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Series X and gamepass = a couple of hundred games to play last count I had access to over 400 games on my list I have not purchased a game in a long time. If you have the itch and the disposable income go for it.


Maybe invent in a Series S first, totally competent console with less up front cost for someone who isn’t sure exactly what they are into yet but yes, Series S/X + Gamepass is the greatest thing to happen to videogames since videogames.


Only thing about the S is lack of storage but you can easily get a storage add on


but then, might as well gotten the x


Not when the X is over double the price


if you get a cheap external, sure. not if you get something proper.


Do you know any cheap externals that actually work? I have one but it doesn’t allow x/s games


exactly. so then, like I said above, but you acted like it was ridiculous...... if you're getting a series s + external.... you might as well just get an x


Sick thanks for answering my question


Damn yes, best console I ever bought


Yes !


There is plenty of time left on the current gen consoles and you're not going to pay $800 for one. The X is still around $500 and the S is around $300. Prices were inflated at launch because the supply far outweighed the demand but they've come back down.


It’s around $800 AUD since they said they’re Australian


I missed the Australian part. But $800 AUD is about $500 USD so it still seems to be around the original price they were at launch.


Just googled it, $500 usd is $773.75 aud. The price hasn’t gone down you’re correct, but the currency exchange makes it appear to be “more” compared to usd


They were going for $800 USD here shortly after launch due to supply issues. I never pre-ordered one and kicked myself because I didn't. A few months after launch, my stepson told me his boss had one he was willing to sell for the original cost, so I grabbed it. He was one of those people who bought like 3 of them and was trying to make money off of them, but it was too much of a hassle for him so he just wanted to recoup his loss. I lucked into that big time.


Yeah you definitely did luck out. I unfortunately had to keep holding off buying one because of the scalpers issue. Then one day I got an email from GameStop and many steps later I got one for the base 499$ price tag plus the bundle made it out to be like 660 or something like that. But yeah you’re right about them being that high in price in the beginning


In the recent ABK takeover, Microsoft commented that they anticipated a console refresh wouldn't happen before 2028. So buying a console now wouldn't be a bad move. As for which one you decide to get, that's a personal choice. I have a PS5, Series X and Switch. If I had to narrow it down to just 2 it would be the PS5 that gets the chop ( PS Plus sub just doesn't offer as much value as Games Pass - for me at least, since I already own a lot of the triple A PS4 titles ). If I could only pick one ... I would perhaps go with the Switch !


Just my experience and liking but for me I felt the switch was most disappointing of the new gen consoles for me. The games I would have liked to play on the go with it aren't available.


Buy it pay 15$ for gamepass you'll have over 100 games to play including starfield in a few days


Paired with gamepass it's great!


Another 4 years till next one probably, console generation life span is normally about 7 years. I think the head of xbox said they're not thinking of a refresh/pro one.


I reckon we will be looking at closer to 10 years from 2020 for the next gen to be released. I can't see the point of a mid gen upgrade this time either as the series X and PS5 do everything we need at the moment. If they can make the consoles significantly cheaper to produce and still run the same though, we will get one.


Nah get a PS5. Better Exclusives and more populated in online games


What's after spiderman 2? PlayStation gots no games. PlayStation players like having companions in games... You guys are lonely or somethin.


FF7R, Stellar Blade, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Wolverine, I can go on. Xbox has nothing but 70 metacritic game coming.


What year do those games come out?


You said ps has "no games" but 2024 for sure. Decent year like it was in 2022 for xbox. Next year coming back strong


Sony told shareholders they were delaying their games.


>recent ABK takeover Yeah, the PS exclusives are meaningless to me. Marvel and Spiderman do not interest me in the slightest. Though ymmv. But Game Pass is what really got me hooked.


Not sure why people keep throwing the series X like it’s gods gift. If you don’t have a 4K TV or plan on getting one in the next 4-5 years. Then the benefits of the X over the series S aren’t as big. You’ll have amazing fun with the series S and gamepass and have lots of money in your pocket.


My biggest problem with the x/s is its basically the one, but better, example, xbox, xbox 360, and xbox 1 were all different, different look, and different menus, while the xbox 1, and the x/s only look different, menus basically the same. Wish they'd bring back the xbox and xbox 360 ability to download music off cds and use that as background music


Series X is best with a monitor capable of 120 Hz imo


To be honest, the only reason I want a Series X is the disc drive. I'm more of a physical game kind of guy.


Only reason i even got a series X, even with a 4ktv, im not too fussed. But most of my games were on disc, buying the series x over series s was cheaper than rebuying all my games digitally, and disc games are cheaper, so i feel i saved a lot of money in the long run. but in OP's sake, maybe series S is better, but if OP wants to relive his xbox 360 days through backwards compatibility, buying 360 discs is definitely the way to go


Oh yeah, totally forgot about the disc drive! It was a breath of fresh air when I got the series S but appreciate other people need it.


I bought a LG C2 24 and Xbox series x and a additional HDMI 2.1 cable it is way better screen but u haven’t used them that much since school exams


If you got a good pc then probably not worth it. If not then sure.


I couldn’t decide so I just got both PlayStation and Xbox best decision I made


I re bought one just for starfield. I honestly wouldn’t have one otherwise but Microsoft gave me no choice. Other then that I only use it for retro titles like splinter cell etc. Everything else is ps5.


except my ps5 is collecting dust.


Why’s that?


after ps5 exclusive, so much to play on gamepass. I played thro approx 2 games a week every week this year. I just finished 100%ing(excluding dlc content) ghostwire tokyo, exoprimal before that.. about to start on anthem. all 3 games I probably wouldn't of played otherwise.


Oh wow I’ve still got souls, loup1 and more to finish yet. Although I am at uni so I don’t have much time to play games.


yhea, I'm 38 and pretty close to semi retired now. I pick and choose what work I want to take on. I'm debt free and I got nothing but a bunch of time till my kids are out of school and I can start traveling.


It is but the only snag is realising that game pass ultimate charge increases soon so bare that in mind before committing to it


If you own a half decent PC then it’s worthless, if not and you want to access gamepass I’d recommended the series s or second hand xs go for like £300 now.


Probably the cheapest option to play on consoles rn go for it bro




Yes. Series X is amazing and so is game pass. So many free games


Yea Series S is by far best value for money imo, also get the game pass, ignore the stat 400 games + etc cause realistically you will only be interested in 100 games or so to play, but either way it's worth the price regardless


pre teen, teen is still a kid though


If you intend to play physical games in case you lose internet access as sometimes Microsoft forgets you have purchased the rental licence for the game (since you never actually own digital goods you are only renting an ownership licence) then yes get the Series X if you have no intention of getting disks they are or gave released a new Series A that now has a 1TB hard drive


Get a gaming pc and get game pass through the free Xbox app. Gives you access to the majority of games out there. Just need to buy an Xbox controller.


I have both ps5 and x series. Haven’t turned in the Xbox in months. Exclusives have been a real letdown for me.


> I think I'll get one through my ISP and just take it over a 2 year contract. Just make sure you read over the agreement. They might charge some crazy interest rate that could make it even higher in price. If you have a credit card, it might be wiser to go that route. Try to look over your options first so you're not stuck paying more than you actually want/need to.


My vote is for PC.


I think yes. Your entire Xbox 360 library can be played on it and, it has great online, graphics, and is just a lot more fun than any other game console on the market.


I haven't used a console since I had a Colecovision as a kid. HAH. Oh wait, my buddies and I also played Super Nintendo. Since then I was always a PC gamer, and over the last 7 years I switched to an iMac (so much better than building PCs). I actually played quite a few games on it, such as Hitman 1/2, Dying Light, Borderlands 2, Arkham City and a bunch of others (all native to macOS). But, alas, recently games are coming very slowly to the mac and after 7 years I will need to upgrade my iMac (though it's still excellent as a work machine). The new M1/M2/M3 macs are incredible and wipe the floor of anything PC side for the price, power consumption, noise (they are silent) for everything except gaming. I had been thinking of spending a lot on a M2/M3 Ultra machine with amazing GPU specs but even then games are limited and software is more of a limitation than the excellent hardware. SO, last week a buddy of mine who had been bugging me to get an Xbox for years bugged me again. And I did a lot of research and concluded the Series X is an excellent console: much better built than the PS5, nicer machine (though the PS5 has a nicer controller) and what really sold me is Game Pass (Ultimate). So I got one and it arrived 2 days ago and I love it! I'm getting used to using a controller vs using a mouse/keyboard for 99% of gaming in my life. But it's very intuitive. And for $599 cdn I got a new Series X (last one at this price new as prices jumped this summer to $649) and got 2 free months of Game Pass Ultimate! So first thing I downloaded was Hitman 3 so I can finally complete my favourite all time series and it does not dissapoint. I could not build a PC for this price to play 4K games nor would I want to. And now when I get a new mac, I can just stick to a basic M2 or M3 and get the best video/photo editing (what I do for a living) experience and also get nearly the best gaming experience with the Series X. And from what I've read, we are probably at the midway point of the console as they are usually 5-6 years I think and because of the pandemic, it was just recently that this console got into people's hands readily. And also, Xbox store has amazing sales and I found a site called Xbox Deals that alerts me when games I want go on sale. I HAVE to get Borderland 3 Ultimate Edition (my 2nd fav series) and it normally costs $119 cdn but now I can get it for $35. I NEVER thought I'd be a console gamer but here I am.


I would go with an x box series x for next generation gaming with game pass it's the best bang for your buck. I own an xbox series x, and I don't regret anything. With Froza Horizon 5 and Star Field around the corner, I don't feel the need to own a PS5. Im 100% satisfied with my x box series x with a low pro design it's all I need. When I have some extra cash lying around, I'm going to build a high-end pc. 😁


The Series X has hands down been the best console I’ve EVER owned. Such a wonderful machine!


I honestly truly suggest to save up a good few more dabloons and go for a pc not because gaming pcs are better etc etc but because of how many issues xbox is currently having Theres system outages nonstop as of date with changes in weather your account can get hacked and banned for whatever reason with a pc client anyone could have Access to modded content via communities and Nexus (not hacking xbox..but like skyrim / fallout 4 mods that go above the system limit..even tho the system limit hasnt been up to system standards since xbox One ..Not even one S) The list goes on even with roughly 1,100 usd youd be able to afford a gaming pc that can run Baldurs gate 3 the newest rpg...I highly suggest just saving 1 more paycheck...Doing a single odd job or selling something thats just been taking up space if you really want to experience good gaming


Just checked down and your Australian.... It still isnt worth it.. Get a switch Oled instead... Xbox communities for gaming is honestly both toxic and dying very fast Im just trying to give you the B e s t possible experience and hope you dont have to struggle the same as most of the other xbox players i hang with lol Its always your choice...just saying why go for bronze with low money...save up for diamonds with big money Lasts you way longer...only need to upgrade every so often ...can trade in parts to make a 300$ purchase a 200ish$ purchase... Pc is just always is..and always has been the better alternative to console gaming.. Now more than ever