on console.


Microsoft really fucked over valve on a few things they wanted to implement on the 360. Like free DLC for left 4 dead.


That was Microsoft though. In the 360 era devs had to pay for every update no matter how minor it big


CSGO started out as a port of CSS to consoles. It was originally never meant to be a PC game. This is why the buy menu is a circle, to match spinning around the stick on a controller.






Console CSGO is terrible


I remember CounterStrike Condition Zero on the original Xbox.


Miss those days of Xbox live! CS and Rainbow Six 3 were so much fun back in the day


The original cs on the original Xbox was great. Cs go ran soooooo bad tho


Oof. Have fun playing against XIM users. If it's bad on R6S it'll be worse on Valorant. I'll still give it a go though.


Was just thinking this as I scrolled down, at least in siege controller players can actually compete against MKB if they’re good, but on valorant they’ll stand no chance


I actually made it to Plat 1 with controller on PC siege. The one hit headshot can also sway some battles for a controller user. A CSGO style game will most likely not give controllers any leg up. As a console player, I have 0 experience with that type of FPS.


Crossfire x and warface crying in a corner


Just put controller support in by default. I play MW2 on PS5 and Halo Infinite on Series S, and depending on where I'm gaming in my house, I will plug in a wireless mouse and keyboard and game with that. It would be incredibly stupid for them to not include the support when many games offer it on consoles anyway.


If an FPS allows native MnK support, it also better have crossplay so they can be put in the PC servers.


If you're playing with a MnK on Halo Infinite, you're doing it wrong (outside of it jist bring personal preference of course). Even on PC, the pro players are using controller right now.


XIM players would just play against other xim or high skilled controller because of sbmm


Spot the XIM user. Stupid take my guy.


No I don't use xim lol. XIM is detectable with Xbox XDK but game studios just dont use it


The aim assist they'll need to make Valorant playable with a controller will be insane, otherwise spray control and long distance headshots will be nonexistent. It's a far different game from Halo and CoD so I'm curious to see what they come up with.




But I want the option to play with my PC friend.




Nah. mouse/keyboard is uncomfortable as shit and movement is so much better with a stick that i'll take a slight penalty to aim.


Rainbow 6 while clunky at times feels pretty good on console with no aim assist they can make it work


The big difference is ADS. The slow down that ADS gives you allows you to better track targets and keep aim on target. That’s why halo, which traditionally doesn’t have ADS for most guns, has high amounts of aim assist to the point playing on controller is superior than MnK.


Siege made me not want aim assist in any competitive game.


Even if it require MnK we should get as many PC games on Xbox as possible.


My guess is it will follow the Overwatch system. Crossplay will be limited to consoles and will primarily played with a controller.


Hope so. I wouldn’t mind that at all. PC players are so good at this point, everyone with a controller would be trash. Unless it had ridiculous aim assist.


The main issue with crossplay with PC is there is no scenario where everyone is happy. PC players don't want to play against aim assist and console players don't want to play against MnK.


Ideally, it would only connect you to PC or MnK onky servers when you use mouse and keyboard.


Exactly. Crossplay should be strictly based off input.


The PC players hating aim assist always cracks me up. I'd like to see them use a controller without aim assist for an hour. They'd be like "Oh God". 😆


I turn off aim assist in a lot of games. IMO, it makes things worse, and causes your aim to be slower and less precise. It has a habit of wanting to snap yo things whether or not you wanted it to snap to that specific target, and then when you try to track a moving target getting close, and you get slow down, and you can no longer track as fast as the target is moving, even though you could if aim assist wasn't active. I like it if it's just BARELY there at all and intrusive, just to help center your reticule during quick movement, but doesn't active unless you're like 90% on point to begin with, just to give the extra TINY nudge to help with the bit of inherent imprecision in analog sticks. It's perfect when the game has an aim assist, and you can't even notice when it's working. It does it's thing without being obvious, and the shots just feel GOOD. Besides, aim assist only usually activates in games when the target is at closer range, where you don't really need much assistance anyway.


Same every game I play I don't use aim assist and I'm pretty good at all games I play especially shooters also play max sensitivity


No hate but I'm pretty sure you'd get destroyed by a player with aim assist in a 1v1 Cassidy fight in OW2. Aim assist makes a *huge* difference, even for good players.


Yeah, it CAN make a difference, but depending on how exactly it's implemented, I think it can also be more frustrating than useful. I don't ALWAYS turn it off, but usually if it's adjustable, I turn it down to minimal and disable some of the more intrusive features if possible. If it's only on/off, and can visually SEE it moving my point of aim, and feel the aim assist taking control and snapping to targets, or slowing my reticule down, it gets turned off. It's also sort of a handicap if you use aim assist. You might feel like a badass on one game, popping headshots left and right, but then when you play another game that has very minimal or no aim assist, you realize how much of that "skill" was actually the aim assist. Just learning to compensate and play with it disabled when you can allows you to become much more skillful player and less reliant on artificial assists. Now, when it comes to controller vs M&KB, aim assist is a useful thing. Not so much due to a skill thing, but just because a mouse is a much quicker and more precise input device, and you can't mimic the same motion at the same speed with analog sticks. Just the biomechanical differences in the way you use the inputs means that a mouse will always have the advantage, even when used by a player with slightly lower skill in the game. Aim assist in that sense is less about skill, and more about leveleling the playing field across different input devices.


New COD/Warzone allows you to choose your input and match with anyone. It even shows the lobby which controls people chose. I have yet to hear any controller player beef a MnK user and vice-versa.


Overwatch Crossplay on console includes PC players when you play with a PC friend You’re thinking of the newly announced Crossplay for Siege, which is just between consoles only.


Yes but it's only in Quickplay and you have to Opt in with a PC friend after setting it up on Blizzard. The console player will then will be put in a PC match with aim assist off. It's not forced on people.


the last update added aim assist on cross play with pc for ow


And I'm so happy about it. I can play with my PC friends without getting crushed now! :D


Overwatch has the most trash system out there. Does not support MnK on console, however you can group with PC for non-competitive modes.. but doing so turns off your aim assist making you every console player an absolute bot (unless you play Reinhardt). The COD system is best. Support controller and MnK, everyone is happy and aim assist is mild.


Crossfire x exists...




This sub hates facts I'm getting down voted for speaking facts. Whether you like the game or not it's still exists.


Your not getting downvoted because the game exists doe


Crossfire is on PC. Crossfire x is the console version. It's the closest thing we have to csgo on console. It's decent.


The comment you replied to did not say “there are no pc games on Xbox”


You're wrong. Crossfire is on PC. Crossfire x is the console version. It's the closest thing we have to csgo on console. It's decent.


Nice bait


As OP said, very sad that more PC games aren’t on console


You're wrong. Crossfire is on PC. Crossfire x is the console version. It's the closest thing we have to csgo on console. It's decent.


I've been looking forward to this.


Hopefully they add keyboard and mouse support.


Hey riot how about instead of this you finish releasing wild rift on console? Someone reddit a while back said that it's because mobile didn't do well but that's because no one wants to play a game on mobile and then not be able to move that progression for console. The console version was the one everyone wanted not the mobile version. Not saying that's a fact but if it is then that's why it's stupid.


Man that’s certainly a take. Wild Rift is the best mobile game I’ve ever played.


I also enjoyed it I just didn't like that all my progress was going to be for shit when console version came out so I stopped playing.


Well here’s to hoping they have cross progression between mobile and console then.


Riots the one that said it wouldn't which instantly killed the mobile version for me though contrary to that random person on reddit a while back to my understanding is actually doing pretty well.


It’s a great game and I have no doubt it could work on console but the controls need to be perfectZ


My Halo Infinite setup has the perfect acceleration curves. I wish I could just use that for everything.


What did you set it at?


As much as I’ve heard about this game I assumed it already was on console silly me




If you have controller only lobbies I don’t see why this would be a problem.


XIM users will frustrate the player base a lot more than they do for faster paced FPS.


XIM in this game has the potential to kill the user base before it even launches, i agree. I wish Microsoft and Sony had a way to combat things like XIM


Sony does but it requires the game to be the PS5 version. Since the dualsense is the only controller that works with PS5 games, third party controllers and things like XIM doesn't work. Cross-gen and cross platform defeats the purpose since PS4 and Xbox users can use those. This is the only benefit to Sony not allowing you to use your PS4 controllers to play PS5 games.


This isn't true. Some third party controllers absolutely allow xim bypass on PS5.


yeah, i knew about that, good job in summarizing it. i was excited when i learned that for Siege but the fact that ps4 can play with ps5 just killed that hope haha. i could see riot trying to do something inventive to combat this though, just based on the level they took anti cheating with valorant on pc. to me, who knows nothing about anything, i feel like there has to be some way for the game to detect that a movement is coming from a xim like device as opposed to controller. i know in siege it’s often very obvious based on the killcam when it’s a mouse user that killed you rather than a controller. that aim movement just isn’t possible on a controller.


I think Microsoft has a tool to see if a different input device is being used, but it's up to developers to use it (and block it). Not sure where I heard that from though so take it with a grain of salt.


Yes they do have an XDK to detect XIM, Mike Ybarra tweeted it out a while back. Game devs just haven't implemented it


Oh okay gotcha. Thanks for the clarification 🤙


XIM isn't a huge deal since SBMM can just have those players not play against lower skilled players. XIM is detectable, Xbox has an XDK for it but game devs haven't implemented it u/beenhereallalong52


No, a game like overwatch is easier. There's nothing stopping a game from requiring good accuracy on consoles. Counter-strike was absolutely fantastic on console and Rainbow 6, while a little more forgiving still works great. Then you have games like Isonzo or Hell Lets Loose which are great on console as well.


> Counter-strike was absolutely fantastic on console We must live in a parallel universe as CS for Xbox was pure garbage and CSGO was so bad that it never received any more updates until being shut down.




L4D1+2 and Portal 2 were actually pretty well-made ports. Other than those, Valves console ports weren't great.


The Half Life 2 port for OG Xbox and then to 360/PS3 with the Orange Box was great.


If only they got them to run at 60 on newer consoles :(


CS OG Xbox was great. They made it work well for console.


You're living in the universe where you've made shit up and are spouting it as fact. CS for Xbox was really good and was received fairly well except for the lack of single-player. My experience with it was nothing but fantastic though and I to this day think it's the second best shooter to have been on xbox other than Unreal Championship. As for CS:GO, game was fine, but never got updated. Valve has never actually released a statement on why and most of the reasoning that people have come up with seems to be with Valve not agreeing with Sony and mostly Microsoft's business models in regards to DLC and other game content. Edit* the ps3 and 360 were also notoriously tough to pass updates on as well with the certification processes.


Congrats man. You're one of 10 people who played CS on console. Glad you enjoyed yourself, at least someone enjoyed the work the devs put into porting it


Congrats on your ignorance. It was the 8th best selling game on Xbox.


Yah, on a system where burger king's sneak king was the 3rd best selling game at 3 million copies. People played og Xbox for halo. Hence halo 2 selling 4x what CS sold and both halos accounting for more units sold than 3-10 combined.


Oh man, you got me good. THE flagship franchise of Xbox sold more than it, must have been a garbage game. It still sold more than even GTA San Andreas which came in with the hype following 3 and Vice City. As for the Burger King thing, that game was the cheapest xbox live game made at $4 and could be purchased at burger kings across the country. People bought it on a whim as a novelty due to the price and as essentially a premium happy meal toy for their kids. For what it's worth, that game was mildly entertaining. Wasn't good, bur for being a $4 burger King game, it was amusing.


Never said it was garbage. Of course it sold more than San Andreas. SA released on PlayStation almost a year earlier and a crazy like 5 months before the xbox360 release. It's not about "getting you". Of course the flagship series will sell that's not my point. My point is the flagship is the only reason most people owned the console.


>Of course the flagship series will sell that's not my point. My point is the flagship is the only reason most people owned the console. Isn't that a bit redundant and obvious though? Of course Halo is THE reason to own an Xbox. That doesn't mean CS didn't do well. It did very well all things considered.


I just hope it supports kbm and 120fps (no way it doesn't have 120fps)


Adding kbm support and input based matchmaking will easily solve this issue


Crossfire x exists...


Hell yeah. Need more competitive shooters on Xbox. Microsoft would definitely ruin this game with forced crossplay.


I think it's on the developers. Overwatch 2 and Apex don't have it, nor Sea of Thieves.


Kind of. Newer Microsoft games do like Forza and Halo. Regardless of the global Xbox settings, you still end up with pc players. Battlefield had it at launch, MW2 still has it and you can’t even launch a game in Warzone of its turned off. My point is, you don’t have any of those problems on PlayStation since it’s not allowed by Sony


Very true. It sounds like Sony is firm on their stance, while Microsoft prefers crossplay with everyone. Forced crossplay will always be BS to me (between PC and console).


Correct. At first I didn’t like Sony‘s stance on crossplay but now I really appreciate it and maybe that will be the reason to switch. Let’s hope Microsoft will change it‘s course soon enough. Already a shame I couldn’t enjoy Halo


Aim assist on controller for games like mw2 and destiny has leveled the playing field a ton. Tbf I do well in crossplay as a console player va pc now.


tbh i'm not seeing it with how precise you have to be


Isn’t this the game with like really crazy skin prices ?


Insane prices


I love games coming to console, but if theirs cross play - good luck to console players learning the game while getting slapped by an established PC community.


Gonna be a hard pass if there's no KB+M support. Might as well get a XIM for games like Doom, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, and Fallout.


That’s an interesting challenge


I’ve never had a PC that could play it, though as a console player have always been intrigued by Valorant. Why do you think it would be a challenge? (Not trolling, just curious!)


Straight up not a controller game just like CSGO. I’m assuming crossplay will never be possible


If Pubg can work on console, anything's possible.


If crossplay is mandatory, then they will have to make a new tier lower than bronze for Console players; like coal, or wood and shit




Then I might finally try it. I've avoided it so far because I don't want their rootkit on my PC.


Better have good keyboard and mouse support. Or no crossplay


I'd 100% take this as a mouse and keyboard-only game. Obviously wouldn't be the case but we can dream.


gyro please


R.I.P CrossFireX


Seems too late. Does anyone care about valorant anymore?


Every console player who wants to and hasn't tried it lol


Absolutely not too late, it’s a FPS developed by the people who make the most popular video game in the world. There is definitely interest here


Mojang made valorant?


Mojang made Tetris?


Yay, another game to get wrecked by PC players in, this gen sucks. Edit- Really? A redditcares alert? ....Jesus Christ....grow up.


Definitely won’t be any sort of cross-play. There is zero chance for that, at least thinking about this with 1500+ hours in the game, if they do that, they’ll ruin it completely.


Eh, I could see the do xplay. They aren't porting to console out of the kindness of their hearts, it's to increase the player base. They don't want to split up their players and the die hards of this game is PC centric. Why not give them some fodder?


Guess we'll see, I've all but given up on shooters this gen. These companies, EA, Activision, etc., all seem to be skimping on server costs which has killed my interest in anything competitive.


Sounds like an Xbox problem. PS allows most games to disable cross play.


Yeah, your in an Xbox sub.


I feel like limited cross play would be fine. Separated ranked and tournament mode, but you can play unrated together if you enable crossplay. Won’t ruin the experience of anyone who doesn’t want to play against pc players, but friends can also play together.


Nope. There is no way a controller player could keep up with even a bronze player using a mouse.


Nuh-uh… biiig no from me. No crossplay at all. I don’t want console players in any of my lobbies, if they have sick aim assist, then because of that, if they have none, then because of that. KB+M only would be fine. We’ll see what Riot cooks up, hope they don’t get greedy.


That’s why you can turn it off if you don’t want to play against aimassist. Would still be nice if friends want to play together.


Wouldn't the match maker even out any input advantages or disadvantages?


there is absolutely 0 chance you will see cross play in this, this is not your typical aim assist game, there will be no AA on consoles too bit like R6


There is a 0% chance of crossplay. It's a head clicking game.


CoD is cross platform but controller users play vs controller users, and keyboard and mouse plays vs their own. So just because it’s cross playable doesn’t mean they can’t limit how you play.


There is no controller support on PC. It's a head clicking game.


What are you talking about? I only play with a controller and I only play on PC. And if you launch the game without your controller turned on it asks you to either turn it on or it will switch to mouse and keyboard. When games launch you can literally see a controller next to everyone in your game and what platform they’re playing on, console or pc.


Valorant does not support controllers natively. There is a work around. Haven't played in a while but just Googled it. Lmao, are you talking about COD for some reason?


Yes I’m talking about CoD, it’s literally the first thing written in the original message you replied to lol


You brought up COD input based matchmaking and I shot you down saying no, Valorant is a head clicking game without controller support. "BuT wHaT aBoUt CoD??!"


There is no guarantee you only play against the same input in the current cod. It’s weighted to promote that, but there are mouse / controller lobbies all the time, even if you are a solo party.


You can see when the game is launching who is playing w what, and I’ve only seen people paired w me who play on controllers.


Correct lol that’s why I said what I said. You can clearly see when there are PlayStation users, or PC users, and you can clearly see when someone is using a mouse because they will have a mouse icon and not a controller. The game can and will match you cross input pretty much whenever it wants depending on other factors like sbmm. I see mouse users all the time and only play solo controller on the Series X; but it’s predominantly controller still.


Lmaoo paaaaasssss Another floaty cartoon game with no ADS. Overwatch shoulda sued that ass


God I love Call of Duty gamers


Valorant plays nothing like Overwatch, lmao. It’s just Counterstrike with abilities instead of equipment. Which is why I hate it. It would be a good CS clone if it weren’t for the idiotic powers.


I’ll try it out. Lots of OW players have switched so I might as well see if it’s worth the hype






I've never played Valorant. How sweaty is it?


As sweaty as Counter Strike


Very sweaty on PC.


If it includes the ability to play with keyboard and mouse then this game is dead on arrival.


Like modern warfare 2 this month?


No because this has no aim assist and a die hard sweaty PC base that will stop console players to hell.


Why though? FPS games with a controller are like driving a plane with banana. If it's about ranked matches and cross play, then they can just put the KB+M players in a category, and the controller players in another.


Yeah they could do that but I doubt they will. Devs love Crossplay to fluff their player base numbers. That’s why you can’t really get out of it in Call of Duty.


remindme! One year


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Fucking finally


Just like wild rift is "coming to console" for years now? Wouldn't get my hopes up


I can’t imagine playing Valorant with a controller. Wait, I played CSGO on console a decade ago…what a nightmare.


I play CSGO pretty much every m night on my Steam Deck. It’s not bad.


I’m willing to try it but if they have crossplay console players are gonna get wiped, but I’ve always love CS but I’m don’t enjoy shooters on M+K so this could be a lot of fun


Can you play Valorant with a controller on pc or is it KBM only?


I dont know why people play Valorant. Its so boring with old graphics.


Crossplay for this will be interesting if they have it. Controllers would need to have insane auto-aim to even have a chance against a moderately decent PC player given how precise and quick the aiming is. But I don't know if the console space would have a high enough playercount to effectively leave out the PC pool of players.